Concrete Evidence (3 page)

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Authors: Rachel Grant

Tags: #Higgins Boats, #underwater archaeology, #romantic suspense, #Andrew Jackson Higgins, #artifacts, #Romance, #Aztec artifact, #cultural resources, #treasure hunting, #Iraq, #archaeology

BOOK: Concrete Evidence
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“That’s an excellent plan, Lee,” Janice said. “You were right to get an internship to see if you’re making the right choice. You’ll get some good experience with our cell tower projects. They’re a perfect merge of environmental and historic preservation law.”

“What do you do on the cell tower projects?” he asked.

“We make sure new towers are built without harming historic properties or the environment,” Janice replied. “Erica, bright girl that she is, developed a database for managing the projects. Fill in the proper blanks in the database, and voilà, the report is generated.”

“I’m not good with databases.” His laugh turned into an embarrassed cough.

“How not good?” Erica asked.

“I accidentally deleted the last one I worked on.”

A wave of horror passed through her. She couldn’t let him near the database.

“I’m good with Word, though,” he said. “Well, the old version. Before they made all those dumb changes.”

“Erica can teach you all you need to know.” Janice smiled at her with motherly pride. “You’ll be sharing her office. I’ve already put in a request for a computer for you.”

“I don’t need a computer. I brought my own.”

Janice paused. “You need to let tech support check it out and load the network firewall.”

“I left it with them before I came here.”

“Excellent. Erica can take you to human resources to get an ID badge. Tomorrow you’ll both go to the National Archives. You’re lucky, Lee. Research at the archives is a rare event and a good learning experience.”

Erica stood, clutching the project file. “I want to go to the Thermo-Con house today—to take pictures.”

“Take Lee with you.” Janice waved them out of the room.

She had her project. At last. She held the file to her chest as she walked down the hall, Lee at her side. Feeling a bubble of hope, she laughed with relief.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

She stopped and turned to face him. He was at least a foot taller than she was. His sea-green eyes studied her. She felt his raw sex appeal and cursed him for planting that seed in the exercise room. Now it was hard to view him any other way. He was a coworker, her intern, and she’d given up on even making friends with coworkers, let alone developing a deeper involvement. Her grad school friends had all judged her harshly based on half-truths and outright lies. She wouldn’t open herself up to that kind of rejection again.

He snapped his fingers in front of her face. “Hello?”

Embarrassed, she voiced the concern that nagged at her. “You aren’t what I expected.”

“What did you expect?”

“Someone younger. How old are you, anyway?”

He shrugged. “Does it matter?”

“It does if you think you’re too old to do the lowly intern work.”

“I’m twenty-five. As I said, I’ve changed my major a few times.”

From his bearing, she’d have guessed he was closer to thirty, maybe even past that number. He must have been born confident. “You’ve been in college, what, seven years?”

He nodded.

“You could have three degrees by now.” She had a Master’s degree she couldn’t use and was barely scraping by, while he’d enjoyed seven years as an
at freaking

“I like school. What’s the rush to graduate?”

Spoiled didn’t begin to describe him.

The man she’d met in the exercise room hadn’t struck her as lazy. Even now he had an appealing energy which buzzed about him. What a waste.

His gaze moved down her body, and she shifted uncomfortably. She wished she didn’t find him handsome. Attraction made her stupid.

He tilted his head and murmured, “This would be easier if you weren’t so beautiful.”

Oh. My.

She couldn’t afford to be stupid right now.

Time to put him in his place. “You were a stranger back in the workout room, but now I’m your supervisor and expect to be treated with respect. If you can’t do that, I can order you to attend human resources’ sensitivity training.”

She turned on her heel and headed toward her office. Their office.
She reached the stuffy, windowless room and flung open the door. Today wasn’t going at all as planned.

She pointed to the large lab table. “You can work there.” After dropping her purse on her desk, she booted up her computer, ignoring the man who hovered in her peripheral vision, waiting for her to share with him everything she’d learned about archaeology through hard work and expensive schooling.

She clicked on the Talon & Drake e-mail program, seeking distraction. He was spoiled, and she was jealous. She’d get over it; she just needed one minute to simmer.

She scanned the list of new e-mails as they downloaded from the server. One caught her eye, and her pique was forgotten. She placed her hands on either side of her keyboard to steady herself as her vision narrowed and cold sweat dotted her forehead.

Jake Novak had contacted her. The subject line was blank. She sank into her seat and clicked on the e-mail with trembling fingers.

His message appeared in stark black and white:
You have a good job at Talon & Drake, but I can take it away.


of required personality traits: flaky, check; Indiana Jones wannabe, check; annoying to his new supervisor, check twice. Not bad for his first hour in the office. His cover story was in place, and Janice and Erica had accepted him at face value.

Erica didn’t miss much. That would be a problem. She’d zeroed in on his age immediately. He’d started to duck the question, then decided that could make her suspicious. Subtracting seven years from his age had been a necessary improvisation. A flaky twenty-five-year-old was believable, and she had no reason to question his cover story, for now.

He leaned against the break room counter. She gave him a rundown of what she expected from him while they waited for the coffee to finish brewing.

She cleaned up well. He’d said she was beautiful to rankle her, but he’d still meant it. Even the harsh, fluorescent light of the break room couldn’t diminish her high cheekbones, slim nose, and smooth pale skin. And he could get lost in those large, wintry gray eyes. In the workout room, he’d been transfixed by her glossy dark hair, then confined to a sweaty ponytail, now pulled back into a bun so tight he wondered if it hurt whenever she moved her head. If he hadn’t watched her while she exercised, then her clothing, her hair, her demeanor would all make him believe she was repression personified.

Earlier, he’d been caught off guard by the instant attraction he’d felt for the woman who let loose on the heavy bag with ferocious energy. Now he wondered where she hid the fire beneath this icy exterior of hers, and the thought of trying to find out held a masochistic appeal.

An older man with silver hair and sharp blue eyes walked into the break room. “I’ve been looking all over for you,” he said to Erica.

She looked startled. “For me? Why?”

“Janice told me she gave you the Thermo-Con Environmental Assessment.”

She pushed away from the counter and straightened her shoulders. “I may not be an architectural historian, but I’ve read up on International Style structures and—”

The man cut her off with a sharp wave of his hand. “My only concern is the project timeline. Sam Riversong called me this morning. The tribe screwed up, and they need a fast turnaround on the EA. He asked me to make sure you stay on schedule.”

“So what do you want from us?” Lee asked to inject himself into the conversation.

The man turned his sharp gaze to Lee. “Who are you?”

“Sorry,” Erica said. “Rob Anderson, this is our new intern, Lee Scott.”

Rob Anderson. The project manager overseeing all the Iraq contracts. The man was second on his list of suspects and one of the reasons Lee was here, pretending to be an archaeological intern.

Erica turned back to Rob, dismissing Lee from the conversation. “Why would Riversong call you when you’re not even part of the environmental team?”

“Sam and I go way back.”

From his research, Lee knew Rob had served in the army with Sam Riversong and Edward Drake decades ago.

“I want daily updates on your progress,” Rob said. “Starting today.”

“Today we’re going to the house, tomorrow the National Archives,” she said.

“Good.” He turned to leave but paused in the doorway. “As an archaeologist, what’s your take on Ed Drake’s plan to submit a proposal to bring up the historic navy airplane from the Chesapeake?”

Alarm flashed across her face. “This is the first I’ve heard of it, but I think it’s a terrible idea. Underwater work is incredibly dangerous and expensive, and we don’t have anyone on staff with underwater archaeology expertise.”

Now Erica had Lee’s attention. She was lying.

Yesterday he’d hacked into her application to American University. Her file included a transcript from the University of Hawaii, where she’d earned a Master’s degree in underwater archaeology and had been working on her PhD when she left the program. The woman qualified as resident expert on the subject, yet he’d found no mention of her graduate degree in her curriculum vitae, and now she said nothing to tout her expertise to one of Talon & Drake’s most senior engineers. Interesting.

“That’s what I was afraid of, but Ed is determined to pursue it.” Rob ran a hand through his thinning gray hair. “I’ll talk to him. Get to work on Thermo-Con. E-mail me with your progress when you get back from the house.” He left the room.

Lee smiled. Rob had completely ignored him. It was as if the title “intern” was an invisibility cloak. Maybe he could actually pull this off. He poured the freshly brewed coffee into two mugs and handed her one. “Who was that?”

“He’s an engineer. He manages our Iraq projects.”

Just the segue he was aiming for. “Talon & Drake has projects in Iraq?”

She looked at him quizzically. “Don’t you read the paper?”

“I’m a student. I don’t have time to read.”

“Didn’t you even Google Talon & Drake before you accepted the internship?”

Excellent. Nothing said incompetent quite like the inability to use Google. “It didn’t occur to me.”

She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Talon & Drake has been in the news a lot lately. For several reasons, but mostly because Senator Joseph Talon—you do know who Senator Talon is, don’t you?”

Better than you’d imagine.
“Yes.” He put insult and exasperation into the single word.

“Then you know he’s all but announced he’s running for president.”

“Is he a Democrat or a Republican?” Playing dumb was easy. Too easy.

“And to think your uninformed vote is worth the same as mine,” she muttered.

He wondered how she’d react if she knew he could recite the senator’s voting record.

She took a sip of coffee, then cradled her mug in her hands and stared at him over the rim. “If you’re going to work here, there are a few basic facts you should know. Starting with, one: Senator Talon owns Talon & Drake.”

The exact ownership and management of Talon & Drake had been combed through and nitpicked in the papers for weeks, and her one-sentence summation was vastly inadequate. “What about Drake?” he asked, just to needle her.

Her brow furrowed in exasperation. Mission accomplished.

“Correction,” she said, “Edward Drake owns a portion of the company, but Senator Talon is the
shareholder.” She held up two fingers. “Two: the senator doesn’t run the company. Joseph Talon, Jr., has been running the company since his father became senator.”

“JT,” Lee said, deciding to raise his IQ by a few points.


“Joseph Talon, Jr., goes by JT.”

She cocked her head to the side in question.

He grinned and pointed to the ten-year-old
magazine cover that had been enlarged and mounted on the break room wall. JT smiled with confidence next to a headline that read: MEET JT TALON, THE 27-YEAR-OLD WUNDERKIND CEO WHO TRANSFORMED HIS FATHER’S COMPANY.

Erica’s lips quirked in the smallest of smiles. He felt a miniscule thawing of the frost that had formed when he’d called her beautiful. “Which takes me to item three.” She held up three fingers and continued ticking off the facts. “Because
runs the company, the senator hasn’t made a management decision at Talon & Drake in twelve years.”

He wasn’t surprised that fact was important enough to earn a spot on her list. It had been hashed over by the media ad nauseam. If the senator were involved with running the international engineering firm, he’d be in violation of Senate ethics.

“Four: the company holds several Department of Defense contracts for work in Iraq and Afghanistan. Five: the senator’s rivals for his party’s presidential nomination are comparing Talon & Drake to Halliburton and saying he voted to invade Iraq so he could profit from the war.”

Her voice dropped to a less teacherly, more solemn tone. “And the last reason Talon & Drake has been on the news lately: one of our employees was killed in Baghdad last week by an IED.”

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