Consequences (42 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Consequences
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The next debate involved the menu for the reception. Since Claire had only chosen two of her meals in the last eight months, she asked Tony if she could take a break and get something to eat. She didn’t feel well, low blood sugar. He kissed her cheek and said she should rest. He could take care of it. Patricia added, “I will be here to help.”

“I am sure you will.” She kissed Tony and went to the kitchen to find Catherine and some lunch. They were about done for today. Brad and Monica would return Monday late afternoon when Tony returned home from work. At that time, more definitive plans would be made and others finalized. It was fun talking possibilities without considering the financial ramifications. Tony was right. The wedding would be planned and accomplished by December 18. Money could make anything happen.

Their kitchen was more industrial than cozy. She hadn’t eaten in there before, but with people everywhere it seemed like a safe, isolated location. Sitting at a small table near windows, Claire looked out over the backyard and the garages. She was there eating a sandwich when Tony found her.

“What do you think about the plans?” His voice sounded light and brought her back to reality. She’d been letting her mind wander. It hadn’t been any place in particular, just a happy place. She was thinking about lights, Christmas trees, her wedding dress, Tony in a tuxedo, and a warm feeling. She remembered the warmth of her visions while she was ill, and her current thoughts were giving her that same feeling. It is a nice change to have reality be her warm place.

She smiled at Tony as he approached. “I think they sound wonderful. I can’t believe they aren’t freaking out about the deadline.”

“What did I tell you?”

She smiled. “We don’t have enough time to discuss all the things you have told me.”

“You seem happy.” Grinning, he stole the other half of her sandwich. “I meant about what money could do to help our wedding proceed as you want.” He took a bite of the sandwich.

“You said it would and it obviously does. I am still slightly in shock.” Claire took a drink of water and caressed Tony’s arm. Looking into his brown eyes, she said, “It’s a good shock.” He took her water and started to kiss her neck. “Do you realize you have taken my sandwich and now my water?”

Tony cooed, “I think maybe you have taken something of mine.”

He stood by her chair. She put her arms around his waist and looked up at his face. “I did? What did I take?”

He bent down to kiss her. She stood to meet him halfway. His lips softly touched her lips and her neck as his hands became tangled in her hair. “I believe it was my heart.” Claire’s body forgot the demands of the previous night. Actually, it began to make demands of its own. He tugged her hair with his fingers, causing her face to look up. She considered asking about Patricia, it was a fleeting thought. There was a more pressing issue. “Is everyone still here?” she pressed back.

“Brad and Monica left, they will return Monday to give us more information. We can make more definite decisions then.” She kissed his neck as he spoke. His voice revealed the effect of her kisses. “And Patricia is collecting names for our guest list. She is still in my office. I told her I needed to check on you to make sure you were feeling all right.” His chocolate eyes hid behind his closed lids.

Claire couldn’t resist. “I’m feeling very good, how do you think I’m feeling?” He murmured agreement as she spoke between kisses. “So explain why I can’t be in your office alone and she can?”

He pulled her close. “Because I said so.” His hands caressed the soft skin under her sweater.

“I hated that answer when it came from my parents, I don’t think I like it from you either.” She wasn’t arguing or complaining. On the contrary, she was agreeing with everything.

“Okay, how about because you don’t need to worry your pretty head about anything in there? The telephones, Internet, computers . . . All you need to worry about is me.”

“Oh, and I do! I worry about you constantly.” She nuzzled his chin and listened to his heart pound rapidly in his wide chest. “So you don’t worry about Patricia’s pretty head?”

His voice sounded gravelly and far away. “Does she have a pretty head? I haven’t noticed.” He couldn’t have said anything that would have pleased Claire more at that moment. She suggested going to his room or her room, he mentioned the attributes of the kitchen floor, when Catherine made a loud coughing sound.

“Excuse me, Mr. Rawlings, Ms. Claire. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons are here to see you both.”

Claire looked at Tony with desperation. “What happened to never having visitors?” She smiled and tried to straighten her hair and sweater. Tony suddenly turned away from Catherine and looked out the back window, breathed deeply, and tried to adjust his appearance. Claire decided she should address Catherine, Tony was having difficulty talking. “Thank you, Catherine. Can you please tell them that Mr. Rawlings and I will be there in a few minutes?” Catherine said she would show the Simmonses to the sitting room. Claire went to Tony and whispered in his ear, “Sorry.”

He turned to her, grinning, his voice adoring and playful. “You aren’t yet, but give me some time.” There was a time that those words would have terrified her. Today wasn’t one of them, the wedding planning, being home, and fanciful foreplay had set the stage. The stage felt warm, like her visions.

“I look forward to that promise.” She leaned against a counter and waited for him to contain himself. She tried, but couldn’t remember one time in the past eight months that he’d been in this predicament. Grinning, she found it amusing.

They walked hand in hand to the sitting room. When they reached the archway Brent and Courtney stood to greet them. Courtney ran to Claire and hugged her. Next to Catherine, it was the best response she received from anyone regarding their engagement. She really felt like she was being hugged by a friend. Claire couldn’t help feeling happy. It was a real happy, one that suddenly seemed to be recurring. She liked it. Courtney pulled Claire’s left hand to see her ring, and led her to one of the sofas. She wanted to hear all about New York, the proposal, and everything! Claire looked to Tony. He and Brent were involved in discussions that led them away from the ladies and toward Tony’s office.

She curled up on the sofa with her arms wrapped around her knees, and chatted with her friend. It wasn’t uncomfortable or difficult. She didn’t feel threatened by Courtney’s questions or the pressure to feign her answers. She didn’t feel the need to minimize Tony’s extravagant proposal. She felt warm and accepted.

Catherine brought them coffee, and Courtney listened as Claire told her about New York City. From shopping for the perfect outfit to the cool crisp evening in Central Park, she retold the entire day. It all was so romantic! She wouldn’t repeat his proposal, but it was wonderful. She couldn’t believe he really proposed.

Courtney could hardly contain her excitement. “We have been friends with Tony for a long time. And both Brent and I have noticed something different with Tony lately. The way he looks at you, we’ve never seen that look in his eyes before. It is wonderful to see him in love.”

The simplicity of chatting, giggling, and sharing delighted Claire. Sometime during their conversation she thought she heard voices, loud voices coming from the direction of Tony’s office. Courtney heard them too. They shrugged and went on with their chat. Courtney told Claire that she would be willing to help her in any way. She would be glad to taste-test food or desserts, listen to music, tie bows for chairs, address invitations, whatever Claire needed. She was officially at her disposal.

The men returned to the sitting room. Their disposition not as jovial as the ladies; however, they acted affable. Courtney finally asked, “Is everything all right?” Tony said it was and Brent agreed. The ladies were having too much fun to let the men change that.

Courtney continued to ask about the wedding. Would it really be in three weeks? Did they like the coordinator and planner? When Tony wasn’t around she wanted the scoop on Claire’s dress. Then she told Tony about her offer to help Claire. She was so excited. They left about two hours after they arrived.

Claire started to go upstairs to her suite when she remembered Patricia. Had she left? Tony said she had when Brent got there. She took information home and she would bring him a guest list to evaluate Monday at the office.

“Can we please eat in my suite? It has been a great day, and I’m tired.” During dinner Tony told Claire that he and Brent had exchanged
during the afternoon. Brent was Tony’s head legal counsel and his best friend, Claire was surprised. What happened? He explained that Brent borrowed a page from her brother-in-law. Claire sighed. “The prenuptial agreement again.” He said yes, Brent had also insisted that they have one. Claire agreed. “I don’t presume to know anything about your belongings, but if everyone thinks we should have one let’s just do it.”

She hadn’t realized that the conversation had become intense, but before she could blink he lifted her from her chair. His tone immediately harsh and his proximity too close. “I am sick and tired of everyone telling me what to do. I have made my decision. That is what I told Brent and what I am telling you. There will
be a prenuptial agreement, and do you know why?”

She met his eyes with hers. “Tony, please, you said you wouldn’t hurt me again.” He released her arms and she fell back to her chair.

“And you promised to not give me cause.”

She thought about his question she hadn’t answered yet. Not answering could be considered cause. “I don’t know why we shouldn’t have a prenuptial agreement, other than you don’t want one.”

“That is part of it.” He paced. Everyone questioning his judgment made him feel disrespected. “The other part is,” and he knelt by Claire, his face once again too close to hers, his eyes shining black, and stared into her eyes. She didn’t look away, “I know I won’t leave you. And I
you won’t leave me.” His voice slow and malevolent, he asked, “Will you?”

She faced one of those junctures: be frightened by his tone, proximity, and allow his sudden unpredicted change in disposition to ruin a day that she truly enjoyed, or attempt to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. She chose the second. She answered his question with a voice that sounded both calm and composed. “I agreed to be Mrs. Anthony Rawlings just three days ago. It has been a whirlwind since then, and my wedding is in three weeks. We are both overwhelmed. Tony, I would never think of leaving you.”

His eyes still flashed, blackness intensified. “Do you have any idea of the consequences if you did decide to leave me?”

Continued eye contact and composure, “I would rather think about the consequences of staying with you and learning what it is that makes you happy,” she smiled, “and learning what you want of me, and when you want it.” His eyes lightened and flickered brown. “Perhaps you could give me some hints?” He was calming. She watched the tension and fury leave his face. Continuing with the composed but now playful tone, she added, “As a matter of fact, I think you were promising me something this afternoon in the kitchen.”

It worked. He mellowed. She didn’t make the first move, wanting him to believe he was in control. When he didn’t speak and stood, she thought perhaps he was leaving her suite and this conversation was done. But he didn’t. Instead, he scooped her out of the chair and carried her to the bed.

He wasn’t his old self and he wasn’t his new gentle self. He was somewhere in between, but closer to gentle than the night before. She did it, she mellowed him. Her response resulted in the consequence she hoped. Claire would figure him out. In the meantime, this was a little thunder but no storm.



 Chapter 29

The next two and a half weeks flew by in a flash.

Sometime during their first night home, Claire awoke and heard Tony’s breathing in her bed. The drapes were open, and the moonlight illuminated her suite. She looked around and snuggled into the soft covers. She was in her suite in her home, not in New York. In three weeks, it would actually be half hers. The monetary value wasn’t what enamored her. It was the fact that
wanted it to belong to her. She possessed memories that she refused to revisit. She also possessed a promise of a future. As she cuddled under the fluffy down comforter next to her warm sleeping fiancé, she knew she would hold tight to that promise.

They met with Brad and Monica on the Monday following Thanksgiving. Claire knew they were definitely worth the expense, whatever that may be. Tony told Claire not to worry about it. Their ideas were amazing. The wedding would take place in the grand entry, with Claire descending the staircase, which would be decorated with lights and sheer tapestries. The reception would be in the backyard, in a large floored, heated tent accessible to guests from the sunporch. There would be many Christmas trees and millions of clear lights. There would be evergreens and red flowers. Emily would wear black and carry a red bouquet. There would be an open bar and hors d’oeuvres and then a full sit-down meal of multiple courses. The cake was chic and decorated with real flowers. The flavors would include white, chocolate, raspberry, and carrot. Claire was especially excited about the string quartet from the Quad City Symphony, the place of her and Tony’s first night out.

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