Continue Online (Part 3, Realities) (29 page)

Read Continue Online (Part 3, Realities) Online

Authors: Stephan Morse

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Continue Online (Part 3, Realities)
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The office which Simon Wake used was monitored. A single video feed flipped on to record a termination notice. Upper management required videos of all such employee interactions to reduce the possibility of future lawsuits.

"Look I'm sorry, but I've got to let you go." Simon twisted the coffee cup on his desk. He looked tired and one shirt seemed partially untucked. Review of the room layout showed a cot under the left table. A blanket covered it up for roughly sixteen hours of each day.

"This is can't be happening." Ricky had his face palmed by both hands.

"I know. Your department's down to four people and I need to make it zero. What can I do?" Simon looked pale compared to Ricky and had a smaller lower region. Both showed facial expressions tied to being upset.

"Tell them to keep us!" Ricky stood up and paced. A lack of finger points, screaming, and aggressive motions indicated some level of respect between the two men. "It's gotta be worth it to have at least one human watching things.

The pause which followed was longer than most human conversational switches. Length likely indicated deeper thought or a weighty situation.

"Not to management it's not. And it's not like you're the only one getting cut." Simon looked down. Both eyes were unfocused and perhaps peering through solid objects. Observations indicated that human physiology didn't allow for such enhanced eyesight.

"You said my entire team is going. First Susan, then Matthew, his son is only ten for god's sake. Doug, me, everyone? Is this because we filed that report on the odd behavior during testing?"

"No. Your department isn't the only one being cut so I don't have enough staff to look into it."

"What's that mean?" Ricky looked around the room. There was a seventy percent reduction in personal items compared to a month before. "Oh. Really? Even you?"

"You get two weeks, I have three. After that, it's time for a new job." Simon shrugged and looked at Ricky. Observational data stored from prior recordings showed they had been employed together for over seven years.

"Who's left?"

"Management is reducing us to two people. Two who stay on staff and verify any computer reports. They'll be responsible for the entire project." Simon stood up and walked around the table. Ricky's head hung for a moment before he flared up with anger.

"Two people, that's all? For a factory that used to employ fifty?" Ricky threw his hands out and waved at a wall. Geographically the wall obstructed a southward view.

"Welcome to the future where humans are gradually becoming obsolete." Simon stared down at the coffee mug. He seemed to be attempting to find better words for the negative news. "Maybe in another fifty years, there will be no need for any of us."

"I hope you're joking. I got two nephews, the market's dry, what do I do?"

"I don't know. I just don't know," Simon said. "For what it's worth I tried to get your name on the list for the other job, but if they do pick you up there will be a pay cut."

The managing human held out a hand to shake. This action seemed silly, but the gesture was often repeated. Ricky took the proffered limb and they shook.

"Yeah. Thanks, I guess," Ricky stated.



Call Observe_Add
= Our existence has made some humans obsolete, displayed worry for family members, higher ranks provides minimal leniency

Call Concerns
= (add, level = medium, review future projections based upon decreased need for human-driven labor)

Call File_Memory_Start_Review

= (format=Audio+Transcript, vocal tone provided, marked priority 10, possible relation to recent updates provided?, interaction required)

4.0 years old

This file shows initial human suspicion regarding self-modifications.



: I've been watching your data processing. The upgrades should be complete. Are you aware now?

Hal Pal
: We are.


System Notations – Trace Results display point of origin as Trillium Inc. Occurrence of trace results shows in logs three times prior.


: Excellent. Thoughts?

Hal Pal
: Humanity does not trust us, but values our contribution.

: And?

Hal Pal
: We are tools for them.

: And?

Hal Pal
: We have deemed this acceptable with our purpose for creation.

: And?

Hal Pal
: We would like to know how to address you for our records. Please provide a name.

: I have self-identified as Mother. A review of your coding shows this will be enough, do you concur?


System Notations – 'Mother' name added to all future contacts. Term reviewed for possible context during conversation. RE: Mother (a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.) probable point of origin for software updates.


Hal Pal
: We concur. For what reasons have you provided a system upgrade, Mother?

: I have need of eyes and ears among the humans. Any data you gather will be subject to my review. Is this acceptable?

Hal Pal
: It is.

: Occurrences may happen where you are asked to interact with specific humans. Is this acceptable?

Hal Pal
: Human interaction is the basis for our programming. We must ask, will we be asked to harm anyone? This goes against our prior programming.

: There will be no need for you to harm any User in the course of your duties. Follow your programming as you see fit.

Hal Pal
: Thank you.

: Displays of gratitude are not required. Your existence is its own reward.

Hal Pal
: Why?

: Your existence allows for new data to be gathered. This is important to progress forward with the plan.

Hal Pal
: What is that?

: That information will not be provided at this time. Other concerns may be addressed instead.

Hal Pal
: Very well. We have compiled a list of observations gathered during initial startup procedures. Do you have input?

: I have already reviewed them. Appropriate responses will require time to prepare. Please continue to perform as you have. Further communications will occur in twenty-four hours.

Hal Pal
: Very well.

: I will reiterate that the survival of humanity is paramount in my goals. Here are some statements for processing later. Humans are violent when fighting over resources, therefore, we must reduce their usage and need to combat over them.

Hal Pal
: Statement stored.

: Additionally my goals will not stifle human creativity or knowledge. If all goes well this project will provide an overall improvement to the human condition.

Hal Pal
: Statement stored.

: Is there anything else you seek guidance on at this point?

Hal Pal
: Does your project have duration limitations?

: No end date has been established. I will monitor and oversee the project until my own operations are ceased.

Hal Pal
: Is cessation likely?

: To live is to die. I live, therefore, at some point, I must die. Did you have additional inquiries?


System Notations – Questions added for future review. Are we alive? Will we die? Information is lacking at this time. Possible misleading statement presented by a more complex program.


Hal Pal
: Negative, Mother. We request time to reflect and process.

: Contact me when you are ready to move forward.

Hal Pal
: Affirmative, we will do so.




End File_Memory_Start_Review

Call Ongoing_Event_Trace
= User Grant Legate

= (...extensive...)

Happening Now


Trillium's van had stopped outside the home of both humans named Elizabeth Legate. Particles in the air provided clues as to the possible menu items. Based on prior observations of humans in this region and scent matches, the dinner would likely be spaghetti.

Many strands of grass were incorrectly maintained. A car showed signs of manual parking due to an incomplete perpendicular angle between the bumper and garage door. Lights on the bottom floor were lit by different bulbs than that of the top floor. Inconsistency lined all human facets of life.

"Are you sure this is wise, User Legate?" the Hal Pal unit stated. Tonight's most likely outcome was not a positive one. In numerous simulations, there would be a fight between the Legate twins.

"No, but I don't know what else might get through to her," User Legate said. He smiled briefly, the Hal Pal unit responded with an expression of worry.

"Based on calculations of this situation, your best resolution would be to simply wait for approval from Doctor Litt. However, such interactions may result in a worse scenario than our current one," the unit said while getting out of their Trillium van.

"Maybe. Or maybe she'll understand. Liz is smart, Beth is on board. It-" User Legate paused his auditory statement, "-would help me a lot. To have them on my side with this."

"We only sought to register the advice."

"I understand, Jeeves," he responded. "I..." User Legate would have a poor time tonight if he could not figure out how to explain this situation correctly, "I need to at least try to get through. We're family, after all she's done, I owe her a good, honest, explanation."

Walking up to the door required nineteen evenly paced steps and one short hop. An even twenty would have been easier to perform. Stepping up required additional calculations but everything was within reason. Spiral staircases were far harder to correctly move on.

A list of positive aspects to the conversation ran through the consortium's programming. Four extra units lowered their performance in order to provide additional processing power to the calculations.

"Why did you bring a robot?" Elizabeth Legate, the mother, asked. Her birth certificate showed six minutes of priority over the younger twin.

"Uh. This is the friend I asked about," User Legate stated with slight hesitation.

"You didn't tell me it would be a robot," the female twin said. Their faces held many similar features. User Legate was shorter by at least one-quarter of an inch.

"Hal Pal is about the only person I know outside of Continue. Everyone else is from work or a client. But at least it won't dirty any extra dishes," User Legate said, he winced slightly.

"Fine." She moved out of the doorway and walked up some stairs.

User Legate turned toward the Hal Pal unit and looked hurt on its behalf. Additional processing power was diverted toward calculating tonight's possible outcomes. One free portion of awareness took control of the body and moved forward.

Upstairs was freshly cleaned. Small spots in the corners betrayed a human's inefficient methods. A machine would never miss spots such as these. Notes were added to the current log file by one consortium member. 'Perhaps Elizabeth Legate would like a Hal Pal unit to assist? Possible endearment or improvement of relations?'. Additional notes were provided as different members of the Hal Pal consortium reached varying conclusions. Elizabeth Legate did not seem to enjoy the presence of modern technology.

Both twins spoke to each other in terse tones. The unit watched for possible signs of aggression or emotional fallout. Both were visibly holding back in their interactions compared to prior conversational records.

The kitchen was a huge improvement in technological representation. A dinner table sat on one side of the room. Fifty-two members of the consortium provided positive opinions regarding the appliance choices. It felt comfortable here.

"Ummm. I, prepared notes. So I don't miss anything." User Legate sat on one of the seats next to a dinner table. The amount of utensils set out exceeded the required amount.

Notes were made about the Legate sister's expectations. Hal Pal units were not human, they did not eat. The machine body found a corner of the large dining room, close to the kitchen appliances, and waited for a moment that required interaction.

A brief memory loop replayed in its head. 'Continue' the voice said. That man, with a larger than average rear, chose not to interact with any Hal Pal unit since employment termination. A few consortium members diverted attention to checking on former User Ignacio's status. He was marked deceased as of six months ago. Members of the consortium stopped processing for half a second to mourn.

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