Convenience and Compatibility (34 page)

Read Convenience and Compatibility Online

Authors: Emily Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #sexy, #seattle, #girlfriend, #boyfriend, #nurse

BOOK: Convenience and Compatibility
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When my body relaxes, Greg pulls out and lies
on his side, brushing the hair from my face. “Sorry it was so
quick, it’s been a long time.”

“No, it’s okay. I came didn’t I?”

“Yes you did. I was hoping that you had kept
up with your waxing. I like your pussy bare.” This moment makes my
monthly waxing appointments all worth it. “I forgot to ask if it
was okay that I come inside you.”

“It’s okay.” I grin. I’m all post-orgasmic

“You’re still on the pill?”

“Uh, huh.”

“Did you fuck him without a condom?”

Oh, no. This is going down a dark road.
“Greg… let’s not talk about him.”

“I think I deserve to know.”

“Yes.” My smile is gone now.

Greg winces and moves his body away from

“Come on Greg, it’s not like you haven’t
slept with other women.”

“You know I haven’t since I met you.”

Alright, he does have a point. I want to tell
him that I’m sorry, that I regret more than anything my
relationship with Dean. It left me with nothing but heartache and

“It sounds like he wants you back. What are
you going to do?”

“Nothing. We are over. Hopefully I can avoid
him before I leave.”

Greg sits up. “Why do you have to run away
from your problems?”

“This is something I’ve always wanted to do
and the timing is right. If not now, then when?”

“But I want you to stay.”

“I know baby.” I nod and pull on his
shoulders wanting to kiss his pain away. I feel Greg’s muscles flex
as he moves away.

“But what happens when you get back?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you coming back to me?” He emphasizes
‘me,’ his voice almost breaking.

“I’d like to, if you’ll have me.”

A smile spreads across his face. “Okay. Let’s
go take a shower.”


Later we sit at the
bar eating
breakfast. I look at his body and can’t help myself – I run a hand
along his bicep and he flexes it for me. Fuuuck.

“However did you get these?” I’m drooling
now. I want him again.

“You like them?”

“Oh, yes.” I purr. I like them quite a

“I work out a lot.”


“I planned on working out today, what are
your plans?”

“I need to go home and change into something
a little warmer.” I tug on my T-shirt and Greg laughs, shaking his

“You’re not going home.”


“I’ll go to your place and pack some clothes
for you. You’re going to stay with me.”

“Oh really?”

“Yea, I’m not going to give him the chance,
or the satisfaction, to see you.”

I consider arguing with Greg, but know there
is no point. Secretly, I love the banter and his overbearing
protectiveness, feeling loved when he takes care of me.

I smile sweetly. “Okay.”

Greg gets dressed and goes to my apartment
with my keys and a physical description of Dean. I turn on his TV
while he’s gone, trying to keep my mind busy so I don’t worry. I
know Dean won’t start anything with him, but Greg can be a hot head
sometimes, especially when it comes to me.

He returns with my suitcase filled with some
scrubs, but mostly negligees and lacy underwear. I notice he’s
packed everything he’s ever commented about liking before. I bet he
had a ball picking through my underwear drawer.

“Did you see Dean?”


“Oh good. Maybe he’s given up trying to talk
with me.”

“I doubt it.”

“Why do you think that?”

“If I fucked up with you royally, I would be
tenacious as fuck.”

I smile. Greg, as always, is eloquent with
his words. “That’s nice Greg.” I pat him on the shoulder

I dig through my suitcase and put on a pair
of stretch pants and can’t seem to find something to wear with

“Greg? What did you plan on me wearing with

I’m standing in the bedroom with only my bra
and the stretch pants.

“Nothing, that looks perfect.”

I roll my eyes and throw on a sweatshirt from
one of his drawers. I sit next to Greg on the couch and he puts
down some papers he’s reading.

“What would you have done if Dean was

“I don’t know. Ask him to go away?”

I smile. I’m sure he would have done more
than that, probably nothing physical, but Greg can talk most people
into submission.

“I’m going to go back to the apartment and
get some proper clothes.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“No, it looks like you have work to do. I can
go by myself. I’ll go in through the back door.”

“No Mallory. I don’t feel right with you
going there alone.”

“I’ll be fine. Stay here, and when I get back
let’s go to the gym.”


I wonder why Greg is letting me go by myself
so easily. He must be busy at work and need to get some work done
today. I kiss him sweetly before I leave, already wanting more from
him, picturing his thick cock in my mouth before I ride it.


I drive over to the
apartment and park
around the corner. I run to the back door and up the back stairs to
the apartment. Maybe I’m being silly about Dean, but I can’t shake
the uneasy feeling I have about being in the apartment alone. I
feel bad about inconveniencing him, but I should have let Greg come
here with me.

I put most of my shoes, some jeans and shirts
in my duffel bag before locking up the apartment. My heart starts
beating faster as I walk down the hallway to the backdoor of the
complex. I say a silent prayer that Dean will not be waiting for
me. Please, no drama today. I just want to go back to Greg and make
love to him again. I can feel my heart in my chest as I push
through the door and run to my car.

I exhale loudly as I lock the car doors and
start the engine. I pull out to the light and put my left blinker
on, finally relaxing. The radio is playing and I start singing
along until I see a car pulling up to the light opposite me;
turning left as well. The car is black and generic enough from this
angle, but I have a sinking feeling it is Dean. The windows are
tinted and it’s hard to see, but I make out the other driver
barely, watching me.

The light turns and I look away, not wanting
to be caught looking at him. I make my turn and look in the
rearview mirror. The car has turned right instead of left and is
following me now. Maybe I’m just being paranoid? I try to reason,
and talk myself out of it, but deep down I know it’s him. Fuck!

I consider my options: drive to Greg’s place,
stop and confront him, or just keep driving. Part of me knows that
he will follow me endlessly, so that is not an option, and I really
don’t want to talk with him. There’s no time to decide as Greg’s
condo comes up ahead. I dial Greg’s number and put the phone on
speaker in my lap. It’s still ringing as I take the right into the
parking lot and park near the door in the visitor section. The dark
car follows me – just a step behind. I turn the car off and throw
my phone in my purse, getting out of the car quickly. I walk to the
door as fast as I can – ignoring the black car and the figure that
gets out of it, running towards me.

I get to the door and press the buzzer for
Greg’s place. I feel my arm being grabbed and turn around right as
Greg answers the intercom.


I don’t answer him as I face Dean, out of
breath, in front of me.

“Hello?” Greg asks again.

“Let me go Dean. I don’t want to see

“Didn’t you get my message?”

“Let go!” I twist around and press Greg’s
buzzer again. “Let go Dean! Greg, please let me in.”

Greg is not answering and I frantically press
his buzzer again and again as Dean tugs on my arm, trying to get my
attention. Get me out of here! I look through the entry and knock
on the glass door, hoping someone will open the door for me.

I see the stairwell door bust open and Greg
run through it, sprinting toward the front door. Dean’s grip
finally releases me and I look back to see fear on his face. “Go
away Dean.” I feel pity for him now and hope he takes my

Dean takes a step backward as Greg pushes
through the door and I walk in the building behind him, not looking
back. I keep walking until I get to the elevator around the corner.
My hands are shaking as I press the button and wait for the
elevator, hearing loud talking outside. The elevator doors open and
I walk inside; glad I don’t have to hear it anymore.

I get to Greg’s condo and my stomach is sick.
His door is locked and so I wait, leaning up against the wall. It
surely can’t be that bad outside, Greg is a lawyer and wouldn’t
jeopardize his career by getting in a fight. This brings me comfort
– I’m sure they are just talking, loudly.

The stairwell door opens with a bang and I’m
jolted out of my thoughts. Greg walks towards me, his jaw clenched
his hands at his sides in fists – I’ve never seen him so mad. I
move to the side as he opens the door and puts his arm around my
waist, ushering me in.

Greg closes the door and I stand in the hall,
watching him, waiting as he catches his breath.

“Are you okay?”

“Yea, just pissed. Are you? Did he hurt

I shake my head no.

“I heard you say ‘let go’ and I fucking lost
it. I thought he was going to kidnap you or something.” Greg pulls
me into his arms and kisses me on the head. “I never want you to
leave the house again.”


“I’m fucking serious Mallory.” He pulls me
tighter and takes a few deep breaths. “You’re not leaving here
unless I am with you.”

“Greg, be reasonable. We both go to work on

He pulls away and holds me by the shoulders.
“What days do you have off next week?”

“Thursday and Friday.”

“Here is the plan. We go to work Monday
through Wednesday, then I’m staying home with you Thursday and

I frown. “You don’t have to do that. I know
you’re busy with work.”

“You don’t want to be with me?” Greg sounds
hurt and I rephrase.

“No, I want to spend every minute with you
before I go. I just feel bad about you taking time off.”

“Forget about it, it’s done. I’m scared that
crazy bastard is going to abduct you.”

“Why? What did he say?”

Greg hesitates and searches my eyes. He licks
his lips before answering. “Nothing.” His body relaxes, his grip on
me lessening before he changes the subject. “Are you hungry? I have

“You made it?”

“Um no, I asked my mom. She made it for you.
But she showed me how and I’ll make it anytime you want.”

This man is too good to be true. I reach up
my tip toes and peck him on the lips.


After our late lunch Greg
and I decide
to go to the gym together. It’s in the basement of the condo, with
a weight room, a sauna, and a pool. He wants to work out, and is
afraid to leave me alone without him. Personally, I think it’s just
an excuse for me to watch him flex his muscles – but I don’t mind.
Luckily I packed my bathing suit and I swim in the pool and sit in
the hot tub while he works out. The glass wall between the two
rooms allows me to look at Greg while he runs on the treadmill,
stretches, and lifts weights. I watch him and can’t believe I
fucked that guy today and I plan on jumping him later. He is by far
the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever had the pleasure to be with.

Greg works out for a while, almost two hours,
until his phone rings and he walks out of my view to take the call.
A few minutes later he joins me in the hot tub. He submerges his
body in the water and comes up next to me, all dark, wet, and sexy.
He reclines and I scoot closer to him; my body is drawn to his,
knowing how good it can make me feel. Greg plays with a strand of
hair that has escaped my high bun, twirling it with his finger. He
lays his head back and closes his eyes.

“I don’t want you to go away.”

“I know.”

“Please don’t go?”

“Don’t think I don’t love you any less, but I
am going.” I glide a finger along his bicep down to his hand; meat
hooks compared to mine. I groan and remember the last time he
fucked me with this hand, in the front seat of his SUV while
waiting for a light to turn. “I liked watching you work out.”

Greg smiles, his eyes still closed.

“Yea?” He opens an eye – this has got his
interest. “What did you like about it?”

I shrug. “Oh… I don’t know.”

“Yea?” Greg leans over and gives me an open
mouthed kiss on the neck. It’s wet and soft and I feel the
goosebumps returning. I shiver slightly and grip his knee – I want

“I know you can’t be cold in a hot tub… wanna
go upstairs?”

I nod yes and we scuttle out of the hot tub
and make our way to his condo.

We keep our hands to ourselves in his small
shower, getting the business of cleaning off the sweat and chlorine
first. It doesn’t stop us from drinking in each other’s bodies and
tantalizing each other with our sexiness.

“Ooops, I dropped the soap. Let me bend down
and get it.” I say in a mocking scripted tone. I slowly bend at the
waist and give Greg a view of my backside, watching him lick his
lips and reposition his package. Oh, he wants me. We’d better hurry
or the lovemaking will be awkward in the small shower.

Greg “accidentally” fondles my tits as he
reaches for the body wash, then has to thoroughly clean them and my
cunt. I’m so close by the time we get out of the shower, our mouths
on one another, awkwardly walking to the bedroom. We forget to dry
off with the towels and collapse on the bed, half-copulating.

Greg lifts me and puts my head on the pillow.
His strength is a turn on, making me want him more. I pull him down
onto me, wrapping my legs around his waist and hooking my ankles
together. He kisses my neck; big wet kisses that do nothing to dry
my body off. His erection pushes into my belly and I place my hand
on his abdomen, sliding it down past his V to his cock. I grab it
like it’s mine. And it is.

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