Corrupt Cravings (23 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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Truthfully, he’d never cared for desserts. Once, when he was young, the alpha’s son had a birthday party, and he’d actually been invited. The frosting on the cake had been way too sweet, but he ate it all so as not to offend his leader. As the flavor of Marcella’s flan burst over his tongue, he could feel his eyes rolling back in bliss.

“Good, isn’t it?”

Jase burst out laughing from across the room. Donavon was in such a state of heaven, he didn’t care at the moment. He nodded, grabbing the fork and taking over.

“Thank you for my surprise. I love it. Can you make it again, too?”

“Of course. Now, why don’t you eat this while I clean up the kitchen? Here, Jase, you can have mine. I’m not hungry.”

Donavon looked up. “No, he can clean the kitchen. You cooked.”

Jase’s mouth opened and shut. His eyes shot to Marcella, and Donavon felt his blood boil. Something passed between them, but he wasn’t sure what it was. The earlier feeling of them knowing each other returned.

“Really. I don’t mind cleaning. It will give me something to do. I’m kind of bored.”

“Bored?” Shit, he should have thought about that. What did females like to do? He was almost afraid to ask. Finishing off the flan, Donavon stood and took her plate. The thought of eating it crossed his mind, but Jase did serve them. “Here.” He pushed the dessert at the stranger.

“Tell me what you want to do. Anything you want.”

Marcella’s full lips parted, and it took a few seconds before her shoulders shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just go to bed.”

Sadness. That’s what he’d seen cross her face before she turned and headed into the room, shutting the door behind her. Turning, he looked at Aaron and Jase. Donavon couldn’t even comprehend what was going through Marcella’s head.

The sound of squeaking from the bed frame signified that she was indeed serious. Walking back to the couch, he watched Jase finish off the flan.

“Can one of you please help me out here? What am I doing wrong? She seems so sad all the time.”

Aaron looked at the floor as Jase gave him a smug grin. “New love. Must be nice. I wish a mate’s boredom was the most of my problems. You should consider yourself lucky.”

“What in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Donavon disliked this guy the more he talked. Maybe it was the fact that Jase had a look of resentment on his face. It sure as hell didn’t help out.

“Your mate is sad and missing something. At least you don’t have a voice in your head telling you to eat her.”

“Your wolf wants you to eat your mate?” Donavon couldn’t keep the look of alarm from his face. He could feel his eyes grow big at the statement.

“She’s equivalent to my mate, I guess. But yes, the damn creature is ready to devour her whole. It’s the reason why I had to distance myself. I’d kill her in a heartbeat, and the fucked up thing is I love her more than words can describe. I’d give my life without a thought, yet I’m scared if I so much as taste her again, her death will be on my hands. My…creature wants the ultimate domination over her, her death for my personal pleasure. The voices, they promise” Jase shook his head as if to clear it. “Corrupt cravings. Nice, right?”

“Your wolf has taken you over,” Donavon whispered.

“You could say that. There are times when I hear the thing more than I hear myself.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Donavon felt a piece of his heart go out to the guy. He wasn’t sure what he would do if he were put in the same situation. The thought of not being able to taste Marcella was enough to make him panic. Something about her taste was insanely addicting. Hell, he wanted to go back in there and lick her pussy all over again.

“There is nothing to say. Just forget I ever mentioned it.” Jase stood and walked into the kitchen, placing his plate in the sink. “Where do you want me to crash? I’m kinda tired.”

Donavon shook his head mindlessly. “Sleep on the couch. Aaron stays over at the main house, and I really don’t want you over there. Can I ask you a question, Jase?”

“Go for it.”

“You didn’t lie about us being somehow related. Can you explain?”

The guy shifted and slouched back down against the wall. “I wish I could, but there’s only so much I can say.” Jase got quiet while he closed his eyes and went on. “Imagine a woman, so beautiful and so loved that she had the ability to bring people together with her natural aura. Now, a woman like that would need protection, she’d need—”

“Donavon, come to bed,” Marcella snapped angrily from the doorway. “Enough fairytales for tonight. If you wanted a bedtime story, I could have told you one.”

He looked up at his mate, surprised. Why was she so upset? And why in the hell did he see her whenever Jase was describing the tale of his?

“Later,” Donavon whispered. Standing, he headed to the room while Aaron waved goodbye. Grabbing a blanket from the closet, he handed it to the one guy who’d managed to intrigue the hell out of him.

“You will tell me more. But not tonight. I must comfort my mate.”

Donavon left, not turning around. Marcella was in the bed waiting for him. Dark circles were appearing under her eyes, only concerning him more. Climbing in, she molded her body to his. It wasn’t minutes before he felt her heart slow and her breathing deepen. Closing his eyes, he tried his hardest to sleep, but all he could think about was the story and all the things Marcy had said earlier. He wondered if they were somehow connected. No, he knew they were.

Chapter 10

Dominic stood in the tower overlooking the two angels hiding in the brush like fucking cowards. They couldn’t see him past the projection that had kicked in after the first was triggered. At the sight of Nemmy, he felt something odd, a familiarity that he didn’t like. But it was the second one that did him in. Caspius made his blood boil, and he had no idea why.

This wasn’t the first time Dominic had heard of these two. He’d even seen them before, but the nagging pull of knowing them hadn’t been there. Reaching for his connection to Samael, he let his master know he was needed. It wasn’t a second before the dark angel appeared next to him.

“So they found it. I knew it wouldn’t be long.” He looked over at Dominic but didn’t hold eye contact for long.

“Who are they, really? And don’t lie to me. I know they have to do with the past.”

Samael took a ragged breath. “I told you everything I know. Marcella’s dealings with good were more than I was willing to partake in. I did appear on occasions, but the goodness in me didn’t last long. I hold too much evil.

“You and Caspius have quite a past. For a human, you were unbelievably strong. Caspius’s envy was his only major sin. For reasons unknown, he took an instant dislike to you. When Nemmy would come for Marcella, you two got in a few fights, but nothing major. Neither Nemmy nor Marcella would ever allow things to progress.

“This went on for a while. Hell, years. After a while, Nemmy just started coming alone. I think he and Caspius stopped hanging around for a while and just within the last few months, teamed back up.”

“Wait.” Dominic cut him off, confused. “Marcella was hundreds of years old. If I was human in my past life, how long did I actually know her? It couldn’t have been too long, given I was young when I died.”

Samael looked back at the angels. “The paranormal world was but a spec then. Jason was with her the longest. Two hundred years. He was her first creation. You, Donavon, and Ambrose maybe shared a good seven years with her before your deaths. There were times she teased the idea of turning you all over, and she probably would have if she would have known how things were going to end.”

Dominic was speechless. “That’s it? Seven fucking years? What did she do in all the time before then, before Jason? Who was she with?”

“No one. Before Jason or any of you came along, she was…untouched, pure.”

“Oh my God. I don’t understand any of this at all.”

“You don’t have to,” Samael snapped. “What I said never leaves this roof. I know I have your word because if you open your mouth, I’ll take you back to where you belong, whether it hurts our queen or not. And don’t ever think you’re safe because she loves you.” Samael turned to look at him. “I love her more, and I will protect her against anyone who causes her pain.”

“You sound like me.” Dominic didn’t know what to say. He knew Samael had feelings for her, but never ones that deep. “I won’t hurt her. I couldn’t.”

Samael nodded. “Keep it that way. Now, make sure everyone stays inside. Those wind-thumpers will probably be scoping out the place for a few days. I don’t want them to see anyone leave the house. Hopefully they’ll get bored and just leave, but I doubt it.”

Samael took a few steps down the balcony. “Oh, and you even think about stepping outside like you thought about earlier, and that’s an instant trip back to your kingdom, Prince. If they see you, they’ll know our queen is back, and I’m not letting that happen.”

Dominic wasn’t sure what in the hell to think anymore. Seven fucking years, that’s the only thing that kept going through his head. How could such a short time feel like he’d known her an eternity? Hell, maybe it was because she harbored his soul for so long. Then again, he could be way off.

Looking over, he noticed Samael had disappeared. Ambrose had somehow taken his place. Funny, he’d been so lost in his thoughts he’d never heard the vampire approach.

“They still there?”

“Yep.” Dominic sat at the top of the wall, looking down at the angels. “Where’s Jason? I need to tell him not to go outside. No one is to leave the house.”

“He’s gone. Didn’t he come up and tell you?”

Dominic immediately turned. “What do you mean, he’s gone? Where did he go?”

“To be with Marcella. She called and needed him.”

Damn. He sighed in relief. “I thought there would be a chance of him walking through the front door. We sure as hell wouldn’t need that.”

“No worries. Jason should be back when Marcella returns with Donavon. There won’t be a risk. I’ll be sure to inform the vampires to stay put until we get more news.”

Dominic nodded. They were safe when it came to the vampires, but then he would have to worry about Marcella. Donavon would be here, then. That bastard treated her like shit. God, he couldn’t wait to whip that boy into shape. Now
would definitely make his demon feel better. It was time some of this evil was released, and the wolf would get to experience it firsthand.

* * * *

A week flew by, and Marcella was at her breaking point. She missed her other men so much it physically hurt. Not to mention the sickness she felt thinking about the vampires who were waiting on her. As she slid the flan into the refrigerator, she knew what she needed to do.

After all the hints she’d dropped to Donavon, she wouldn’t be surprised if she put on her freaking crown and he thought she was playing dress up. He just wasn’t coming around at all. If he was, he sure as hell wasn’t mentioning it to her or Jason. And Jason, damned if he wasn’t on his last nerve with Donavon. The two kept going at it like kids. If things didn’t happen quickly, she had no doubt her other half would beat her to the punch.

“Hey, honey. So, what did you make tonight?” Donavon, Jason, and Aaron all walked through the door dripping sweat. Marcella took one glance up and tried her best to fake a smile. “Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. I’ll make your plates while you all wash up.”

They advanced while she grabbed the first plate off the counter. “So, how was shooting practice?”

“Fine. Jase seems to be a pretty good shot.”

“That’s good.”

The men stood in line at the sink, washing their hands while she kept herself busy. One by one, she handed them their food, noticing their uneasiness. She had no doubt it had to do with Donavon arguing with her about serving them. Every night he complained.

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