Connectome (61 page)

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Authors: Sebastian Seung

BOOK: Connectome
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and schizophrenics,

Frontal lobotomy,

Frost, Robert,

Fukushima, Kunihiko,

Futuristic fantasies,

Galaxy Zoo project,

Galileo Galilei,

Gall, Franz Joseph,

Galton, Francis,


and Pascal's Wager,

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),

Gauguin, Paul,

Gauss, Carl,

Geigy, J. R., pharmaceutical company,

General intelligence as simplistic,


and autism or schizophrenia,

Bernal on future manipulation of,

and connectome,

expressing of,

and growth of axon,

Mendel's discovery of,

and neuronal connectome,

neurons influenced by,

in study of
C. elegans,

and synapse creation,

in wiring of brain,

Gene therapy,

for Parkinson's disease,

Genetic code,

Genetic engineering, and mental disorders in animals,

Genetic testing

on fetus,

for Huntington's disease (HD),

Genie (abused child),


multiple meanings of,

Genome, human

excerpt from,

as explanation of differences,

of fraternal twins,

as unchangeable,

viewing of,


and autism or schizophrenia,

and connectomes,

progress of,

Giza, pyramid of,

Glial cells,



humanity making itself into (transhumanism),

and Pascal's Wager,

Gödel, Kurt,

Goldschmidt, Richard,

Golgi, Camillo,

Golgi staining method,

Gould, Elizabeth,

Graham, Sonny,

“Grand challenges,”

“Grandmother cell” theory of perception,

Gray matter,
See also

Greeks (ancient), and Fates,

Greenough, William,

Grey, Aubrey de,

Grossberg, Stephen,

“Growth cone,”

Guerre, Martin,

Gujrat, Pakistan, shrine in,

Hall, David,

Harris, Kristen,

Harvard University, ultramicrotome in,

Harvey, Thomas,

Hawking, Stephen,

Hayek, Friedrich,

Hayworth, Ken,


as computer simulation,

Hebb, Donald,

Hebbian synaptic plasticity,

disabling of,

as learning,

and potential to learn,

variant of,

Hebbian strengthening,


Helmstaedter, Moritz,


Hierarchical organization of neurons, in perception,

and memory “grounding,”

Hierarchical perceptron model for brain,


fluoxetine effect on,


and schizophrenia,

study as enlarging,

“Hive mind,”

Homunculus, motor or sensory,

Hubel, David,

Human Connectome Project,

Human Genome Project,

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),

Hume, David,

Huntington's disease (HD),

Huxley, Aldous,

HVC (region of bird brain),

Hypothermia, and memory,

Hypotheses, role of in science,

and tools of measurement,

I Am Your Child Foundation,

IBM, and Markram,

Ideas, abstract,

Image analysis, automating of,



as information preservation,

Implicit (nondeclarative) memory,

of birds,

acquisition of,

as synaptic chain,


Individual differences

and averages,

and brain,

connectionism as explaining,

connectomes as basis for,

and smaller connectomes,

between twins,

Inductive (“data-driven”) approach to science,

Inferior colliculus,

Inferior parietal lobule,

Infinite regress, and neuronal explanation of perception,

Information, self as,

Information theoretic death,

Inherited traits, DNA as source of,
See also
Nature-nurture relation

Inhibition, need for,

Inhibitory neurons,

and divergent synaptic chains,

and sedatives,

Inhibitory synapses,

Mental disorders and disabilities; Schizophrenia


and brain size

correlation between,

in Anatole France and Ivan Turgenev,

and Galton's approach,


Pearson's categorization of,

Intelligence Amplification (IA),

Intermarriage between cousins, and microcephaly,


Intracellular recording,

Inverted-image telescope experiment,

Ion channel,

iPhone, as modern miracle,



as simplistic,

frontal and parietal lobes correlated with,


Jain, Viren,

James, William,

Jesuit maxim on childhood indoctrination,

John the Baptist,

Kandel, Eric,

Kanizsa triangle,

Kanner, Leo,

Karten, Harvey,

Kasparov, Garry,

Kasthuri, Narayanan “Bobby,”

Keith, Sir Arthur,

Kelvin, Lord,

Kennard Principle,

Khufu (pharaoh),


Knott, Graham,

Knudsen, Eric,

Koch, Christof,

Koch, Robert,

Koskinas, Georg,

Kurzweil, Ray,


Lander, Eric,


Broca-Wernicke model of,

replacement for,

and hemispherectomy,

learning of in childhood,

by Genie,

in left hemisphere,

and stroke,

and synaptic chain,

Languages, lost,

Large Hadron Collider (LHC),

Lashley, Karl,

Las Vegas,

Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN),

Lateralization, cerebral,

Law of Dynamic Polarization,

Laws of Behavior Genetics,


and connectomes,

connectome change as cause,

critical period for,

and vision experiments,

as expansion of cortical areas,

and four R's of connectome change,
see also
Reconnection; Regeneration; Reweighting of synapse; Rewiring of brain)

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