Confessions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride (3 page)

BOOK: Confessions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride
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“Lead the way, then.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

They moved into the hallway. His hand was back to its old tricks, his thumbnail flicking her nipple, and she was so wet she was surprised she wasn’t dripping on the carpet. This needy feeling was making her crazy. She wanted release, and she wanted it now.

Steve slipped his key card into the door slot. Before the door even clicked shut, Kathryn’s hands were at his waistband, unsnapping his fly and pulling at his zipper.

He grabbed her hands and placed them around his neck. “Slow down. No reason to rush. We have all night.”

Slowing down was the last thing she had in mind. She thrust a leg between his and rubbed her pelvis against his thigh. “Please. I need to come.”

“You will, baby, once I get you in bed.”

She pouted. “The bed’s way over there, and there’s a perfectly good floor right here.”

Cupping her bottom in his hands, he pulled her against him and walked her backward. “Trust me. It’ll be worth the wait. I don’t just want to get your rocks off. I want to give you the best sex of your life.”

She smiled up at him. “No one can accuse you of lacking self-confidence. That’s a lot to ask from a random encounter.” Although the way heat built up between her thighs, she suspected he just might be able to deliver. Her hand shook with anticipation as she tugged his rugby shirt out of his jeans. “I’d like a little less talk and a lot more action.”

“Patience, baby.” He raised his hands over his head and she pulled off his shirt. An ache formed in her chest. His rippling abs were as fabulous as she’d guessed. Her fingers itched to touch them.

The back of her knees hit the bed, interrupting her train of thought. She started to sit, but Steve put an arm around her waist to stop her. He grabbed the bottom of her skirt with both hands and in one smooth motion, pulled her sundress over her head and off her body. She stood in front of him in nothing but a pair of blue silk bikini panties and a smile.

The cool air hit her nipples, making them pucker and ache. He reached out and touched one. She let out a sound that crossed somewhere between a moan and a whimper as he rolled the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, sending an almost unbearable surge of pleasure through her overheated body. “Oh, Steve,” she said between ragged breaths.

He slid his hand to the underside of her breast, cupping the soft tissue in the palm of his hand. “You have such beautiful breasts. I’ve wanted to touch them for so long, ever since the first time I saw them naked.”

What the hell? She raised her head and looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Would you like to explain that?”

He sat stared back at her, his expression wicked. “Sure, but you’re not going to like it.”

“Try me.”

He jiggled her breast in his palm, sending an electric jolt to her crotch. “It was the last summer you were home from college. I was on my way to your house on an errand for Mom. The drapes in your den were closed, but there was a three-inch gap in the middle. I looked in and there you were, totally naked.”

He raked a thumbnail across the swollen bud of her nipple. She squirmed and had to fight to keep track of what he was saying.

“I knew I shouldn’t look, but I couldn’t resist. I kept watching until you’d pulled on your swimsuit. Then I ran off before you could see me. But the image of you nude stayed with me. Several years later I had a dream about you, and when I woke up, the bed was, uh... well, you know.” He pinched her nipple and she shuddered. “So you’ll always be special to me. A guy doesn’t forget his first wet dream.”

She felt her smile widen. “You little pervert! If I’d caught you peeping at me, I’d have slapped you senseless.”

He flicked the tip of her other nipple with his thumbnail, making her writhe again. “You still can. Though I wouldn’t have guessed you were into anything kinky.”

“Smartass! No, I think I’ll drive you senseless with lust instead.”

He placed her hand on his rock-hard erection. “That will be a very short trip, Kathryn.”

“Call me Katie.”

He rolled his eyes. “Make up your mind, woman.”

“Just while we’re in bed. Don’t you see? This is perfect. We both get to live out fantasies. I get to have a boy toy, and you get to have Katie.”

“My sweet, sweet Katie.” He pushed her onto the bed and dropped on top of her full length, his head between her breasts. Each hand played with a nipple, his thumbs circling lazily around the nubs. As the nipples tightened, fire shot through her, settling in an exquisite pool between her thighs. She heard a purring noise and realized it came from her throat.

Steve must have heard too. “Oh yes, baby, yes.” He replaced one hand with his mouth and sucked. The warm pressure turned her nipple into a hard, round pearl. She shuddered. It was amazing—he hadn’t touched her where it counted yet, but already she was close to climaxing.

As if he’d read her mind, a hand skimmed down her stomach, paused to trace a lazy circle around her navel, and slipped under the edge of her panties. He slid two fingers deep inside her and stroked.

The first small spasm made her gasp. She wound her arms around his neck and arched into him.

He pressed his thumb against her clit and increased both pressure and speed. How did he know the perfect pace to ignite all the pent-up desire in her? Oh God, this was torture. Her moans grew louder.

His whisper tingled in her ear. “You’re close, aren’t you?”

“You know I am.”

“Let yourself go, baby,” he said, his voice hot as the Cayman sun.

His words pushed her over the edge. She let out a shriek of pure joy and abandoned herself to sensation, oblivious to everything but the waves of pleasure pulsing through her from her womb outward. He slid up her body and rained soft kisses all over her face as the last tiny shred of her reserve shattered to pieces.

He smoothed a hand down her hair. “Oh baby, it must’ve been way too long for you.”

“Mmmm,” she murmured in relief and gratitude.

Suddenly his hand was between her thighs again, his thumb lightly stroking the sweet spot. She’d thought she was totally spent, but new tension coiled in her gut. “Whaaa?” she breathed out.

“You deserve more,” Steve said.

She didn’t have to ask more of what. But another climax so soon? That wasn’t her. She wasn’t multi-orgasmic.

Yet as he slipped two fingers inside her and quickened the pace, her body gave the lie to the thought. The steady rhythm of his talented fingers stroking her clit pushed her body closer and closer to the edge, until she knew it would physically hurt if she didn’t find release. Her nails dug into his shoulders. “Hurry.”

“I’ve got you, babe.” His gaze never left her face as with two final strokes, he brought her to another hard and searing climax.

When her heart stopped thumping and her breathing returned to some semblance of normal, she smiled up at him and lifted a hand to stroke his cheek. “This isn’t fair. I’m having all the fun.”

“No way. I love watching you come.” He covered her hand with his. “Besides, I’ll get my turn.”

“Absolutely, but first we need to get rid of the rest of this silly clothing.”

“Sounds like a plan.” While she pulled off her panties, he stood up and slipped out of his jeans.

Kathryn was surprised to see he was wearing boxers. She’d have expected him to favor the blatant sexuality of briefs. Sitting up, she yanked the boxers down, and his thick, swollen cock popped free. As she watched it twitch, her eyes widened. Oh God! Sure, size mattered, but Steve might be too much of a good thing—especially after a year of abstinence.

A look of concern crossed his face. “Is something wrong?”

She gave him a Steve-like grin. “Not at all. I was just thinking that I’ll never,
call you ‘little’ Stevie again.”

An answering grin broke across his face. “I’m glad you like what you see.”

“I like seeing, but I’d really like feeling.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He produced a condom packet and tore it open with his teeth. Returning to the bed, he straddled her and started to cover himself, but she stopped him.

“Let me,” she said.

He obliged by releasing his grip, and with deliberate slowness, she ran her hand down the length of his swelling shaft. He throbbed in her hand and a guttural sound escaped from his lips, confirming his urgent need. She maneuvered the tip of his penis to her opening, where she was slick and wet and so ready for him. “Now,” she whispered.

He slid into her and plunged deep. The fit was tight, but her arousal was so complete that she easily stretched to accommodate him, and little shimmers of heat began to build in her core.

“Oh God, you feel good.” Steve grabbed her shoulders and began to pump, slow but rhythmical. The shimmers became licks of flame, but Kathryn wanted a full-scale inferno. She sped up the pace. Picking up on her cue, he increased the tempo even more. Each thrust produced a slapping sound as their bodies collided. She grabbed his forearms for better leverage and they kept up the frenzied pace, every inch of their bodies pulsing as one. Her breathing grew ragged, signaling that she was close. Two more violent thrusts were enough to push her over the edge, and she screamed out her release.

“Yes, baby.” With a growl that was almost a roar, Steve gave in to his own orgasm.

Once he was spent, he plopped down on the bed next to her. Through a haze of satisfaction, she shifted to her side, laid a leg across his thighs, and rested her head on his muscled chest, listening to the steady thump, thump, thump of his heart.

When the drumbeat finally slowed to a normal rhythm, Steve’s fingers tangled in her hair. “Are you okay?”

She smiled. Just like a guy to fish for compliments about his performance, but in this case she had no problem offering praise. He’d certainly earned it. Already she could cross one item off the to-do list. She tilted her head so she could see his face. “More than okay, but I think you know that.” She shook her head. “Damn, a simultaneous orgasm our first time together. I didn’t see that coming. Pun intended.”

His eyes were still glazed and unfocused, but he managed a smug smile. “I did. No way was I going to come before you.”

“You’d already taken care of me. You didn’t have to wait.”

“Sure I did. A woman like you wouldn’t settle for less than the best.”

“What kind of woman do you think I am?” Kathryn teased.

“Off the charts hot.”

“Really?” slipped out involuntarily. Surely he’d been with hotter.

“Oh yeah.” His hand skimmed down her torso and settled between her thighs. “You already want more.”

She hadn’t realized she did, but to her surprise, at the first touch of his fingers she was wet again. The trouble was, she felt a little sore. “Not yet,” she said.

He untangled himself from her and scooted across the mattress to kneel between her legs. “Yes, Katie, now.” He spread her legs as wide as they’d go and cool air brushed across her folds, making her shiver. She was dimly aware of him producing another condom and covering himself.

She tried again. “Stevie...”

“Enough talk.” He lifted her heels onto his shoulders and leaned forward, bringing his mouth down on hers, his tongue demanding entrance. His hands cupped her breasts, and his rapidly swelling cock pressed against her mound, making her squirm. Focused on that delicious pressure and the movement of his velvety tongue, she could almost forget her awkward, exposed position. It wasn’t like her to be so uninhibited, but her gut told her she was safe. She pushed at his steel-hard pecs to end the kiss and whispered, “Be gentle.”

“Gentle can be fun.” He scraped the pads of his thumbs across her nipples, triggering an electric shock in her core that made her gasp.

“I knew you were ready,” he said. She ought to have been annoyed at his smugness, but she felt too good to care. She wiggled her bottom until the tip of his penis slipped inside her.

“Gentle it is.” He inched his cock all the way in with agonizing slowness, then out just as slowly, then repeated the process. “Gentle enough for you?”

The slow, soft pressure was indeed working its magic. Kathryn’s heart felt as though it might explode. Time to speed things up. She squeezed her pubic muscles, and Steve moaned with surprise and pleasure. ”Now,” she said, her voice low and husky.

“Oh baby,” he answered, increasing the pace of his strokes. He brought a hand between her legs and made direct contact with her clit, and with a shriek of joy, she came like a firecracker.

* * *

Holy shit. Steve felt more satisfied than he ever had before. And not just physically, though the physical sensation was mind-blowing. Being with her just seemed right. Like it was meant to be. Like coming home.

Katie’s face was flushed, her breathing shallow, and her eyelids droopy. She had the look of a woman completely sated and satisfied. He felt a goofy, ridiculous sense of pride at having pleased her so well.

She took his face between her hands and looked into his eyes. “Thank you.”

The tenderness in her voice warmed his insides like cocoa. His lips curved into a small smile. “That’s supposed to be my line. You were even better than I expected, and I was expecting a lot.”

She blushed. “I’m sorry if I was too loud.”

He kissed the tip of her nose, blown away by this not-so-confident side of his Katie. “Baby, you never have to apologize to a man because he excited you too much.”

“It’s just that I’ve been in a dry spell lately. Of course, you wouldn’t understand about that.”

Of course? What did she think, that he did it with a different woman every night of the week?

Probably. And it was his own fault. He’d let her assume he was a player because he’d sensed that the idea turned her on. But by playing to her fantasy, he’d painted a false picture of himself. Which wouldn’t matter a damn if this were going to be the casual encounter she wanted from him...

Like that was going to happen

The thought caught him off guard, but he recognized it as the truth. He wasn’t going to give up. He wanted more of her, a lot more. And not just of her body.

He frowned. “You’re making a hell of a lot of assumptions about me.”

BOOK: Confessions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride
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