Control (Book Seven) (Fated Saga Fantasy Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Control (Book Seven) (Fated Saga Fantasy Series)
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The Grosvenor which Colin had blasted into the loft was jumping from beam to beam. “Look out,” she warned Colin, once she realized what was about to happen, but it was too late.

The Grosvenor
leapt down, landing behind Colin, thrusting his dagger into Colin’s back before anyone could react.

Catrina screamed
, rushing forward, only to come to an abrupt stop at the point where the dust-bone wall stopped her.

Meghan froze, feeli
ng like someone might as well as stabbed her too!

Colin fell forward
, his magic shield vanishing, leaving them all vulnerable.

The Grosvenor withdrew the knife, now stained red with Colin’s blood.

Colin rolled over, gasping.

The remaining Grosvenor remade their
line and marched as one, ready to plunge their daggers into Colin’s body.

The Grosvenor, which had already stabbed Colin, stared at the bloody dagger. Something wasn’t right.
Where was the power surge? He felt nothing.

The five advanced on
Colin, leaning in as they did, lifting their arms, ready to stab.

In the next moment, t
hree things happened in quick succession.

Colin’s body rose from the
floor, stiff and straight, as if he had a board underneath his body.

Once back on his feet, he raised both of his arms and with a flick of his wrist, the daggers went soaring into the air, landing far away.

At the same time, the Grosvenor’s bodies were tossed into the air, landing on the barn floor with a series of violent thumps.

Meghan looked at
Colin’s torn shirt, where he had been stabbed, realizing there was no wound. He had healed himself.

How? How had he been able to do that?

A maniacal laugh echoed throughout the barn.

Everyone looked to see Freyne Rothrock’s face in the mirror.

“Fools! All of you fools!” he spit out. “You think I’d give you real daggers?” he laughed again.

The Grosvenor looked between each other and then to Colin.

They had been duped. Promised power by Freyne and then put into a game of life and death with a Projector. A pissed off Projector whose girlfriend was still held prisoner.

whimpered, backing away, relieved that Colin was not injured.

Meghan found her strength again, rejoining Ivan and Sebastien.

This time, they
formed their own line of defense in front of Catrina’s prison, with Colin in the middle. Meghan stood to his right, with Nona at her heels, and Sebastien by her right, and Ivan at Colin’s left side.

So many spells left palms the b
arn lit up in streams of gold, silver and white, as spell met spell in a furious battle for life and death.

Colin willed his spells into existence, his arms remaining by his sides.
This battle could last for hours. Days even, until one side or another surrendered.

The Grosvenor were f
ast considering the age of their bodies; they moved with agile precision.

Colin did as much damage on his own as the line assisting him. He could feel them tiring, whereas he did not.
Regrets over his choice to free Aloyna could easily have overwhelmed him, but he didn’t allow it. As Catrina had first said, he should have found some other way to free her and never agreed to work with Freyne.


Just thinking the name sent his imagination into overdrive. He swung his arm out. The head of one of the Grosvenor snapped to one side, breaking. The crack of the bones was jarring.

Meghan watched the Grosvenor force his head back
in place at the top of his body, where she guessed his immortal body healed itself. 

Colin’s focus was getting beyond this
battle. He wouldn’t be satisfied now until Freyne was dead. Freyne was using him to kill off his competition. This thought shot down his gut, tearing through him. There had to be a way to get ahead. To take out the Grosvenor. End them! He was officially sick of playing other people’s games!

Streams of
flame erupted out of Meghan’s body flooding towards a Grosvenor advancing on her. The flames set its robes ablaze.

ith an annoyed grunt, the Grosvenor underneath doused the flame and continued his charge.

Sebastien took off into the air, transforming
into his bird form mid- jump, flying high overhead; he landed on a square wooden beam. He changed back into human form and cast a spell, knocking the Grosvenor advancing on Meghan sideways, its body crashing through the side of the barn wall.

From his higher vantage point, he could see much more clearly. He grabbed hold of a second
wooden beam and pointed his palm towards Ivan.

Ivan, physically, held a strong pose, shooting
off spell after spell at the two Grosvenor attacking him. But the spells were getting weaker and he wouldn’t be able to head them off for long.

didn’t see the third Grosvenor advancing from behind. It had located one of the daggers and was preparing to plunge it into Ivan’s back.

Ivan heard something crash
behind him and spun around.

dagger slid across the floor, out of sight. The Grosvenor that had been holding it crumpled on the floor.

“Gotcha,” mumbled Sebastien, looking for his next target.

Ivan returned to the dual with the two Grosvenor still advancing at his front. He had expanded all of his magical energy. He couldn’t calm himself enough to reach out and get more. In his haste to join the battle with the banished encampment, he had not secured any extra potions. Something he regretted now. He wasn’t going to be of any use in a minute. He’d just be someone else needing protection.

Colin saw the Ivan’s magic was getting weaker. He needed every able bodied person at top performance.
Without a questioning thought as to whether he could, Colin willed Ivan’s magic restored.

It happened in such a rush that Ivan staggered for a moment. He didn’t understand what was happening, but accepted whatever help he had just gotten, renewing his attack at full power once again.

Colin then restored Sebastien’s magical strength as well. Meghan on the other hand showed no signs of tiring.

Nona stayed with Catrina, marching back and forth
in front of her prison. Catrina was stuck inside, helpless to do anything but watch.

The attack was getting more ferocious.

Neither side was making any progress.

Colin needed everything to slow down.

He needed time to figure out how to win this battle.

Just a few chaotic free
minutes to think.

Everything slowed.
Not frozen, still moving forward, but slow enough that Colin was suddenly able to see everything going on around him in clear detail.

e saw Meghan falling backwards, a Grosvenor lunging for her.

He saw one of the t
wo Grosvenor attacking Ivan vault into the air, flying over Ivan’s head and land behind him. Ivan spun sideways, shooting off spells in both directions. Each deflected, the Grosvenor gaining on him.

He saw Seba
stien diving towards Meghan’s lunging foe, transforming mid-flight to shoot off his spell. It hit the target, but to Sebastien’s horror, only sent it surging faster right at Meghan.

called out her name, leaving himself no time to transfer back into bird form before slamming into the ground. He rolled over, the wind knocked out of him, just in time to see the blood thirsty eyes of a hooded figure looking down at him.

Another of the Grosvenor pushed against Colin’s defensive shield, pushing its way into it. Colin didn’t know what he expected to accomplish by doing this. He found it annoying and looked away.

Colin saw a hood falling back, exposing the face of one of the female Grosvenor. Her features hardly resembled a woman’s anymore. Her worn skin toughened, showing its many long years, her eyes sunken in, spewing nothing but hatred.

A heartless
grin spread across her face.

She stood behind everyone, her arms outstretched in front of her, her palms facing upwards.
Two black orbs formed in her hands, pulsating in thick molasses-like motions.

She looked straight into Colin’s eyes
, took her arms and slammed the two orbs together.

The impact was instant.

A magical shockwave, just a second from blowing the entire place, including the people he loved, into smithereens.

op!” ordered Colin, out of sheer untainted desire for everything to just stop.

Suddenly, the only thing Colin hea
rd was his own heavy breathing.

He stood in the middle of a frozen scene
, his chest heaving.

Meghan was on her
back, her arms pushed up in front of her, flames erupting out of her hands as she tried to fend off the Grosvenor just a few feet above her, frozen mid-lunge.

Sebastien had a bony hand about to enclose around his neck.

Colin’s head flicked to the left where he saw Nona’s tiny body frozen mid-air; she’d been hurled by someone, but her claws grasped at a beam, trying to stop her body’s momentum.

had a spell mid-cast, about to hit the Grosvenor on one side of him, while a spell from the opposite side’s attacker threatened to hit Ivan square in the head.

The Grosvenor
trying to penetrate Colin’s shield was now bent at an unnatural angle, the shockwave having started to slam into him before Colin had stopped everything. He looked as though someone was kicking him in the back, pushing him deeper into the shield.

Colin’s eyes landed on Catrina. His magic had not affected
her. She was still moving, tears streaming down her face.

“Colin,” she whimpered.

His breathing calmed at the mere sight of her.

All of this was for her. To free her.

He let go of his magical shield, leaving it frozen in place, where it was.

Cautiously, he stepped through the barn, coming as close to her as he dare
d. “I’m so sorry,” he said to her. “This has gotten so far out of hand. I don’t know how to stop it. I don’t know how to kill the Grosvenor. I can only keep doing
. I don’t know how to get you out of here,” he admitted. It pained him to say it.

“Colin,” she stammered. “It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

“How? How is this okay? What good is my power if I can’t use it to destroy this evil? If I can’t even free you from this prison?”

“Maybe you can, Colin
,” she encouraged. She wiped her face and surveyed the terrible scene that would unfold if Colin didn’t stop it. “Can you free them?” she asked. “Leave the Grosvenor, free everyone else?”

Could he? If he could slow things down and freeze them, then why not unfreeze just certain people.
He closed his eyes, feeling the Magicante strumming evenly.

“I want
my friends freed,” his said.

When he opened his eyes, Meghan, Ivan, Sebastien and Nona stood in a line between
him and Catrina, looking dazed, disheveled and exhausted.

t’s going on,” stuttered Meghan. She had to capture the flames escaping her hands towards a foe no longer about to pounce on top of her.

“I stopped everything,”
Colin explained. “I willed it to stop and it did.”

“You did all of this?” said Sebastien, gawking at the spot he’d just been freed from.
He rubbed his neck out of the need to make sure there was no bony arm choking him.

“Yes,” answered Colin.

Ivan didn’t speak. He looked at the spell just inches from where his head had just been, realizing how lucky he was to be alive. If Colin hadn’t stopped everything when he had, the spell would have killed him. And if it hadn’t, the magical shockwave raging toward them all, surely would have. Ivan struggled to get his head back into the moment.

He had nearly died a few times, and
had actually died already once, while in Grimble, but almost dying just now had awakened something inside him. Something he never realized he wanted before... to live. He could not explain it other than a sudden desire to live.

Nona li
cked her foot, healing a small cut she’d sustained. It was small and she had it healed in minutes.

Meghan looked at Colin with mixed emotions. She was grateful he
had the power to stop this, grateful she wasn’t currently restrained by the Grosvenor; but the power needed to accomplish all that he was doing in this very moment, with seemingly little effort, overwhelmed her. She could not fathom what had to be going on in his brain, or how he was keeping it all together.

thoughts streamed into how they were going to get out of this mess. They could not leave Catrina. So how did they stop the Grosvenor? They couldn’t be killed, but this fighting could not continue...

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