Cornering Carmen

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Authors: S. E. Smith

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Cornering Carmen: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 5











Cornering Carmen:

Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 5

By S. E. Smith












I would like to thank my husband Steve for believing in me and being proud enough of me to give me the courage to follow my dream. I would also like to give a special thank you to my sister and best friend Linda who not only encouraged me to write but who also read the manuscript.
And last but not least, to my friend Lisa S. who listens to me, reads my stories, and encourages me to be me.

—S. E. Smith

Science Fiction Romance


Copyright © 2012 by Susan E. Smith

First E-Book Published December 2012

Cover Design by Melody Simmons

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the author.

All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations are strictly coincidental.


Carmen Walker has spent the last three years of her life focusing on avenging the murder of her husband. Following leads to the man responsible, she finally has a chance to bring closure to the overwhelming pain and grief that is slowly eating away at her. Catching a ride on the business jet her sister is co-piloting, she heads to California to meet with her informant. Plans change when one of the women on board is kidnapped when they land and Carmen is mortally wounded. She wakes to find herself on board an alien warship heading to a distant world.

Creon Reykill's skills as a warrior are legendary among the Valdier. He is credited with ending the wars between the Valdier and the Cruizan and Sarafin worlds and building a strong alliance with their former enemies. But, that victory came at a cost. Creon has given up hope of ever finding his true mate, believing his soul is too dark to ever be gifted with one.

That all changes when a small, delicate female unlike anything he has ever seen before is brought to his world. The moment he sees her, he knows she belongs to him. His dragon will do anything to claim her, his symbiot will do anything to protect her, and he would do anything to chase the shadows from her eyes. For he knows he has found the light to his darkness.

Now, the challenge will be to corner her long enough for her to realize he is the only one in the universe who can heal her shattered heart. She will fight him at every turn to return home to finish what she has started. He will do everything in his power to keep her by his side. It will take every skill he possesses to stay one step ahead of her.

Can he convince her to give love a second chance before she risks everything - including her life - for revenge?




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23



Florencia, Colombia three years earlier…

“Carmen, remember to watch your back,” Scott said as he brushed a kiss across her lips. He had a bad feeling about tonight. “I don’t like it. This meeting is too important for the drug cartel to ignore. If the governor of this region gets the support he needs the cartel will lose their hold on this area.”

Carmen smiled at her husband of four years. They may have only been married for a short time but he had been the love of her life since the first day of kindergarten when he stood up for her against another little girl who was picking on her. She wound her arms around his neck and buried her face against it, inhaling his wonderful scent.

“I will,” she whispered. “I have a good reason to be extra careful now,” she giggled.

Scott pulled back and looked down into Carmen’s glowing face. His eyes widened as her meaning sunk in. His face tightened with sudden concern. He should never have accepted this last assignment. He cursed under his breath as his mind ran through everything that might happen.

“Shush,” Carmen grinned up at him. “Tonight should be easy. You and your team are covering the governor and his wife. My team will cover their son. We meet at the airport and get them all on the plane. After that, the assignment is complete and we go home. We’ve covered every scenario,” she added as his arms wrapped around her tightly.

“When… when did you find out,” Scott asked hoarsely, moving one of his hands down to rest on Carmen’s still flat stomach.

“This morning,” she giggled again. “I had Maria get me a home pregnancy test while she was out.”

Scott wrapped his arms back around Carmen and held onto her as if she was the most precious thing in the world. She was to him. He had fallen in love with her the moment he stared into her dark brown eyes when they were both five years old. She had been standing in the playground with her fists raised and a stubborn, fierce expression on her face. He had stood there watching as Sally Mae took a step back as Carmen advanced on her. Sally Mae had been pulling on Carmen’s pigtails and
had enough of it. When one of Sally Mae’s second grade friends pushed Carmen down, Scott had enough. He went in swinging. No one messed with the little girl with eyes the color of dark chocolate, hair the color of the sun and the prettiest face he had ever seen.

Sally Mae and her friends had beaten him up but it was worth it. From that day forward, Carmen and he had been inseparable. When they reached high school, he had asked her to be his girl forever and she had agreed. Their parents had worried at first, but finally accepted the amazingly special feelings that Carmen and Scott had for each other. Scott had promised both his parents and Carmen’s he would wait until they married before he acted on his feelings. When Carmen’s parents were killed in a car accident during their senior year of high school, it had sealed his determination to care for the girl of his dreams. They had married days after graduation and embarked on the life of adventure they had talked about for years.

Now as Scott looked down into Carmen’s excited eyes, he wondered if he had made the right decisions. He should have called it quits six months ago. Carmen had wanted to accept this last assignment but he should have said no. Yes, it would give them the extra money they needed to set up their own business back home but the fear that something might happen to her flooded him with a need to protect her unlike anything he had ever felt before.

“I love you, Carmen Walker,” Scott said quietly. “Tonight is the last time. Tomorrow we go home and start a new life,” Scott murmured as he pulled back. “I don’t want you to go with the team tonight. I want you to wait for me here, where I know you will be safe.”

Carmen shook her head, laughing. “Are you getting all protective on me, Scott Michael Walker? Because if you are, let me remind you…” Carmen’s voice faded away as Scott pressed his lips against hers.

“Yes, I am. I’m also the boss of this operation if in case you don’t remember,” Scott said thickly. “Stay in the car at least. The rest of the team can make sure Jose is safely on board the plane.”

Carmen softened when she saw the fear in Scott’s eyes. “Okay,” she agreed, lovingly running her hand over his cheek.


Later that night the teams headed out. Each team would take a different route and use several different vehicles to transport the governor of the local providence in Colombia and his family to the airport. There had been increased threats against him from the local cartel group and Scott was taking every one of them seriously. He gave strict commands to the teams to not take any risks.

Scott came up to Carmen as she was about to get into the vehicle with Governor Alvaro’s ten year old son, Jose. He pulled her to one side and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. His eyes glittered with determination as he gazed down at her.

“If there is any trouble, if you get even the slightest itch that something is wrong, you get the hell out of there,” he said grimly. “You do whatever you have to do to remain safe, Carmen. You are my life. I love you.”

Carmen smiled up into Scott’s light green eyes. “Ditto for you. I love you so much. Stay safe,” she laid a protective hand over her stomach. “
… For
the both of us.”

Scott pressed another hard kiss on her lips before pulling away and yelling for everyone to get moving. He looked back at Carmen one last time before he moved toward the vehicle with the governor.


Carmen looked out at the darkness that surrounded the vehicle. The ride to the airport was thankfully uneventful. They had made several cutbacks before turning to come in from the north. Carmen was the only one who knew how they were approaching. Scott had made sure only the team leader of each vehicle knew the route in order to reduce the chance of a leak.

The black SUV pulled up to the gate. Marcus, one of their advance team members, opened the gate with a nod. He gave the signal that Scott and the others were already there. Scott was standing near the plane
they pulled up. Carmen slid out first, looking around. She nodded to the other two men in the car that it was clear. She smiled down at the frightened face of the little boy who had ridden in silence in the back seat.

“You will walk with me?” Jose asked in a small voice.

“Sí,” Carmen said gently in Spanish. “Come on, let’s get you to your parents.”

She reached her hand out and squeezed his in encouragement when he placed his smaller hand in hers. “It’s almost over,” she whispered with a wink.

His tentative smile broke her heart. A child should never have to feel this kind of fear. Scott had warned her that the cartel might target the boy in an effort to get back at the governor’s crackdown on them. Carmen would make sure they never got to him. Children were the essence of innocence and should be protected at all cost.

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