Confessions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride (4 page)

BOOK: Confessions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride
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“Sweetie, I wasn’t criticizing, and I certainly wasn’t complaining. I’m glad you’ve been with a lot of women. You wouldn’t have gotten to be so good without all that practice, and I got the benefit of it.”

Jesus. Okay, so he hadn’t lived like a monk, but neither had his life been the nonstop orgy Katie seemed to imagine. He’d turned down more opportunities than he’d taken. Casual sex had never held much appeal for him, especially lately. The package of condoms he’d thrown in his suitcase out of habit had been lying around for ages.

Setting her straight could wait for another time, though. He didn’t want to scare her off.

Kathryn pushed herself up on one arm. “I should leave.”

Every cell in his body protested the idea. “Please don’t. Spend the night with me.”

“I’d better not. These things can be really awkward in the morning.”

She had a point, but he didn’t care. No way was he letting her leave. The double bed would seem impossibly large without her. Not to mention impossibly cold. He slid his arms around her shoulders and pulled her head against his chest. “Stay.”

She looked up at him, and he thought she was going to protest, but apparently her need for rest won out over her need to flee. She closed her eyes, and he felt her muscles relax. He stroked her hair, savoring the feel of her body nestled against his, until the rhythm of her breathing told him she’d drifted off to sleep.


Kathryn’s internal clock woke her just after dawn on New Year’s Day. Beside her, Steve slept soundly, his chest pressing into her back, one arm draped over her side and resting on her stomach. His warm breath tickled her neck.

She took stock of her situation. In bed with a man way too young for her. Completely naked. Slightly hung over. Slightly sore. And still more than slightly aroused.

Damn! She’d actually gone through with her crazy plan. But was that a good thing?

Being careful not to wake him, she lifted his arm off her body, slid out from under it, and gently lowered it onto the bed. She stood, the floor cool against her bare feet, and looked down at him.

He was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. And he’d wanted her. No wonder she hadn’t been able to keep her hands, or any other part of her body, off him. The reality had been even better than the fantasy.

She found her sundress on the floor a few feet from the bed, picked it up, and slipped it on. Then she retrieved her sandals from next to the door. But where were her panties? Kneeling next to the bed, she set one hand on the side of the mattress to steady herself while she looked underneath for the missing garment.

A large, warm hand clamped like a handcuff around her wrist, bringing to mind another item on her to-do list. “What are you doing?” Sleep and sex made his voice husky.

Damn it! She’d been seconds away from a clean getaway. Kathryn rose to her feet, feeling her face flush. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

He smiled that smile that made her drip like a faucet and gave her wrist a gentle tug. “Come back to bed.”

She wanted to, but her brain was flashing giant neon warning signs. She shook her head. “I need to go back to my room and get ready for the morning dive.”

“You shouldn’t go diving. You’re too tired and too hung over. Stay. I’ll call room service and we’ll have breakfast in bed.”

She was hungry, but not for food. If she got back in that bed, it damned sure wouldn’t be for breakfast. A girl could get addicted to the way Steve made her feel.

Which was why she had to get the hell out of here. She needed to get her perspective back. She’d come to Grand Cayman to find toe-curling sex, not love. But if Steve kept touching her body so skillfully, he’d end up touching her heart as well. And her poor heart didn’t need the abuse of craving another unattainable man.

“I don’t want to change my plans,” she said. “I only have two days before my flight home, and I don’t want to give up any dive time. A couple of aspirins and I’ll be fine.”

He looked into her eyes, his expression confused, even vulnerable. “Katie, are you sorry about last night?”

Since she wasn’t sure, she settled for the polite answer. “Of course not.”

He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, pulling the sheet over his lap. “You look embarrassed. Don’t be. Last night wasn’t sleazy. It was special, and you’re special.”

He couldn’t have chosen better words, even if she wasn’t sure she believed him. Tenderness welled up inside her. She smiled at him and lowered a hand to ruffle his hair. He had such beautiful hair, as fine as white sand. Too bad the Air Force made him keep it so short. “You’re sweet,” she said.

His face twisted into a frown. “Sweet? After sex hot enough to blister the paint off the walls, you call me sweet?”

Oops. Wrong thing to say to a guy. She tried to explain. “I meant that as a compliment. There’s not nearly enough sweet in the world.” Certainly Jeff hadn’t been sweet. He’d almost driven her to give up men for good.

Steve didn’t look mollified. “Sweet is like nice only lamer, and nice guys finish last.”

“You’ll never be last in my book. But I have to go.”

He lifted his fabulous, naked body off the bed. “If I can’t talk you into staying, I’ll give you a reason to come back.” He grabbed her head with both hands in a vise-like grip and attacked her mouth with his, his tongue plundering every nook and cranny. An overpowering rush of desire slammed through Kathryn. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life, certain her knees wouldn’t support her if she let go.

He released her, the gleam in his eye daring her to call him sweet again. “Have fun diving,” he said.

She gave him a dazed look, her mouth partly open and her heart pounding. “See you around,” she said and bolted from the room, running for her life.

* * *

Bursting through the doorway of her own room, Kathryn flopped onto the bed and buried her flaming face in a spongy-soft hotel pillow. Wow—she’d just had wild, bone-melting sex with the boy next door. What on earth had she been thinking?

That was a stupid question. Pretty clearly, not much thinking had been going on. For one of the few times in her buttoned-down life, she'd turned off her head and listened to her heart. She hadn't worried about her career or her reputation or what she’d say if their parents found out. She'd just let go and done what she wanted to do.

Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Sure, Steve was young enough to qualify as a boy toy, but he was well past the age of consent. They were allowed to have a little fun. No, make that a lot of fun. He'd given her five orgasms. Five really good orgasms. She shivered at the memory.

Her cell phone rang. Out of habit, she answered with a businesslike, “Kathryn St. John.”

“Kathryn, girlfriend,” Amanda’s voice gushed, as clear as if she were just across town rather than over a thousand miles away. “How goes Operation Cougar?”

“Amanda! I’m glad you called. I need to talk.”

“You don’t sound happy. Please tell me you didn’t wimp out and spend New Year’s Eve sitting alone in your hotel room watching TV.” Kathryn could hear Amanda’s frown in her voice.

“I was in bed before midnight.”

Amanda gave a grunt of exasperation. “I swear, Kathryn, sometimes I think you’re a hopeless case.”

“You don’t get it. I was in bed, but I wasn’t alone.”

There was a pause. Kathryn could picture the look that must be crossing Amanda’s face as understanding dawned. Then her friend let out a whoop. “You go, girlfriend! I knew you had it in you. Spill, and I mean details. Name—or didn’t you ask?”

Kathryn felt herself blushing. “Yes, I got his name. Steve Tyler.”

“Like the guy who replaced Simon on
American Idol
? I certainly hope he’s younger than that.”

“Oh yeah. He’s in his late twenties.”

“Well within the age range you were looking for. Is he good looking?”

“He’d give Brad Pitt a run for his money.”

“Damn! I’m proud of you, babe.”

“That makes one of us. I’m having an attack of the guilts.”

“I don’t get it. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is, he’s not a stranger. I sort of knew him in high school.”

“What do you mean, sort of?”

“He lived next door. I used to babysit him.”

“Oh. I’ll have to admit that wasn’t part of your plan. Don’t you trust him to be discreet?”

”I do, but the situation still feels a little strange.”

Amanda was silent for a moment before asking, “Was the sex good?”

Kathryn sighed. “It was the best sex I’ve ever had. How pathetic is that?”

“You’re not pathetic. Any guy would seem hot compared to Jeff. He never put much effort into pleasing you. The only person he was in love with was himself.”

“Right. I spent all those years with a man who didn’t appreciate me. Thanks for the reminder.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t knock Jeff in front of you. I know how lonely you’ve been since you guys broke up.”

“You mean, since he dumped me for a twenty-two year old pinhead.”

Observing herself as if she were a stranger, it amazed Kathryn that over a year later, the mere mention of Jeff’s name still made her stomach twist into a sick knot. In hindsight, she realized he was selfish, egotistical, and not much of a loss. But after he’d left, she’d missed the convenience of being part of a couple, and she’d missed sex.

Until last night.

“Oh Jesus, I shouldn’t have brought Jeff up,” Amanda said. “Now I feel even guiltier about bailing on this trip and leaving you to fend for yourself.”

“You had a good reason. Ben definitely would’ve taken it the wrong way if you’d turned down the invitation to meet his parents. Where is he, anyway?”

“Still asleep. I wore him out last night. I got him drunk and had my wicked way with him.”

Kathryn rolled her eyes. “Like he needed to be drunk for that.”

“True. He has it bad for me.”

“You have it bad for him too.”

“Yeah, I do. Who’d have thought I’d be hot for a CPA? I must be growing up. I’ve gotten tired of bad boys. What’s wrong with a steady, responsible guy who treats me right?”

“Especially one who looks like an underwear model,” Kathryn agreed. “He’s definitely a keeper. I’m just surprised you realized he’s right for you.”

“Sometimes opposites attract. Like you and me. I’m happy, and I want you to be happy. I’m glad you let your hair down last night. You needed to loosen up and have some fun.”

“But I’m not a loose person.”

“That’s your whole problem, darlin’,” Amanda purred.

Kathryn felt herself blush, embarrassed to be once again the victim of Amanda’s good-natured teasing. “Stop it.”

“I’m serious. I’m glad you didn’t chicken out just because you have a past with this guy. An island fling is just what you need to lift yourself out of your depression.”

Had she been depressed? She’d thought she was fine with writing off love, since she sucked at relationships and had plenty to keep her busy pouring energy into her skyrocketing career. But maybe she’d been kidding herself. “You may be right,” she said.

“So what are you going to do about the kid?”

“I don’t know. Maybe avoid him for the rest of the trip. Or maybe track him down and do it again until I either finish my to-do list or get him out of my system.”

“I vote for jumping his bones again. Only remember, if you can’t be good, be careful.”

“Thanks, coach.”

Disconnecting the call, Kathryn let out a theatrical sigh. The handwriting was on the wall. Amanda’s biological clock was ticking. Soon the former wild child would marry her accountant, settle down, and start popping out little tax deductions. Sure, they’d still be friends, but the relationship would change. Up to now, Amanda had been the party animal of the two. Now, heaven help them, Kathryn was turning into the wild one.

* * *

Dressed in a brightly colored but modestly cut tank-style bathing suit, Kathryn walked barefoot down the dock to the dive boat. A slight chill in the air reminded her that although Grand Cayman was south of Cuba, it was still winter here. She savored the feel of the warmth rising from the boards, and of her composure returning. Aside from her talk with Amanda, a hot shower, a bagel with cream cheese, and a cup of black coffee, very hot and very strong, had made a world of difference. She felt almost like herself again.

Since she’d been diving with the same company all week, her equipment was waiting on the boat. She climbed aboard and crossed to the far rail, where her gear was set up. First she checked the straps of her buoyancy compensator, the inflatable jacket holding her air tank in place, to be sure the tank was securely fastened. Then she attached her regulator to the tank, turned on the air, and checked her pressure gauge to be sure the tank was full. Satisfied, she sat down on the bench in front of the tanks and began pulling on her wetsuit. As she worked, she looked around her.

Today’s divemasters were Irina, a Russian whose stately blonde beauty would have made Kathryn want to slap her if she hadn’t been so helpful, and Derek, a muscle-bound Aussie. In contrast to other mornings, when it had been jam-packed, the boat was a third empty.

“I see my buddy is missing. I may have to tag along with you,” she said to Irina. Not that she minded. Although she was an experienced diver and didn’t need supervision, a guided dive now and then was fun. The divemasters knew how to find the most rare and exotic fish.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ve found you another buddy for the morning,” Irina answered in heavily accented English.

Kathryn frowned. “I hope this guy isn’t a bozo.” Diving with someone unfamiliar was unsettling, because to a certain extent, your life was in your dive buddy’s hands.

Irina look pleased with herself. “I don’t think you’ll object to this gentleman.” The younger woman’s face lit up. “Oh, here he is now.”

Kathryn turned and saw Steve ambling onto the deck, the sunlight making his hair shine like polished gold. Her stomach did a swan dive and her body tingled. Damn! Just when she was getting her equilibrium back. Struggling to keep her voice normal, she said, “What are you doing here?”

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