Conquering a Viscount (3 page)

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Authors: Macy Barnes

BOOK: Conquering a Viscount
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“Button, what your brother is trying to say,”
cleared his throat before he continued. “That outfit shows every curve that you have, and with it pouring down rain it will be molded to your body like a second skin.”

Juliet looked down at herself once more.  Maybe he had a point.  Nevertheless, she could not go out in this weather in a dress.
“Be that as it may, you cannot expect me to ride out on horseback in this storm in a silly dress!” She looked at
pointedly.  “I am not changing.” 

sat down behind his desk and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Why couldn’t the fools kidnap you, they would bring your stubborn derriere back within an hour of dealing with you!”

Juliet marched over to his desk and looked him dead in the eye.  “I have been wishing it was so for the last fourteen hours brother! I would take her place in an instant.” She strode out of the room before any of them could see her tears fall.

sighed. “I am at a loss; I don’t know if we are doing the right thing.  What if something happens to Juliet?”
wrestled with indecision. He was sending one sister in as sacrifice for the other.

, I promise you, I will make sure no harm comes to Juliet. You must know I will protect her with my life?”

“Maybe one of us should go along with you.  If some harm were to befall you, Juliet and Olivia both will be at the mercy of the kidnapper.”

shook his head.  “I really feel you and
should stay here and protect the others, we have no idea who is orchestrating this.” He told
.  When he finally convinced
the plan would have to work, he headed out the door to saddle his horse Steele, and prepare to follow Juliet.




The rain still pounded relentlessly.  Juliet sighed and wrapped her jacket around her as she struggled to see the path in front of her.  Her docile mare, Rose, struggled to keep her footing in the mud.  According to the instructions, she should come upon the house soon.  She had been riding for over an hour.  She shivered and wondered if she would ever feel warm again.  She did not know what to expect.  Although her family owned the land she traveled, it was such a vast property there were many areas that were unfamiliar.  This was one of those areas.

She pulled the reins up as she caught the faint orange glow a lighted lamp.  She slid from the saddle as quietly as possible.  With the intent to survey the surroundings before making her presence known, she crept silently to a tree and tied Rose to it.  She crouched down and slowly made her way to the run down building.  When she reached it, she stood upon her toes to look through the window.  It was dirty.  She could not make out who was inside.

She grunted in pain as she was hit from behind and fell face forward.  Mud filled her mouth and she gagged and coughed. Rough hands turned her over and her hat fell from her head.  The pins holding her hair up jammed in the back of her head as her assailant pushed her further down into the ground.

She tried to regain her focus and as she struggled to free herself, she heard a surprised chuckle.  “Well, hell, I thought you were a man out here planning an attack. Thought the Wells chap decided not to send his pretty sister all alone in the woods, but look what I have here!” Juliet cringed as a man with missing teeth and a dirty beard covered her body with his own.

He pinned her hands underneath her and forced a knee in between her legs to force them apart. She cried out as he viscously tore her jacket open and ripped open her shirt.  “Albert didn’t tell me I couldn’t have a taste of you before collecting the money and you are just too fine a filly for old Joe here not to mount up.”  He leaned down, took her nipple in his mouth, and sucked.  She fought like a wild cat.  She caught him in the groin with her knee and relished his yelp of pain.

She managed to free one of her arms and stretched out for a rock on the ground.  Her fingers finally grasped it and she swung with all her might towards his head.  She struck him in the temple and he fell to the ground from atop her.  She wasted no time in continuing her attack.  She hit him three more times before he kicked her viciously in the s
ch.  She landed on the ground with a hard thud. 

Momentarily dazed he seized the chance to pin her down again.  Juliet was exhausted.  Her lungs burned as she tried to pull air back into her body.  Joe had blood pouring from his wounds.  She could see the rage in his eyes.  He squeezed her milk white breast with so much force she cried out. He leaned back and slapped her and pulled out his shaft.

Joe gurgled and fell sideways off Juliet’s body. 
wasted no time retrieving his knife from the man’s neck and gathering Juliet into his arms.  He pulled her back out into the woods, and covered her best the he could with her tattered clothing.  He had to go back and see if anyone else was in the house.  The rain caused him to lose sight of Juliet.  He had been retracing her tracks in the rain-slicked mud when he heard her cry of pain.

Rage still shook his body.  When he saw Juliet’s rain soaked body pinned beneath that bastard all sense of calmness left him.  He knew she had been violated but he did not know if the man had succeeded in claiming her innocence.  No thought went through him of anything other than killing the man as he slammed his knife into his neck. The blood still roared in his ears and he fought for composure as he crept around the house.

Once he was sure no one else was in the house, he ran outside to Juliet.  She shivered violently as he took her in his arms and carried her inside.  He slammed the door behind him and placed her upon the small bed in the corner of the room.  The house was not big.  It held a small table and two chairs in a small kitchen.  He moved the only other piece of furniture, a large chest of drawers, in front of the door and wedged it shut.  He was not taking any chances of an ambush.  He flipped the table up on its side and blocked the window. 

Finally feeling somewhat protected, he crossed the room in two strides and took Juliet in his arms.  Her eyes were looking off in a distance.  No expression was upon her face.  He ran his hand down the side of her face. “Button, are you okay?”  Her only reply was her teeth chattering.  He immediately set to making a fire.  Once he had the fireplace going, he warmed some water to clean her bruised and battered body.  She was unresponsive to his touch. He wrapped her in a blanket and cradled her in his lap gently kissing the top of her head over and over.  He knew he could not bear it if she did not recover from this ordeal.




Juliet snuggled deeper into the warmth wrapped around her.  She sighed as her hands stroked smooth flesh.  She squeezed her eyes shut when she shifted and the soreness brought back the memories of Joe’s hands upon her body.  It was over. 
had her.  He must have followed her, the thought should have made her angry, but she was too grateful that he saved her from rape to be upset with him.  She eased her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. 

He smelt wonderful. He had his own unique blend of manliness. The little cabin felt heated and she had no chill as she let the blanket fall from her body.  Ignoring her soreness, she rubbed her body against
.  Her nipples hardened into sharp points as they skimmed across the hairs across his chest.  He must have removed his shirt to dry.

Juliet knew what she was doing was wrong.  She knew
had no tender feelings for her.  However, after having her body violated, she wanted to replace those feelings with touches from the man she loved.  He sucked in a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes when she placed her lips to his chin.  Before he could protest, she covered his mouth with her own.  She turned and straddled his thighs.  He moaned against her lips.  He tore his mouth from hers.

“Button, you have to stop this.” His voice was trembling.  She smiled to herself.  He at least felt passion for her.  She said nothing. She resumed her kissing and made a trail down until she was kissing the bot
of his
ch. His face twisted into a grimace and she knew he fought for control.

She unbuttoned his pants and he grabbed her wrist.  She leaned into him and whispered, “Please,
? Love my body.  Take away the feel of what he did to me.”  Emotions raged across his face.  He looked as if he were in agony.  With a groan, he rolled her onto her back and covered her with his body.  His mouth worked against hers hungrily and she gasped as he pushed his tongue into her mouth and slowly stroked.  She caught on quickly and kissed him back with ready passion.  He trailed kisses down her neck and took a nipple into his mouth.  He suckled her bruised tip gently until she was withering under him in need.

Her legs fell open upon their own accord.  She ran her fingers through his thick dark hair as he worked his magic upon her breasts.  Her heart swelled with the love she felt for him.  She watched him as he trailed kisses down to her mound.  She felt no revulsion with
as she had with Joe. He slowly parted her silky lips and eased a finger inside of her.  She groaned as he stroked her wetness.  She whimpered as he pulled away from her, but sighed with contentment when she saw he was only removing his breeches.  

She could feel his heart pounding in his chest as she ran her fingers up and down his muscular body.  She felt a little fear when she saw his member protruding proudly.  He was very large. She knew she was doing the right thing by giving him her body.  She loved him.  He pushed at her entryway and slowly sheathed himself in her warmth.  He reached her maiden head and with one quick thrust, he buried himself in her.  She bit her lip against the pain.  It went away rather quickly and she felt complete by his fullness.  She knew he was holding back, he held his eyes tightly closed.  She rocked her hips gently towards him.  This seemed like the most natural thing in the world to her.  Although she was innocent, she sensed what actions to take to please him.

He started a slow rocking motion thrusting in and out.  Their breaths came out in small gasps as he picked up the pace and Juliet felt the most incredible sensation building with each stroke he took.  She watched him in wonder as he grabbed her knees and pushed them up into her chest.  Sweat beaded across his brow as he pounded into her repeatedly.  The feeling took over Juliet.  She heard herself moaning, but could do nothing to stop it.  Her whole body felt tightly wound.  Finally, with a deep pulsating stroke, he brought her release and she felt as if her body shattered into a million pieces.  She lay under him in a contented daze as he thrust wildly a few more times and finally stilled as he filled her with his warmth.

He collapsed on top of her, still inside her body.  She wrapped her legs around him and stroked his back while placing feather light kisses upon his head.  She was unsure of how long they lay that way.  She dozed in and out of sleep.  With their bodies still joined, she felt him harden again inside of her.  As she lifted her hips in response she heard a muffled curse. She was soon too overwhelmed with the sensations, he brought upon her to question his anger.  She yelled out as her body shook with spasms of pleasure, and greedily accepted his seed as it spilled from his body.

As they lay sated a second time,
rolled away from her and placed his head in his hands.  She rose behind him to wrap her arms around him and he stood up and moved away. “
?” She felt trepidation trickle slowly up her spine. “What’s wrong?” She finally asked when he said nothing.  He turned around to face her and she flinched at the horror upon his face.   She never expected him to react like this.  She thought she had pleased him with their lovemaking.

  Instead, he asked brokenly, “What have I done?  This can never happen again!” He rushed around dressing himself and fled from the house into the rain as if demons were upon him.

Juliet tried to hold back her tears unsuccessfully.  What was it going to take to make this man love her?





Chapter 4


ran his hand through his hair and clenched his teeth in frustration.  He could not explain what came over him.  He lost all control with Juliet.  Was this what he was to become, a debaucher of innocents?  Not just any innocent either, Juliet, his best and lifelong friend’s sister. As far back as he could remember Juliet was a steady constant in his life.  Even if he had not taken her innocence, word of her being alone with him would ruin her.  Now she was thoroughly ruined and by him.  He was supposed to protect her, not deflower her!

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