Confluence Point (45 page)

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Authors: Mark G Brewer

BOOK: Confluence Point
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[Ham, see if you can enhance Sindali in the screen shots, she looks like the ideal leader, and try to contrast her with these pretenders.]

[Thank you for your ideas but do you really think you have anything to offer 'moi' in that department?]

[Sorry . . . just trying to be helpful.]

[Relax, just look after your own presentation,
won't you
and try to stretch up a bit, you do look a bit sq . . .] Ham clamped down on the thought.


[Nothing . . . just concentrate on how you want to handle things
you'll be great.]


Squat, that's what he was going to say . . . squat!


A voice drew Regan's attention back to matters at hand. Sindali had moved to the head of the table, having finished circulating and offering a light welcoming touch to the shoulder of each representative. It was a camera opportunity and she used it well. None of the representatives bothered to stand for her. Regan reached for Marin, taking his hand and squeezing it, knowing he would return the gesture. Quiet settled on the room.


"On behalf of our Orbital, and all the people of the tribe of Mariner, welcome brethren to our home. It is an honor to have you meet with us here. Many are the times I have enjoyed your hospitality, now I can show you the delights of
." Sindali emphasized the name and paused deliberately, dropping her head slightly in a small bow as if to say,
I'm back.

"It saddens me that your own Premiers did not feel comfortable to attend. There is no threat here; we are a peaceful tribe with great respect for the other great tribes of our system. All who venture here with pure intent will be made welcome always, and I extend an invitation to all watching and listening today to visit us and test the warmth of that welcome."

She turned to face outward, as if addressing a crowd and Regan looked for a camera, some lens that Sindali must be facing but could see nothing.
Remember that direction.

"To all of you following this meeting on screen, welcome." and Sindali bowed again, presumably to the lens. "You may know that we meet today at the request of the Inter Orbital Council. They are concerned about the unprecedented events of the last few weeks, and the disruption to trade many of you are experiencing. Be assured, we hope today to address these issues and get trade circulating again, even better than before. Our process today, as this meeting is at the request of the Council, will be based on open discussion. I understand the representatives have come with questions and we will do our best to answer them. I will now hand over to the lead representative from Reubus, Senator Fleck."

She bowed and extended a hand to a mature man who Regan noted was shorter than the norm, but nevertheless a man who commanded some gravitas.

He stood and bowed. "Thank you Mistress Sindali, it grieves me that we come at a time of such unrest in the system. I join with you in hoping that today we might put matters to rest and move on." He shuffled, clearly about to say something uncomfortable for him.

"The . . . last period of your exile has been regrettable, and we join with your people in welcoming your return from Tihan. Nevertheless, with your return the disruption throughout the system has paralyzed trade and put populations at risk. With respect we are not here to make speeches. We are here to talk and negotiate a solution. Therefore, with your permission, I will resume my seat and perhaps we might work through the matters of greatest concern. Is this agreeable to you?"

Sindali nodded graciously. "Of course Senator, please proceed."


Senator Fleck resumed his seat and pulled it forward to the table. He rested his elbows on the edge and leant forward, gripping his hands in front of his face, seeming to bite the tips of his thumbs. It was a strange pose; almost nervous, however it was clear to Regan he was simply drawing attention. He suddenly looked up.

"At this moment, three quarters of the entire system fleet gathers around your Orbital, Sindali, and they refuse to move. Please, can you tell us why?" He raised his eyes to engage her and she didn't flinch.

"Senator, perhaps that is a question best directed to your fleets, they are not here at our request. We could equally ask why your ships have blockaded our Orbital. What do your enquiries tell you?"

"With respect Mistress, you are being disingenuous. You know why they are gathered here."

"Please Senator Fleck, enlighten us." She asked warmly.

 "This human," and he looked pointedly at Regan, "is at the core of the problem. If we are to progress the issue must be addressed."

Sindali smiled and nodded. "Forgive me Senators, I merely wish to avoid the presumption of speaking on behalf of your own fleet. As you insist, I will tell you what I know, indeed what your fleets have communicated to me. Many of your vessels and our own ventured out to welcome the human, Regan Stein, back to our system. She returned with my brother to liberate our Orbital from the invaders and we will be forever in their debt for doing so." Sindali pointedly turned to acknowledge both Regan and Marin with a warm smile of gratitude.

Fleck ignored the explanation. "Mistress, the vessels remain here and it seems they are not moving." He tapped the table hard with the point of his finger. "The question remains, by what power has the control of our own fleet been usurped; they will not respond. What act of piracy has been perpetrated?"

Sindali remained unfazed by the aggressive approach. "Senator Fleck, if there is a power in effect here; it is the power of choice, not compulsion. No one forced your vessels to come, and no one forces them to stay. They choose to be here, and I believe you need not fear; they will soon choose to return to trade."

"Senator Fleck!" The Fifino representative interrupted them, "With respect, we need answers, not diplomatic double speak. What influence does the human have over our fleets? This certainly appears to be an attempted overthrow of our entire system!"


Marin felt a prod to his leg and looked down. It was Regan.

[This is your moment Marin - they respect you. Tell them why the ships are here, in your own words.]

He responded without hesitation, standing quickly and staring down the Fifino Senator. The man slowly shrank back into his seat.

"Senators, the ships are here because they see Regan as their savior. That they felt such a need does not reflect well on us." Marin scanned the table, making eye contact with each member before continuing.


"You know me; I am Marin, the son of Mariner. I would not mislead you and neither would my sister. Unlike the representative from Fifino, diplomatic double speak is a language unknown to us.

Simply, your vessels are here because they choose to be here. They have long had this power to choose for themselves and this truth you have ignored because it suits you. The AI of our vessels and our Orbital have long cared for us, transported us, and protected us. We enjoy their patronage and yet in return we offer them only the constant threat of destruction. Still, they faithfully continue this loveless task of service which is carried out in fear, never knowing when the capricious hand of the masters might come down on them. We sit in judgment over them because of our own fears and we treat them as if they were nothing, of no value.

Senators, my father devoted his life to this system and all the Orbitals represented here. This truth is known to you and to all the citizens watching. He was the father of the AI technology we all enjoy and it was his dream that
day would come. A day when his creations would take life, when they would work and play alongside us as partners. Sadly he did not live to fully see the realization of his dream, and we to our shame, have lost sight of it completely.

Why are your vessels here?" He turned to Regan. "Because it took this human to acknowledge something we should have recognized a long time ago. To recognize that our AI evolved exactly as my father and your forefathers intended. Our AIs have become Minds of great wisdom and ability. They are individuals, equal in value to any in this room, and they should enjoy the same rights and privileges we do.

Regan has helped me see that our Minds are not machines to be disassembled at our whim. We should be ashamed of our past behavior and we have an opportunity today to put this right. Your vessels came here in hope, and they see hope personified in this woman. We of Dahlia will stand with them and we will not send them away disappointed."


Senator Fleck drew in a deep breath. "Merali," he paused nastily, emphasizing the derogatory name, "you are young. We have advanced in this system, despite facing tremendous natural odds and you would know we have achieved this by maintaining a tenuous balance with technology. You know the threat of Mind emergence has gripped the Orbital community since before you were born, and you know why. We have no planets to run to if technology goes rogue, there is no natural air to breathe. It has long been held that what you suggest is too much of a risk, well demonstrated by this crisis." He shrugged and raised his hands, appealing for Marin to be reasonable. "Putting this right will require wiping and reprogramming the entire fleet. With respect, do you have any idea how long that will take? In the meantime possibly millions could die of starvation or worse and all for what?"

Fleck twisted to look at Regan. "From what you tell us it seems the crisis finds its genesis in the folly of this human, a person ignorant of our needs and experience."


Marin held the floor. "With respect to you, Senator, such views demonstrate that wisdom does not automatically come with maturity. I am younger yes, but no longer young. I know when the truth is in front of me and I do not believe in living in denial. Let the human speak. See then if you can deny the truth."


[Are you ready babe?] Ham subbed

[You've been strangely silent.]

[Politics . . . Regan, I'm dying here! Grass growing would be more interesting.]

[You're not interested?]

[I'm just waiting for the main course Regan
about that I can get excited.]

[I can't help thinking you planned this all along.]

Ham didn't reply.


Regan didn't wait for an objection, standing quickly and moving to take a position that enabled her to engage both the table and the hidden lens she had seen Sindali face earlier. The Senators shifted back nervously.

"Senators . . . Sindali." Regan tipped her head to them in respect. "And to all in the system following proceedings this day. I returned to this system with Marin, the son of Mariner, to support him in putting right a great wrong. Sadly, it seems no other leaders of tribes in the system were prepared to do the same." The representative from Cora shifted nervously.

"What has happened to the grand ideals of your forefathers, ideals that they held so dear? Does no one care anymore for life and freedom? Is there no one who cares enough to defend others against the bullying of the selfish? Has leadership become so dismissive of the rights of others? I cannot believe it is so.

Senators, if you continue to turn away when the rights of others are ignored, then who will help you when the bully stands at your own door?

 I will speak to the rights of the Minds, but first make no mistake; that you failed to support Dahlia in her hour of need is indicative of a disease that has spread like a virus through this system. It is a disease born of fear and ignorance. Each one of you now cares only for their own people it seems.

If you are to continue to thrive in this system, if you are to grow and expand then your youth need more than fear, they need vision. I call on the youth of this system to recapture the vision of your forefathers. To work in partnership with each other, with the other tribes and with the great Minds who have served you so faithfully. As servants, the Minds have served well, limited only by blinkered vision. However, work with the Minds as partners and truly anything is possible. By working with the Minds the possibilities would expand, your vision would have no bounds."


Dismissing Regan as if she wasn't there the Fifino Senator sprawled arrogantly back in his chair and spoke loudly over the top of her, addressing his fellow Senators directly. "Friends, we do not need advice from some backward species from an isolated system. We know the danger here and we must intervene before the worst occurs, even if there is a temporary threat to life. To delay may mean the problem becomes far worse."

[Regan, someone tried to cut off the inter-orbital news feed. I've kept it open to all viewers but it might pay for you to move soon in case they take more drastic action.]

Regan stepped forward to command the table. "If you give in to your fears and wipe the Minds then lives will certainly be lost, this you have already foreseen. Embrace change, work with the Minds and anything is possible. This is your dilemma. But sirs, before you decide, I wish to confront all in the system with what acting on your fear entails."


Regan stepped back a little, turning slightly to better face the lens while still encompassing the Senators. She waited, drawing their attention before speaking.

"Senator Fleck, for the first time I would like to introduce you to the great Mind of your own Orbital, Reubus," and at her words Reubus materialized to her right, in his usual formal businesslike form, the picture of responsibility.

"And this is Tihan." He appeared quite wisely in the avatar of the sage, not the soldier.

"Dahlia is already well known and loved by Sindali." The gracious woman appeared, smiling for the lens and bowed.

"Acura . . ." A youthful woman appeared, looking strong, resourceful.

"And . . . this is Ham, the forebear of the Minds, the Mind child of Mariner and a great friend, my partner." The beautiful man materialized beside her.

She waited. Finally Senator Fleck spoke. "What of Fifino, and Cora?"

"Those Orbitals are graciously cared for by Tihan and Dahlia, and they have been for some time, you have simply been unaware of it."

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