Coolidge (96 page)

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Authors: Amity Shlaes

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads of State

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in Coolidge’s campaign for Massachusetts governor office, 146

in Coolidge’s campaign for Massachusetts lieutenant governor office, 136–39

Coolidge’s correspondence with, 236–38

at Coolidge’s funeral, 455

Coolidge’s gift to, 427

Coolidge’s retreats with, 141, 211–12, 333–34

on Coolidge’s vice-presidential nomination, 202

decision of, to advertise Coolidge, 133–34

department store of, 43

issues of, with Justice Department, 235

in publication of book of Coolidge’s speeches, 156–57, 187–88

Stebbins, Charles, 37

Steffens, Lincoln, 112

Stevens, Jesse F., 156

Stickney, William, 27, 58, 74, 454

Stimson, Henry, 348, 392, 404

Stock exchange, Boston, 55

Stocking, Jay, 48

Stock market.
See also
Dow Jones Industrial Average

Coolidge’s anticipation of crash of, 423–25, 436

crash of, after Coolidge administration, 11–12, 437–38, 440–41, 446, 449

effects of World War I on, 127, 133

Stoddard, Henry, 199, 453

Stone, Harlan

at Amherst College, 36, 44

at Columbia Law School, 57

as Coolidge administration attorney general, 284

on Coolidge’s speech, 58

as dean of Columbia Law School, 120

marriage of, 78

as Supreme Court justice, 324, 444

Store, Coolidge family, 14, 23

Storrow, James, 154, 158, 167

Stresemann, Gustav, 414, 418, 422

Strickland, William, 69

See also
Labor issues

Boston Police strike (
Boston Police strike)

Charles Edward Garman on, 52

by coal miners, 177, 181–84, 262–63

Harding administration and, 241–42

by Homestead Plant steelworkers, 39–40

public opinion against, 189–90

by railroad workers, 46–47

by telephone workers, 154–55

by United Mine Workers, 77–78

by woolen workers, 114–16

Strong, Caleb, 65–66

Subsidies, farm, 306

Subway system issue, 98

Suicides, Harding administration, 247

Sullivan, Mark, 385–86

Summer White Houses

in South Dakota Black Hills, 353–55, 367–68, 370–86

in Wisconsin, 419–21

Sumner, William Graham, 40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 192, 450

Supreme Court

Louis Brandeis on, 148

Lochner v. New York
case, 84–85

Harlan Stone on, 324, 444

William Taft as chief justice of, 228

Surplus, federal budget, 330–31, 346

Swift, Morrison, 44–45

Swing, Phil, 426

Tafari, Ras, 390, 416

Taft, William, 105, 109, 112–13, 116–17, 129, 227, 228, 257, 282, 298, 318, 319, 435, 438

Taintor, Ada, 10, 194

Tarbell, Edmund, 333

See also

aluminum, 52

Grover Cleveland on, 28

Coolidge on, 8, 11, 130, 191–93, 378

Winthrop Murray Crane on, 75, 82

Democratic Party on, 45

Warren Harding on, 209

Benjamin Harrison on, 39–41

Dwight Morrow on, 212

Theodore Roosevelt on, 112–13

stock market crash and, 440–41

Woodrow Wilson on, 113

on wool, 27–28

Taxation: The People’s Business
(book), 276–77, 330

Tax bill, Coolidge administration, 288–92, 337–40


on automobiles, 417

on colleges, 103–4

in Coolidge administration, 264–67, 278, 284–85, 288–92, 310–11, 313–16, 321, 337–40, 394–95

Coolidge’s father on, 23

in Harding administration, 222, 236–37, 245–46

liquor, 97–98

national income tax (
Income tax, national)

as presidential campaign issue, 190–91, 193

Shays’s rebellion against, 2

Tax revenues, Coolidge administration, 301, 320, 330–31

Taylor, Warren, 27

Teapot Dome scandal, 239–40, 269, 281–82, 295–96, 305, 316, 321, 391

Telegram, Boston Police strike and, 170–72, 174

Telephone technology, 210, 250–51, 338

Telephone workers

Boston Police strike and, 157, 169

strike by, 154–55

Temperance issues, 64, 106

Temple University, 91

Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, 102

Tennis, 260, 296

Theater industry, 98

Third-party presidential campaign, 297–98, 304–5

Thriftiness, Coolidge’s, 5, 206

Tilden, Bill, 260

Timilty, James, 131, 167

Tin Lizzie, 119

Todd, Mabel, 63, 67

Tornados, 357

Tourism, 372–73

Trautman, William, 114

Treadway, Allen Towner, 129–30, 263

Treasury Department, 395.
See also
Mellon, Andrew

Treaty, peace.
Peace treaty

Treaty of Versailles, 186, 221

Trolleys, 95, 118–20.
See also

Trout fishing, 373

Truman, Harry, 175, 234

Trumbull, Florence, 355, 425–26, 437

Trumbull, Jean, 355

Trumbull, John, 326, 350, 437

Trumbull, Maude, 451

Trust busting.
Antitrust legislation

Turner, Alfred, 37

Two Percent Club, 331, 350

Tyler, John, 50

Tyler, William, 39

Underwood, Oscar, 228

Underwood Tariff, 142

Unemployment, 6, 42–43, 46, 228, 419

Union Pacific Railroad, 100–101, 103, 105–6

Unions, labor.
Labor issues

United Copper Company, 102

United Mine Workers, 77–78, 153, 241

United Mine Workers v. Coronado Coal
, 241

Untermyer, Samuel, 118, 129

U.S. Post Office, 154–55

U.S. Senate.
Senate, U. S.

U.S. Steel, 102, 177

, 406

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 203, 383, 385, 415


alienation of, 387–88

Carlos Coolidge as governor of, 17

Coolidge’s reconciliation with, 428–31

floods in, 398–403

Plymouth (
Plymouth, Vermont)

Vermont Maple Products Cooperative Exchange, 348

Vermont Marble Company, 405

Veterans Bureau, 231, 233, 244–45, 255, 262, 268–69

Veterans’ issues

in Coolidge administration, 255, 268, 275, 285–86, 290, 321

in Harding administration, 230–31, 233–34, 236–37, 242–43


Grover Cleveland’s, 40

Coolidge’s, 5, 10, 286–87, 348, 354, 417

Warren Harding’s, 242–43

Vice-presidency, Coolidge’s, 216–53.
See also
Harding administration

Amherst College issues during, 240–41, 247–49

campaign for, 202–5

Chicago Republican Convention and nomination for, 198–202

Grace Coolidge’s charity during, 231–32

education about Senate protocols for, 223, 228–29

election to, 205–9

error in Senate during, 228

first cabinet meeting of, 221–23

frustration with Harding during, 229–31, 236–37, 244–45

Harding’s death during, 251–53

initial rejection of, 187

personal life during, 220–25, 231–32, 237, 246–47, 250–51

preparations for, 209–14

presidential candidacy before (
Presidential candidacy, Coolidge’s)

Senate rejection of donation of residence for, 244

service as ideal during, 234, 236, 252

silence as liability for, 221, 224, 228, 238

Villard, Oswald Garrison, 180, 248

Vogel, Harry, 224–25

Volstead Act, 182

Von Clausewitz, Carl, 418


Coolidge administration and, 6

Henry Ford and, 122

raising, to preempt strikes, 176–77, 262

reduction of, 46–47, 114–15

Walker, Charlotta, 430

Wallace, Henry, 249, 258, 306, 317

Wall Street Journal, The
(newspaper), 46, 102–3

Walsh, Thomas, 269, 295, 300, 431

Walter Reed Hospital, 298–300

War, costs of, 143, 147–49, 390–91

Ward, Dell, 37

Warren, Charles Beecher, 328

War Risk Bureau, 231

Washington, George, 7, 21, 49, 370

Washington Naval Conference, 227, 360–61

Waterpower projects, 293, 398

Watson, James, 200–201, 215, 244, 271–72, 393

Wealth, Coolidge on, 123–24

Weather Bureau, 323

Webster, Daniel, 61, 96


of Calvin and Grace Coolidge, 87

of John and Florence Coolidge, 437

Weeks, John, 142, 146, 222, 258, 381, 399, 401, 405, 420

Weir, Robert, 68–69

Welles, Kenneth, 267–68, 437

Wellman, Arthur, 120–21

Whalen, Mary, 92

Wheeler, Burton, 280, 319, 324

Whig party, 49–50

White, Edward Douglass, Jr., 215

White, William Allen, 139, 340, 434

White Court home, 332

White House

Christmas tree for, 6, 263, 274–75, 316, 321–23, 337

Coolidge’s move into, 259–61

Harding administration and, 227–28

Florence Harding and, 217, 219

remodeling of, 355

spruce tree memorial at, 11, 301–3

stables of, 434

summer (
Summer White Houses)

Whitman, Charles, 140

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 16, 92, 333

Coolidge, Grace Anna Goodhue (wife)

Wilbur, Curtis, 329

Wilkerson, James, 241–42

Willard Hotel, 216, 238, 259

Williamson, William, 440

Wilson, Eleanor, 144

Wilson, Jesse, 161

Wilson, William L., 45

Wilson, Woodrow, 135, 144, 147, 153, 177, 182, 190, 191, 195, 199, 205, 206, 207, 217, 221, 222, 226, 228, 242, 249, 259, 273, 284, 295, 304, 312, 315, 319, 325, 328, 343, 360, 384, 385, 388, 393, 407, 408, 423, 427, 432, 433, 454

Boston Police strike and, 159, 160, 163–64, 165, 167, 168, 170, 171, 176

on Coolidge, 183

Coolidge and, 7

death of, 279

election of, 116, 117

greeting of, in Boston by Coolidge, 149–50

in Harding inauguration, 213

illness of, 179, 181, 185–86, 218, 257

League of Nations campaign by, 149, 153, 161, 163, 199

reelection of, 142

rise of, 113

on World War I, 127–29, 133, 134, 143, 145

Winston, Garrard, 288–89

Winthrop, John, 18

Wiretapping, 284

Wisconsin summer White House, 419–21

Wobblies, 114–15

Wolfe, Robert, 196–97

Women’s issues

Bread and Roses Strike, 115–16

on Massachusetts state government reorganization, 185

Women’s Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, 211

Wood, Leonard, 136, 144, 182, 186, 190, 196–97, 262

Woodlock, Thomas, 330, 332, 449

Woodpecker Club, 331–32

Woods, Cyrus, 288

Woodstock Common Jail, 1, 27

Wool tariffs, 27–28, 39

Work, Hubert, 249

Work week hours, 113

World Court, 249, 272, 280

World War I

Coolidge’s role as Massachusetts governor during, 146–50

Coolidge’s role as Massachusetts lieutenant governor during, 135–46

Coolidge’s role as Massachusetts state Senate president during, 127–35

declaration of war by Woodrow Wilson, 143

national debt after, 3–4

preparations for, at Amherst College, 133–34

preparations for, in Massachusetts, 136–37

Wright, Orville, 335

Wright brothers, 74, 85

Writing, Coolidge’s, 229–30, 441–49

Wyman, Henry, 156

Yale, Caroline, 79, 90

Young, Hugh, 413, 422

Zaleski, August, 422

Photographic Insert

Calvin Coolidge came into the world on July 4, 1872, in the downstairs bedroom of a small house adjacent to his father’s general store in Plymouth Notch, Vermont. Coolidge wrote of his fellow villagers: “They were a hardy, self-contained people.”

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