Read Conviction: Devine Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Devine, #Book Two

Conviction: Devine (21 page)

BOOK: Conviction: Devine
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Without warning, he pushed me back down and his cock pressed into my arse, the width of him stretching me to a point I didn’t think I would be able to accommodate. I knew Jake needed to take charge when he took me from behind. It was the thing that made him feel as if he was in control, the thing that gave him the assurance that I was his.

“Fuck,” he rasped between his teeth. “My cock looks so good inside your ass.” He slid out slowly, his hands gripping my hips to steady himself. “Does it feel good, sweetheart?”

I nodded again, pushing back onto him, needing him to go faster and deeper.

His hand stroked up my back before his fingers curled around my shoulder, the tips digging into my flesh and driving the pain higher until I was sure he had punctured my skin and was holding onto the bone.

Gradually, he pulled out again, groaning low as he pushed back in. I was struggling to cope with the leisurely pace, my lust becoming carnal and needy. “Jake,” I spat around the annoyance of my bra. He leaned over my back and slipped it down so I could talk. “Fuck me, damn it!” I growled as soon as my mouth was freed.

“Yeah?” he snarled as he ground his hips hard into me, his dick thrusting so deep inside me the pain of it nearly made me come.

“Yes! Please, I need you to hurt me!”

The rumble from his chest was so primitive I had to close my eyes and contain the need to orgasm. He snapped upright, took hold of the knickers tying my hands together then slammed into me so hard my shoulders got stuck on the edge of the table and knocked me back against him.

“You want fucking raw, Isla?” he shouted. “You want me to make you sore?”

“Yes! Please, Jake.”

“You asked for it, sweetheart.”

I did ask for it and I was so glad I did because he fucked me with a passion I’d never felt before. He claimed me. He ruled me. He bit me, he scratched me. He made me bleed and most of all he cut my soul in two as he took me with a brutality I needed. I came alive beneath him, climaxing many times, over and over again as he fucked my arse until I knew I wouldn’t be able to sit down. His groans were as loud as mine, his filthy words intensifying my orgasms.

“You like it in your arse don’t you, you little slut?”

“Oh God, yes!” I screamed as another powerful orgasm tore through me and Jake erupted inside me with a deep push and a fierce growl. He trembled behind me, falling onto me to support himself.

“Shit!” he hissed, realising he was squashing me. His hand immediately and tenderly stroked across my belly. “Sorry.”

I smiled, the only thing I could manage as I attempted to get my lungs back into their original shape. “I’m good,” I croaked.

“Fuck, yes you are.” He kissed the nape of my neck softly. “You’re more than good, Isla. You’re my everything.”

Twisting my head round, I reached up to kiss him. He sighed into my mouth, his satisfaction and happiness making my smile grow. Gently pulling out of me, he helped me up and untied my hands then slipped my dress over my head and pulled it down into position. It didn’t pass my notice that he hadn’t returned my underwear; they went into his trouser pocket which I was surprised to find him still wearing.

Directing me to a chair, he sat me down and yanked the seatbelt across me.

“Jake,” I squirmed. “I need to clean up.”

“No you don’t,” he whispered as he kissed my forehead. “I want to see a damp patch when you get up. I want to be reminded where I just was.”

I curled my lip and stared at him. “You know, you really are quite a pervert.”

Winking, he laughed. “Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”

I shrugged when he tapped on the door to the cockpit, alerting the pilot and the hostess that we were ready for take-off.

Amanda walked back in, her stern face full of jealousy. The way her eyes roamed my husband had me stifling a groan. Shifting in my chair when Jake sat down opposite me, I sighed dramatically. “Baby,” I pretended to grumble as Amanda openly drooled. “You’re either going to have to stop screwing me so hard . . .” I smirked at Jake, “ . . . or you’re going to have to buy me a rubber ring. These chairs aren’t good for pussyache.”

“Pussyache?” Jake scoffed knowing exactly what I was doing. “Tell me how you have pussyache when I just fucked your arse into another continent?”

Amanda licked her lips, obviously picturing our conversation with herself as the lead character. I narrowed my eyes on her, her blatant flirting in front of me making my chest heave. Staring at Jake when he smirked at me, his enjoyment of my jealousy clearly amusing him, I growled. “I really hoped you packed my gun.”

Amanda, spluttering like a snake chewing a piece of wood, gawped at me. I winked at her. “Don’t go anywhere without it. With a husband like mine, I’m always having to shoot some bitch who thinks she has a hope of fucking him.”

Jake looked down at his feet, his teeth chewing frantically on his bottom lip as he tried to stifle his laughter.

“Yes,” Amanda choked out. “I can imagine, Mrs Devine.”

Jake quirked his brow at me as Amanda scurried away. “What?” I asked coolly.

He shook his head and laughed. “I love your jealous side. It makes my cock hard.”

My eyes lit up and I grinned. “Again?”

He leaned forward, his eyes darkening as they bore into me. “You need to recover for what I have in mind this weekend.”

“Oh?” I grinned wider, my teeth clashing together with excitement. “I can’t wait!”

Jake nodded eagerly. “Yep, and I even remembered to pack your boots!”

I stalled. “My boots?”

“Yeah.” He nodded. “Your hiking boots, for all the walking we’ll be doing.”


He looked at me questioningly. “Why, what did you think I would need you to recover for?”

I shook my head and looked out of the window as the plane crawled along the runway. “Well I had hoped . . .”

“Yes?” he encouraged with a sly smirk.

“Well, I’d hoped you’d brought that jigsaw I fancied doing last week, but it’s okay, walking is fine.”

He chuckled and settled back into his chair. “I know you so well, Isla. Gun and jigsaw packed.” Lifting his glass, he winked at me as he handed me mine. “Here’s to puzzles and bullets.”

I smiled as I took a sip of my drink. “And sex. Don’t ever forget the sex.”

He sniggered. “Never, sweetheart. Never.”

“That’s okay then. Now tell me, where are we going?”

He sighed and shook his head, knowing I would be desperate to know and would make his life hell all the way through our flight. Settling back into his chair, he closed his eyes. “Portugal.”


He smiled but his eyes remained closed.

“YAY!” I jigged impatiently in my chair.

“Uh-huh.” He sighed. He was asleep before the plane even lifted off the ground. He was exhausted and I knew the past few weeks had played on him but last night he’d been up all night on his laptop whilst I’d slept beside him in our bed. When I’d woken, he had gone, leaving me pastries and juice on a tray for when I woke.

Something was worrying him but when I asked, he’d shaken me off and sworn that nothing was wrong. But I knew him. I could see it in his eyes. He was troubled and preoccupied, his frantic taps at the keys last night and his heated private telephone conversations telling me so.

I just hoped that, whatever it was, our already frayed marriage could withstand it because I wasn’t sure I could cope with anymore heartache. Jake, Henry and the little one inside me were what were important. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would kill anyone who stepped in my way.

Kris?” I asked Jake the next morning. I pulled off a piece of bread and popped it into my mouth, my eyes staying on the glorious view over central Lisbon from the patio of the private villa Jake had hired. Sensing him looking at me, I turned to face him. He stared at me.

Sucking on his lips, he looked out to view the vista before us. “Eat your breakfast.”


“For God’s sake!” he shouted, making my eyes widen. “Sometimes I think you care more about my friends than you do your own husband.”

“That’s not fair!”

He sighed and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he reached across and took my hand, taking it to his mouth to plant a soft kiss. “I’m just tired.”

Turning my hand around, I softly stroked a couple of fingers along his jaw. “Go sleep. Catch up.”

I could see him contemplating my suggestion, the longing for sleep in his bloodshot eyes. “No,” he said with a shake of his head. “We’re spending time together.”

“Jake, it’s fine. You packed my kindle. I can spend the morning relaxing in the sunshine and reading. The rest will do me good too.”

“Are you sure?”

I smiled and nodded. “Positive. Go.”

“I love you,” he whispered, kissing my head before he walked back into the house.

I watched him go then picked up my phone and dialled Kris’ number again. I had gone beyond worried now, especially after Jake’s reaction to my questioning. Growling in frustration when Kris’ voicemail kicked in again, I left yet another message. “Kris, please. I’m worried about you. Just let me know you’re okay. Everything is good here, Jake knows we weren’t fucking about. Please, Kris.”

Pressing end, I swallowed back the tears of worry and slid into the pool. After a few laps my tense muscles relaxed until I felt calm enough to get into a book. However, after a few chapters my concentration was lost. Taking another dip, I sighed when even that didn’t hold my attention.

Puffing out a breath I decided to go for a walk. Changing into a short dress, I left Jake a note and ventured out.

The heat was beyond stifling, the crowds making me even more heated as I tried to shuffle around people in the local market. Produce and souvenirs caught my attention and after picking up some fruit for a simple fruit salad, I noticed an English bar to one corner of the market square. The language barrier whilst shopping had proved difficult, so glad of somewhere English, I dipped inside out of the heat and away from the masses.

It was quite busy inside. A few men propped up one end of the bar, watching an English football match on a TV screen. A table near the bar accommodated a few ladies laughing as they ate their lunch, their conversation welcomed as they spoke perfect English. Their dirty jokes made me chuckle as I slipped onto a barstool nearby. The barmaid smiled warmly.

“A ginger beer, please.”

“Coming right up,” she said in wonderful plain English. “Are you here on holiday?”

I nodded, pinching a few of the crisps that were placed in a bowl on the bar when my stomach rumbled hungrily. “Yes, just for the weekend.”

She nodded and placed my drink before me. “We serve food if you’re hungry.”

“Thank you.” I nodded when she slipped a menu my way. I was more interested by the little handmade leather wristbands that were on a stand to one end of the bar, the offer of personalising them available. “Oh, my husband would love one of these.”

“I can whip you one up now while you have lunch if you’d like?”

I smiled at her. “Go on then. I’ll take a chicken sandwich on brown.”

She nodded, writing down my food order. “And what message would you like on the band?”

Clicking my tongue I thought for a moment then smiled. “I love your monster, Mr Devine.” My smile dropped when the barmaid looked at me like I’d grown another head. “It’s just our thing.” I cringed as my cheeks heated, realising the monster reference had made her think I was talking about his manhood.

She stared at me with her mouth open for a moment before she nodded and walked through a door into the back of the pub. It was only then I realised the table of women behind me had gone quiet. I closed my eyes as my cheeks flushed some more, aware that they must have heard me as well. I swore I would never say the word monster in public again.

The barmaid had changed completely when she came back out. Her smile was wide but something in her eyes had my senses on alert. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was but as I ate my sandwich I caught her giving me sly glances.

When I pushed my plate aside, she rushed over to me. “Uhh, I’m afraid I haven’t had chance to do your band yet. Would you care for a dessert while you wait?”

“Umm.” I checked my watch. “Well, I’m not bothered by dessert but I’ll have another drink. Will it take long?”

Her eyes flicked to the door when it opened and a man walked in. His eyes snapped to me straight away. I frowned when his expression darkened, his eyes looking at me hungrily as his tongue trailed over his bottom lip. I shivered with the chill he left on my skin, goosebumps erupting with the debauchery he stared at me with.

One of the women on the table looked from me to the man then back at me as she plucked her phone out of her bag. I was suddenly nervous, my mouth drying; I felt like I’d walked in to the lion’s den. There was definitely something wrong.

The woman talked quietly into her phone as her eyes remained on the man in the doorway.

Pulling some money out of my purse, I shook my head at the barmaid and passed her the notes. “In fact, I just realised the time. I have to go. Would it be okay if I picked up the band tomorrow?”

BOOK: Conviction: Devine
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