Continuum (29 page)

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Authors: Susan Wu

BOOK: Continuum
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It's the middle of the night and I am standing in a vast field surrounded by a mountain on one end and a grove of trees on the other.  Each individual blade of grass, each leaf on the treetops is sharp and clear as day.  I can see the individual shades of black, blue, and purple that make up the inky black sky filled with thousands of tiny stars.  A light mist hangs in the air slowly curling around me.  

Everything is so much clearer and brighter than I’ve ever experienced.  I swear I can even hear the quiet sound of the grass rustling together as a gentle breeze blows through.  I am so distracted by my surroundings, it takes a moment for me to realize there is someone else in the field.

He steps forward, his strained face cast in shadows.  Even so, I still recognize his refined features instantly—my father, Izic.

“My time is limited.  What you need to know is that we are all in great danger.  I have a mission of great importance that I entrust only to you.”

My vision dips as I--Zefa?--bow at the waist.  No wonder everything is so sharp, I am seeing everything from Zefa’s vantage point.  His memories would be even more flawless than my own.  A voice that is not my own leaves my lips, “I will do anything you ask of me, my lord.”

Izic's usually stern expression softens and he closes his eyes as if in pain, “You are my most trusted advisor.  I am going to confide in you something I have never shared with anyone before.”  

Zefa responds reverently, “You honor me, my lord.  How many I serve you?”

“Twenty years ago, on one of my exploratory missions, I came upon the ancient colony called Uerth.  It was a planet populated by natives and distant descendants of Umon’s people.  I fell in love with a female there.  She bore me a daughter.”  

Zefa gasps in surprise, “There is an heir?”

“Yes.  Her name is Fallon Pierce.  I have reason to believe Epir has discovered Fallon's existence.  Your mission is to go to Earth and keep her safe.” 

Zefa solemnly places his left arm over his chest and bows his head, “I will do all I can to keep her safe.” 

Izic replies in a bitter tone, “She's the only family I have left.  Epir made sure of that.  I am sending you, because you are the only one that could understand what that means.  I have foreseen the Eku army arriving in less than two days.  I need you to leave for Uerth immediately.  Do whatever is necessary to keep her safe.  Tell no one of your plans.”  

“Should I report back to you, sir?”

“No, it will be safer that way.  Your ship has been given priority take off clearance.  I have encoded her coordinates into the ship’s system, only when you say her name will the ship take you to her.”


The memory ends there and I slowly open my eyes.  I am back in my living room standing across from Zefa.  Compared to the clarity of his memory, the edges of the room seem blurry.  My head is spinning and I am momentarily disoriented by the suddenness of the change.  I practically yank my hand out of his grasp and begin rubbing the bridge of my nose.  My brain is aching from the invasion.  I glare at him suspiciously, “That was... different.”

His tone is matter-of-fact, “The sensation will pass momentarily.”

“How do I know I can trust what you're telling me?  How do I know you didn't just whip that memory up?  I know enough about the Phynx to not automatically trust whatever it was you showed me.”

Zefa almost smiles and the scar along his jaw tightens, making it look cynical, “You are your father's daughter.  He didn't think you would just take my word for it, so he gave me something to prove my identity.”  

He confidently pulls out a slender wooden box that was sticking out of his pocket and holds it out on the palm of his hand between us.  I cautiously pick it up without touching his hand, lest I get subjected to more mind games.  Examining the box, I recognize the royal crest carved into the wood.  I unhinge the gold clasp and open it with uncertainty.  My breath catches when I recognize what's nestled in the red velvet cushion.  Carefully, I pull out a beautiful silk and lace fan embroidered with butterflies.  In the corner, tucked partially under the cushion is a small square of paper with my name written on the outside.

Fallon, I need you to listen to Zefa.  I wish there was time to explain.  Please just do everything he asks.  I trust him with your life.  Izic.

“I’ll be right back,” I say to Zefa before running up the stairs to the attic, taking the steps two at a time.  Once I reach the attic, I take a quick look around open the first box closest to the door and dump the contents onto the floor.  I spot the silver picture frame I am looking for and carefully turn it over.  A photo of my mom smiling into the camera, her face partially obscured by a silk and lace fan embroidered with butterflies.  I flip the frame back over, open up the back, and take out the photograph.  In the same small precise handwriting as the note, it says simply:

My Lily, Thinking of you always.  Love, Isaac


I am out of breath when I reach the bottom of the stairs and return to the living room.  Adrenaline is pulsing through my veins and Zefa’s nostrils flare like he can smell the fear leaking out of my pores, “Why did he send you to protect me?”

Zefa squares his shoulders, “I assure you I am the right one for the job.  I am a part of Izic's war council.  I am his head advisor.”

I eye his youthful face, “Aren't you a tad young?”

“Young but not inexperienced,” his finger traces the scar along his jaw as he replies. “I have known times of war far longer than times of peace.”

I want to ask him about his scar but it seems too personal so I ask an easier one, “Why is my father going to war with Eku?”

“Epir is your cousin, the only son of your father's elder sister, Asila.  Conception for the Phynx is very difficult.  Your grandparents wanted nothing more than to have another child, a son.  Epir was in his thirteenth year when Izic was born.  The Phynxian ruler can choose which child is his or her own successor, it is not a birth right.  When Izic ascended to the thrown, Epir was livid.  Epir abdicated to Eku.”

“That's a bit dramatic.  And the Eku are willing to start a war over who is the rightful heir?”

“Epir's conception was a violent one.  Your Aunt Asila was treasured and beloved by your grandparents.  In her seventeenth year, she was kidnapped by Xak, an Eku warlord.  'Eku' means strength in the ancient tongue.  The Eku are known for their ferocity, they take what they want.  When Xak took Asila as his bride, it was the first time the Phynx and the Eku hand gone to war in over two thousand years.  Asila died shortly after giving birth to Epir.  When Xak was captured at the Battle of Umkor, they turned Epir over in exchange for Xak's return.  Your grandparents tried to raise him as normally as possible but the circumstances of his birth would not allow it.  He was always a very angry and trouble young man.”  

“They told Epir how he was conceived?  How his mother died?  No wonder he was messed up.  How can anyone deal with that?”

“It wasn't quite like that.  Epir is a psychometrist.”

“A what?”

“You don't need a brain to hold a memory.  There are certain places or treasured objects that are able to hold memories as well.  A psychometrist can tell things about the past through these objects, about who owned these objects, and their fate.  After Asila never came back, your grandparents were in deep grief for the loss of their only daughter.  They wanted to erase every memory of her so they could start a new life for Epir.  They had all her possessions removed from the palace and burned.  They even went as far to close off that wing of the palace.  When Epir was in his twentieth year, he found a key hidden amongst his grandfather’s things.  The etchings on the key matched the etchings on the locked doors of the forbidden wing.  He snuck into the closed off wing and went exploring.  The instant he touched the door to Asila's room, he knew everything about his past that he had always wondered about.  He had always felt second rate compared to your father even though your grandparents treated them both very well.”

For a moment, I felt pity for Epir.  And then I remembered he was the person Izic was trying to protect me from, “Why does Izic think Epir is a danger to me?” 

“When your grandparents passed away 10 years ago, Izic ascended to the thrown over Epir.  That was the last straw for him.  So he went to the only other blood tie he had remaining-- Xak.  Xak is one of the greatest warriors of all time--completely ruthless and brutal.  But also sharp tongued and manipulative.  He convinced Epir that he belonged with the Eku and that it would one day be his to rule.  That day happened a lot earlier than Xak expected.  A few months ago, Epir assassinated Xak.  He anointed himself as the new king of Eku.  His first act as king was to declare war on Phynx.”

“I still don’t understand.  Up until two days ago, not even my father’s most trusted advisor knew of my existence.”

“Unfortunately, you are wrong about that Fallon.  There are those with gifts that would use them against others.  There are those among us that can know our deepest secrets and fears without ever knowing us, without ever uttering a single word to us.  Despite your father’s efforts to keep you concealed, far too many may know of your existence now.”  

I look down at the fan on my lap.  “He hates my father that much?”

“Epir is out for blood.  He wants vengeance on those he believes have grieved him.  His mission is one of complete destruction, he will kill anyone who stands in his way.”

I close my eyes, scared of his answer, “Has Izic foreseen something you’re not telling me?”

“Izic has been having troubling dreams of late.  He has had much unrest in the past couple days.  He dreams of blood.  Much like the days leading to the death of Xak.  As you know from experience, the dreams are not clear.  Your father does not wish to risk your life on the chance that Epir might not know who you are.”

“I've been having strange dreams too.  Well not dreams of blood.  Hold on a minute, I have a drawing.”  I run into my room and flip open my sketchbook, frantically turning the pages until I find my nightmare drawing.  I bring the drawing back to Zefa, “Here take a look at this.  I drew it right after I woke up one night.  I've been having this same dream for weeks.  I am lost in the forest and when this man finds me, I scream but no one can hear me.  His eyes flash like steel, gray and cold.”  Looking down at the drawing, the memory of fear makes my blood turn to ice in my veins.

Zefa studies the drawing, a crease forming between his eyebrows, “If he does not already know about you, he will soon.”

“So this is Epir.  At least I'll know what he looks like when he's coming to kill me.  But just because Epir knows of my existence, how exactly does Izic think he's going to track me down?  Earth is kind of a big place.”

“There are a very small number Phynx who are
.  They possess the rare capability of recognizing our kind because they have the ability to see inside the minds of other Phynxians.  These individuals are not to be trusted.  They usually go mad from not being able to stop the influx of information, but a few have honed this ability into a weapon.  This ability is only limited by proximity and if he knows about you, he'll likely come here first.  And since you haven't left Everest Heights since your birth it won't be that hard to find you.  But you are half-human, it is hard to say whether or not a
would be able to track you, but we're not taking any chances.”

“Where exactly are you planning on taking me?”

“Somewhere far away enough that they will not be able find you.”  

“I'm supposed to be in London on the 26th.  Why don't I just fly out there early?  Spend some time hiding out on another continent.  Then you can go back and tell Izic everything is fine and I don't need a babysitter.”

“Fallon, that is probably not a wise choice.  Epir will not stop looking for you just because you are not in Everest Heights, waiting for him.  Plus anyone associated with you, anyone found in your proximity will be put in immense danger.  It is best that we leave the planet all together.  Safer for everyone involved.”

There is a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I think of Ethan.  “Where will you take me?  What happens to the people I’m leaving behind?  You said they’re going to be in danger.”

“We have colonies throughout space.  There is a small planet in the Elkipi sector that is very sparsely inhabited and the conditions are... livable.  We can stay there until we receive further instruction from your father.  I could have your father station someone here for protection... but that will confirm that the
is on the right path and might draw more attention.”

My mind starts generating scenarios of how this will play out.  “And then what happens next?  When the situation is diffused?  Then it's off to Phynx, right?  What about my life here?”

“When the danger is eliminated, I am to bring you back to Phynx.  You are headed on a different path now.”  The implications leave my head spinning.  I feel like time has been momentarily suspended and I am unable to move, unable to think, unable to speak.  All I can see is Ethan, his face glowing with joy as he fastens his gift around my neck.  I can feel the warmth of our happiness in that moment.

Zefa gently places his hand on my shoulder, “Fallon?  Are you okay?”  The image dissolves and the light fades back to the dim lighting of my living room.  I am suddenly shivering in my coat.

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts, “When do we leave?”

“Straight away.  After you pack what you need.  You'll need your warmest attire.”

“What about Ethan?” I ask in a small voice.

Zefa is taken aback, “Who is Ethan?”

“My boyfriend.  I'm supposed to be meeting him in London next week.  I was going to meet his dad and his brother.”

Compassion softens Zefa's expression, “Call him.  Tell him nothing.  Better yet, lie.  It will be safer for him that way.”


Zefa leaves with the pretense of going outside to monitor the perimeter.  As I sit on my bed, an empty suitcase on the floor in front of me, I finally let myself start coming undone.  Emotion I didn't know I was capable of comes pouring out.  I am trying to cry quietly but instead I'm gripped by great racking heaves.  I feel like a bomb has been dropped in the middle of my chest, the tremendous agony brought on by sudden explosive impact.  

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