Consequences (7 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Consequences
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The second we pulled into the circular driveway in front of the double doors of a two-story brick home, my best friend hurried down the steps to greet us.
“Hey, Netta!” she cried.
Smiling, I stepped out of the car and removed the sunglasses from my eyes. “Whassup, Nikki!”
My best friend, Nichole Truth, was a beautiful woman with dark mahogany skin, itty bitty breasts, and wide hips. Ever since giving birth to Aiden she'd packed on a few extra pounds around the middle, but she was still cute as hell. Nikki had been rocking locks for years, and they looked like they had been recently cut and barely brushed her shoulders. It was good to see that even though I wasn't around, my girl was still keeping it cute. I threw my arms around her and squeezed tightly. She had no idea how happy I was to see her.
Before I moved to Virginia, we used to see each other practically every day. I lived in St. Louis most of my life and loved that my girl had only been a car ride away with a bottle of Moscato chilling in the refrigerator.
“What took y'all so long?” Nikki asked as I released her.
I rolled my eyes so she'd know I was clearly annoyed. “Girl, we got delayed in Atlanta. I hate that airport.”
“Well, I'm just glad you finally made it.” She looked down at my belly and started grinning. I guess she never expected to see the day Trinette Montgomery lost her waistline. She ain't the only one. Neither did I. “Look at that belly. I still can't believe you're pregnant.”
“Yeah, me and you both,” I mumbled. I was dying to say more, but my husband was climbing out of the car.
Leon looked over the top at the two of us and grinned. “What's up, Nikki?”
“What's going on,
He started cheesing all proud. Fatherhood had made him a happy man and Mama an even happier woman. I was already four months' pregnant and haven't had to want for anything.
Nikki hurried around the rental car and wrapped her arms around Leon. They had always been close. “I'm so glad to see you two!” she squealed. I don't think I've seen her that happy in a long time. She was practically grinning from ear to ear.
“Where's Don?” Leon asked.
I noticed the frown on Nikki's lips when he mentioned her husband's name. “He's in the bathroom getting dressed.” She then smiled and changed the subject. “Grab your bags and come on inside. Don was waiting until you got here before he threw a few steaks on the grill.”
Leon rubbed his belly. “Mmm. I can't wait. I'm starved.”
“Then follow me inside. I just made some potato salad.” Nikki came around and hugged me again, then gazed into the back seat. “Goodness, Netta, how long are you planning to stay?” she teased when she saw I had two rolling Louis Vuitton suitcases and a tote bag.
“You know how I do. I can never make up my mind what I want to wear, so I brought extra just in case.” Did she really think after all these years I was going to change?
Nikki shook her head the way my mother used to do. “Just wait until you have a baby on one hip and a diaper bag on your shoulder.”
“Whatever.” I shuddered at the idea. That's what a nanny was for. “Don't worry about our bags. Leon and I decided to stay at the Hampton Inn up the street.”
Her head whipped around and she looked clearly offended. “What? Y'all too good to stay at our house?”
Leon held up his hands. “No, it's nothing like that. I just want to spend the entire weekend making love to my wife and running around the room naked.”
Nikki scrunched up her nose, then laughed. “Okay, that is too much information. I guess I can understand y'all wanting to get your freak on while you still can.”
I kept my comments to myself. Lately, sex with Leon had improved. He found my changing body such a turn-on. Every time he saw me naked, he commented on how big my breasts were getting; then he wanted to squeeze and suck on them and the next thing I knew, we were sexing it up for the next hour. I felt so guilty about my relationship with Jrue and the paternity of my unborn child that I just let him have it whenever and how often he wanted it. I mean, come on. It's the least I could do.
“Where's my godson?” I asked as we stepped into her house.
“Girl, he's taking a nap. And don't you go waking him up either. He's teething and been cranky all morning.”
“I can't wait to see that little rugrat.” Ms. Netta loved kids just as long as they belonged to someone else.
I glanced around the house admiring her large foyer and the spacious living room beside it. Nikki had a nice big house. Not as nice as mine, but definitely a far cry better than that little house she'd sold last year. They were now living in West County in a two-story house with four bedrooms and three baths. I guess years of hard work were finally starting to pay off. Definitely not something I knew anything about. Hard work was Leon's responsibility, not mine.
I followed her into the kitchen and almost screamed out loud when I saw Donovan leaning over the sink.
What the hell?
The last time I had seen him was six months ago when Nikki had organized a surprise welcome home party. Leon and I flew in for the celebration. Damn. Since then he had lost so much weight his jeans were hanging off his hips, and not in a good way. His face looked sunken in, and for him to be a barber, that nappy stuff on his head was a hot mess.
“What's up, Netta?” he greeted me with a bear hug. One sniff and there was no mistaking the tequila on his breath. Trust me, I would know. It used to be my drink of choice, and my pregnant ass has been fienin' for a shot of Patron.
“Hey, Don,” I muttered, then eased out of his grasp and looked him in the eye. “How have you been?”
He gave me this sad-looking smile and I noticed the dark circles underneath his eyes. “I can't complain,” he said with a chuckle that I've loved for over twenty years.
I looked over at Nikki and noticed the scowl across her face. I figured he'd done something to piss her off. Okay, what's really going on?
Leon stepped into the kitchen and Donovan's face lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. “Whassup, boy!” He hurried over and the two hugged and gave dap.
I knew it was rude, but I couldn't stop looking at Donovan. This was the man I used to be jealous about. He had once been so sexy. Now the finest dude from the hood looked like he had just gotten out of rehab. I remembered when I used to have the biggest crush on Donovan in elementary school, yet the only woman he had ever wanted was Nikki.
“Nikki, baby . . . Grab that bottle of Cuervo from under the sink.”
She sucked her teeth. “Don . . . isn't it a little early to be drinking?”
At first his eyes flashed with anger like he was about to explode, but then he gave that silly smirk of his. “It's never too early to celebrate with my man.” Ignoring her, Donovan walked around the island, reached under the sink, and removed a half-empty bottle of tequila. I noticed the worried look in Nikki's eyes.
“My man, let's have a drink and toast the new baby!” Don was already reaching into the cabinet removing two small glasses. “Netta, girl! When's that baby due?” he asked.
“Not soon enough,” I mumbled, and tried to pretend I was tickled, for Leon's sake. “Nikki, what you got to eat? I'm starving.” I glanced over at her. She was still staring at her husband. I was starting to think that maybe she and Donovan had a fight before our arrival. “Nikki, concentrate!” I snapped my finger in front of her face and she startled. “Food . . . please . . . your godchild's hungry.”
“Oh, damn, right.” She gave a nervous laugh. “Snacks coming right up.” She grabbed a bag of potato chips, poured them into a large bowl, and put them in front of me, then grabbed a jar of French onion dip from the pantry. It wasn't what I had in mind, but I guess it would do until dinner.
I walked over to a barstool and took a seat. The four of us hung out in the kitchen talking and laughing, although with every passing second Nikki looked more upset than she had when we first stepped into the room. She stood off to the side with a weird look on her face, laughing off cue and barely contributing to the conversation even when the subject returned to my baby.
“Nikki, you okay?”
She nodded her head. “Sure, girl, I'm fine.” Liar. “I just can't get over you being pregnant.” Okay, maybe that part was true because hell, I hadn't gotten over it either.
Leon was walking across the kitchen with his skinny chest stuck out. “Yeah, we're getting pretty excited about the baby. I think Netta's bought out the entire store.”
This time when Nikki's head whipped around her smile had returned. “Oooh! Did you find out the sex of the baby?”
I shook my head. “No . . . not yet.”
Leon moved beside me and gave me a loud wet one on the cheek. “We were thinking about keeping it a surprise, aren't we, baby?”
I stuffed another chip in my mouth to keep from answering. I guess that was true. It would be a surprise. I would find out the sex
the baby's daddy all in the same day. Now how fucked up was that?
I was chewing on chips and watching Donovan as he passed Leon a glass. “Man, you better enjoy your sleep while you still can, because it's all about to change, dawg!” He started laughing real loud, then brought the glass to his lips and downed its contents, then reached for the bottle and poured himself another. Nikki was mumbling something under her breath that I couldn't make out.
I know Nikki had said that Donovan had been acting strange since he had gotten home, but I had no idea it had gotten this bad. I had planned to take her in the other room and find out just what the hell was going on, but for now, I needed to find something to eat other than potato chips.
We were in my car, heading to the grocery store for pickles and barbecue sauce, when Trinette asked, “What's going on with Donovan?”
Leave it to Trinette to get straight to the point. Her eyes were locked on mine as she waited. I focused on the road while I tried to think about my answer. “He's just trying to adjust.”
“Adjust? Girl, since when is Don an alcoholic?”
Already, I was starting to regret her coming up to spend the Fourth of July weekend with us. I knew he had issues, but it wasn't that bad. “He's still having some troubles adjusting to being back at home.”
“Some? Girl, your husband is a freaking lush. I ain't ever seen him drink like that before. I hate to say it, but he reminds me of his father.”
I knew what she was saying was true. Don's father had been an alcoholic who abused his kids until they all had found a way to escape. Donovan said it was because Brown had never gotten over his wife, Donovan's mother, being murdered in an alley on her way home from work. I always believed his illness ran deeper than that. The way he used to beat Donovan until he broke skin and then put him out of the house for days, there had to be some serious mental issues brewing. At one time, Donovan refused to drink because he was afraid he would end up just like Brown. Yet after Mimi was killed, he started drinking. However, it had never been this much.
I tried to make excuses, even blamed it on the war; but no matter how I spun it, my husband drank way too much. He was depressed and I read that alcohol only made it worse. I didn't know what to do and had almost been tempted to call Trinette and cancel the trip, but I was so lonely and missed my girl so much that I couldn't do it.
“He's going through a lot, Netta,” I said all nonchalant.
“You told me that, but I had no idea it was this bad.”
I stopped my car at the light and took a deep breath.
“Nikki, really, what's going on? Come on, it's me . . . Netta . . . you're talking to. Something is seriously wrong with Don.”
She was right. Everything she said was correct. I shook my head, then the tears started running down my face, and then I was bawling.
“Oh, damn! Pull over there.” Trinette was patting my back and pointing to the curb ahead. I waited until the light changed, then went through the intersection and brought the car to a stop. “Now talk to me,” she demanded.
“I don't know where to begin except to say that everything in my life is falling apart. I wake up every morning and never know what to expect. Some days he's that sweet, loving man who I married, and other days he's moody and cussing and accusing me of trying to leave him for another man. I just don't know how much more I can take.”
“He sounds like Jekyll and Hyde.”
Trinette wagged her eyebrows and I gave a sad chuckle. Well, at least she was still good for a laugh. “You're stupid! But you're right, that's exactly how he acts. I've been trying to be patient, but, Netta . . .” I started shaking my head. “I'm ready to pack up Aiden and move in with my mother for a little while.”
Her hazel eyes got large with surprise. “Girl, now you know I have no patience when it comes to a man, so I'm the worst person to ask for advice. But you know I love me some Donovan, and the two of you have been through so much together. Have you tried going to church?”
My head whipped around. “Church? Since when do you go to church?” I asked between sniffs. Don't tell me my best friend is losing her mind as well.
She waved her hand at me. “Uh-uh. I don't go to church, but Mama's always talking about putting your problems in the Lord's hand, and whenever I try that it actually works.”
I sniffed and took a moment to think about what she said. I would have never guessed in a million years that Trinette would encourage me to go back to church. I used to attend quite regularly when Big Mama was still alive. Donovan and I had even started going again after his first deployment and really got involved, but once Aiden was born and he was deployed, I just could never find the time. Now that he was back, church was no longer a part of our lives. Maybe Trinette was on to something.
“That's a good idea. How about we all go on Sunday?” I suggested.
Her eyes widened and I was sure she was going to decline when she shocked me and nodded her head. “Girl, the things I do for my friends.”
“What friends? Last I checked I was the only friend you got.” I laughed.
“You know it.” She reached across the seat and gave me a much needed hug. “I got an idea. Why don't we surprise Mama and attend service at her church?”
I knew her too well. That was Trinette's way of spending time with her family, that way she didn't have to make any special trips.
“Sure, that sounds good to me.” I smiled and wiped my eyes. I was actually feeling a lot better. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it, but church was exactly what we needed to get our lives back on track.
I put the car back in Drive and eased into the flow of traffic. We were supposed to be going to the grocery store, but the second I hit the corner, Trinette started squirming on the seat.
“Ooh, Nikki! Pull in there.”
I grinned over at my friend and made a quick right into T.J. Maxx's parking lot. “What you planning to do? Buy another suitcase full of clothes?”
She shrugged. “I just want to see what treasure I can find.” That's my girl. She can never resist the urge to shop. Trinette has always been that way. Even while we were growing up she'd had filet mignon taste and hamburger money, but she never let it stop her from living like a diva. And then once she hit college, there was no stopping her. She learned how to make men spend their money on her all the way down to the expensive soap that she lathered on her body. Men had spoiled her and then Leon, and now she expected it to continue. I just hoped she realized that once that baby is born, her needs will become second to her child's.
I pulled the car into the parking lot and killed the engine.
“Hey . . .” Trinette began, and I turned and looked at that rare serious look on her face. “Even though I think church might be a good start, I really think your husband needs some help.”
I looked down at the steering wheel. I just couldn't take her feeling sorry for me. I had married my high-school sweetheart. Our marriage was supposed to have been perfect. “I know you're probably right. I'm just trying to be patient and let him do things on his own terms.”
She shook her head. “Uh-uh. That shit went out the window the second he stepped foot back in that house. I know you believe in that love, honor, and obey crap, but you've got to put you and Aiden first.” She tossed her hands in the air. “All that drinking and crazy talk, girl . . . you're better than me. I would have left that crazy mothafucka a long time ago!”
I finally looked up at her and rolled my eyes. “That's because you don't take your marriage vows seriously and I do.”
“True, but that's not what I mean.” She leaned back on the seat with her hands on her belly. “My uncle, the one who used to rape me? Well, he was one of those crazy-ass Vietnam vets. He'd be up at all hours of the night sleepwalking and screaming like he thought he was still on the frontline.”
I couldn't even set my lips to tell her Donovan was doing the same thing. Thank goodness Leon insisted on them staying at a hotel three blocks away. The last thing I wanted was for the two of them to see how bad it really had gotten. “How bad was it?”
“Like hell. I remember I used to feel sorry for his ass. Then one night he climbed under the covers calling me Connie, his wife who had left him. And that's when he first raped me. At first I thought he still thought I was his wife, but then he started moaning ‘Netta' in my ear and I knew that crazy bastard knew what he was doing.”
I couldn't believe how calm she sounded, because it had taken years before Netta had told me about her uncle raping her. I never could understand how a woman could leave her own daughter alone with another man, family or not. For years I hated her mother just like she had. But Big Mama raised me to forgive and forget. Once Darlene went to drug rehab, then started attending church and gave her life over to God, I forgave her and encouraged Netta to do the same. I was glad that she had been making some effort.
“What I'm trying to say is don't just try to sweep this under the rug. If Don needs help, then you need to make sure he gets it. I'd hate to get a call in the middle of the night saying something happened to either of y'all.”
“Thanks, girl. I appreciate that.” I really loved those rare moments when Trinette proved that she cared about someone other than herself.
“All right, now let's go see what treasure we can find.”
I figured shopping was a good way to shut her up at least for a little bit while I had a chance to think about Don's behavior and come up with a way to keep him under control for the entire weekend.
Trinette grinned and her eyes lit up the way they always do when it comes to spending money. Netta used to spend years shopping for designer clothing and accessories at all those high-end stores until I dragged her ass into a T.J. Maxx and proved to her she could buy the exact same item for a fraction of the price. What I didn't realize was that I had unleashed a monster.
We were filling up the second shopping cart with stuff for Trinette when I decided things were getting out of hand. “Netta, why are you buying a swimsuit? You're not going to be able to wear any of these things until next summer.”
“So what? At least I'll have them when I get my body back.”
I pursed my lips with disgust. She was back to thinking about herself again. “Come on, I want to find something for the baby.” I didn't even wait for a reply and pushed the cart over to the infants' section. Trinette was trying to come off as uninterested, but I knew better. She could act like she didn't like kids, but I remembered the way she had behaved the day Aiden was born. She had flown down and spent three days kissing and hugging her godson. Not many people knew this, but beneath all that ice she really did have a good heart.
Trinette spotted a tiny designer dress and removed it from the rack to get a closer look. “Oh, this is so cute!”
I gave her a weird look. “Yeah, but you don't even know what you're having.”
“I feel it in my heart that this is a girl. She's going to be a little lady just like her mother.”
“You mean a slut,” I mumbled under my breath and started laughing when Netta slapped me upside my head. “You know I love you, though.”
Smiling, she rubbed her stomach. “This little girl is going to be spoiled just like her mother.”
“Ain't that the truth?” I gave her a long look. “How are you getting used to being pregnant?” I asked, because I knew it was a major adjustment. Just wait until she sees the stretch marks. Boy, I would love to be a fly on her wall.
She picked up a baby blanket and smiled at me. “I guess I'm coming around. Jrue is excited about the baby. And Leon's excited, and when they're happy, Netta gets to shop.”
That wasn't at all what I meant. “And how do you feel about that?”
She sighed and tossed the blanket into the cart along with matching socks and bonnet. “I guess I had no choice but to get used to the idea. Every day I look in the mirror and I can see my body changing. As long as it's not too much, I think I'll be able to deal with it. Cocoa butter and I are now best friends.”
She is so silly. I chuckled. “Just wait until your feet start swelling.” She cut her eyes in my direction and I really started laughing. “Seriously, though. What have you decided to do about Jrue?”
Trinette moved over to a rocking chair and took a seat. “I wake up every morning and ask myself how in the world is this happening to me? I am in love with a man. Me? Netta? In love?” She shook her head. “I want nothing more than to spend my life with Jrue.” Trinette blushed, something I was not used to seeing.
“Damn, girl. If you're still feeling like that, then maybe you really are in love.”
She cut her eyes at me. “Bitch, what have I been tryna tell you all this time?”
“Yeah, but I had to see it for myself and the eyes don't lie.”
She gave me a sad smile and started rocking back and forth in that chair. “If this baby's Jrue's, then I can just walk away and start my new life with him. If it's Leon's . . . I don't know what I'm going to do. That man wants this baby so bad. I'm also afraid of what he might do if he finds out it's not his.”
She wasn't lying. Leon might be quiet and let Trinette run over him, but after their last breakup I had finally gotten a chance to see another side to him. That man was not one to be messed with. He forgave her once and they renewed their vows with a pledge to make their reaffirmed marriage work. I was afraid that if he found out Trinette had been having an affair, he just might snap.
I couldn't keep my fears to myself. “I'm just worried all this is going to blow up in your face.”
She waved her hand in dismissal. “I'm not worried about that.” Trinette rose from the chair and walked over to finger a beautiful christening gown. “I just wish I had gotten rid of this baby while I had the chance.”
My head snapped back. “You don't mean that.”
She nodded and met my wide stare. “Yes, I do. I believe in staying in control. I can't do that pregnant. Right now I have absolutely no control over how all this is going to turn out. And I don't like that feeling.”
For once I had to admit she was right. Lord knows I don't believe in abortions, but maybe this was one time when it would have been considered necessary, because when that baby is finally born, someone is going to get hurt. “Maybe you're right.”

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