Coolidge (92 page)

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Authors: Amity Shlaes

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads of State

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law enforcement work of, 27

life of, in Plymouth, Vermont, 13–30

remarriage of, to Carrie Brown, 32

road commissioner office of, 57

telephone installation for, 338

as Vermont state representative, 20

as Vermont state senator, 109–11

Coolidge, Josiah, 275

Coolidge, Julian, 60

Coolidge, Julius Caesar, 15

Coolidge, Louis, 96, 141, 186, 199

Coolidge, Oliver, 1–4, 10, 194

Coolidge, Polly, 2–3

Coolidge, Sally, 3

Coolidge, Sarah Almeda Brewer (grandmother), 11, 14, 21, 24, 87, 92

Coolidge, Victoria Josephine Moor (mother)

death of, 4, 24

illness of, 21–22

life of, in Plymouth, Vermont, 13–30

Coolidge, William, 96, 186–87, 199

Coolidge administration.
See also
Coolidge, Calvin (John Calvin)

appointees of, 323–24, 328–30

aviation issues in, 341–42, 344–46, 349–51, 356, 361–63, 365–69

Black Hills summer White House of, 370–86

budget issues in, 254–55, 261–63, 277–78, 330–31, 345, 348–54, 363–64

cabinet in, 257–58, 261, 319, 324, 328–30

ceremonial duties of, 267–68

continuity issues for, 255–59

death of father during, 342–43

decision not to run for reelection, 381–86

defense expenditures in, 332, 335, 344, 350–51

defense of tax policy of, 341–44, 346–47, 363–64

economy during, 314–15

farm issues in, 304–6, 314, 321, 344, 346, 351–55

first elected full term of, 319–40

flood control issues in, 341, 344, 353–54, 356–60, 378–79, 389, 396, 398–403

foreign policy issues in, 388, 392–94, 403–4

Harding administration scandals and corruption affecting, 255, 262, 268–69, 280–83, 322

Warren Harding’s death and beginning of, 251–53

illness and death of Calvin, Jr. during, 298–300

immigration issues in, 268, 279–80, 285–89

inauguration speeches of, 326–28

Ku Klux Klan issues in, 295, 334, 336

labor issues in, 256, 262

legacy of, 5–12, 444

Mount Rushmore and, 347, 352–53, 367–68, 370, 375–76, 383–84, 386, 438–40

new technology and, 356

Pan-American Conference and, 406–7, 412

peace treaty issues in, 360–61, 388, 394, 403, 408–12, 417, 421–23, 432–33

personal life during, 259–61, 269–70, 274–77, 282–83, 294–95, 312–13, 316–17, 332–34, 347–48, 355–56, 419–21, 425–26, 428–31

problems of, with Charles Dawes, 320–21, 325–29

public works issues in, 343–44, 352–53

radio broadcast technology and, 271, 273

reconciliation with Vermont during, 428–31

reelection campaign, 301–20 (
see also
Reelection campaign, Coolidge’s)

service ideal in, 317, 323–24

shortcomings of, 8–9

stock market crash after, 437–38

Supreme Court appointment by, 324

tax bill of, 288–92, 337–40

tax issues in, 302–3, 310–11, 313–16, 321, 394–95

tax reform issues in, 264–67, 278, 284–85

tax revenues in, 301, 320, 330–31

Teapot Dome scandal and (
Teapot Dome scandal)

tensions with Herbert Hoover in, 353, 356–57, 360

veterans’ issues in, 268, 275, 285–86, 290, 321

White House spruce memorial for Calvin, Jr., by, 301–3

Coolidge-Dawes Caravan, 307, 308, 313–14, 318

Coolidge family

in Boston, 96

Coolidge’s interest in, 10–11

deaths in (

debt curse of, 1–4

at Harvard, 60

life of, in Plymouth, Vermont, 13–30 (
see also
Plymouth, Vermont)

limekiln lot of (
Limekiln lot)

migration of, to United States from England, 18–19

parents (
Coolidge, John “Colonel” (father); Coolidge, Victoria Josephine Moor (mother))

westward migration of, 3, 13, 17–18


in campaign spending, 196–97

in Harding administration, 232–33, 235, 244–45, 280–83 (
see also
Teapot Dome scandal)

in Harding administration, as issue for Coolidge administration, 255, 262, 268–69, 322

political turnover and, 49

Cortelyou, George, 102

Costa Rica, 218–19

Coupal, James, 296, 298

Couzens, James, 278–79, 280, 281, 285, 315–16, 320, 323, 328, 363–64

Cox, James, 203, 208, 218

Coxey, Jacob, 46–47

Coxey’s Army, 46

Cramer, Charles, 247

Crane, Winthrop Murray, 74–75, 77–78, 81–82, 88, 96, 111, 115, 117, 142, 178, 184, 187, 198–200, 202, 208, 221, 264, 444

Crissinger, Daniel, 246

Crowley, James, 158

Cuba, 71, 154, 352, 380, 406–8, 412, 422, 433, 441

Curley, James, 106

Curse, debt as, 1–4

Curse of Bigness, The
(papers), 100

Curtin, Lawrence, 345

Curtis, Charles, 228

Curtis, Edward, 346

Curtis, Edwin Upton, 65, 151–52, 156, 158–60, 164–70

Cushendun, Lord, 422

Cutter, Elizabeth, 69, 78

Czolgosz, Leon Frank, 47, 76

Daily column, Coolidge’s, 441–49

Dale, Porter, 251–52, 400

Flood control issues

Daniel Guggenheim Foundation for the Promotion of Aeronautics, 361, 367

Daniels, Josephus, 206

Dante, 92

Daugherty, Harry

alleged kickback scheme of, 280–81

campaign spending charges and, 197

as Coolidge’s attorney general, 257, 258, 263, 269, 275, 282

in Harding campaign, 205

as Harding’s attorney general, 210, 219, 222, 227, 234, 235, 236, 247

reaction of, to strikes, 241–42

resignation of, 283–84

Daugherty, Mal, 322

Davis, Arthur Vining, 52, 120, 133, 222, 315–16

Davis, James, 284

Davis, John W., 295, 297, 299, 304, 305, 312, 315, 316, 318, 319

Davis, Robert, 290

Dawes, Charles, 227, 255, 257, 261, 298, 303, 310, 331, 339, 346, 350, 368, 377, 395,

broom issue and, 236

as Budget Bureau secretary, 226

at Congressional hearings on war expenses, 212

Coolidge administration problems with, 320–21, 325–29

as Coolidge’s vice-presidential running mate, 294, 307–9

peace treaty ratification and, 426, 432

as presidential candidate, 402

Dawes, Henry, 294

Dawes Plan, 294


Clarence Barron, 425

during Boston Police strike, 161–62, 166

William Jennings Bryan, 319

Abigail Coolidge (sister), 28

Calvin Galusha Coolidge (grandfather), 21

Calvin (John Calvin) Coolidge (father), 454–56

Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (son), 4, 11, 298–303

Carrie Brown Coolidge (stepmother), 196

John Coolidge (father), 342–43

Sarah Coolidge (grandmother), 92

Victoria Coolidge (mother), 24

Winthrop Murray Crane, 208

William Dillingham, 249

effects of, on Coolidge, 4

Charles Edward Garman, 99

Lemira Goodhue, 438

William Goodhue, 247

Warren G. Harding, 6, 251–53

Henry Cabot Lodge, 319

Herbert Mayhew Lord, 449

William McKinley, 76

J. P. Morgan, 118

Dwight Morrow, 449

Theodore Roosevelt, 149

William Stickney, 454

Henry Wallace, 317

Woodrow Wilson, 279

Debates, Amherst College, 55.
See also
Speeches, Coolidge’s

Debs, Eugene V., 47, 234, 235


Coolidge and, 5, 91 (
see also
Personal finance, Coolidge’s)

as Coolidge family curse, 1–4

Coolidge on forgiveness of European, 280

national (
National debt)

Declaration of Independence, 19–20, 438, 439

Dedham Covenant, 18–19

Deere, John, 18

Deering, John Percy, 41–42, 43, 44, 54, 56, 61, 76

Deering, Rose, 76

Defense spending, Coolidge administration, 332, 335, 344, 350–51

Defense spending, Massachusetts, 143

Deficit issue, 394–95, 424–25

Deitrick, Frederick, 154

Delineator, The
(magazine), 229–30

Democratic Party

conventions of, 203, 295–300, 304

Henry Cabot Lodge on, 94

in Massachusetts, 109, 111

of Massachusetts, 180

support for Coolidge by, 108, 131

Woodrow Wilson and, 113

Demosthenes, 39, 63, 124

Denby, Edwin, 258, 269, 281, 329

Dennis, Alfred Pearce, 73–74, 79, 342

Depression, 11–12, 448

De Valera, Éamon, 152, 176

Dewey, Melvil, 33–34

Dickens, Charles, 2

Dickinson, Austin, 34, 47, 63, 67

Dickinson, Edward, 34

Dickinson, Emily, 34

Dickinson, Lavinia, 63

Dickinson, Marquis Fayette, 104

Dickinson, Samuel, 34

Dickinson, Susan, 67

Dickinson, Walter Mason, 71

Dillingham, William P., 61, 66, 223, 249, 268

Dirigibles, 341

Disarmament conference, Harding’s, 227

Disarmament treaty.
Peace treaty

District of Columbia budget, 261–62

Dividends, taxation of, 266

Doheny, Edward, 282, 295, 305

Dover, Elmer, 208, 234, 239

Dow, Charles, 46

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 11–12, 46, 83, 100, 207–8, 311, 320, 331, 397, 424–25, 437–38, 440, 449

Dow Jones Transportation Average, 100

Drilling concessions.
Teapot Dome scandal

Dupont Circle, 355

Durant, W. C., 440

Earned income credit, 279

Earthquake, Japanese, 262

Easterwood, William E., Jr., 366

Eastman, Joseph, 119–20, 140, 147–48, 330

Economic issues.
See also
Federal budget; Taxes

in Coolidge administration, 5–9, 12

Coolidge’s interest in, at Amherst College, 38–47, 70–72

Coolidge’s language on, 12

Edison, Thomas, 307


Coolidge’s articles about, 229–30

of immigrants, 65

Education, Coolidge’s

at Black River Academy, 24–32

college (
Amherst College, Coolidge’s education at)

legal, at Hammond and Field law firm, 60–69

prep school, at St. Johnsbury Academy, 31–32

religious, 20

Edward, Prince of Wales, 217, 309

Edwards Church, 91, 99, 107

Electoral freedom, 94

Electric horse, 325–26

Electricity, 6

Elkins Act, 100

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 33, 53, 58

Entablature, Mount Rushmore, 379–80, 427

Entrance exam, Amherst College, 31–32

Essay, Coolidge’s, 55–56, 66–67

Estate taxes, 288

Ethiopia, 390, 392–93, 416

Ettor, Joseph, 114, 116

Exports, 101

Fables in Slang
(book), 92

Fairbanks Scales, 47

Fall, Albert, 181, 223, 242, 249, 281

as Harding’s interior secretary, 214–15, 222, 226, 227

indictment of, 295

resignation of, 243

Teapot Dome scandal and, 239–40, 269

Coolidge family

Farmer-Labor Party, 346

Farm issues, Coolidge administration, 304–6, 314, 321, 344, 346, 351–55, 403

Farms, Coolidge’s vs. Hoover’s, 423

Coolidge, John “Colonel” (father)

Federal aid issues, 357–60, 400–403, 405

Federal budget

Coolidge administration, 5–6, 254–55, 261–63, 277–78, 330–31, 345

Harding administration, 207, 225–26, 236–37

as Harding campaign issue, 190–91, 210

Benjamin Harrison’s, 40

for World War I, 143–44

Federalism, 357–58

Federal Liquidation Board, 226

Federal Reserve System, 120, 191, 205, 222, 246, 266, 304, 394–95, 440

Federal Trade Commission, 127, 315–16

Federal Triangle project, 347

Fess, Simeon, 191, 383

Field, Henry P., 34, 64–65, 67, 69, 91, 96, 106, 112, 142, 155, 178, 268, 313, 318.
See also
Hammond and Field law firm

Field, Thomas P., 34

Fifty-four-hour-week plan, 113

Filene, Edward, 112, 132

Finances, personal.
Personal finance, Coolidge’s

Finley, David, 276–77

Firestone, Harvey, 307

Fitzgerald, John (Secret Service), 376–77

Fitzgerald, John F. (of Boston), 118

Fleischmann’s Yeast, 437–38


Flood, Johnstown, 63–64

Flood control issues, 341, 344, 353–54, 356–60, 378–79, 389, 396, 398–404

Flood legislation, 417

Flood Survey Committee, 401

Fonck, René, 345

Food companies, 437–38

Forbes, Col. Charles, 205, 208, 231, 233, 244, 247, 262, 268–69, 391

Forbes, Judge Charles, 61, 62, 84, 267, 388

Forbes Library, 61, 303, 409, 433, 456

Ford, Gerald, 8

Ford, Henry, 11, 119, 121–22, 193, 222, 274, 281, 292, 307, 308, 344

Fort Bidwell Indian School, 277

Ford Motor Company, 119, 122, 124, 236, 266, 282, 291, 313, 314, 344

Foreign policy issues, Coolidge administration, 388, 392–94, 403–4.
See also
Peace treaty

Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression, The
(book), 7

Forgotten man, concept of William Graham Sumner, 51, 450, 452

Foss, Eugene, 117

Fourteenth Amendment, 84–85

France, 127, 128, 142, 145, 146, 168, 179, 205, 264, 272, 345, 361, 365, 388, 391, 392, 394, 400, 403–4, 410–11, 418, 422, 460

Frankfurter, Felix, 84–85, 304

Fraternity issues, 32, 34–35, 37, 42, 56

Frear, James, 278

Free trade issue, 29, 192–93

Freight prices, railroad, 118–19

Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 218, 230, 382

Frick, Henry Clay, 40, 63–64, 288

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