Consequences (14 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Chapter 14
“Do you see the shit on this list? We can't afford this shit,” Cooley remarked, looking down Lena and Brandon's registry list, as they walked around Blooming-dale's, looking at the expensive china.
Denise was in her own world. She couldn't get Lena off of her mind.
Cooley snapped her fingers in front of Denise when she realized Denise wasn't listening to her. “Bruh, are you OK?”
“She is getting married in two days.” Denise sighed.
“Man, damn, I was hoping you were getting better. Are you OK to go to the party?”
Denise sighed. “Yeah, man, I'm good. I have to let go, right?”
“You know I wouldn't be myself if I didn't say this. You do realize she isn't married yet. You still have time to get her if you want her.”
“I can't do that to her.”
“But what if she's making a mistake? What if she is the one for you, and you are supposed to be together?”
“Man, no. Brandon can offer her so much more than I can—”
Cooley cut Denise off. “You know what? I love you, dog, but you have become such a pussy.”
“What you call me?”
“A pussy. Dee, you act like you don't have anything to offer her. Shit. So what, that nigga got money? That ain't shit in the end. He may have money, but you have heart.”
They stood in silence for a moment. Denise's mind went back to Lena. “Man, I love that girl.”
“I know.”
“Cool, I love her so much, I am willing to let her go. If it's meant to be, she will come back.”
“Dig that,” Cooley said. “So, um, considering that everything on this list will cause us to become homeless, how about we buy a bottle of Grey Goose and Patron and call it a day?” Cooley smiled, causing Denise to smile as well.
“So, are we going to have male and female strippers?” Carmen said.
“Hell, I think she would be cool with just female.” Misha laughed.
“I heard that, bitch.” Lena giggled as she joined them at the table. “So, is tonight planned?”
Carmen rolled her eyes. “Yup, we have the two-bedroom suite at the hotel so that Nic and I can get one room, you get the other, and Misha can sleep on the couch.”
“Yeah, just put me on the couch.” Misha rolled her eyes.
“You think Denise is going to come?” Lena asked.
“Carla told me she was coming for sure,” Misha reassured her.
“Don't look now, but there is the infamous Lynn,” Carmen said as she motioned for Lynn to join them.
Misha cut her eyes at Carmen then looked at her competition.
“Hi, Carmen, how are you.” Lynn smiled. “Hello, I'm Lynn, Cooley's girl.”
“Girl?” Misha said.
Carmen hit her under the table. “So, how are things with you and my bro?” Carmen said.
Lynn pulled up a seat. “Oh, it's good. Hey, aren't you Misha? It's nice to finally meet you.”
“Likewise.” Misha pretended she was reading a magazine.
“Well, it's nice to meet you, Lynn. I'm Lena.”
“Oh yes, the one getting married to Brandon Redding. One of my friends is so in love with him.”
“I will tell him he has a fan.”
“Awesome!” Lynn smiled.
“So, Lynn, how did you manage to bag Cooley?” Misha asked.
“I am not sure, actually. I guess she saw something in me. It was real interesting 'cause I never thought we would make it this long. She is so experienced, and being that she was my first I know that—”
“What?” Carmen cut Lynn off. “You have never been with a girl before?”
Lynn realized she stuck her foot in her mouth. “Well, actually I had never been with anyone before.”
“Does Carla know that?”
“Um, well, not necessarily. I didn't want to scare her off.”
Carmen was pissed. “Lynn, that was something you really should have shared. Cooley would have been gentler with you.”
“No, I was fine. I didn't want her to treat me like some inexperienced girl. That's why I didn't tell her.”
Misha wanted to laugh but held it in. She buried her head in her book. She knew it was the end for Lynn.
“Well, um, I have class. Can we finish this later?” Lynn asked.
“Cool. Hey, come to my wedding if you want. I'll give Cooley an extra invitation for you,” Lena said, hoping to clear some of the tension in the air.
“OK.” Lynn hurried off.
Carmen looked at Misha, who started to laugh. Lena couldn't do anything but shake her head.
Carmen picked up her phone and called Cooley.
“Hey, you,” Larissa said.
“What's up, girl? I haven't seen you around that much.” Nic said, giving Larissa a hug.
“Yeah, I know. I had to get a job. My so-called man wants me to start helping pay some of the household bills.”
“Tell me about it,” Larissa said as she sat at Nic's table. “I really hate that I'm taking eighteen hours next semester.”
“Damn, girl, are you going to be able to make it?” Nic asked. She was concerned about Larissa.
“I have to. I want to graduate on time. I had a class I forgot about taking. I don't know if I will be able to pledge now. I don't know when I would have the time.” Larissa tried to hide her disappointment. “How does Carmen do it all? You know, being in school, working and the sorority? She's so active in it.”
“Oh, C doesn't work. I won't let her,” Nic said.
Larissa was shocked. “You won't let her? Why?”
“'Cause I take care of mines,” Nic said, packing up her bag.
Larissa smiled. “Nic, you never cease to amaze me. You are truly one of a kind.”
Nic smiled. “Oh, don't go there. I just don't like my woman to work unless she absolutely has to or just wants to. Lots of men are like me.”
“No, they aren't.” Larissa stood up. “Well, it's pretty late. I need to get going.”
“Let me walk you to your car.” Nic stood up, but Larissa stopped her.
“No, I'm right outside. Got a good spot. I guess I will see you next semester, Nicole.”
“Bye, La.” Nic gave Larissa a hug.
Larissa looked Nic in her eyes but quickly turned around and walked off.
Larissa's phone began to ring as she left the library. It was her man. She pressed ignore, suddenly annoyed by the thought of talking to or seeing him.
Chapter 15
Denise stared at the bathroom wall in the hotel. She did not want to leave it.
Cooley looked at herself in the mirror once more. She was going to get Misha if it was the last thing she did. She bought a baby blue and white button down shirt and a new pair of dark blue jeans. Baby blue was Misha's favorite color.
Cooley cocked the collar of the shirt up and placed her baby blue sweatband around her curly Afro. She placed her shades back on her eyes. Her look was complete.
“Dee, how do I look?” Cooley asked as they stood in the bathroom.
“Fine,” Denise mumbled without looking at Cooley.
Cooley grabbed Denise's arm. She began to pull on Denise's clothes.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I'm making you look presentable. Shit, you need to walk in there and make Lena's panties wet. Take that white tee off. I'll be right back.”
Denise watched Cooley walk out the bathroom. She wondered what she was up to.
Cooley walked back into the bathroom holding a bag. “Put this on.”
Denise pulled the muscle T-shirt out of the package. “Dude, I don't want to wear this.”
“Man, please. If it's one thing I know, Lena loves your arms. This shirt will show 'em off. Put it on. And here.” Cooley handed Denise an icy white fitted baseball hat.
While Denise placed the hat on her head, Cooley sprayed her with something.
“Man, that smells good. What is it.”
Cooley smiled. “Creed for Men.”
Denise instantly placed the familiarity of the scent. She loved Creed on Lena. Denise looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, Cooley had an eye for fashion. “Now let's go.”
They could hear Beyonce coming from the hallway. Cooley knocked on the door.
Misha opened it, and her mouth dropped. “Carla, you look—”
“I look what?” Cooley said taking her shades off. She stared directly into Misha's eyes.
Misha's knees began to tremble. “Come in,” Misha stammered, trying to regroup. “Hey, Dee, you look nice.”
“Thanks,” Denise said as her eyes quickly caught Lena.
Lena looked at Denise. Her eyes roamed all over Denise's body. She felt herself becoming heated. She'd never seen Denise look so good.
Denise walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around her, and the Creed cologne quickly drifted into Lena's nostrils.
“Is that Creed?”
“Very nice. You look—”
“Damn, this place is hot,” Cooley said, walking around the suite complete with three-bedrooms, a living room, and a dining room. It looked more like an expensive apartment than a hotel suite.
“OK, now we can get the party started,” Carmen said, stumbling into the living room. “Dammit, what took you two so long?”
“We had some last-minute preparations,” Cooley replied as she stared down Misha's back. Misha could feel Cooley's breath hit the back of her neck. She wanted to take Cooley right then and there.
An hour later everyone in the room was drunk.
Cooley stood up. “All right, all right, since there are no strippers at this shindig, I guess we are going to have to get grimy my way. Truth or dare time.”
“Oh, hell no, Carla, I am a married woman now,” Carmen protested. She knew Cooley's games of truth or dare were no holds barred.
“Let me explain something to the newcomers. This truth or dare is no holds barred. If you don't do what we say, you have to take three shots in a row,” Cooley slurred as she sat back down. “Does everyone agree?”
Carmen looked at Nic.
Nic smiled. “Hell, I'm down. What goes on in this room stays in this room, right?” She kissed Carmen as they all looked at Lena.
Lena looked at the group. “What? I am down for whatever!”
Cooley looked at Carmen. They both smiled devilishly.
Denise looked at Cooley. She knew she was up to something. “OK, let's do this.”
Cooley grabbed an empty bottle and spun it on the table. It landed in front of Carmen. “I will start out easy with you. Carmen, if you had to have a threesome with Nic and someone in this room, who would it be?”
Carmen looked at Nic. “That's easy. Misha.”
Everyone laughed.
“Why me!” Misha said, shocked by the answer.
“'Cause you were able to keep up with Cooley, so you are the only femme in the room who could probably keep up with me and Nic.”
The room roared.
Carmen spun the bottle. It landed on Misha. “Misha, truth or dare?”
“Fuck the bullshit. Dare all the way.” Misha took another shot.
“OK. I dare you to let Cooley lick on your titty right now.” Carmen smiled.
Misha looked unimpressed. “Is that all?” She pulled her shirt up and exposed her breasts.
Cooley quickly dived toward her, licking all over her nipple.
Lena was intrigued by Cooley's sucking technique. She felt herself getting moist.
Misha pushed Cooley off of her, once her panties were completely soaked. “That's enough.”
She spun the bottle. It landed on Lena.
Everyone got quiet as they waited on Lena to decide truth or dare.
Lena decided to go for it. “Dare, please.”
Denise couldn't believe Lena asked for a dare. Misha looked over at Cooley. She already knew what to ask for.
“Lena, I dare you to kiss Denise in front of all of us.”
Denise began to object when Lena straddled her on the chair. Lena pressed her lips against Denise's. Denise was shocked, but she quickly began to return Lena's kisses. They soon became engaged in a very passionate session of tongue dancing.
Everyone was shocked by the spectacle.
Cooley couldn't stop smiling and nodding her head in approval at the way Denise was handling Lena. “OK, OK, Denise, it's your turn,” Cooley yelled, hoping she could get some more time with Misha.
“Um, I think that it's time for us to call it a night. Someone needs to be rested for her wedding,” Carmen suggested. She was unsure of what to think about the kiss, but she could smell trouble.
Lena looked at Denise, who didn't want to let go.
“I guess you're right,” Lena reluctantly agreed, while still sitting on Denise's lap.
“Great!” Carmen said. “So, Cool, Dee, are you all staying?”
Lena couldn't stop looking at Denise.
“I don't know. Misha, am I staying?” Cooley stared at Misha. Misha couldn't resist.
“Well, I guess I need to go,” Denise said, still looking into Lena's eyes.
Lena finally snapped back to reality. “Oh, yeah, um, I guess so.” She climbed off Denise's lap. Lena could feel the wetness in her panties.
“Ooookkkkaaayy. So, Dee, call me when you make it home, all right?” Carmen hugged everyone. “See y'all in the morning.”
Nic and Carmen headed to their room.
As soon as she closed the door, Nic looked at Carmen. “Did you see that shit?” Nic said to Carmen.
Carmen shook her head. “You know I did.”
Cooley grabbed Misha's arm. “We will see you in the morning, Lena,” Cooley said as she pulled Misha toward her room.
Misha and Cooley walked into the dark room. Cooley walked up behind Misha and put her arms around her. She kissed her on the back of her neck.
“Cooley, don't go there. We are just sleeping,” Misha said as she slipped a shirt on.
Cooley quickly picked her up and placed her against the wall.
“Cooley!” Misha said as she tried to fight the feelings that were coming over her with each kiss Cooley laid on her neck. She couldn't resist. She wrapped her legs around Cooley as they began to kiss.
Denise opened the door to her empty apartment; it had never seemed so quiet. For the first time in a long time she realized just how lonely she was. Everyone in her life had someone, while she longed for a woman who could never be hers. She fell down on her couch and stared into the darkness. She wondered what Lena was doing at that moment. Was she thinking about her at all? Had Lena felt the same way she felt during the kiss? She laid her head on the back of the couch and stared at the ceiling. Before she knew it, her eyes began to close.
Lena sat on the couch pondering what Denise was doing. Confused thoughts entered her head, what to do or what not to do. Thoughts of Brandon receiving lap dances from random strippers made her wonder; she probably hadn't crossed his mind.
The memories of her and Denise rolled through her mind like a movie. She loved their friendship, but couldn't help but yearn for more.
Misha's phrase repeated itself over and over again, “What if.” What if Denise really was the one that she should be with? What if she did what her body wanted her to do? The thoughts consumed her and sounds of Carmen and Misha's moans weren't helping the situation.
Frustrated, she put her jacket on, grabbed her keys, and walked out the door.
It was like she was the only one on the road. She listened to a playlist on her iPod as she drove with no destination in mind. Floetry began to play. She thought about when she and Denise met. Denise caught her from falling off of a chair.
It seemed like Denise caught more than just her body that day. She noticed barricades stacked up on the side of the road. She realized she was in front of the site of her wedding. It was going to be a grand affair, but she could only think about another affair. Lena tried to make sense of it. Brandon, after all, was no saint, and she had been faithful for five long years. Maybe she deserved her chance to fool around before she said I do.
Soon she was sitting in the parking lot, staring at Denise's apartment window. The lights were not on, but she saw Denise's car parked a few spots down. She opened the car door, and the cold, dry Memphis air flew up her little shorts. She closed her coat and ran up the stairs. There she stood staring at the numbers on the door. It was now or never.
Denise woke to the sound of someone beating on her door. She realized that she had fallen asleep on the couch. She attempted to work the kink out of her neck from her awkward sleeping position as she walked to the door. She opened it without looking in the peep hole.
Denise rubbed her eyes, trying to become alert. Her body froze as she saw Lena standing in front of her. Before Denise could say anything, Lena wrapped her arms around her, and they began to kiss.
They walked farther into the house without letting go of each other. Denise closed the door with her foot. She didn't want to let go, but she had to.
“Lena, what is going on?”
“I'm getting married tomorrow.” Lena sighed.
“I know that. That's why I'm having a hard time understanding why you are here.” Denise rubbed her hands down her braids.
Lena looked at Denise. “I don't know. All I know is ...” Lena turned around and walked toward Denise's room. “Are you coming?”
Denise stood in the living room dumbfounded. She knew it wasn't right, but she couldn't resist.
Lena dropped her coat on the floor, exposing her little silk sleep set. Lena's body enticed Denise. She followed Lena to her bedroom.
The only sound in the apartment was the ticking of the wall clock. Denise watched as Lena slid her shirt over her head. She wanted to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming. She knew it wasn't a dream; her fantasy was coming true.
As Lena sat her nude body on the edge of the bed, Denise stood in the doorway, almost afraid to enter, but turned on more than ever.
“Lena,” Denise said, afraid of what she would do if she was to enter the room.
Lena stood up and walked toward her. She placed her index finger on Denise's lips. “Take me,” she whispered.
Denise dropped her head in submission to Lena's request, ready to finally let go and get what she wanted. She picked Lena up and carried her toward the bed, kissing her intensely. Denise placed Lena's body on the bed.
Lena watched as Denise pulled her shirt over her head. Her biceps and ripped stomach aroused Lena like it always did. Lena rose up and began to unbuckle Denise's jeans.
Denise ran her hand through Lena's long hair. Her fingers grazed the nape of Lena's neck causing Lena's whole body to quiver and her nipples to protrude.

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