Conquered by the Werebear (BWWM Interracial Paranormal Shifter Werebear Alpha Male Erotic Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Conquered by the Werebear (BWWM Interracial Paranormal Shifter Werebear Alpha Male Erotic Romance)
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“You can and you will,” Ursinus informed me. Chills shot up and down my spine when he said that—he was so forceful, so matter of fact about it. I had no choice but to take my werebear gladiator in the ass and I was excited to do it.


I gasped as I felt him pull his fingers out completely and then felt his cockhead press against my tight, tender backhole.


“Just try to relax,” Ursinus whispered, surprisingly softly. I gasped and threw my head back with a loud groan of pain and pleasure as he forced himself inside of me.


“Oh, god, no, it won’t fit!” I squealed as I felt the first inch of so rip into my body. But he kept going and as he stretched me open, I found myself craving more and more of him—craving that next inch, that next thick inch of cock. I couldn’t tear myself away from him, not now. Not when I had a job to do.


Before I knew it, he was full embedded inside of me, impaling me on his cock like a piece of meat. I grunted, twitching and tense my ass before relaxing it around his huge shaft. I felt so full and I felt like any movement he made my tear me apart, my tear my guts asunder. Nonetheless, I found myself pushing back, then pulling away and pushing back—in short, I was already starting to fuck my own ass on his cock.


“Fuck me…” I moaned. “Fuck me, Ursinus. Claim my ass!”


“Your wish, my command—all that,” he grunted as he slid his cock a few inches out before slamming it back into my ass. I screamed, shaking and spasming around his cock, my asshole gripping him hard.


“Oh, god!” I groaned, gripping the bed hard. I had no idea if I would even survive this round of lovemaking! And Ursinus only pounded my ass harder and harder, going faster and faster and faster, his cock digging deep into my flesh and then sliding out before pounding back in once more…


“Please, harder!” I squealed, tears rolling down my cheeks like little water falls as he pounded me, as he slammed his meat into my tight ass. “Please, I need it… I need you…”


“Say what I’m doing to you,” Ursinus ordered.


“What?” I asked in confusion.


“Speak the words. What am I doing to you?”


This question was punctuated by a sharp thrust of his cock deeper into my asshole than he had ever managed before.


“Oooh… You’re fucking my ass,” I moaned.


“That’s right. I’m fucking your noble Roman girl’s ass. This is all you Roman girls are good for.”


“Yes, oh, gods, use me, Ursinus!” I moaned, louder and louder, not caring who heard me. “Fuck me in my ass, use me!”


Ursinus grunted louder and louder, pulling at my hair, reaching around to grab at my breasts and play with my tender nipples as he pounded me. It hurt bad but it hurt so good too. I screamed into his hand as he clapped it over my mouth and I loved that too—loved the way he made me his captive as he fucked me, the way he dominated me and made me know that I was his, that I had submitted to him—in every way.


“Yes, please… Please… Please…” I moaned louder and louder. His hand even found its way onto my throat and I gasped as it closed around my throat, choking me hard. Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe and I felt completely helpless, thrashing around his cock as he fucked me and choked me. I loved the feeling, the feeling of erotic terror of being choked and fucked at the same time. Finally, just when the room was starting to go black, he let go and I gasped, air flooding my lungs as I moaned.


“Yes… yes… Yes….” I sobbed uncontrollably, losing all composure now as he pounded me.


“Fuck, but if this isn’t the tightest little ass I’ve ever had…” Ursinus growled, his bear’s hunger and force washing over me as I felt his cock start to twitch. Suddenly, he was cumming, sending stream after stream of hot bear cum deep into my asshole.

“Oh, god, Ursinus!” I squealed, squealed hungrily as I felt him cumming, felt the seed filling me up. “It’s so good…”


If it felt incredible to have him cum in my pussy, it felt even better in my ass. I loved the way his hot cum invaded every little crevice, every nook and cranny of my ass. I sighed in delight as his seed filled me up, sent itself flooding deep into me.


Finally, he pulled out of me with a grunt and I groaned, half from agonized pleasure and half from disappointment at the sudden absence, the sudden void in my ass where his cock had just been not too long ago…


“That… That was amazing…” I whispered in a daze as I collapsed onto the bed. The bear lay next to me and I nuzzled myself into his arms, crushing my body against his. My body was so small, so petite compared to his huge, powerful frame…


“A good taste before a fight,” the bear said with a grin. I returned his smile and hoisted myself on top of him, pressing my breasts against his chest and my lips against his.


“I’ll kill for your father tomorrow and then in the evening, I’ll expect you to tend to my wounds…”


“Whatever you wish, my bear…” I whispered, biting at his lip and tugging it.


We held each other for a few more moments before he rose, donned his loin cloth once more, and leapt out my window, back into the night, to the compound where my father kept his slaves.





The next morning, I awoke—sore, once again, my body bearing yet more traces of bear love. I rolled over in bed, expecting to find Lephora or Lidia there with а sponge ready to wash me and prepare a light breakfast for me before a larger one with my father and Quintus.


Instead, I found my father, sitting, glowering in a chair, a dark look on his old, flabby face.


“Enjoy the bear much last night?” he asked with an evil growl.


I felt all the blood drain from my face.


“Father… I… No… I…”


“Whore!” he all but screamed.


I sat up in bed, holding the covers to my chest, trying to hide my nakedness.


“No, father, it’s not like that… I…”


But I couldn’t make up a lie fast enough and besides—would he even have believed me? My room reeked of sex. And when he tore the covers off my naked body, he saw the bruises and marks that Ursinus had left, the proof of our loving…


“Whore! I’ll make you watch as that bear of a man is torn apart in the coliseum today!”


“No, father, it’s not like that…” I sobbed as he grabbed me by the hair, dragged me out of bed, raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face. I cried out as my nose burst into blood, crimson splattering over the fine Egyptian carpets that covered the floor of my room.


“Then what is it like, Abeba? What is it like?”


I couldn’t bring myself to answer him. All I could do was sob, as my nose bled and my eyes wept.


“Just as I thought…” my father muttered. “You’ll see your lover slaughtered today and then before the day is done, I’ll have you sold to a whore house. If you like whoring so much, you’ll do it for a living.”


“No, father, please… I confess it all. I admit to everything… Just don’t sell me to a whore house…”


But there was no convincing my father otherwise. He gave orders that I wasn’t to have any breakfast and then disappeared to get ready for the fights.




The coliseum. The roar of the crowds. The bloodthirsty masses, screaming for maimed warriors and victorious, bone-slicing blades. It ached my heart as my father hauled me into my seat next to him, with Quintus on his other side.


“Watch closely, both of you. This is the true apex of a Roman father’s duties to educate his children… Ours is a city created by bloodshed and ruled by power. It’s time both of you learned that.”


He glanced fiercely at me.


“Even though it will only be useful to one of you.”


I let out a dry sob. I had spent most of the morning in tears as Quintus, Lephora, and Lidia attempted to comfort me, to no avail.


What I worried about most, though—more so than my fate, more so than the prospect of losing my father’s love and spending the rest of my natural life in a whore house, being poked and prodded by the most terrible, disgusting of men—was the idea that they would killed Ursinus.


Of course, Ursinus had seemed confident the night before but he was probably only expecting a fair battle—my father and the organizers of the games could easily change things, set him up against half a dozen or more warriors in full armor while he himself only receives a single dull blade with which to defend himself.


Trumpets sounded and the warriors marched out. As I expected, a long row of warriors decked out in complete armor and all manner of exotic weapons—axes, spears, swords long and short, straight and curved, pitchforks, nets, and more…


And then, slowly, led by the chains that shackled his arms and legs together, came my bear.


He seemed to have been beaten and deprived of sleep, as far as I could tell from where I was sitting. But there was a fierce look of pride in his face, one that testified to his name—he was still unconquered.


The emperor rose and opened the games with those immortal, winged words: “Those who are about to die: we salute you!”


The handles released Ursinus’s chains but did not unshackle him. I saw the conceit now: not only would he fight without weapons, but he was to fight with his arms and legs chained.


“No, father, it’s not fair…” I sobbed, hanging my head.


“It certainly doesn’t seem sporting,” Quintus said uncomfortably. My father turned to his son with a grim look.


“There is a time for being a good sport, and there is a time to show your power. That bear of a man is my property and I’ll have him killed however I want to.”


The warriors began to circle Ursinus, who seemed dazed. He seemed not to completely understand the danger of his situation. I hoped that he would awake, that he would show the true power that lurked in his bones…


The warriors began to attack slowly, tentatively—probably they had heard of my beast, and they knew his reputation. As if in a daze, Ursinus parried their blows easily with his chains.


“He’s not bad,” my father murmured. And then he yelled: “Kill the big bastard!”


This set the plebeians off screaming, demanding blood. I shrieked in turn:


“Ursinus, I’m here! Wake up!”


And then, he turned to me. I saw his handsome, beaten down face turn into a smile. In that moment, one of the warriors plunged a long spear into his arm.


I screamed and Ursinus’s face contorted into a grimace. And then… He began to transform.


He grew, impossibly larger, doubling in size and height as his shoulders broadened and his body hair grew thicker and darker. His nose lengthened into a snout and his hands grew into paws, tipped with razor sharp claws that seemed to glint in the Roman sunshine.


The transformation drew cheers from the crowds. They thought they were seeing some sort of planned spectacle: a magical warrior from the Northern lands.


My father’s face was drained of blood. I looked at him with a triumphant smile of victory on his face but he couldn’t even return my gaze.


The giant bear in the ring now shattered his shackles as if they were made of twigs. He threw his head back, groaning and roaring and tearing the spear from his leg. One huge paw lashed out and crushed the warrior who had attacked him, smashing in his helmet and all but tearing off his head.


The remaining warriors began to back up slowly. Clearly, they had not been expecting this. But Ursinus was too ready for battle. He charged them and leapt into the air, his huge body flinging itself atop one of the soldiers who tried to throw a net around the beast but without effect. The bear dug its teeth into the warrior’s throat and then, picking up the armor-clad corpse, hurled it at yet another warrior.


In this way, he picked off the gladiators, hunting them, pouncing on them, immobilizing them with the bodies and weapons of their comrades. In less than three minutes, the coliseum ring was littered with the bodies of gladiators and one victorious bear.


The crowds loved it. The emperor shot, from where he was sitting, a dangerous look at my father: this had not been the plan. Not at all.


And then, the bear charged towards the coliseum gates which the guards wisely opened, allowing the beast to disappear into the motley fabric of Roman itself at dusk.




That night, I was all but forgotten about.


My father was summoned to the palace to answer for his actions. Several of the emperor’s favorite gladiators, including some who were about to buy their freedom, had been among the warriors slaughtered at the paws of the werebear. My father apparently had promised that it would be an easy victory, a bloodbath that would please the masses.


Instead, what they had gotten was a bloodbath that fired up the masses, which seemed to show that a single nobleman could defy the emperor and embarrass him in front of the entire city.


In all the confusion, I was forgotten about and that was fine with me.


Lephora made me a simple meal of boiled buckwheat for dinner, which I picked at, but I wasn’t hungry.


It was hard to conjure up an appetite after all the bloodshed I had seen… And considering the uncertainty of my future.


I went to bed early, sinking into a dark miasma of misery. What I didn’t expect, however, was the knocking on my window that came in the middle of the night.


My eyes fluttered open and there he was: my werebear, dressed in the armor of a legionnaire.


“Ursinus!” I cried out.


“Did you enjoy the show today?” he asked cockily with a wry grin.


“You bastard! How’s your arm?”


He showed me his left arm, bandaged, but seemingly fine.


“I’ve had worse. Get your things—I don’t want to spend anymore time in this blasted city.”


I nodded and began to pack my things as fast as I could—a few outfits, a few scrolls of poetry and learning, a bag of coins. In ten minutes, I was ready to go.


“Is this real life?” I asked, with a pleasant gasp. “Are you really taking me away from here? Am I really free?”


Ursinus smiled deeply.


“You are, my love,” he whispered, pulling me into a kiss. With that, he led me to the window and we began our climb down, in our future, the Roman night sky winking overhead as if approving of our union.

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