Conquering a Viscount (8 page)

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Authors: Macy Barnes

BOOK: Conquering a Viscount
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Finally finding a reprieve behind a large oak tree, she let her breath out in a long whoosh.  How she wished her mother had not flaunted her dowry to everyone within ear shot her whole life!  She knew she would not lack for suitors without her dowry, she felt she was somewhat pretty.  Too pale for most, but she did have striking blonde hair and blue eyes.  The money hounds were sniffing her heels no doubt.  Over half of the gentlemen tonight trying to court her favor were rumored to be in debt.

She let out a startled yelp as a hand gripped her forearm.  She turned with wild eyes to find the Earl of Monastoe with his fingers to his lips to indicate her silence.  He pulled her roughly up against his body and his hands cupped her bottom in an intimate gesture.

“I thought we would never get a moment alone, pet.  You are achingly beautiful tonight and I have not been able to take my eyes off of you.”

Elisabeth struggled to free herself from his embrace.  “Please, my lord, unhand me at once, this is not proper!” Desperation entered her voice as he ignored her pleas.  He lowered his face to hers and kissed her in a most shocking fashion.  When she tried to protest, he used it to his advantage and slipped his tongue inside her mouth.


She was repulsed.  She beat on his chest in an effort to stop his assault.  It seemed to encourage him instead of divert him.  He moved from her mouth to her neck and she shuddered in disgust as he ran his tongue under her chin.  “Please stop.” She begged tearfully.  She never thought she would have to fear rape at a ball.

“I think I heard the lady ask you to unhand her, friend.” A voice like steel came from the darkness.

“What?” Monastoe asked angrily. “Show yourself at once.” He demanded.


Elisabeth felt her heart skip a beat when Thomas Faircloth, Marquis of Ridgewood, stepped from the shadows.  His face was lined in anger as he glared at Monastoe.

“Ridgewood, Ol Chap, did not know you were there, we shall take ourselves elsewhere in the garden.” Monastoe jerked Elisabeth’s arm painfully and she cried out.  Thomas took two steps and towered over Monastoe.

“Take your hands off the lady now.” He ordered through clenched teeth.  His body was rigid with rage.  Elisabeth had never seen Thomas display such emotion.  The best friend to both of her friend’s new husbands, she had fancied herself in love with him last year.  Thomas was so aloof and remote that she had given him up as a lost cause.

“Fine!” Monastoe angrily flung Elisabeth backwards almost knocking her to the ground and stalked back into the ball.  Still shaking from the encounter she tried to put her pins back in place and smooth her dress.

  “Thomas, thank you I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.”  Tears streamed down her face as she tried to reign in her emotions.

“Maybe you should think twice before leading all these gentlemen into believing they can sample the goods before purchase.” Thomas growled.

She gasped in shock and outrage.  “Thomas! I have done no such thing.  I have not been able to get away from these, these, vultures tonight!  They have all but thrown me around as a prized possession.”  She stared deeply into his eyes and winced at the anger she seen in them.  “Please believe me?” she asked him earnestly.

  Why his opinion mattered she did not know, but she would not have him believe she was a harlot.  She placed her hand upon his arm when he looked away from her, desperate for him to understand.

He took a deep calming breath and looked back at her.  His eyes had changed from bright green to almost a golden hue.  Without warning he wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her up against his body.  She could feel his muscular arms as she gripped them.  He was warm and virile.  His sandal wood scent filled her senses and everything seemed to fall away as he lowered his lips to hers. 

“Of course you don’t have to encourage them.  Any man with eyes would be a fool not to want you.”  As his lips claimed hers in a passionate kiss Elisabeth knew the man destined for her held her in his arms.














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