CONNOR (SEAL Team Seven) Book 1 (8 page)

BOOK: CONNOR (SEAL Team Seven) Book 1
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Chapter 9

Later that night after
all was quiet again I had her on her hands and knees on the bathroom floor. It
was wild and deep and out of control. She’d taken a shower and was putting
moisturizer on her face when I came in and got a look at her, with just a towel
wrapped around her. I’d only meant to nibble on her neck and cop a feel. But
the towel slipped and I got a feel of her flesh and that’s all it took for me
to take her down. I ate her pussy while she leaned over the vanity counter,
until she leaked into my mouth. Her hand reached back pulling my face into her
as I tongued her clit before burying my tongue deep inside her. When she begged
me in her sweet voice to fuck her I’d almost lost it and that’s how she ended
up in this predicament. I had no doubt her knees were hurting on the hard
marble floor as I pounded into her without let up.

“Hold on baby this is
gonna be short and sweet.” Her ass bounced with each plunge of my cock, and
when she leaned her shoulders closer to the floor I went deeper. I could see
the pink of her pussy as my cock pulled out.

“I want to fuck your ass so bad baby, fuck.”
Just the thought of my cock slicing through her sweet ass brought me to the brink.
I guess she liked the idea as well because she screamed. Her pussy locked me
inside and I felt the hot rush of her pussy’s sweetness as she came and came
while I kept plowing away unit my cock was dry heaving into her.

We were both breathless and limp but I had
enough strength left to pick her up and take her to bed.

don’t want you to wash my scent off of you. I want to hold you all night with
my cum inside you.”

cooed and buried her face in my neck.


Life was damn near
perfect for the next few days as we got into the groove of living together. We
moved around each other like we’d been doing it for a long time. We fucked more
than we did anything else in that first week. Our dinner at her parents’ place
had been postponed because her dad had to go out of town for a business matter
and her mom apparently always traveled with him. It was a family tradition she
said she wanted us to keep as well. Never spending the night away from each
other. I could get with that no problem.

She had all these cute
little quirks that I just fell in love with the more time we spent together.
Like the way she twitched her nose when she watched TV. Or the way she held her
tongue between her teeth when she was concentrating really hard on something. I
found myself touching her all the time for no reason other than that I could. I
especially love the way she curls herself around me in bed when it’s time to
sleep. It’s getting so I can hardly remember not having her there with me.
She’d worked herself completely into my life in just a short space of time.

My brothers too treated
her like she’d always been a part of our family. They spent the evenings
regaling her with tales of my wayward past until I kicked them all out. She’d
cooked for them three evenings out of the last six she was here and I was ready
to tell them to quit, until she let me know she really enjoyed it. Seems my
girl likes trying out her culinary skills on her new brothers. And they were
only too happy to let her.


So that’s where we were
a week after the big move. She was settling in, I was learning how to live with
someone female. Which was easier than I’d thought it would be. I loved seeing
her makeup bottles and perfume and what not scattered around the bathroom
counter. Or seeing her clothes hanging next to mine. I guess it was a good
thing I’d learned to be tidy in the Navy because my baby was not into tidying
up. She was use to having maids and shit to do that for her so it was taking
her a while to get into the habit of picking up behind herself. She had no
shame in admitting that though she loved to cook she hated everything else that
had to do with housekeeping. Laundry was her worst nightmare. She was so cute
as she tried to figure out the washing machine while I stood in the door of the
laundry room watching her.

When she gets flustered
and frustrated she cusses, but not your average cuss words. No my woman’s too
well bred for that. She says things like bugger and drat and
Cute as hell.

“Baby I’m going to be gone for a little bit
tonight okay. You’ll be fine here by yourself. Unless you want to call Candy
over for company.”

just might do that I haven’t seen her since I moved in. She comes to the office
after I’ve gone and leaves before I get home in the evenings.”

then you should call her up.”

“Will do.”

She didn’t bother asking
me where I was headed because I’d told her that sometimes the guys and I had to
go out in the evenings. I’d only told her a little of what we were doing, there
was no sense in scaring her. And besides like I said I’m of the mindset that
there’re just some things a woman doesn’t need to worry about.

My brothers and I have
been patrolling the boardwalk for the past few nights but still we hadn’t seen
anything that we could use. There was definitely more foot traffic there after
sunset but nothing to give us reason to believe there was anything illegal
going down. Still the old man who had come to us didn’t strike me as a flake so
we didn’t want to give up too soon. Could be someone had gotten wind of our
presence and was watching and waiting. If that was the case then we were going
to have to change shit up.


We took our bikes down
to the pier. The boardwalk had been fixed up sometime in the last two years and
there was talk of putting up rides and shit for the kids. But for now there
were just a few benches here and there along the rail that overlooked the water
and a few flowerpots. Someone was making noise about building a little ice
cream shop down here, which wouldn’t hurt. There was room for a lot of development
but I’m not sure what if anything was going to happen. Right now our only
interest is in keeping the riffraff out.

Briarwood was a quiet
little town. The history wasn’t as rich as some of its neighbors but it had
seen its colorful days. The coast had once been a haven for pirates who made it
this far down from the keys and as legend has it, there had been plenty of
smuggling going on back then too. Like most southern towns it had the taint of
slavery attached to its history but today it was a diverse place with the
descendants of both parties still in existence if old man Connelly was to be
believed. He was something of the town historian. He and his crew of four hung
around at the lodge or the local restaurant telling tall tales. These days they
were more concerned with the goings on down here by the water.

“I see tracks over here but that could be
anybody, maybe high school kids fooling around out here.”

We’d spread out over the grassy area above the
water’s edge. The pier went out about fifty feet, not long by any means but
this little inlet didn’t need much more than that.

Leading off to the sides
were grassy areas that could do with cutting. At the end was a little wooden
building that had been closed since the repairs. There was space underneath where
you could walk on the sand if the water wasn’t too high and that’s where we
concentrated our efforts next.

If anyone was meeting out here for illegal
purposes this would be the best place for them to hide. It was out of sight of anyone
coming in either direction and with the absence of any lights it was more than
suitable for a meet. Old man Connelly had said he was sure this is where they
were meeting whoever they were. But so far we had yet to see any evidence of
that in the few weeks we’d been on the lookout. There was never anything left
behind to say that someone had been here.

“We’ve got cigarette butts.”

Devon was crouched down with a penlight pointed
towards the ground. We’d left our bikes and walked in on the off chance that
tonight would be our lucky night and we’d actually catch the culprits in the
act. It wouldn’t do to show our hand too soon. Seven men showing up on bikes
might tip them off.

We all gathered around the place where Dev

could be anyone bro, high school kids smoke too you know.”

“Yes Quinn I know but I don’t think they’re
hiding under piers in the dark to do it. These weren’t here the last time we
were out here. I say we bag them and see what we see.”

“Do it.” Logan passed
him a napkin to wrap the three butts in and we searched the area for anything
else that might’ve been left behind that we could possibly use. It was a far
cry from our assignments in the service. At least there was no threat of
imminent danger. Not yet anyway, piece of cake.

“We get a brand off
those butts Dev?” Devon studied one of the butts he’d picked up with tweezers
and studied it under the penlight.

“Shit this is no kid
bro. These are Dunhill Blue. Imports and a little too expensive for your
average high school punk.” Well shit. I was hoping against hope that there was
nothing here. Even with everything I’ve seen in life I was really hoping not to
have to deal with fuckery for at least the next little while, and especially
not in my own backyard. But there could be no valid reason for anyone to be in
this particular spot unless they were up to no good.

“So they were here since
the last time we were; fuck. Looks like we’ve got something here after all guys
maybe we should look a little more see what else we come up with.” We spent a
good hour scouring the brush with no luck before Logan called a halt. I was
ready to get back to my woman anyway.

“I still say we figure out how to set up
surveillance out here the sooner the better. I have a bad feeling about this
even though we haven’t seen anything so far. In fact that in itself bothers the
fuck outta me. If whoever this is
good enough to
hide from us then this is no small town outfit. This could be serious shit.”
Tyler looked around at the quiet around us where darkness had fallen hard in
the last hour or so that we’d been out here.

“I’m with you brother something’s going on. I
just can’t quite put my finger on it yet. But right now I just want to get home
to my woman doesn’t look like anything is going down here tonight.”

“That’s right brother rub it in.”

There was a lot of
ribbing and bullshitting around as we headed back to our bikes and headed for
home. I knew the guys were just teasing but I couldn’t help feeling a little
sad that they hadn’t found what I had. Not for lack of the local female
population trying. My brothers have never had a problem attracting the ladies,
none of us have. But like me they were all set in their ways and the women who
caught them were going to have to be something special; like my Danielle. Damn
it felt good knowing I was heading home to her.


“Baby where are you?” I
called out for her as soon as I entered the house. After years of living alone
it sure felt good to have someone to come home to. The fact that she was the
sexiest thing on two legs was just the icing on the cake. I dropped my jacket
over a chair in the kitchen as I walked through the house. There were no lights
on downstairs except for a little side lamp that she’d no doubt left on for me.
Damn I don’t remember anyone doing something so simply thoughtful for me except
for my brothers, in a long time if ever. My mother sure never had. But I wasn’t
about to let thoughts of her and any of the bullshit from my past intrude here.
All I wanted was my girl.

She was in the bedroom on the bed surrounded by
a ton of papers.

up baby what’re you doing?”

for work I have to send a proposal and they want all this information before
they will even consider supporting the project.”

I leaned over her to take her mouth, felt like I
hadn’t kissed her in way too long.

“Find anything?”

gonna answer that babe, I told you before I left the only reason I told you
where I was going is because you need to know your man is not out there doing
you wrong, but you don’t get involved in this no way no how.”

“But maybe I can help I do know the area better
than you guys.”

I looked at her long enough that she could get
the seriousness of what I was about to say to her.

“You don’t ever get involved in this do you
understand me? It’s not exactly Baghdad; if my brothers and I can handle that
shit then we can certainly handle whatever is going on here. Now that’s the
last time we’re gonna discuss it and Danielle, don’t question me again. I told
you before if I tell you not to do something it’s for your own good.”

She didn’t look too
pleased but she backed down, good girl. I don’t want her anywhere near anything
that could be potentially dangerous, that’s what she has me for to stand
between her and danger. There was no give in me on that.

Having seen the shit
I’ve seen over the years I know how important it is to protect what’s mine.
Someone like her who I’m sure have been sheltered her whole life wouldn’t
understand but in time hopefully she will. “I’m hopping in the shower be right
back.” One long hot kiss and I was gone.

I took my shower while
she finished up her paperwork before bed. I didn’t even bother with pajamas
just came into the bedroom with my dick swinging. She was lying there waiting
for me. I took a moment to study her as she reclined against the pillows. Her
hair spread out in a wild untamed mess and her long legs looking sexy as sin
beneath the tail of my oversized shirt. She must’ve felt my stare because she
turned to me, a smile breaking out across her magnificently beautiful face. My
heart gave a little tug as I grinned back at her. I can’t believe she’s mine.
If I’d ever wished for anything I could’ve never imagined her.

“Lose the shirt baby.” I
walked towards the bed purposefully, her eyes following my every move. I saw
the flush of heat as she pulled the shirt off over her head, exposing her
beautiful breasts and her newly waxed pussy. I’m going to be a real pig tonight
because the sight of her made me iron hard and my mouth water. “Open your legs
for me.”

She spread herself open
for me to climb between her thighs. I started at her smooth pussy lips licking
her with my tongue. She tasted sweet and spicy as I slipped it farther inside.
Lifting her ass in my hands I ate her as she lost all control and fucked my
tongue hard. My cock was more than ready for some action so I made my way up
her body. I teased her navel with my cock tip before grabbing my swollen cock
and straddling her chest so she could suck me off.

Her mouth opened and she swallowed my cock
head licking the pre cum. She took me in and sucked me deeper into her throat.
I wanted so badly to fuck her face but she wasn’t ready for that shit yet so I
eased off. There was cock juice and spit running down her chin onto her chest
as I fucked back and forth into her mouth slowly. My hands held her head in
place for my thrusts; her cheeks were puffed out her throat working overtime.

“That’s good baby.” I
eased out of her mouth and kissed my way down her chest nibbling on her nipples
and fingering her pussy until I was in position between her thighs. I felt
around for her pussy opening with my cock head before pushing in.

“You okay baby?” She made this hurt noise when I
pushed into her like maybe I’d gone too deep too fast so I held still.

me your mouth.” She lifted her head so I could take her lips as I started

“Open your legs wider.”

She pulled her legs open
and held them up with her arms as I dug deeper into her. “Your fucking pussy
babe, what the fuck?” I didn’t know a pussy could feel this good, like I never
wanted to leave the sweet haven of her body. The cute little noises she made
only made me want to pound her harder, faster. I slammed into her with each
thrust her pussy’s grip tight. Her eyes held mine, and her mouth was opened in
amazement as she fucked back at me.

“Hold up your tit for me
babe.” She lifted her breast up for my mouth to explore. I sucked on her plump
nipple and my cock grew even longer and harder inside her. I ground into her
trying to bury my cock in the end of her. Her nails down my back, and her heels
digging into my ass trying to get me even deeper inside her was just adding
fuel to the fire.

“I’m cumming Connor, ahhh.” She tightened around
me just before I felt her release around me.

I want you to cum again.” One hand went to her clit to help her along. Her body
was flush with heat as she sought release.

glad you’re not on birth control, I want to plant a kid in you. I’m going to
plant a kid in you.” The thought of breeding her made me fuck her harder.
Lifting her ass in my hands I pulled her tighter to me as I buried my face in
her neck and sucked.

She scratched my back hard as I pulled the flesh
of her neck between my teeth.

“Yeah baby that’s right cum for me.” She came
with a loud cry and I emptied inside her. Once again I didn’t let her go clean
up but pulled her into my side to sleep.

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