Read Cornering Carmen Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #Romance

Cornering Carmen (19 page)

BOOK: Cornering Carmen
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“Cal, has Mel
has always been
this way?” Carmen asked quietly
not wanting the boy to hear her.

“Naw, just since we were taken,” he replied gruffly. “It’s been especially hard on him. Being taken away from his world at such a young age. The only thing he found comfort in is taking care of those damn mine creatures.”

“Maybe I can talk to Creon about taking you back to Earth,” Carmen said hesitantly. “I can’t promise anything but he might agree when all this is over to return you and your grandson. If not, you are both welcome on Valdier. It is truly an incredible world and I’m sure you would be welcomed.”

Cal looked back at Mel who was falling further behind again. He started when he saw Calo walk toward his grandson. He frowned when he saw Mel jerk back until Harvey and Calo and Cree’s symbiots surrounded him protectively. Calo said something quietly to Mel before turning sharply with an angry expression on his normally cheerful face and marched back to stand behind Carmen in stiff silence.

“We would appreciate anything you can do,” Cal said sadly. “Mel and
both will never forget your kindness,” he added looking at Mel one last time before following Zuk into the small eating establishment he had told them about.

They were seated at a large rectangular table near the door of the small bar. It reminded Carmen of some of the open
back home in Mexico. There was a circular bar in the center of the room. All different types of creatures sat drinking and eating around it, as well as, around the widely spaced tables. Carmen puzzled at first why the tables were so far apart until she saw the barmaids moving around taking orders and serving drinks. The smallest one had to be almost four feet wide and six feet tall. They each wore
scarves over what looked like a two piece that barely covered their multiple brea
sts and lower region. They were
dark, scaly red
with long, green hair. Their faces were flattened with only
small slits where their nose was, no lips to speak of, and tiny black eyes.

Carmen knew she was staring and had to force her eyes back to the images on the table. “If you wish to order anything just touch the image,” Zuk said with a smile. “If you are not sure what something is I can help you.”

Cree looked down at the far end of the table where Mel sat. He frowned when he saw the twin bands
of gold
peeking out from around the boy’s slender wrists briefly before he pulled his jacket down over his hands again.

“What do you want to eat
?” He called out harshly.

Mel’s dark green eyes peeked up at him briefly before he lowered his head again and slumped in his seat, as if he was trying to disappear into it. Cree’s jaw clenched and he looked at his brother who was staring in stony silence at Mel. Cree shook his head briefly at his brother when he turned to look at him.

“I’ll order for Mel,” Cal said briskly. “The boy doesn’t eat much.”

“He needs to eat more,” Calo bit out gruffly. “He is too small for his age as it is. How will he become a strong warrior if
doesn’t start eating. Maybe Cree and I can work with him on developing his strength and fighting skills.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Cal responded. “Carmen is going to ask her mate if he will return us to our world. Mel will be fine the way he is once we get home.”

Both men turned to glare at Carmen before they looked down angrily. “Perhaps that’s for the best,” Calo finally said in a quiet tone. “If you don’t mind, I am not hungry. I will patrol the area outside,” he added
standing up.

Cree stood as well. “I will take the back. We will leave our symbiots with you. If you need anything, just call out. We will be close.”

Carmen frowned at the two brothers as they quickly left the bar. She glanced down and was surprised when she saw Me
l’s eyes following the
men. She was definitely missing something but she couldn’t quite figure it out. She was about to say something when one of the servers appeared with their food. She looked down at the breads, cheeses, and fruits in relief. She recognized many of them from the warship and Valdier.

She looked up when she heard Zuk chuckle. “I didn’t think you would care for some of the more traditional fare of the residents here,” he said pointing to his own dish that looked like a combination of cooked worms and strips of a mauve meat.

Carmen pressed a hand to her stomach as it suddenly rolled in distress. “I need to visit the little girl

s room,” she whispered
turning pale.

Cal looked at Carmen in concern. “Are you feeling okay?” He asked anxiously.

“I’m fine,” she choked out. “Bathroom?”

Zuk pointed toward a narrow corridor. Carmen threw him a grateful, if shaky, smile before hurrying off to the bathroom. She sighed in relief when she saw an emblem she recognized from her studies and pushed the door open. She made it to the toilet just in time as her stomach rebelled. She braced her hands on the wall until she felt like she had expelled everything that was going to come out. She shakily wiped a hand across her mouth as she straightened up. The light went over the bowl of the toilet and the contents disappeared. She stumbled over to the device on the wall and waved her hands in front of it. Another light appeared and swipe over her hands. She just needed something
her mouth now. Taking a chance, she leaned forward and opened her mouth in front of the light sensor. Sure enough, the light focused on her mouth
cleansing it. With relief, Carmen opened the door only to find herself facing two slender, purple females standing outside the door. One of them sprayed something in her face. Carmen vaguely felt the other one grabbing her as she began to collapse. Her first thought was a sense of disbelief that this could be happening before she sent out a brief call for help as darkness descended on her.


Zuk and Cal were talking quietly when Harvey suddenly shifted into the shape of a Werecat and hissed loudly in distress.
The two creatures sitting next to Mel immediately moved in closer and began
in a variety of colors as they sensed the danger that Harvey had reacted to. Zuk ordered Cal to stay with Mel as he stood quickly
yelling out for Cree and Calo.

Harvey was moving through the tables, ignoring the curses as he knocked several over
spilling food and drink everywhere. He moved rapidly toward the corridor where Carmen had disappeared down. He paused as he froze to scent the air around the door, his lo
ud sound of distress was so high-
glass shattered.

“What is it?” Calo asked as he broke through some of the patrons who were in his way.

Cree moved in quietly
the back entrance. “Marastin Dows,” he said bending down and picking up the empty container of anesthetic gas.

Calo’s curse filled the air as he looked around. “They didn’t take her out the front,” he said harshly.

“Or the back,” Cree said. “They must have beamed her to their ship. They must be working with someone
paceport authority. They never would have been able to beam out otherwise.”

The Spaceport prevented all species from using any type of transport beam unless it had been authorized. They had shields in place to prevent it from being used. It would make it too easy for assassins, thieves, and would-be criminals to use it to escape leading to mass chaos. The Marastin Dow’s did not follow any rules believing they were above any
of restrictions.
Cree pressed his
and informed the
of the situation. They would not be able to reach Creon or Ha’ven until the men turned their
back on. They did not want to be distracted or overheard by someone tapping into their communications device.

“Get a security team to the authority tower. I want all ships locked down.
is allowed
to leave until they have been searched thoroughly,” Cree bit out rapidly. “Creon’s mate has been taken by the Marastin Dow.”

Calo was already pushing through the crowd following Harvey who was communicating with the thin, gold bands on Carmen. “Zuk, take Cal and his grandson back to the ship immediately,” Calo called out as he rushed out of the bar.

Cree paused a moment in front of Zuk before he followed his brother. His eyes were glued to
Mel stood next to his and his brother’s
. He call
ed to his symbiot to stay with
He finally forced his eyes away from the small, hunched figure.

“I will hold you personally responsible for their safety,” he muttered before he called to his brother’s symbiot to follow him as he rushed out after his brother.

He knew his brother’s symbiot could find Calo who was following Harvey through the crowded streets. It looked like the huge gold creature was heading away from the docking bays and into the rougher living areas of the Spaceport. He picked up speed until he could see his brother up ahead. He stopped suddenly when he rounded a corner and found his brother standing in the shadows as Harvey moved
up the side of a tall building
stopping periodically before continuing onto the next level.

“This is not like the Marastin Dow,” he said quietly from behind his brother.

“Why would they bring her here?” Calo asked
watching as Harvey climbed over the balcony to another level.

“I don’t know but they are dead so it won’t matter,” Cree bit out as he moved forward to follow Harvey.

Calo and Cree climbed stealthily while Calo’s symbiot transformed into a large flying creature and swept up to land on the top of the building next to Harvey. They pulled themselves up and over the top level of the building. The door at the top was ripped opened revealing the dark stairwell. Both brothers called forth their dragons so their eyesight was enhanced enough for them to see in the darkness.
Calo’s symbiot split in half then divided again.
The largest
portion was in the shape of a small Werebeast while the two smaller portions formed armor over the brothers.

Calo nodded to his symbiot to follow Harvey and they moved into the darkness. They had to find Carmen. Both brothers felt the weight of their failure to protect her. If anything happened to her, they could never live with the dishonor of failing to protect their Prince’s mate.


Carmen lay still as she slowly regained consciousness. She heard the soft murmur of feminine voices in the room. They sounded like they were frantically trying to convince someone of something. She didn’t get the feel they were angry, just….
esperate? She frowned and let her eyes open so she could see where she was at. She jerked in surprise when she saw
a pair of
dark brown eyes looking down
with worr

“Can you understand me?” The voice asked in a rusty voice.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Carmen asked huskily as she stared up into the distraught face of a very human male.

The man smiled nervously down at her. “My name is Ben Cooper. Are you okay? I’m sorry about what happened. I didn’t know that Evetta and Hanine would do this,” he said quietly as he pulled a chair up near the bed she was laying on.

Carmen’s e
yes flew to the two purple skin
women standing behind him. One of them was biting her lip while the other looked at Ben with a look of worry. One of the women said something to Ben softly before disappearing into the other room.

“Why…. Why did they kidnap me?” Carmen asked confused

into a sitting position so she could get a better look at the room around her.
It was dim
with only a couple of small lights on. The walls were dirty and worn but it looked like the place was being kept as clean as it was possible with the shabby furniture and fixtures. The walls and floor were a dull gray. The furniture was sparse with only the single bed and a small table and chair in the room she was in. The outer room did not look much better. She could see another beat up looking table and four chairs in it.

“Where am I?” She asked hesitantly, looking closely at the man in front of her.

He had long, light brown hair and dark brown eyes like her. He looked to be in his early to mid
thirties and was about six feet two inches if she had to guess.
was thin, though, as if he hadn’t eaten well in a long time.

BOOK: Cornering Carmen
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