Cougar in Texas: 3 (Rugged and Risque) (12 page)

Read Cougar in Texas: 3 (Rugged and Risque) Online

Authors: Calista Fox

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Cougar in Texas: 3 (Rugged and Risque)
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Late one night, about two weeks into their planning efforts, Reese had a surprise for him.

They lay on their stomachs on the rug in front of the fire, facing each other. They’d both stacked their hands and rested their chins on them as they’d talked about the inn. Several large sheets of sketching paper sat between them, but Reese hadn’t turned them over yet to reveal the drawings.

She said, “Ginger is a fantastic artist. She sketches all of her window displays before creating them. If she weren’t so enamored with lingerie, she could easily make a living with her artwork.”

Caleb grinned. “What’d she draw for me?”

Excitement radiated from Reese, telling him he was going to like her surprise.

“I asked Ginger to create a few visuals for you so you could see the full potential of the inn.”

She flipped over the sheets and the first drawing was of the front of the house, with a large sign in the lawn that read,
Welcome Guests and Horses to the Painted Horse Ranch & Inn.
Beneath the large, scrolled print was Reese’s signature slogan—
Country Elegance Awaits You

“Damn, darlin’,” he said with a grin. “That’s nice.”

“She really enjoyed sketching the facade from the photos I took.”

“You know, this is suitable for framing.”

Reese nodded enthusiastically. “I thought so too. She worked really hard on these drawings. ’Course Jess, Liza and I had to make more wedding decorations to free up her time, but it was well worth it.”

The next sketch was less elaborate, but it showcased the grand staircase in the foyer.

“This sweeping staircase is straight out of
Gone with the Wind
,” she said. “Just needs a chandelier in this large, open area before it, with a round table and a large floral arrangement.” She pointed out the features Ginger had drawn. “That reminds me, Jess has agreed to give the inn a substantial discount on flowers for both everyday accents and events.”

“You’ve got friends in all the right places, don’t you?”

“Everyone wants to help out. Even Lydia Bain said she’d provide discount cards to give to guests for special occasions that require hair and makeup services. And I think bridal parties will want to stop into Ginger’s shop as well, so she’s offering a discount too. They just have to mention they’re staying at the inn. And Jack has a list of recommended suppliers for the bar provisions and liquor.”

Caleb shook his head in sheer admiration. “You think of everything, don’t you?”

“As of a matter of fact,” she said, a hint of mischief in her tawny eyes, “I even had Ginger sketch out the dining room and study.” She showed him both, elegantly and sophisticatedly portrayed, and yet…comfort and warmth oozed from the pages.

“What do you think of following the horse theme and hanging paintings of Arabians and thoroughbreds and the like? Paints too, of course, given the ranch’s namesake.”

“Of course.” He was overwhelmed. Blown away. “You’ve outdone yourself, darlin’. I don’t know what to say, except… Oh, yeah…” He winked at her and then reached for the papers
had for
. Lifting them from the coffee table, he handed over the short stack as she shifted into a sitting position. “Had these drawn up a few days ago. I was waiting for the right time to give them to you.”

She stared quizzically at him. “This looks like a contract.”

“It’s an outline of all the things Sam and I are willingly putting you in charge of at the inn and what we’ll be paying you.”

She scanned the documents, then gasped when she reached the third and final page. “Oh my God.” Her head snapped up. “You cannot be serious. This is like, five times what I make in a year with the B&B. Plus a startup bonus?”

“You’re doing a lot of front-end work, sweetheart. Good help does not come cheap. And you’ll have your hands full.”

“I was hoping to have my hands full. I really want to manage the inn, Caleb. But this…it’s too much.”

“I researched salaries and factored in your desire to do marketing and event planning as well.”

She stared at the papers she held in her hands, then glanced over at him. “What on earth would I do with this sort of money?”

He chuckled. God, it was refreshing to not have a woman fixated on amassing a fortune. “Take a vacation in Bora Bora. I don’t know. Reese, it’s a fair offer. Don’t think we’re building anything in because of my involvement with you. We’re also taking into account the time and effort you’re expending now, and the fact Sam and I both know for certain you won’t leave any stone unturned once we get rolling.”

“Geez, Caleb.” She let out a long breath and dropped her hands to her lap. “I’m pretty sure even George doesn’t make this kind of money as a dentist.”

“Reese,” he said as he took her hand. “This is a big undertaking with a lot of responsibility. I wouldn’t trust it to just anyone. I know you’ll put your heart and soul into the inn—you’re already doing it. You have to stop questioning your worth, sweetheart. Because as far as I’m concerned, we should be paying you in gold for all you’re doing for us.” He let out short laugh. “’Course, we have a budget to stick to, so we can’t pay you in gold. But you get my—”

She kissed him. Then she said, “I absolutely will not let you down. Or Sam.”

“Darlin’, I already know that.”

Her smile warmed his insides as much as her kiss did. But then she jolted and clamped her hands to her mouth, startling him.

Pulling away her hands, though her eyes were wide, she said, “Oh shit! I forgot to tell you something. Damn it. Caleb, small problem.”

His brow jerked upward.

“I’ve been meaning to mention this to you for a couple of weeks. You’ve spent just about every waking hour out at the ranch, now that you’ve broken ground on the med facility, and I failed to alert you to all the rumors Tommy’s been spreading around town.”

He laughed. “I’m not living in a cave, Reese. I’ve already heard. And I’ve been putting in my two cents along the way. So has Sam. No one thinks we’re doing anything kinky or illegal in this house, darlin’. It’s just a lot of gum-flapping on Tommy’s part.”

“Well, I know that. Everyone’s been saying they don’t think I’m actually getting it on with both you
Sam. Actually,” she added with a roll of her eyes, “they’re all implying I’m not capable of something so lascivious.”

With a low chuckle, he said, “I’ve done a lascivious thing or two to you.”

Pink tinged her cheeks. “Be that as it may, my ex is still in town and still shooting off at the mouth over things he knows nothing about. Though I suspect he hasn’t been skulking about lately, since the deputies are driving by the B&B more frequently.”

This was news to Caleb. “Sweetheart, I think it pretty much goes without saying that Sam and I can take care of ourselves. Are you worried about being here alone when we’re working late out at the ranch?”

“No, of course not.” Her chin hitched a notch, but a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes alarmed him. He and Sam were, after all, taking both trucks to the ranch. It would be quite obvious to Tommy that Reese was in the house by herself on some evenings.

He scratched his chin and said, “Maybe Sam and I should be carpooling. We’ve been hauling out supplies with both vehicles, but if my new truck is sitting in your drive, your ex might think twice about stopping by.”

“I’m not afraid to be here without anyone else in the house. I just wanted you and Sam to be aware of the ongoing issue.”

Sweeping a few strands of hair from her face, he said, “We’re big boys. A little gossip never hurt anyone. I just want you to be safe.”Leaning toward her, he cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her. Then he suggested, “Why don’t we call it a night?”

She sighed. “I’m good with that.”

They left all the papers on the coffee table and he took her by the hand and led her into his room. He closed the door, then stepped behind Reese. His mouth grazed her neck and she moaned as she leaned back against him. His arms wrapped around her waist.

“You smell like cinnamon,” he murmured.

“It’s the baked apples I made for dessert.”

“They were delicious,” he said. “But not as tasty as you.”

She laughed. “Oh come on. All that buttery, sugary, goopy sweetness? And topped with vanilla ice cream, no less. Neither you nor Sam came up for air until you were done.”

“Remember, he did mention we each had a sweet tooth. Fortunately for me, I get to indulge mine a second time this evening.”

His fingers eased the buttons of her sweater through their small holes. Then his hands covered her breasts, kneading them through the lacy cups of her bra. His tongue swept along the side of her throat and she shivered in his embrace.

“You send wicked thrills down my spine,” she told him.

“I can do better than that.” He slipped the sweater over her shoulders and it dropped to the floor. He unhooked her bra, tossing it aside as well. Then he palmed her breasts again and massaged them as her ass wiggled against his crotch. His cock swelled instantly. “I was dog-tired the last several nights. Sorry.”

“I did miss you inside me,” she said. “But I got to catch up on my sleep.”

“My snoring didn’t bother you?”

“Not at all. In fact…I like listening to you when you’re sleeping. There’s almost a therapeutic quality to it.”

He kissed her neck and said, “Hope you’re well rested. I’m in desperate need of you.”

In a teasing voice, she mocked him. “
Now who’s being the smartass?”

“Definitely not me. I’ve been too wiped out to make love to you and you rise with the sun and leave my bed.”

“I do have breakfast to make for my guests. Hence the bed and breakfast label.”

He smirked, though he knew she couldn’t see it. “Funny.”

“You and Sam
paying guests. Leaving cash on the kitchen counter… You didn’t have to go to that extreme.”

“I did. You weren’t charging our credit cards. And, like you said, we’re guests.”

“Hmm, and I’m sleeping with one of you. That’s a bizarre line to cross.”

“Unfortunately,” he said as his thumbs swept over her nipples and his excitement escalated, “sleeping is all we’ve done lately.” His tongue flicked her earlobe and she moaned again. “I want you, Reese.”

One of his hands slid down her belly to the apex of her legs. He rubbed her through her jeans and her ass ground against his cock in response.

“Caleb,” she whispered in a lusty voice.

“What do you want, darlin’?”

“You. Inside me.”

The fact she didn’t hesitate to tell him that, despite seemingly still having some sort of issue with him paying for his room and the food she served him and Sam, made him grin. Regardless of semantics, she was apparently as hot for him as he was for her.

He unfastened her jeans and slipped his hand behind the lacy material covering the heart of her. His fingers glided over her slick pussy lips and he groaned.

“Damn,” he muttered against her temple. “You’re already wet for me.”

“Since you walked through the door much earlier this evening.”

“Now that’s hot, darlin’.” He rubbed her labia and then her clit, while his other hand cupped her breast and toyed with the hard nipple. “But I want you even wetter.”

He pushed a finger deep into her pussy and she let out a sharp gasp. “Oh God, yes.” She raised an arm and twined her fingers through his hair as his mouth trailed along the crook of her neck to her shoulder. “Caleb,” she said in the provocative voice that made his pulse spike. “Make me come.”

A primal grunt fell from his lips. “How many times, sweetheart?”

Her fingers tightened around the strands she held. “At least twice before you make love to me.”

“Greedy little thing.”

“You keep falling asleep on me. I deserve them.”

He liked her playful tone. Maybe she was finally starting to grasp how desirable she was—and how worthy she was of affection.

“Darlin’, I’ll make you come all night long if that’s what you want.”

She sighed again. “Could you be more perfect?”

“Yes,” he was quick to say, knowing he had a slew of shortcomings, some of which she knew nothing about, particularly when it came to his family. “But like I said before, I’m working on it.”

“Work on me,” she told him as her cunt clenched his fingers. “I am all kinds of crazy for you.”

His lips slid along her skin, to the nape of her neck. He rubbed her clit with two fingertips and more pressure. Her breathing picked up. Her legs shook, but he held her against him, her back melding to his torso. She let out a low moan and her head fell back on his shoulder.

“Enjoying yourself, sweetheart?”

“You have no idea.”

“Oh I have some idea.” He pushed two fingers into her wet pussy and stroked her while the heel of his hand massaged her clit.


Her ass ground against his cock again, and he grunted. “Keep that up, and you’ll only get one before I make love to you.”

“I can live with that.” Her voice was tight and dripping desire. “Because this one is going to be a doozie. Good God.” She squeezed his fingers and a small cry fell from her lips. He kept stroking her. “Caleb!”

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