Authors: Aliyah Burke
Aliyah Burke
“You okay there, Phoenix?” The question brought her eyes up from the white 1953 Corvette.
“Fine, CJ, thanks. And thanks for coming out to help,” Dezarae said with a smile.
“Not a problem. I love these cars, especially since I have one of yours. I can’t tell you how many
complements I get on that baby.”
Dezarae had restored a 1958 Corvette for CJ as a gift. Her friend loved it and the attention it got her.
“I bet. I loved that car.”
“I know you did. And I think it was amazing what you did to help that guy out by selling your
Shelby to Jack. I know how much you loved that car. You had been waiting a long time for it to come to
“I can get another one,” Dezarae said with a sad smile as her brain replayed the harsh words Ross
had said to her.
Seeing how sad Dezarae was becoming, CJ asked, “What do you want me to do next? I finished
detailing the Nash. That baby is shining like a ruby, inside and out.”
“It doesn’t matter. All the cars need to be detailed.” Dezarae stood and stretched as her dark eyes
moved around the shop. There were five vehicles inside. “You could begin to load them in the semi trailer.
We have three done since I am done with this one.” She closed the door. “Then we could see about getting
something to eat.”
“Oh food, my favorite word. I will have these cars loaded up in few,” CJ said.
Dezarae watched her friend carefully drive the cars up the ramp and into the semi. She had three
shows to go to. Her goal was to sell these cars.
In her trailer she was taking a 1954 Nash Convertible, one of 212 made. Cherry red. The 1953
Corvette that was Polo White with Sportsmen Red interior and it was a convertible. The 1955 Bel Air
Chevrolet that was two-toned pale yellow and white. A black 1954 Buick Skylark convertible that was one of
836 made. Finally she had a 1954 Kaiser Darrin, a fiberglass-bodied roadster with unique sliding doors.
Already loaded in the oversized trailer she had a 1961 Jaguar E-type Roadster, blue-gray in color.
She already had a potential buyer for this car. And there was a 1962 MGB Roadster, for which she also had a
“I feel good about this,” Dezarae said as she moved towards the Chevy to begin detailing. She
worked until CJ yelled for her attention. “What, CJ?’
“Come help me secure these and then let’s grab some food and some shuteye. Tank will be here
early to help us finish the rest so we can get going.”
“Good point.” Cracking her neck, Dezarae joined CJ on the upper tier in the trailer and secured the
vehicles. The last two would be put on the bottom. Her trailer could fit eight cars in it.
“I see we are only taking seven. Keeping a spot open to buy?” CJ teased as they made their way
inside the house and to the kitchen.
“I like to keep my options open,” Dezarae answered with a wink, reaching in and pulling out a lemon
supreme pie from the fridge.
“Ohhh, pie. I love you, Phoenix,” CJ said.
“Well, I need to have someone eat it. Charmane didn’t finish it before she left…” Dezarae trailed off,
not wanting to talk about that.
“Don’t worry. I will make short work of this,” CJ teased, trying to lighten the mood.
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“Jesus,” Dezarae swore as she pulled into her parking area. “It is frickin’ hot here.” She wiped away
the sweat from her brow as she shut down her rig.
“What did you expect in the South?” CJ teased, also sweating.
“I don’t know, anything but this.”
“Welcome to my life, darlin’.” CJ winked at her as they both opened the doors and jumped down.
“Feel free to keep it. Damn,” Dezarae quipped as they moved towards the main building where she
would get her numbers for the remaining three cars she had. The other four had sold at the previous two
“Come on. Why are you moving so slow? Don’t you want to see her?” The overanxious teen pulled
on her father.
Full of mixed emotions, Ross let go of Charmane. “I am looking at the rest of the vehicles.”
I am
scared shitless she will tell me to leave her alone for the rest of our lives.
“Can I go ahead?” Charmane asked.
“I don’t want you wandering off alone,” Ross said, shaking his head.
Hondo offered, “I will go with her if that’s okay by you.”
“Are you sure you want to?” Ross asked, giving his teammate a chance to back out. His whole team
had decided to come with them, including the two wives in the group.
“I like her enthusiasm. Besides, I am still looking for that car you have to buy me.”
Latching onto Hondo like he was her surrogate father, Charmane began to drag the ensign away.
“Bye, Daddy,” she yelled over her shoulder, leaving Ross with the remaining men who were looking at cars
and women.
“She seems delighted to get to see Dezarae again,” a soft voice said beside him.
Ross looked down into the eyes of Alexis, Scott’s wife. “She loves her,” he answered with a sad
“So do you,” Alexis observed.
“She hates me. When I called her the day Charmane arrived, she couldn’t get off the phone with me
fast enough.” Ross sighed and ran his hand over his head.
“I thought she was getting cars ready for the shows?” Scott asked as he and his sleeping son joined
the conversation.
“She did answer like she was in the shop,” Ross admitted. His hand strayed to the front pocket of his
khakis. “I just don’t know, it sounded like there was someone else there.”
“Stop looking for the worst in everything, man. Go get your woman,” Scott said.
“No kidding, we need more wives here. Jayde and I are feeling a bit outnumbered.” Alexis grinned.
“Besides, I like her.”
“You’ve met her?” Ross asked.
“No,” she responded. “From when I called her. And the fact of what she did for the two of you.”
And look what I did to her to thank her for it.
Ross smiled as they continued to walk at a slow,
leisurely pace.
“That is a gorgeous car,” Hondo breathed as he stopped beside the Jaguar. He stopped Charmane
from walking on by tightening his hold on her. “Wait just a minute, Charmane, I wanna look.”
Upset because she hadn’t found her friend yet, Charmane huffed but waited.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a feminine voice broke into his musings.
Hondo looked up into the pale brown eyes of a stunning woman. “Yes,” he said. “It sure is.”
“Phoenix sure does amazing work.”
Aliyah Burke
That got Charmane’s attention. “Dezarae is here?” her question came as her brown eyes moved to
the large sign that read PHOENIX RESTORATIONS AND REBUILDS. “Where is she?”
The slim woman smiled. “I believe she is right behind you.”
Charmane turned and yelled as her young body launched itself into Dezarae’s waiting arms. “Dez! I
missed you.”
“Missed you, too, squirt. I missed you, too,” Dezarae responded affectionately as she hugged the
child back. Setting her back on the ground, Dezarae looked at the large Black man standing there. “Aidrian,
right?” she asked.
“Aye,” he said with a grin. “That’s me. And you are?” his question was directed at the other woman.
“I’m CJ.” The woman answered with an easy smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Aidrian responded.
“Charmane, what are you doing here?” Dezarae asked the girl.
“Daddy asked me if I wanted to come to this show. We came with the whole team. Plus Alexis and
Ross was here?
What will I say to him?
“How about hello,” Ross murmured into her ear as he slid his arms around her waist. He loved how
her clothes fit her. Capris that were white and a black tank top. Sandals were on her feet.
CJ arched a brow as she watched the scene before her. The remaining members of his team also
watched avidly.
Immobilized by his touch alone, Dezarae mumbled, “Hello, Ross.”
How does he know what I am
“Hello, Firebird,” he drawled, turning her so they could be face to face.
Dezarae was lost in the swirling heat of his eyes. In the gunmetal depths, she read his cry for
forgiveness. And his love. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Well, you wouldn’t come to where I was.” He shrugged. “Besides, you asked me a question that I
need to answer.”
Her eyes moved over his chiseled features that were highlighted by the setting sun. “What question
did I ask?”
Two knuckles stroked the top of her cheek. “You don’t remember.”
I can’t think straight.
“No, I don’t.”
“You asked me if being a SEAL was like it was in the movies. If he got the woman of his dreams
and carried her off into the sunset.” Ross spoke in a strong voice carrying to the people around them who had
begun to fall silent and watch as well. “Do you remember now?”
Dezarae nodded. “I remember. And you said it wasn’t exactly like they show it in the movies. As for
the sunset bit, you said you would let me know.”
“Right.” Ross took the pins out of her hair so it fell about her shoulders. “Scott did, Tyson did, and—
God willing—I will, too.” He dropped to one knee before her. The audience around them gave a collective
gasp. “Dezarae, I know I said some harsh things to you but I didn’t mean any of them. You mean so much to
both me and my daughter. You know she loves you.”
Ross ran a sweaty hand over his face and caught the eye of one teammate who nodded his
encouragement. “God, I never realized how nerve-racking this would be. I don’t know what I have to offer
you. I don’t make much money; I’m gone most of the time, but I promise I will love you for the rest of our
days.” He reached for her left hand. “You reignited the flame within me. In more ways than one, you have
saved my life. I don’t want to live without you. I love you. Dezarae Phoenix Kerry, will you marry me?”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the small black box, opening it to show her the diamond ring
that sat inside.
Unable to form a word, all she could do was cry. After a few moments, Ross looked up at her and
prompted, “Say something, Firebird, I’m getting nervous down here.”
“Yes.” Her one word was gasped.
Slate eyes closed in relief for a second before he slid the ring on her finger and rose to kiss her. “I
love you, Firebird.”
Aliyah Burke
“I love you, too, Johnny Reb. Does this mean you will carry me off into the sunset?” Dezarae
muttered against his firm lips.
To the thunderous applause of those around them, Ross laughed. “Excuse me, y’all. I am going to
carry her off into the sunset.” Strong arms swept her up into his embrace.
“CJ?” Dezarae asked.
“Got it covered, Phoenix.” Her voice reached the woman being held tightly by the Navy SEAL.
“Scott?” Ross asked.
“Charmane will be fine with us.” Scott assured his friend. “It’s about time. Welcome to the family,
Dezarae,” he yelled as they walked off through the crowd into the setting sun.
Six months later
“A bit higher on your end, Ross,” Dezarae instructed. “There, perfect.”
Her husband joined her, his arms sliding around her waist to settle on her growing belly. “I think we
had it before you said so,” Ross said as he kissed her neck.
“Possibly. But I wanted to keep looking at that ass of yours,” she teased.
“Looks great, Mom,” Charmane yelled as she ran by with her new puppy.
“It still makes me tear up to hear her call me mom,” Dezarae whispered to Ross as they looked at the
“She has loved you from the beginning. Well, after you threatened her with jail.”
Dezarae smiled as she recalled that first meeting with Charmane. “I love her so much.”
“Ready for the grand opening?” Ross asked.
“I think so. It is going to be weird not doing as much,” Dezarae said.
“No working on cars for you until after the baby is born,” he ordered.
“I know.” Her eyes took in the new shop and track.
“Thank you for coming down here,” he mumbled into her ear.
Dezarae had sold her home and shop to Tank who was going to convert it to more construction-
oriented uses. It had been hard to sell but she knew her father would still be pleased she was carrying the
family business on. The child she carried would learn it, as was Charmane. “My place is with my husband. I
want to be with you.”
“I know it had to be hard for you.”
“Being with you and Charmane makes it easier. I can make a name for myself here.”
“You already have a name for yourself. Haven’t opened and we are fielding calls.” His lips nibbled
on her neck.
“Have I told you today that I love you?” she asked.
Shaking his head, he muttered, “Don’t think so.”
Rolling her eyes because she knew she had, Dezarae said, “I love you, Ross Murdock Connelly of
“And I love you, Dezarae Phoenix Kerry Connelly of Virginia.”
After their friends had left and Charmane was in bed the couple sat out on the porch swing and took
in the night sounds. Dark chocolate eyes were closed while gunmetal ones were open, watching over and
guarding his family.
A man who had been near death and was saved by the love of his life. Tucking his wife closer, Ross
smiled as he realized that she was truly a legendary creature with the ability to carry him from death back