Conquering Theana (23 page)

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Authors: LeTeisha Newton,Lillian MacKenzie Rhine

BOOK: Conquering Theana
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trio, with
between the two men, walked around
to the rear of the stage. Rafael could hear the audience talking amongst
themselves, so the time had come. The other alphas greeted him and his new
alpha bitch respectfully and entered onto the stage to take their seats. Tim,
Walter, Isaac, and Zaria were the final alphas left.

are the wolves under judgment?" Rafael asked.

the holding room behind the auditorium," answered Walter.

the captured woman?" Gregori said.

have sent her to the Beowulf clan," Isaac stated.

am working personally with her, alpha," Zaria said.

I will hand down the judgment of former alpha Camden and his five accomplices,
according to Seurri law. My next order will be to officially name Tim as alpha
." Rafael paused,
continued his spoken thought. "My final order of business will be to make
an official statement about the attacks against our people."

alphas nodded their heads in approval,
took their
positions on stage with their betas following. Rafael held Tim behind. He
walked him away from
and Gregori for a private
discussion. The alpha in him had paused while the paternal side beamed. Tim
stared at him and awaited his words.

stood up tall, which made Tim mirror his action, and then Rafael straightened
out Tim's suit jacket.

you'll sit in front of your people as a leader.
Alpha of
You're no longer
blood flows through your veins. You don’t
have my personal blood line, but my heart beats for you as if it was. Whatever
happens once we leave this building today and go to our separate corners, know
that you're my son and no title will change that. I saw this in your future,
and you're ready, so don't think that you aren't. Remember, one wolf, one

nodded. "One wolf, one pack," he repeated.

grasped at Tim's shoulders with the might and
that only a father could provide. "One pack, one Seurri. Now take your
seat next to
, and we will start the
proceedings." Tim made his way onto stage.

took both of her mates’ arms, and the three stepped in front of
the majority of Seurri. The crowd hushed after
and Gregori took their seats followed by Rafael, who sat last.

the voice of a commander and the direct dialect of a professional leader,
Rafael began.

in the offending wolves."

and his band were ushered in front of the Council. They were not shackled due
to the hundred plus dangerous wolves that surrounded them.

we are here for the judgment of Camden, alpha of
and Sloane, beta of
, as well as Victor, Lance,
Luke, and Adrian of
. Camden's offense is
kidnapping and causing injury to a member and claimed mate of Seurri. His
accomplices are charged with the same crime." While the other wolves stood
erect, Camden dropped his head.

the punishment would be death by the hands of the avenging wolf or wolf's mate,
but due to Camden invoking the mate claim, which was proved by Walter, alpha of
, the punishment will be altered."

"I, Rafael, alpha of
alpha of Seurri, hereby state that Camden be banished from the walls of Seurri
and stripped of his title of alpha of
The crowd began to
shift and murmur before they quieted again. The appointed thetas were steadily
taking accounts of the proceedings. "Given that the other accused wolves
were acting under loyalty to their alpha, they, too, shall receive the same
fate with Sloane being stripped of his title of beta of
Another gasp rushed through the crowd.

next statement is off the record and comes personally from me to Camden."
Rafael turned his sights to Camden who had lifted his head to give his
undivided attention. "If it were me that night that had your jugular
clenched in my jaws, you wouldn't be standing here. You'd be dead. Mine,"
he growled and slammed his hand on the long table, and then he relaxed and
switched gears. "Camden, you were a great leader. Your clan will miss you.
You saved them from the life of living under a harsh alpha, so I respect you
for that. With that small ounce of respect, I'll allow you the use of a brand
new Expedition and a year's worth of your salary which should start you on your
journey. I know what it's like to be lovesick and wanting to claim what's
yours." Rafael turned to face Gregori then
A sly grin spread on his face. Only she would have him that open in public, at
a Council judgment meeting no less. He quickly faced Camden again. The cast out
wolf’s face didn't show the bitterness that it normally did, but shame.
"You are dismissed to gather your things under the supervision of Reese
The small group was ushered out the same door that they entered.

next order of business will detail the leadership of
Rafael stood and ambled behind Tim's chair. "I, Rafael, alpha of
and alpha of Seurri, acknowledge Tim, wolf born of
, as the new alpha of
He gained this position by defeating the former alpha, Camden, thereby taking
the title as nature's law states. Welcome to the Council, Tim, alpha of
." Tim stood and respectfully shook Rafael's
hand, while the other alphas present uttered words of welcome and blessing. The
crowd began to mutter and applaud.

took his seat again, and the crowd hushed again. "The final statement of
the day will be an official one." He hesitated, thinking of the best words
to alert his community of the recent dangers.

you all may have heard, there has been an attack to one of our own." The
crowd began to murmur again. "Even though the attack was somewhat
isolated, it was orchestrated by an organized group of individuals." Gasps
were heard amongst the audience. "We have received some valuable intel
that will allow us to form a plan of attack. Now that
has changed leadership, we will allow the new alpha to get adjusted before we
use the information received to investigate a particular location of the
alleged enemy. Until that time, Seurri will be changing over the next couple of
months. We are officially under lockdown. There will be no coming and going of
our residents. The upcoming soccer tournament will be the final event of the
town. After that, all entrances into Seurri will be under the careful
supervision of
. If a wolf must leave, it must
be approved through the alpha of
." The
murmurs increased to full blown discussions.

loudly cleared his throat, and then the crowd simmered down. "These new
rules are not meant to be harsh, but to ensure the safety of our residents
until the outer perimeter of the town is reinforced with security and extra
walls, which will also be supervised by
Rafael could feel
turn to Tim. He knew that
Tim was either freaking out from all his new responsibility, or forming a plan
of calculated action like he always did in stressful time-sensitive situations.

have kept Seurri unscathed and secure for several years, and I plan on continuing.
Believe me when I say that all of these changes are an inconvenience at best,
but it will keep our numbers constant and resolve strong throughout the

stood, followed by
, then Gregori and the rest
of the alpha and betas in the order that they sat. "The Council wants to
thank you all for attending. If you have any further questions, then please
refer to your respective alphas. This meeting is now adjourned."

Council members convened behind the stage in smaller discussions while the
auditorium emptied. Walter approached Rafael and his daughter. "That was a
great speech, son.
Very diplomatic, yet direct.
will soon take down that bastard ass General." He then turned his focus to
his daughter, who had each of her arms linked to her mates. He brushed his palm
against her cheek. "You're looking very radiant
, my goddess. It appears that your alpha and beta are treating you
well. Maybe some pups coming soon? Eh?"

brought Rafael and Gregori in closer to her side even though the
two remained silent out of respect. "I don’t know about pups, but, yes,
these are two pretty good wolves, Father."

I'm pleased, my love." He placed a soft kiss to her brow, and then he

began to yawn. She had been through a lot and needed to rest.

to head home," Gregori spoke Rafael's thoughts.

trio spoke their good-byes, and
planted a big
wolf hug on Tim, before they left the building. This time
sat in the front seat and held
free hand, while
Rafael caressed the back of her neck. He could sense her tired state, and he
wanted to get her to bed immediately. When she woke they would feed her, and
build her strength by any means necessary. His cock throbbed from the thought, and
then he spotted Gregori sporting a similar bulge in the driver seat. Again they
were on the same page.
would soon feel their

Chapter Sixteen


One little yawn and those two were rushing me home
thought to herself as Gregori parked the car in front of the main house. She
was enjoying greeting and mingling with the other alphas and betas of Seurri.
The meeting had gone over well, and Rafael handed down a necessary, yet fair,
punishment to Camden. She was sad to see him go. They had a wonderful friendship,
but for every action there is a reaction.
confident that Camden would do well wherever he went off to.

opened her door and helped her out of the car, then opened Rafael's door. He
had been in the backseat tinkering on his cell phone and caressing her
shoulders at the same time. If those two thought she was going to lie in bed
all day resting, they had another think coming.
was anything but tired. She was restless. She had an itch.
need for something wild and untamed.
And she knew just how to get it.

few of the pups ran up to her, and she knelt to ruff up their fur. They were
looping around her legs and jumping up against her chest playing with her. She
could feel the antsy glares of Rafael and Gregori behind her, but she didn’t
care. They expected her to rest.
It isn't happening

bent over to pet the pups, too, and then he whispered to them, "Okay, she
needs her rest. Go on and find your mom." The two little ones ran off
toward a larger wolf that showed her face from the wooded area.
had thoughts of sitting in the kitchen and visiting
with the staff, but Rafael's wolf yipped at her with
wolf an echoed repeat.

shook her head and made her way up the stairs through the
kitchen, without meeting with any of the house wolves. Gregori led her into the

get relaxed. Rafael and I have to check on the progress of Camden. We’ll join
you shortly." He left her to handle whatever business that called to them.

sauntered into her closet thinking over how her life was so different.
Once a wolf on the run.
Reckless even.
Didn't give a shit about who she fucked or ran over in the
She was a renegade. In a matter of days, she had been
domesticated. She was given the privilege to let others do for her, which was
surprisingly welcome.
had to face the facts
that she was mentally tired of fleeing. She missed her home.
her father and family.
Now her family unit had tripled overnight.

from Camden was something that she didn't understand until she was faced with
not one but two mates that her legs wouldn't allow her to flee. Hell, her heart
wouldn’t let her go anywhere either. Camden had felt the pull of a mate, but
she didn't reciprocate those same feelings. They weren’t a match, and somewhere
down the line he couldn’t separate being companions with being lovers. Yet when
she was trapped in the elevator with Gregori, so many nights ago, her body had
been on fire. She became unglued inside. The urge to devour him made her hunger
for his touch. The call of a mate was occurring, and she was not ready. Then
seconds later, the scent of the woods made her body almost crumble to the
ground when she ran past him.
Another mate.

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