Coolidge (90 page)

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Authors: Amity Shlaes

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads of State

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Vermont Legislative Directory.
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Wallace, Jerry L.
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Washburn, R. M.
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Waterhouse, John Almon.
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Weatherson, Michael A., and Hal W. Bochin.
Hiram Johnson: Political Revivalist
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Webb, Kenneth.
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Well, Susan Lewis.
Calvin Coolidge at Home in Northampton
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Welter, Rush.
Bennington, Vermont: An Industrial History
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White, William Allen.
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Whiting, Edward Elwell.
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Yale, Allen Rice, Jr.
Ingenious and Enterprising Mechanics: A Case Study of Industrialization in Rural Vermont, 1815–1900
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Special Documents and Articles

Blair, John. “Calvin Coolidge and the Advent of Radio Politics.”
Vermont History Journal
44, no. 1 (1976): 28–37.

Boston Police Commissioner’s records, January 1, 1919, to December 31, 1919. Boston Public Library,

Buckley, Kerry W. “A President for the ‘Great Silent Majority’: Bruce Barton’s Construction of Calvin Coolidge.”
The New England Quarterly
76, no. 4 (December 2003): 593–626.

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Lauck, Jett. “The Lesson from Lawrence.”
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McQuaid, Kim. “An American Owenite: Edward A. Filene and the Parameters of Industrial Reform, 1890–1937.”
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
35, no. 1 (January 1976): 80.

“Pearls of Wisdom from Many Lips.”
Locomotive Engineers’ Monthly Journal
44, no. 12 (1910): 1030.

Pollitt, Brian H. “The Cuban Sugar Economy and the Great Depression.”
Bulletin of Latin American Research
3, no. 2 (1984): 3–28.

“President Coolidge Number.”
Black Hills Engineer
15, no. 4, 1927.

The Real Calvin Coolidge
, vols. 1–18. Presidential Library, Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation, Plymouth Notch, Vt.

Shugerman, Jed Handelsman. “The Floodgates of Strict Liability: Bursting Reservoirs and the Adoption of Fletcher V. Rylands in the Gilded Age.”
The Yale Law Journal
110, no. 2 (2000): 333–378.

Simplich, Frederick. “The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.”
National Geographic
52, no. 3 (September 1927): 268.

Stagner, Stephen. “The Recall of Judicial Decisions and the Due Process Debate.”
American Journal of Legal History
24, no. 3 (July 1980): 257.

Walton, Jill M. “Northampton Local Monuments: Testaments to an Enduring Historical Legacy.”
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33, no. 1 (2005): 57–84.

Wiegand, Wayne A. “The ‘Amherst Method’: The Origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.”
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Amherst College. Catalogs. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst, Mass.

Boone, Joel T. Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Castle, William R. Diaries, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Clark, Edward Tracy. Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Coolidge Family Papers Addendum. Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vt.

Coolidge Family Papers. Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vt.

Coolidge, Calvin. Papers. Library of Congress, Washington D.C.

Coolidge, Calvin. Papers. Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass.

Coolidge, Calvin, Unpublished Press Conferences, Calvin Coolidge Memorial Collection, Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass.

Coolidge, Carlos. “Inaugural Address of Carlos Coolidge as It Appears in the Journal of the Senate October Session 1848.” Burlington, Vt., October 19, 1848.

. “Inaugural Address of Carlos Coolidge as It Appears in the Journal of the Senate October Session 1849.” Burlington, Vt., October 13, 1849.

Coolidge, Grace. Round Robin Letters, 1923–1969. Special Collections, Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation, Plymouth Notch, Vt.

Dawes, Charles G. Papers, Special Collections, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Ill.

Fuess, Claude, Collection. Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum, Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass.

. Materials for a Biography of Frank Waterman Stearns. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst, Mass.

Garman Family Papers. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst, Mass.

Hall, Jozy Dell, ed. “White House Days: An Extraction from the Washington Post from Aug. 3, 1923–March 5, 1929.” Washington, D.C., January 1931 (typed manuscript).

Harvard University. The Law School of Harvard University, Announcements, 1895–96. Cambridge, Mass.

Judah, Brandon Noble. “Diary of My Stay in Cuba.” Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Maurer, Irving. Diaries. Beloit College Archives, Beloit, Mich.

Meteorological Observations at the Hatch Experiment Station, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Bulletin No. 21. Amherst, Mass., September 1890.

Meteorological Observations at the Hatch Experiment Station, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Bulletin No. 289–384. Amherst, Mass., 1913–1920.

Morrow, Dwight W. Papers. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst, Mass.

Office of the Treasury. Central Files. National Archives and Record Administration II, College Park, Md.

Riley, Ellen. White House Papers. Vermont Historical Society, Barre, Vt.

Sanders, Everett. Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Stearns Family Papers. Holy Cross College Special Collections. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass.

Stearns, Frank W. Papers. Phillips Academy Archive, Andover, Mass.


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Academic performance, Coolidge’s, 31–32, 35–37, 58–59.
See also
Amherst College, Coolidge’s education at

Acosta, Bert, 361

Adams, John, 7, 96, 223, 247

Adams, John T., 274

Adams, Samuel, 95

Adams House, 96–97, 111

Addams, Jane, 414

Ade, George, 92

Advertising, 37, 55, 73, 91, 103, 134, 158, 174, 203.
See also
Barton, Bruce

Aerial photography, 341, 358

Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, 349

African Americans

Coolidge on, at Amherst College, 38

Coolidge on Ku Klux Klan and, 336

Coolidge’s reelection campaign and, 313–14

flood relief, Herbert Hoover, and, 359


Akerson, George, 420

Alaska trip, Harding’s, 249–51

Alcohol issues, 64

Aldrich, Eugene, 29

Algonquin Club dinner, 134–35

Allen, Ethan, 15, 19, 21

Allis, Frederick, 286, 312, 313

Allport, Floyd, 166

Aluminum Company of America, 120, 133, 315–16

Aluminum industry, 52, 84

American Association of Newspaper Editors, 323

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 104, 147, 151, 153, 156, 160, 180, 272.
See also
Labor issues

American Indians.
Native Americans

American Legion, 233–34, 336, 421

American Steel and Wire Company, 47

American Woolen Company, 114, 401

Amherst College

battalion from, in World War I, 143

Calvin Coolidge at (
Amherst College, Coolidge’s education at)

John Coolidge (son) at, 286, 295, 312–13

at Coolidge’s inauguration as lieutenant governor, 139–40

dinner hosted by alumni of, 139–40

graft case at, 67

history and alumni of, 32–34

issues about, during Coolidge’s presidency, 304–5

issues about, during Coolidge’s vice-presidency, 240–41, 247–49

Alexander Meiklejohn as president of (
Meiklejohn, Alexander)

motto of, 33, 104, 433

preparations for war at, 133–34, 140

professors at, 10, 35, 40-41, 49-54

reunion at, 109

search of, for president, 112

sewage system regulation issue of, 120–21

support of Coolidge by alumni of, 120

taxes on, 104

Amherst College, Coolidge’s education at, 31–59

academic performance, 35–37, 58–59

decision to attend, 30

failed entrance exam and prep school preparation for, 31–32

fraternity issues, 32, 34–35, 37, 42, 56

friendships, 41–42

interest in politics and economics, 38–47

interest in public speaking, 37–39, 43–44, 48, 54–58

interest in pursuing legal career after, 57–59

mentors, 10, 49–54

personal finances, 38, 44, 47–48

personal life, 41–42, 48–49, 57

Anarchists, 40, 76, 115, 116, 154, 203, 207

Andrews, Charles, 34–35, 454–55

Andrews, E. B., 49

Antitrust cases, 101, 315–16

Antitrust legislation, 98–103, 127

Anthropometry, 35


Army-Navy Reception, 413

Army surplus issue, 226

Articles, Coolidge’s.
Writing, Coolidge’s

Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 213, 268–69

Athletics, Coolidge and, 35

Law practice, Coolidge’s

Audacious War, The
(book), 192

Aunt Mede.
Coolidge, Sarah Almeda Brewer (grandmother)

Autobiography, Coolidge’s, 5, 441, 446–47, 450, 462

Automobiles, 85, 97, 111–12, 119, 137, 212–13, 417


Coolidge administration and, 312, 335, 342, 349–51

dirigibles, 341–42

Charles Lindbergh and, 346, 362–63, 365–69

Orteig Prize and, 194, 344–45, 356, 361–63

Wright brothers and, 74, 85

Babler, Jacob, 196

Bache, Jules S., 193

Baer, George, 77

Bailiff, Coolidge’s father as, 27

Bailout, bank, 102

Baker, Bryant, 339

Baker, Newton, 144, 165

Bancroft, George, 62, 100, 121, 194


bailout of, 102

Coolidge as bank vice-president, 72, 105–6

Coolidge’s use of, 425

Federal Reserve System and, 120 (
see also
Federal Reserve System)

Bar exam, Coolidge’s, 69

Barnes, Raymond, 163

Barron, Clarence, 55, 148, 192–93, 199, 207–8, 218, 237, 239, 246, 292, 321, 333–34, 380, 388, 395, 413, 425

Barton, Bruce, 10, 83–84, 179, 185–86, 191, 203, 349, 424, 435, 441, 442, 444

Baruch, Bernard, 415, 455

Bassett, William, 69

Bates, John Lewis, 80–81

Baxter, Charles, 179–80, 184–85

Bay State Orations
Have Faith in Massachusetts

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