Connelly's Flame (27 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Connelly's Flame
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With a smile and a wave, she was gone in a cloud of cheap perfume. Ross remained seated at the

table where he had bought them lunch. Dropping his head, he swore. “What the hell am I going to do about


Tossing money for the bill on the table, Ross walked out of the small diner. He drove back to

Dezarae and Charmane in his Explorer, not sure at all how he was going to fix this mess. “Should’ve left her

ass back in the damn trailer park where I found her,” he muttered as he drove.

“What the hell am I supposed to do about this, Scott?” Ross asked as he paced around on the porch at

Dezarae’s house. Upon his return, he immediately called his commanding officer, LCDR Scott Leighton,

better known as “Harrier” to the SEAL team.

Shaking his head at his desk, Scott said, “I don’t know. Maybe Jayde’s father can help. He’s a

lawyer. And you know I will lend you the money.”

“No,” he said vehemently. “I didn’t call to get you to lend me the money.”

“We are family. I would be more than happy to help you out. So would any of us,” the large man

stated honestly.

Slumping against the pillar, Ross swore again. “I can’t believe she expects me to come up with two

hundred and fifty thousand in three days or she is taking Charmane away from me forever. She even gave me

the account that it is to be put in; it’s in my room.” Running a hand over his face, he said, only half-joking, “I

could always torture them.”

“Let’s call Tyson and have him talk to Jayde first before we go that route.”

“Don’t worry about it, Sir.” Ross said, unintentionally telling Scott he was really worried by calling

him “Sir.” “I will think of something. Thanks for letting me talk to you about it. Give my best to Lex.”

“I am here if you ever need to talk, you know that, Jeb. I will tell Lex you asked after her. Keep me

posted.” Click. Scott was gone.




Aliyah Burke

Moving silently away from the window, Dezarae was furious over what she had heard. Who ever

thought about selling their child to the other parent? Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was a lot of

money. She would bet anything that Ross didn’t even own anything remotely close to that.

Understanding completely that he would most likely be very pissed with her for interfering, Dezarae

decided it didn’t matter. She could help and she would.


Ross put forth a happy face that night at dinner but Dezarae knew how much of an effort it was for

him to do so.

“What did Mama say?” Charmane finally asked as Dezarae served dessert.

“We are still working on it, Sweetheart,” Ross said, not believing that he may never get to see his

daughter again after three days.

“Did you tell her that I am doing better here?” she pushed.

“I said we were working on it, Charmane,” he snapped.

“Why don’t you tell him what you did today, Charmane?” Dezarae broke in.

“What did you do today, Baby?” Ross questioned as he sent a grateful look to Dezarae.

“I drove a truck and trailer,” Charmane said proudly.

Wide gray eyes moved from young woman to older one. “She did what?”

“She drove the truck and trailer that was here today.” Dezarae winked at Charmane. “And she did a

wonderful job.”

“It wasn’t very far, Daddy, and only a straight line. Tank was back and he had his trailer on his big

truck and they let me drive it. He said someday he will teach me how to back up with a trailer on.” Charmane

was totally excited.

“I’m very proud of you, Charmane. That’s wonderful.”

“And his truck is a stick, too. Just like Dez’s Rover.”

The phone rang and Dezarae got up to answer it, allowing her hand to trail familiarly over Ross’s

shoulders as she passed him. “I am amazed at you, Charmane, you are doing really well here aren’t you?” He

asked, even as his gaze followed the woman who had touched him.

“I’m so happy out here, Daddy. Really I am. I love all her friends and how Dez treats me like a real


I will do whatever it takes to keep you, Baby.
“Well, then, I guess we should find a way to keep you

out here,” he said as a smile crossed his face. Briefly, he glanced at his child before his eyes moved back to

Dez, who talked to the sheriff.

Squealing with excitement, Charmane jumped out of her chair and ran around to hug her father.

“Really, Daddy? Do you mean it? Really, really?”

“I will find some way of making your mother see it my way,” he promised as he hugged her back.

Dezarae hung up from talking with Dale. “We are invited to Dale’s house for dinner tomorrow


Slate eyes narrowed. “Who is we?”

“All of us, my overly-suspicious SEAL. He is having a barbecue and we are invited. A bunch of

children will be there as well.”

Ross reached one hand out for Dezarae and smiled gently at her as she put her hand in his larger one.

“I am yours, aren’t I?”

“Oh, gross,” Charmane wailed playfully. “You aren’t going to kiss, are you?”

Dezarae leaned in and placed a loud smacking kiss on her cheek. “Just you, Darling, just you.”

“Oh, oh. Me, too.” Ross declared as he too kissed his daughter on the cheek. “But I am going to kiss

my other woman as well,” he said as his lips found Dezarae’s.

“Yucky!” Charmane squealed as she jumped off his lap and moved away.

Ross put Dezarae on his lap and deepened the kiss as her hands gripped the back of his head, pulling

him closer. Biting his lower lip, she backed off his mouth and whispered, “Yes, you are.” Then she got off

his lap and winked at Charmane, who was trying to look disgusted.

They played cards again that evening. Just as before, Charmane wiped the floor with them. As she

put away the cards, Dezarae complained, “I don’t know. I think maybe you are cheating. I don’t lose that

often and that badly.”



Aliyah Burke

“I played fair, Dez,” Charmane defended herself. “I can’t help it. I just played better than you.”

“Better than? I don’t know what I was doing but it wasn’t playing cards,” she grumbled even as she

sent the teen a smile.

“Bedtime, Charmane,” Ross said as he began turning off the lights.

“Night, Dez,” the child said, kissing her on the cheek.

“Night, Charmane,” Dezarae responded and kissed her back.

After the child had been tucked in, Ross made his way back up to where Dezarae was wiping down

the kitchen counters. “Ready for bed, Firebird?” His question came as he slid his arms around her from


“What happened?” Dezarae asked.

“Joy was just being Joy. A bitch. Don’t worry about it.” His lips teased the back of her neck.

I know the truth, Johnny Reb.
“Well, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure I don’t want to think about her right now. I have someone more important on my mind.”

Her hand reached behind her and stroked his swollen erection. “Do you now?” she teased.

“Most definitely.”

Dezarae had a siren’s smile on her face as she turned around, dropped to her knees, and freed him

from the confines of his jeans. She slowly took him into her mouth, right there in her kitchen.

Ross groaned as her lips closed around the head of his penis. She took more and more of his length

in her warm mouth. Her tongue swept up and down the rigid erection as her fingers teased the base.

She sucked harder; he had to lean forward and brace his hands on the counter. “Jesus, Dez,” he

moaned as his hips began to drive him into her mouth.

She didn’t answer except to draw in more of him to her mouth. Her strong hands moved around to

grip his ass. Burying her nose into his pubic hair, she held him totally in her mouth.

Ross closed his eyes as he gripped the back of her head and began to piston himself in and out of her

mouth, loving how her mouth drew more heavily on him as he withdrew. It didn’t take long and he felt

telltale signs of ejaculation approaching.

“I’m about to come,” he said in a hoarse voice.

Dezarae’s answer was to suck on him harder, her tongue running over the tip as he pulled back. She

dug her fingers into the firm cheeks of his ass.

With a shout, he felt his orgasm rip through him as he poured his sperm deep in her throat. As she

sucked, he could feel the contented purr from the back of her throat as she made sure she got every last drop

he was delivering.

Finally spent, he pulled out of her mouth and looked down at the woman who knelt on the tiled

kitchen floor in front of him. Dark eyes were content as her tongue slipped out to lick her lips.

Ross reached down and pulled her to her feet. “Why?” he asked as his hand cupped her face.

“I wanted to,” she admitted as her hand closed around his exposed penis, smiling as it twitched again

beneath her touch.

“I love you,” Ross said as he kissed her.

And I love you.
Dezarae remained silent as she stroked his rapidly hardening erection.

“I think we need to go to bed,” he whispered as he halted her hand motion.

“I think you are right.” Reluctantly, she removed her hand from his body and began to shut off lights.

Ross followed her down the hall, his erect penis still out of his pants. The second they were in her

room and the door was closed, he shucked off his pants and boxers to stand against the door naked as the day

he was born.

“Looks like you have a problem there, Ross,” she purred as her body swayed closer to him.

“Think you can take care of it for me?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” She pulled her shirt off over her head. “It may take me all night to figure out just

how to get the swelling down.” Her pants were removed, leaving her in bra and panties.

“I think you may be right,” he said in a guttural tone. Gray became mercury as his gaze heated up,

looking over her body.

“I should probably get started then,” she breathed as her remaining articles of clothing were dropped

to the carpet of her room.



Aliyah Burke

“Wouldn’t want to waste precious time.” He took a step toward her.

“Oh, no. That wouldn’t be smart at all. I say this will keep me busy until about six in the morning.”

She closed the rest of the distance and ran her hands down his smooth chest.

A purr of pleasure left his mouth as he drew her in closer and captured her lips with his. Sweeping

her up in his arms, Ross took them to the bed where he laid her down on her back.

They spent the rest of the night making love. All over her room, Ross took her to the pinnacle of

pleasure time and time again. She had rug burns on her body and every muscle was sore, but she was

sleeping with a smile on her face.

Ross left her a little before six in the morning. She had been sound asleep and so, when her alarm

went off, she was surprised that she was alone in her room.

Taking another shower, Dezarae got ready for her day. She snuck out of the house and went to the

shop. Opening the bay door, she positioned her body to where she could keep an eye on the house and made

a call on her cell phone.

Ross left the house and walked towards the woman who sat talking on her cell phone. Jealousy flared

until he noticed she was looking at a sheet of paper. Y
ou work too hard, Firebird.
With a grin, he moved

toward her.

“I appreciate it,” she said as he walked up. “Thanks again.” Then she hung up the phone. Her eyes

sparkled as she looked at the man standing in her line of vision, “Morning, Ross.”

“Morning, Dez,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her. “Working already?”

“Well, it isn’t six-thirty in New York.” Her shoulders shrugged easily.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” he asked.

“I finish the Citroёn and begin on the Porsche. What are you and Charmane doing?” Her eyes moved

over her yard.

“I have to make some calls and then I thought we would do whatever she wants to do.”

“Cool. I will be in to make breakfast in a second. Just let me open up the other bay door in front of

the Porsche.” Turning away from him, she walked into the dim interior of her shop.

Ross waited for her outside. “Thank you,” he said kissing her again, “for last night.”

Dezarae blushed. “Thank you.”

“Are you okay this morning?” He fell into step beside her.

“Fine,” she admitted as another blush swept over her body.

“Good, I hoped you wouldn’t be too sore.” Ross held the door for her and followed her in to the


Charmane was up soon and, as the three of them sat around the table, her gaze flickered between the

two adults. Her father’s affection was obvious for the woman who had welcomed them into her home.

The prospect of staying here with Dezarae was so exciting to Charmane she could hardly stay still.

“What are we doing today?” she asked as she took some scrambled eggs.

Ross poured them each a glass of orange juice as he answered his child, “We are going to do

whatever you want, and Dez has some things to finish.”

Before she could say anything else, the sound of Dezarae’s cell phone went off. “Kerry.” Dezarae

slid away from the table and grinned apologetically at the two sitting there. “Okay, just let me go out to the

shop, hang on a sec.” She was out the door in a flash.



Aliyah Burke


Ross swore as he drove to meet his ex-wife. He had pulled together as much as he could and hoped

that she would agree to this much as a down payment and he could pay the rest later. Meanwhile, he would

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