Cosmic Sex (12 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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Weldon cleared his throat. “Of course.” He shoved his glasses a little higher up the bridge of his nose as he reverted to his nerd side. “What do you have?”

“Give me your locator, Kia.”

When she handed it to him, Nick gave it to Weldon. “You put a drop of DNA on the pad and push a button. It’s supposed to locate the person for you.”

“So much more advanced than we are,” he mumbled as he turned it over in his hand and examined the other side.

“It’s broken,” Kia said. “Can you fix it? I need to locate my cousin.”

“There are more aliens? I mean, here on Earth?” Weldon’s eyes widened.

“I’m not sure how many. But yes, there are Nerakians who live on Earth as humans.”


“I’m from the planet Nerak.”

“Someday I would love to visit your planet.”

Kia’s eyes turned sad. Something inside Nick clenched, twisting like a knife. When she left, he’d never see her again. He didn’t like that—not one damn bit. It wouldn’t be so bad if he knew she was in another state or something. Not that he wanted anything permanent, but it would be nice to call her up occasionally and... talk.

“It wouldn’t be possible for you to visit,” she told Weldon. “There are no men on Nerak. The Elders will not permit them.”

“I understand,” he said.

Weldon glanced from the heartache apparent in Kia’s eyes, then back to him. Nick had a feeling Weldon knew what was going on between them. He shifted in his seat when Weldon gave him a reprimanding look.

“What?” he finally asked.

“She’s a visitor from another planet. I would think you’d be able to control... uh... certain urges.”

“Yeah, right, like you wouldn’t if you’d had the opportunity.”

“What are these urges? Hell, you’re talking as if I’m not here, and I don’t think I like it.”

Weldon raised his eyebrows. “And the language, too?”

Nick felt the heat rising up his face. “How the hell... ”

Weldon’s eyes widened.

“I didn’t know she would pick it up so fast.” He cleared his throat and pointed toward the locator. “Can you fix it or not?”

He shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do.”


Weldon sat on the sofa without moving, just staring at Kia like a lovesick puppy.

“Today, maybe?”

“Oh, yes, of course.” He stood. “It might take me longer than a day, if I can fix it at all.”

“You’ll try?” Kia asked.

Weldon seemed to melt into a puddle at her feet. “For you, I would move heaven and earth to do your bidding, lovely lady.”

“Give me a break,” Nick mumbled.


Chapter 14

Kia and Nick walked inside the front door of the Bountiful Earth offices. It was nearly five o’clock and the place looked deserted. No one sat at the front desk.

Their footsteps sounded loud in the eerie quiet of the building. Kia rubbed her arms as chill bumps popped up. “They’ll give us the information on Hank?”


That didn’t sound promising. “But you have a plan?”

He glanced her way. “No.”

For a moment, she lost herself in his deep brown eyes. She shouldn’t have made Adam-4 quite so perfect. Nick’s hair looked as if he’d been out in the wind. It wasn’t short, with every hair in place, like Adam-4’s.

Nick’s words sank in, effectively bringing her out of her comparative analysis of his body and that of Adam-4. “What do you mean, you don’t have a plan?”

He shrugged. “Exactly what I said. I don’t have a plan. I thought we’d just wing it.”

Wing it? That must be another saying. If the eighteen-wheeler couldn’t fly, she was almost certain humans couldn’t. Even Nerakians weren’t that advanced. The only species she knew that could fly were the Nagems.

She sighed. She’d seen a hologram of a Nagem once. They were very delicate creatures with gossamer wings. The little creature’s hair had been white with streaks of lavender.

She brought herself back to the present. No, she really didn’t think Nick would sprout wings and swoop through the building demanding to know which Hank had brought her to the bar. Nick might be a great fighter, but she wasn’t too sure about his tactical maneuvers.

Heat flooded her body. He was an expert at sexual maneuvers, though. Maybe tactical was his weakness. She would make up for his deficiency with her skills. Together, they would be perfect.

She narrowed her eyes as her gaze swept the large open room. “No one is here,” she said.

Nick glanced around. “Someone has to be. The front door wasn’t locked. We just have to find them.” He nodded toward a long corridor. “Maybe in the back. Just remember to do what I do. I still think you should’ve waited at the apartment.”

She squared her shoulders. “I’m a warrior and have no intention of being left behind.”

He didn’t look happy.

“Just hang back. Remember, low profile.”

“Of course.”

The office doors on either side were closed and no light showed from underneath, except for the one at the end. It was partially open and a weak glow seeped around the edges. As they approached the door, Kia read the writing on the opaque glass: Operations Manager. The title sounded important.

Nick tapped on the glass, three sharp raps with his knuckles. Weldon had also made noise on the door. It must be some sort of ritual. She repeated his action.

He frowned.

Maybe only one person should do the tapping? What did he expect when she didn’t know Earth’s customs? He should inform her next time. Besides, he had said to do what he did.

The woman behind the desk glanced up as they entered. She wasn’t quite an elder, but she was approaching the age of wisdom. Her dark hair was liberally streaked with gray.

“Can I help you?” she asked in a superior tone, looking directly at Kia.

Kia didn’t care for the woman’s manner. She was in need of an attitude-adjusting smoothie.

“I hope so.” Nick leaned against the counter and smiled at her, the kind of smile that made Kia’s knees weak.

The almost-elder was not immune to his charms. She batted her lashes and simpered like a much younger female.

Now Kia knew she didn’t care for this woman. Some strange emotion inside her simmered to the surface. For a brief second, or two, she wanted to hit this female over the head with her satchel. She frowned instead, remembering Nick’s warning about keeping a low profile. But if all the pre-elders acted like her, then no wonder they didn’t garner the respect of others.

“What did you need? A job application?” she asked hopefully, fluttering her hands close to her face. “I have a little... uh... stroke with the boss. I’m his assistant. I can almost guarantee you employment.”

Kia was so tempted to zap the woman with her phazer, pre-elder or not!

“Well, darlin’,” Nick began. “We just need to find someone who works here. A man named Hank.”

The elder’s eyes narrowed to mere slits. “I see. You want information and you think you can sweet-talk it out of me.”

“Now, don’t be that way... ”

“You’re cute, but I wasn’t born yesterday.”

“That is certainly true,” Kia agreed.

The pre-elder glared at her. “I bet you think you’re just really smart.” Her gaze swung to Nick. “Both of you.”

“Actually,” Kia began. “I am quite intelligent. A much superior being to you.” She thought it would be obvious.

The pre-elder puffed up, expanding her already wide girth. Was she about to explode? The Adnams grew very big when they sucked in their breath, then they would explode poison juices all over their victims.

“I’m calling security to have you both thrown out.” She picked up a black object and placed it near her ear.

Kia couldn’t let that happen, either. She pulled out her phazer and zapped her. One second the woman was there, and the next, she was gone.

Nick’s mouth dropped open, then snapped closed. “Where... what... ”

“She was very rude,” she explained.

“So you killed her?”

She frowned as she walked behind the desk. “Of course not. I told you we are not aggressive on Nerak.”

“But you’re not on Nerak.”

She raised one eyebrow. “We are not an aggressive race,” she clarified. “We don’t kill.” He really did have a problem retaining information. Maybe it was a good thing he was such a skilled warrior.

“Okay, you don’t kill. You just go around making people disappear.”

“We’re wasting time. From my calculations, we have about twenty minutes before she reappears. Do you want to discuss this or see if we can find information about locating Hank?” It would be so much easier if Earth were more technically advanced.

He glanced at his watch. “All right, but don’t zap anyone else. It gives me the creeps.”

Men. No wonder the elders had let them die out.

Nick came around the desk and sat in the chair. He swiveled it around to face the computer, then tapped on the buttons. Very antiquated machinery, if you asked her. It took forever for the screen to appear.

He opened and closed out of different programs, scrolling through each one until he came to an employee list.

“There’re a lot of people who work for the company, but it looks like they’re all listed.” He glanced at his watch. “If your calculations are right, then we haven’t got much time. We’d better print out all the names and go through them back at the apartment.”

Nick pushed some more buttons and one of the machines began spitting out papers, with the list of names.

“The time to leave is nearing,” she reminded him.

“That’s the last of them.” He clicked out of the screen, scooped up the papers, and grabbed Kia by the arm. “Let’s go.”

There was a popping noise as they hurried out of the office door and down the corridor, then a heavy thud.


“She’s back. Just as I told you.”

“In one piece?” He cast a worried look over his shoulder and started back toward the office.

“Pretty much. She might be missing her clothes.”

He skidded to a halt, his gaze swiveling to hers. “No clothes? I’m not even going there. I don’t want to know and I definitely don’t want to see.”


Anger swarmed around Darla like killer bees. Why wasn’t Slava answering his cell phone? This was the third time she’d called his number. Imbecile! She slapped it shut and dropped the phone in her pocket, not bothering to leave a message this time.

The princess and her boyfriend had gone into the offices at Bountiful Earth twenty-five minutes ago. What was their business with the trucking company? Was that how the so-called princess was getting her jewels? Could this be a front for a smuggling ring?

Money signs danced before her eyes.

What if there were more than jewels involved? They could be bringing in treasures from all over the world. If she could just get a portion of it, she would cash in and be set for life. Her Italian villa was sounding better and better. Or maybe a little place on a beach somewhere. Hell, she’d buy the whole frigging island. A resort for the rich and famous with her at the helm.

She slid down in her seat as the man and woman came running out carrying a shitload of papers. Not that they could see her. She’d parked behind some bushes and trees. She wasn’t stupid. No, her daddy hadn’t raised any fools.

She covertly watched as the two hurried to a car and climbed inside. Now what were they up to? Must be something big going on for them to be in such a hurry.

They took off. There was no need to follow them. She knew his apartment building. No, she was more interested in who they’d met inside the Bountiful Earth building.

She shook her head in amazement. There was a lot more going on here than met the eye. The pieces of the puzzle were all starting to fit.

Trucking company plus transportation equaled big-time smuggling operation.

And she wanted a part of the pie. Correction, she was going to get a part of the pie... period!

After the two had driven off, Darla slipped from the car and into the building.

Most everyone had left for the day, but if anyone approached, she’d make up some excuse for being there.

She took off her shoes and crept over to a hall that ran off to the side. At the end, one office door stood slightly ajar and she could hear a female talking.

What was going on?

The closer she got to the office, the better she could make out what was being said. The woman was apparently speaking to someone on the phone, because it was a one-sided conversation.

She eased nearer and listened, ready to bolt if anyone spotted her.

“Get them here as fast as you can!”

Darla’s ears perked up. She knew it! Something was going down. She’d hit the big time.

“If I have to leave here without anything to cover me, you’ll regret every breath you take from now until the day you die.”

Trepidation filled Darla. Cover? A bodyguard? She swallowed past her fear. A hit man? This bitch sounded serious.

Maybe she’d gotten in over her head?

“Yeah, okay, just bring me whatever the hell you grab and make it fast.”

A phone being slammed down echoed through the hallway. Man, this woman was really desperate for her shipment. Darla hugged the wall and continued to listen.

“Damned incompetent asshole. What right does he have to question me? He should know by now I’m the boss and whatever I say goes.”

Darla knew it! This was Ms. Big.

She slipped back down the hallway and out the front door. There was no reason to take any chances and get caught. She didn’t even want to tangle with this lady or the cover that could arrive at any time.

But she didn’t leave, either. No, she wanted to see where this woman lived. She went back to her car, slipped inside, and eased the door closed. Better not to take any chances when there were others around who might hear the door slam.

And she waited.

She jumped when her cell phone rang just as a car pulled up and a man in his mid-sixties got out. She pulled her cell out of her pocket as he covertly looked around. He tucked the bag he carried a little tighter under his arm.

“What!” she whispered in the phone.

“Did you call me?” Slava asked. “I went to the store.”


She waited until the man went inside the building before she turned her attention back to Slava. “You’re supposed to take your phone with you.” She didn’t add, you moron!

“I forgot.”

Why did she even bother with him? If it weren’t for his uncle, Slava would have a bullet in his head, be wearing a pair of concrete shoes, and be feeding the fish at the bottom of some river.

“What did you want?” he asked.

“They were alone and we missed our chance to take them.”


Maybe she’d face the Russian mafia’s wrath and be the one who put a bullet in his head.

She took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself. “The girl with the jewels and her boyfriend. We could’ve nabbed them.”

“Want me to get them now?”

“They’ve already gone.”

“You mad, Darla?”

“Not anymore. I think we have bigger fish to fry.”

“Good. I’m hungry.”

She closed her eyes, pinching her nose between her thumb and forefinger. “Not that kind of fish. I meant there might be more going down than just a bag full of jewels.”

“Are we going to be rich?”

One of them was. She almost laughed, but held back. Slava was stupid, but she didn’t want to rile him. He was also the meanest son of a bitch when he was mad. Which was why she liked using his brawn. About a year ago, some guy had shot him in the leg and Slava still beat the crap out of him.

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