Read Corrupt Cravings Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Romance

Corrupt Cravings (27 page)

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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Walking around in circles sure as fuck wasn’t helping, but he wasn’t sure what else to do. Going to his mother’s was an option, but he was supposedly out of town. So unless he wanted to stay there for the next few days, he was screwed.

“What are you doing?”

Donavon’s voice had him spinning around. Damn, he’d never heard the man come up. Either Jason was beyond distracted, or the damn wolf was good at stealthy attacks.

“Nothing. I mean, I’m just chillin’. What about you?”

“Needed some air. I guess I’m still trying to process everything. I get what we are and even remember some of my past. I was okay with the way things were back then.” Donavon lowered his voice. “My wolf just needs time to adjust to sharing.”

Jason shrugged. “You’ll get used to it. Maybe it’s just easier for me because I’m part of Marcella. Her blood is what runs through my veins.”

“Yeah. Maybe. So, how you doing?”

Jason eyed Donavon. “How do you think? My dragon wants to taste her blood, not to mention her flesh. With her so eager, I’m a fucking mess, man.”

“I can’t imagine. You’re strong, though. You’ll get control over your beast.”

“Yeah, control. Right.” Jason turned away from him. “I’m doomed to spend the rest of eternity celibate. It’s not something I look forward to, but if it keeps me from killing her, it’s worth it.”

“You love her very much, don’t you?”

“From the moment I laid eyes on her in grade school. Even then, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” Jason could so clearly see the dark-haired little girl in front of him. The smile that came to his face quickly diminished as he came back to his new reality.

“Since we were in the sixth grade, we’ve never spent a whole day apart, you know? When one of us was sick, the other was there at the first opportunity. You can never imagine how hard it was for me to let her go to you. Then to find out that you two were mated.” Jason sighed. “It broke my heart.”

“In a way, I’m sorry, but not completely. She’s everything to me now.”

“Me, too. Damn.” Groaning, Jason turned to look at Donavon. “I didn’t want to like you. You were a real dick in the past. I hope that part is not reoccurring. You seem pretty okay in this life, so far.”

“Don’t like me, Jason. I think it’s better off that way. Would you like me to hit you so you can go back to hating me?”

Jason tried not to smile. “Nope, spell’s broken.”

“Good.” Donavon returned his smile. “So, is there anything to do in this big old place?”

“Say the words, and I’ll make it happen.”

“I could use a beer.”

“Makes two of us.” Jason made two lawn chairs appear along with an ice chest full of Bud Light. Taking a seat, both men grabbed a bottle and drifted to their own thoughts. It wasn’t seconds before a hand touched his shoulder. The cold beer slipped from his grasp, spilling in his lap. Jumping up, he spun and looked at Marcella.

The white nightgown molded to her curvy body as the wind increased. Dark hair flew back from the outline of her pale face, making her look like an angel coming out of the darkness. But it was the illumination of her blue eyes that stole that impression really quick. Dom appeared, but he wasn’t betting on anything good to come out of it. Shit. He was so fucked.

* * * *

Nemmy knew the moment he saw Jason walking the grounds that Marcianna was back. He was almost tempted to go up to the collector and try to see if he recognized him. They used to be friends once upon a time, but when Donavon showed up, he quickly changed his mind. That bastard was definitely on his to-do list, and not the one that listed his errands, either. Nope, at the first chance he got, Nemmy was going to bust him in his fucking face.

Movement drew his attention, and he froze, captivated. She was here. The queen was really alive. At the vision of her in white, he nearly lost his breath. God, she was beautiful. No, beyond beautiful. She was light and everything good.

Taking in her curvy body, he didn’t make it past her shoulders before he realized something was off. Her tattoos. Where in the hell were they?

Caspius shifted as Dominic came into view.

“What in the hell is going on? Something ain’t right with the queen. You feel all that evil over there? Ain’t natural, I’m telling you.”

“I know. I don’t understand. Her marks as a collector are gone.”

“You think she’s in one of her shifts?”

Nemmy strained his eyes harder. “Possibly. Let’s just watch. No need to rush things. Now that we know she’s here, we can take our time.”

Yes. Time. He was always patient. The Lord worked in mysterious ways, and when the time was right, he’d know. Damn, if he couldn’t wait. He’d waited this long for a miracle. It seemed God had finally heard him.

* * * *

There was only one thing Marcella knew that she wanted more than anything on this earth. Jason. Her succubus read the anxiety pouring out of him, and she loved it. Fog rolled through her mind, and she wasn’t sure exactly when her demon had taken over, but Jason was the target.

She didn’t make it two steps forward before hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her into a hard body.

“Don’t do this. You’ll hurt him worse,” Dominic whispered. “You know he can’t be with you. It’ll kill him if something happens.”

“I want him. Let me go.”

“I’m begging you.”

Slowly, Marcella turned in Dominic’s arms. “Wait for me in the room, Dom. I’ll be back shortly.” Trailing her lips down his neck, he moaned as she worked her way down lower.

“No.” He jerked back and laughed. “Damn, you’re good. I almost just let you go, but I can’t do that, love. We have more things to worry about right now than your creature. We’re being watched, and I need to you get the hell in the house.”

Angrily, she pulled back, glaring at him. The pressure from her wings pushed against her skin. The new sensation almost scared her enough to snap her back to reality, but her succubus came back with a vengeance, not even caring about what he said. “I’m going to have him, and not you or any peeping tom is going to stop me.” She turned and felt him grip her tighter. Piercing him with a quick look, she slid through his fingers and lunged forward.

Jason’s eyes grew wide as he leaped back into Donavon. The broadness of his tattooed-covered chest drew in her gaze. Licking her lips, she advanced faster. Hands pulled her back again. “Let’s go. Sorry about this, Jason. She won’t bother you again tonight. By the way, get your ass inside ASAP. We’re being watched, and Samael has ordered that no one is to go outside. I should have mentioned this sooner, but with everything happening, I forgot.”

Jason instantly grabbed Donavon’s arm and vanished. Marcella and Dom appeared right next to them in the great hall.

“What’s wrong with her?” Donavon asked quietly. His eyes were the size of golf balls. “I can’t pick exactly what that is, but she smells familiar.”

Jason’s voice turned low. “Her succubus. She’s slipped into it once with you already. Do you remember passing out cold once you came? Yeah, her, remember?”

“Holy shit.”

Marcella watched Donavon grab Jason’s arm and pull him back further. Her demon’s rage exploded. “Dom, if you don’t let me go, I’m going to unleash on you.” She turned her attention to Jason, softening her voice instantly. “I know you want me. Please, don’t do this to us. Let me taste you. Don’t ruin what we have.”

“It’s her succubus talking, Jason. You know Marcella would never push you to do something you didn’t want to. Although, you have to know how much it kills her. Anyway, that’s not why I’m still here. Listen, there are two angels outside, and they’re gunning for Marcella. Do not, under any circumstances, open the door or go out of it again. Samael has made me vow, now, both of you, give me your word.”

“Jason.” Marcella reached her hand to him, leaning forward. She didn’t give a shit what in the hell they were talking about. Her demon had a one-track mind, and that was fucking the one man who didn’t want her. “Come get me, and tell him you want me to stay with you. Tell him.”

“Marcy.” A deep breath broke from his throat. “I do want you, more than anything. God! But…I can’t.” He looked away from her. “You have our word. Now get her away from me. I can’t take the begging. I’ve never been able to deny her.”

Screams came from her throat as she thrashed wildly in Dominic’s arms. Suddenly they were gone, and she was on her bed. Shackles appeared, locking her down. “Don’t chain me. I won’t go back. Please.”

“I can’t trust you when you’re like this, Marcy. You told me to do this whenever you got out of control. Well, you fucked up real bad this time. The angels across the way know you’re here now, which is probably going to get my ass in a world of trouble.”

“He wants me. I know he does. I could sense it.”

“Of course he does. He wants to eat you. Literally. And not like Donavon, either.”

Ambrose laughed and sat on the side of the bed. Marcella twisted against the restraint. “I hate this. I hate her.” She pulled as she fought to break free yet also fought to take back over her mind. Foggy words of men entered but vanished just as quick. Donavon appearing, breathlessly, through the door made her jerk more. With him here, that meant Jason was alone.

Dominic faced her. “Marcy, she should be gone soon. I think between me and Ambrose, you should be sated enough. When you can change over, we’ll unchain you. Is there anything you want in the process?”

She looked at the master vampire. Hell, thank God he’d been able to go again so soon, or else she’d surely be causing all kinds of chaos. Even though she knew what she was doing wrong, she hated not being able to break through enough to put a stop to what was going to come out of her mouth. “Yeah, I want the old Jason. If you can give him to me, I’ll give you my soul.”

Dominic laughed. “I can’t do that, love. Only Jason can submit to you.”

“In all seriousness, Dom”

Her words were cut off as Samael appeared at the bottom of her bed. He took one look at Donavon’s shocked expression and turned to her, laughing.

“Well, you don’t see this every day. How are you feeling, my queen?”

Marcella looked up from the chains and gave him a dry look. “You can’t be fucking serious. Do you not see me shackled to my bed?”

“Oh, this isn’t some kinky sex thing? Hell, I wasn’t sure. I never know what I’m going to appear into.”

“Very funny. I’m not happy. I gain my missing man, and somewhere in between, I lose my other half. Jason won’t be with me anymore.”

“Damn, you have the worst of luck, my queen. Let me guess, his dragon.”

“Yep, it wants to eat her.”

Marcella’s gaze shot to Dominic. “He was talking to
. I think I wouldn’t have put it so bluntly. I don’t find it funny, at all.”

Samael’s laugh echoed in the room. “Wow, that’s priceless. So, let me get this straight. Jason refuses to have anything to do with you because he wants to turn you into a chew toy. Nice. I really thought he’d have gotten over this already. But, hey, look on the bright side, at least your succubus is passing.”

“Do not laugh. This fucking sucks.” Marcella pulled against the chains. “To see him every day and know that he won’t ever kiss me again is torture. He’s what makes me whole, and now I’ll never be complete. What of our child? I can’t get pregnant without him.”

“You can’t get pregnant at all right now. But when the time comes, there’s always Dom. Although. Truthfully, the odds would be practically nonexistent. A collector would be best. The chance is only going to come once every ten years, and only in a two-day span. You would probably hate to miss that. Maybe Jason will come around before the time comes.”

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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