Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (755 page)

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ultima ratio regis
‘The king's final argument’, an inscription commonly found on Spanish royal cannon.
ultra-violet visible spectrophotometry
A method for determining the chemical composition of materials. Based on the same principle as
, a beam of light is passed through a sample such that the amount of light absorbed is proportional to the concentration of the chemical under investigation. It can be used either to scan through a range of wavelengths from the ultra-violet to the visible or to analyse at one wavelength. Typical applications include the analysis of phosphates in soil extracts (where the phosphate is made to form a blue-coloured complex which absorbs in the visible region), the determination of iron and aluminium levels in soil, or the chemical composition of ancient glass.
First dynasty of Arab leaders, the descendants of a Meccan merchant who submitted to Muhammad . They seized power in ad 661 and maintained a system based on that of the nomadic desert tribes until split by internal feuds and the rise of the Persian
in ad 750.
umu ti
Kind of earth oven found in the South Island of New Zealand.
unchambered long barrow
A vaulted subterranean room or basement usually wholly or partly under a larger building. Commonly used in medieval times as secure storage for goods and commodities by traders and merchants.
BOOK: Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
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