Consequences (11 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Consequences
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There was no mistaking the horror on his face. “What the . . .” Donovan's voice trailed off with disbelief. “Hell nah.”
As much as I wanted to cuss her out for barging into Donovan's office and ruining my perfect afternoon, I had to give Tammy her props for figuring it out. I always said it was hard to get anything past that crazy bitch.
She looked at me through narrowed eyes, still letting her anger get the best of her. “All this time he's been messing around and you knew about it. Yeah . . . okay . . . I got something for both y'all.” She was rolling her neck and pointing her finger at me.
“Tammy, if you can't control where your husband sticks his dick, then that's your problem because it sure in the hell ain't none of mine.” I spat because I was pissed off at her for bringing her fat ass up in here trying to act like she was running things. I propped a hand to my waist and took a step forward, itching for her to get smart with me. She had a whole lotta nerve showing up at the shop and starting shit.
“You know you wrong for this,” she mumbled under her breath, then shook her head and walked out of Donovan's office.
I didn't know what to say, so I just turned around and waited for my husband to say something. Of course it didn't take long.
Donovan shot me a look. “I knew he was messing around on Tammy, but . . .” He shook his head. “All this time . . . I can't believe you knew Lorenzo was fucking that fag and you didn't say nothing.” He sat down in the chair with a look of disgust.
I sighed. “What was I supposed to say . . . hey, baby, guess what . . . Lorenzo is screwing Tristan.” I walked over and tried to kiss his lips, but Donovan turned his head so I caught his cheek.
His eyes flashed with anger like he was about to explode. “I can't believe this shit. All this sneaking around going on behind my back!” He sprung from the chair and stormed across the room. “I knew I wasn't crazy.”
“Who's sneaking? What's going on with Tristan and Lorenzo doesn't have anything to do with us. If your boy wanted you to know he was sexing Tristan, then he would have told you. But for obvious reasons he wanted to keep their relationship a secret.”
He glared over me. “Yeah, but you could have at least given me a heads-up.”
I tossed my hands in the air with frustration. Maybe I should have told him, yet I took my friendships seriously and besides, that was one love triangle I didn't want to be in the middle of because I knew how crazy Tammy acted when it came to her man.
Donovan started pacing the length of the room and with each passing second I grew just as agitated.
“Talk to me,” I urged.
“I don't have nothing to say,” he pouted.
Out on the floor there was loud talking and then Tammy screamed so loud, it's a wonder she didn't shatter the storefront window.
“I guess Lorenzo's back.”
There was a crash. “Got-dammit!” Donovan raced out onto the floor to break it up.
The second he stepped out the door, I dashed over to my purse and grabbed my cell phone and called Tristan's number. “Come on . . . answer,” I mumbled, because I wanted to give him the 411. I was sure Tammy was going to come after him next. The phone just kept on ringing and as soon as his animated voice came on the line I hung up. There was no point in leaving a message because he rarely checked them.
“This is some bullshit!” I heard Don say as he came storming back into his office. I quickly stuck the phone in my back pocket. There was no telling what he would say if he knew I had tried to reach Tristan.
“What's wrong?” I asked, trying to show him just how concerned I really was.
“Nothing now. Lorenzo had to tell that crazy chick of his to get the hell up outta here with that mess. This is a place of business.”
I agreed. “I know that's right.”
“I can't believe that bitch broadcasted that shit for the whole floor to hear!”
Hell, I could. Tammy planned on taking Lorenzo down with her. “What did Lorenzo say? Did he deny it?”
Donovan pierced me with a look of disbelief. “What the hell you think he did?”
I had asked because I wasn't sure. Especially since the way Tristan talked, Lorenzo had already asked Tammy for a divorce. But I didn't dare say that out loud because Don would never have believed it.
“What I still can't understand is why the hell you didn't tell me he was fucking around with that fag.” Donovan had fury in his eyes.
“Listen, I wish you'd stop calling him that! His name is Tristan and I'm not going to keep going over this. Tristan told me not to say anything, and I was tryna respect his privacy.”
“Since when do you keep secrets from your husband?”
Women keep secrets from men all the time. I don't know why he was acting like this, especially when he never really wanted to hear the truth anyway. That's why our marriage had struggled for years, because he never wanted to talk about the problems that we were having. He'd rather keep it swept under the rug. I know that was in the past and our relationship had evolved since then, but I just couldn't help but think that this had to be his paranoia again. I sure hoped not.
“I tell you everything I think you need to know about. Tristan and Lorenzo was none of my business. Lorenzo should have told you. Hell, he knew me and Tristan worked together and that I was bound to find out. It's not my fault he was messing around behind Tammy's back.” Now I was starting to get pissed off. Everything was going just fine between us until that crazy chick came barging into the shop.
Donovan was quiet; then eventually he lowered back into his seat and sighed.
I spoke again, my voice softer this time. “Baby, I'm sorry for not telling you, but it wasn't my place to tell you your boy was on the DL.”
Donovan looked up at me and after a few seconds he started grinning. “You're right. But damn! Lorenzo a fag? You know how many times that nigga's seen my dick?” His eyes widened.
“Mmmm-hmmm, and I'm sure he liked what he saw just as much as I do,” I said, then started laughing.
Donovan shook his head and tried to keep a straight face. “Damn, I don't know how I'm going to be able to look at him the same after this shit.”
I walked behind his chair and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Ain't nothing changed.”
“The hell it ain't!” he barked.
I leaned in close and ran my tongue along his ear just the way he liked it. “Baby, we got our own problems. Let Tammy and Lorenzo work that shit out on their own.”
“Yeah, my bad. You're right.” He gave me that boyish grin that I adored. “C'mere and give your husband a kiss.” He grabbed my arm and brought me around the chair and back onto his lap. “I'm sorry for trippin', but, baby, you gotta understand, it's a man thang.”
“I get it. Trust me, I do.”
He dragged me close against him and brought his mouth down over mine. As soon as he kissed me, staying angry was the furthest thing from my mind. I just wished I could find a way to keep us this happy, because I was growing tired of walking on eggshells all the time.
“What the—”
Before I could wrap my mind around the sound, Donovan sprung from his chair, practically knocking me on my ass.
“What the hell?”
“Take cover!” he demanded. Then I watched in slow motion as he reached inside his desk drawer and pulled out his gun—the one he kept in a lockbox on the top shelf of our bedroom closet.
“Donovan, what the hell are you doing with that gun?”
Two more shots came from the front of the shop and there was screaming and the sound of broken glass.
“Donovan, don't go in there! Someone is shooting!” I shouted. But he ignored me and dashed out onto the floor. I hurried after him and into the shop, and what I saw caused me to stall. Glass was everywhere and all of the clients had dropped to the floor. Donovan raced over to the window, gun pointed. “Donovan, don't!” I screamed.
“I told you to stay back!” he yelled as he moved around the room like he was on reconnaissance in some damn combat zone. A gun? Seriously? Later he had some serious explaining to do.
I heard sirens in the background. “Is everyone okay?” I asked, glancing around. Folks nodded as they rose to their feet. I was moving over to place a comforting hand to my husband's shoulder when I noticed a man lying on the floor beside one of the barber chairs, not moving. It was Lorenzo.
I walked over. “Hey, get up,” I said, tapping his shoulder with my foot. There was no movement. My heart started pounding like crazy. Something was definitely wrong with him. One of the other barbers also noticed.
“Yo, Lorenzo. Get yo ass up!”
There was still no answer. “Baby, come over here a minute,” I murmured. My stomach fluttered with nervousness.
Donovan walked over and tapped his boy on the shoulder and when he didn't get a response, he leaned down and rolled him over onto his back. I jerked back.
“Holy shit!” he hissed.
I heard a loud-pitched scream and it took all of twenty seconds before I realized the sound had come from me. This couldn't be happening. It had to be a bad dream.
Lorenzo was lying on the barbershop floor with a bullet hole in the center of his forehead.
It was Thursday, my favorite day of the week.
I glanced up at the clock and it was two minutes since the last time I had checked. I guess it's true, a watched clock never moves. I just couldn't help it. I was anxious to get the hell out of the office and meet Jrue at our spot.
He left at noon for a phony meeting and I was scheduled to leave at two for an advisory meeting at Petersburg Public Schools. I planned to cancel on the way to the hotel.
I tried to focus on the applications on my desk for next semester. Several new students were interested in continuing their education at the college in the fall. They were waiting for my stamp of approval to make that happen. Did I mention how much I love my job? Most importantly, I love helping kids from broken homes strive toward a better life. It was more than I could say for my ghetto-ass cousins who've known nothing but public assistance. Trifling.
At two o'clock, I finally logged off for the day.
“See you tomorrow,” Zakiya said as I stepped in front of her office. “Must be nice that you get out of here early every Thursday.”
I shrugged and tried to act nonchalant. “You know I schedule all my school visits for the same day of the week.”
She grinned like she knew a secret. “Yeah, but I notice Jrue always has appointments on the same day.” She didn't say anything, but it was implied.
“So what are you trying to say?” I scrunched up my face and tried to appear confused, like I had no idea what she was trying to say.
“I don't know. You tell me.” She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her large breasts.
No, she wasn't trying to go there. Why she all up in my business? “Zee, girl, puh-leeze. Jrue might be fine and all, but if you haven't noticed . . . I'm pregnant,” I said and gave her a disgusted look.
She thought about what I said, then the smirk dropped from her face. “Oh yeah, damn. I hadn't thought about that.”
I laughed. Women are so stupid. “That's what you get for trying to be Matlock or some shit. If Jrue is sneaking off to meet some chick, it sure the hell ain't me.” Damn, I was good. Maybe I should have gone into acting instead of social work.
“My bad. Me and the girls just assumed it was you the way he's always in your office having
I shrugged. “Hey, he might be feeling me, but I'm too busy focusing on this baby.” I rubbed my stomach and grinned.
I waved, then walked out to my car smiling like a damn fool. Wait until I tell Jrue that he's the topic of the office gossip. I climbed into my Mercedes, then drove to the hotel in Colonial Heights.
As usual, Jrue had a key waiting for me at the front desk. I made it up to the fifth floor to room 505 and slid the key in the lock. The moment I opened the door it's a wonder I didn't go into premature labor. My jaw dropped. There were red rose petals all over the floor. I could barely see the Berber carpet the petals were so thick. The sounds of Maxwell's “Sumthin' Sumthin' ” from
Love Jones
flooded the room while the sweet smell of vanilla was in the air. I felt tears in my eyes as I stepped around the corner and found Jrue sitting in the chair. He looked sexy as hell, leaning back against the cushions, legs wide, wearing nothing but a pair of silk boxers.
“Hey, baby.” He grinned.
“Hi, sexy.” I dropped my purse down on the nightstand and smiled. The bed was also covered in rose petals, but what had my attention was that beautiful pink box with the large bow that was right smack at the center of the bed. I wanted to rush over and open it, but I decided to pretend like I hadn't even noticed. After all, this was his show and I didn't want to spoil it for him. “What's all this?” I asked with a sweep of my hand.
“Just wanted to show my baby how special she really is to me.”
He had transformed our spot into something special. I don't know if I ever loved that man more. He had always been thoughtful and considerate and doing things to surprise me, but never anything like this.
“I can't believe you did all this for me!” I was grinning like a damn fool because seeing all the trouble he had gone through made me feel so good. As I gazed around the room I even spotted a box of chocolates from The Candy Factory on the small table beside him. “Are those chocolate-covered strawberries?” I gasped. Jrue knew how much I craved them.
He nodded.“Absolutely. Only the best for you. Now come over here and give your man some love.”
I swayed my hips playfully as I moved over to the chair. As soon as I was close enough, Jrue reached out and pulled me down onto his lap.
“How are you and my son feeling this afternoon?” he asked, and gently caressed my stomach.
“Me and your
are fine now that we're here with you.” I laughed because we'd been debating for the last few weeks about the sex of the baby. He wanted a little basketball player and, of course, if I had to do it, I required a little diva like myself.
Jrue leaned in close and we French-kissed for what felt like forever but still wasn't long enough. Jrue then reached over and opened the box of strawberries and brought one to my mouth. I bit down and moaned as I chewed. It was so sweet and delicious. Just like the man holding me in his arms.
“I can't believe you went to all this trouble. The roses . . . the music . . . even the scented candles. I didn't know you could be so romantic.”
He offered me another bite of the strawberry. “Trinette, this is just a taste of what life is going to be like once we're finally together.”
I loved the way that sounded.
“In fact . . . I got something for you.” He gestured toward the bed. “Go ahead, open it.”
“For me?” I broke out in another grin.
He helped my pregnant ass to my feet. I walked over to the bed and took a seat, then reached for the beautifully wrapped package. “Let's see what's inside.” I was giggling and feeling like a preschooler on Christmas morning. Once I opened the box, I pushed aside the tissue paper and gasped. “Oooh, baby! It's beautiful!” I squealed. It was the orange Christian Dior dress I had been admiring on a mannequin at Nordstrom. As well as the purple and orange Jimmy Choo's I had been whining about for weeks. “Thank you so much!” I rushed over to him and landed on his lap in a whoosh! “I love you. . . . I love you,” I said between kisses.
He chuckled. “I'm glad you like it. Now put those pumps on for your man.”
I was more than happy to model them. I rose and reached for the box and as soon as I pulled the shoes out, something dropped onto the floor. I looked down and my heart started pounding.
A small blue box from Tiffany's.
I looked from the box back up at Jrue, who was grinning. I was shaking so hard I couldn't even move.
“You know I love you, right?” Jrue rose and I watched as all that sexy chocolate came over to the bed. Goodness, he was gorgeous. He dropped down on one knee in front of me and held out the box.
“Aren't you going to open it?”
I felt like I was about to hyperventilate as I took the box from his hands and opened it.
“I wanted to show you how much you mean to me.”
Obviously he didn't love me enough because inside were a pair of diamond studded earrings. There were at least two carats, but that was beside the point. I had been expecting an engagement ring.
“Thank you. They're beautiful.” I tried to hide my disappointment. How much longer did I have to wait before he proved to me how much he wanted me and his baby?
“Not as beautiful as you, but definitely close enough.” Jrue rose and then started unbuttoning my blouse. “I can't wait until I can buy you something even more precious that comes in a small box.” He unsnapped my bra and moaned with appreciation when he saw my breasts spring free. They had been growing so much I had to buy new bras. Jrue caught a nipple between his teeth and I felt myself weakening. “I can't wait to put a ring on your finger and make you officially mine.”
“What's stopping you?” I asked. Hell, as far as I was concerned, it was long past due. What in the world was he waiting on? I mean, sure, I couldn't wear the ring now, but at least knowing that he had every intention of leaving his skinny-ass wife and spending the rest of his life with me was enough for me. I loved him, but there was no way I was leaving the security of my marriage with Leon until I knew for sure my future was secure with Jrue. You know the saying, a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Neither he nor my unborn child was as secure as the future I already had. And I refused to settle for anything less. But I had no doubt that this baby was going to lure Jrue in. That and some of Ms. Netta's caramel goodness.
“Baby, you know why,” he answered, and I could tell by the tone of his voice he was sick of talking about it all the time. Well, too bad. I was sick of waiting. “I can't leave her just yet. I need to make sure her cancer is still in remission before I ask her for a divorce. I promise you, baby, it's going to happen, but I'm just not that cold-blooded to simply dump my wife. I just need a little more time.” His eyes were pleading with me to understand.
So sue me. I'm selfish and wanted him all to myself. Fuck his wife. Every time she brought her Olive Oyl–looking ass to the job, she looked healthy to me. In all honesty, I think Charlotte sensed she was about to lose Jrue and was using her health to hold on to him for as long as she could. Hell, the moment she found out she couldn't have babies and knew how badly he wanted kids of his own should have been a rude awakening.
“Don't keep me waiting too long. Otherwise, your daughter is going to be calling someone else daddy.”
Jrue eased back and I saw that muscle just above his dimple tick with rage. “The hell she will.”
Ticktock, mothafucka. I laughed to myself. I knew just what to say to piss his ass off. Good. Maybe he'll hurry his ass up because I was sick of waiting.
“We're going to be a family before you know it. I promise.” That's my man. Always trying to reassure me.
Trinette Meyers-Jarmon. I just loved the way that sounded. And, of course, our daughter would be named Symphony. We were going to have a wonderful life.
He was kissing a trail down to my round stomach and my pussy was throbbing with anticipation when I heard his cell phone ring. It was Charlotte. Jrue groaned and rolled over toward his pants.
“Dammit, don't pick it up.” How dare he stop after getting me all hot and bothered.
“Trinette, you know I have to take this call. Otherwise she'll blow up my phone until I do.”
I lay there pouting while he retrieved his phone, went into the bathroom, and turned on the exhaust fan while he talked to her in private.
I was sick of being second. Me and the baby had to be first. It was time for Jrue to decide.

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