Read Counselor of the Damned Online

Authors: Angela Daniels

Counselor of the Damned (16 page)

BOOK: Counselor of the Damned
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Her heart warmed.
. She liked the sound of that. Then she remembered they were not in their own little world. Others would have plenty to say about such a thing. The thought of Jaime’s reaction made her mentally cringe.

She looked down, trying not to feel like a coward. Finally, she forced out, “I want to be a couple. But can we keep this between us for now?”

He went rigid in her arms.

“My life is on the line.”

“Not if you leave the Lightworkers. I can protect you.”

Her eyes flashed to his face. “Leave? I help a lot of people, Fernando. I can’t—” She bit her lip.
I can’t leave? Why not?
Lightworkers weren’t the only people doing good in the world, but this was a huge decision. She couldn’t jump into anything. “I need time to figure out how to fit us into my life. I’m sorry. I do love you.” Her heartbeat sped as she awaited his response.
God, let me please not have ruined the breakthroughs he’s made. Especially with finding sacredness in the beautiful feeding.

After a moment, his body relaxed and he placed a kiss on her temple. “Of course I understand. You have risked so much for me already. I would not have you sacrifice a livelihood which means so much to you and others.”

Relieved, she released a long exhale. But even with his accepting words, she felt as though she’d failed him, and herself. “I suppose Antigone would have taken the chance,” she murmured as she hid her face in his chest.

He laughed. “Yes, and died for it. I am grateful we are not living in a Greek tragedy.” He stroked her back and then lifted her head. “Do not regret your decision. I am happy to have whatever time with you that you are willing to give.”

She gave him a weak smile. Any further conversation was forestalled when Fernando whipped his head toward the open door. She hunkered down into his arms in a useless attempt to shield her naked body, but no one came charging into the room.

He listened for a moment, his frown growing deeper. “Stay here.”

“What is it?”

She was talking to air. Fernando had blurred with superhuman speed as he moved out of the bedroom. A small wind from his departure tickled her cheek as under her, the bed finished shifting, now bereft of his weight.

Chapter Twelve

She leaped off the bed and scrambled for her clothes. They were together, if in a heap on the carpet at the foot of the bed. Dressed, she padded to the doorway, listening. Unease crawled over her skin as all she heard was silence.
Damn vampire senses. What did he hear?

She did consider following Fernando’s direction. Surely he and his guards could handle any threat. However, being clueless about what was going on did bad things to her nerves. Images of assassins from rival Clans intruded into her mind. She walked out into the wide hallway and passed three other doors before pausing at the top of the spiral staircase. She still heard nothing.

Her pulse raced, the only sound in her ears for several moments. She tried to calm herself with the logical thought that assassins, human or vampire, would never get this far into the high-security building. They’d have to use magic to portal in, and Phil said they had wards preventing that.
Only Lephiri in physical form could break—

She gasped, horrified.
. She’d prayed. Prayed that putting brakes on their relationship hadn’t ruined his breakthrough in feeding from her. Matanji had gotten that prayer and kicked into action. Just like she said she would.

The certainty of it shot adrenaline through her veins. Combined with her recent blood donation to Fernando, her panic made her sway dangerously as she stumbled down the stairs. Pausing at the bottom, she gripped the banister for support and took deep breaths as she listened for sounds in the penthouse. Nothing.

She hurried down the long hall toward the entryway. As she neared, a muted rhythmic clanking reached her ears. The entryway’s tall window showed the reflection of the door around the U in the hall. The door was open. Mirrored light from the outside hall blocked out the view of the lit city below. A shape lay still in the doorway.

“No.” Tegonni ran the rest of the way and swung around the wall. A husky man sprawled, eyes closed, a gaping bloody wound across his chest. Switching into crisis mode, calmness covered her as she knelt to assess his state. At first, she thought there was no pulse, but then one beat touched her finger. The next was too far apart for him to be human. Not knowing what to do for a vampire, she started to remove his jacket and use it to stem the flow of blood.

“I’ll recover.”

She jumped at the calm sound of his voice.

He stared at her, eyes focused and determined. “Please stop this before they kill him.”

She rushed out the door and gasped.

Even though they’d probably come to kill the man she loved, the Lephiri battling Phil and Fernando were mind-bendingly beautiful. They were in angel form, with their gleaming gold battle armor and snow-white wings spread five feet to either side. One had straight deep brown hair, probably to her waist, but currently flying around like a dancer’s cape as she executed graceful attacks. She kept Phil, and his sword, from going to his master’s aide. Her fellow was a darker bronze than the vampire he attacked with single-minded determination. A thick rich-honey braid trailed behind him as his sword swung at Fernando’s neck.

“No!” she shouted, but her raspy cry was lost in the cacophony of metal hitting metal. Nausea roiling in her stomach, she moved out the door and down the hall toward them as Fernando blocked the angel’s strikes. He did not counterattack. He wouldn’t last long with that strategy. The Powers were merciless once given orders. They wouldn’t stop to question why a vampire didn’t fight back. The Lephiri feinted a slash down at Fernando’s head, then spun when the vampire raised his guard, and stabbed at his chest.

Tegonni screamed, sure the blow had landed. They moved so fast, it took her several moments to realize Fernando had blocked the move, upsetting his opponent’s balance, and rolled away. The angel used his massive wings to counterbalance and knock Fernando into the wall. The splitting crack of wood and mortar made her cringe. She ignored the Power as his soft, loving essence touched her and placed herself in front of Fernando; his human shield.

“I asked for his bite.” The world froze at her words. The noise of fight ended in silence. Tegonni swallowed down a lump in her throat as she met the warrior Lephiri’s wide, surprised-looking eyes. “I wanted him to feed on me,” she said, voice shaky but firm. “He had my permission and has done nothing wrong.”

The angel narrowed his eyes and leaned down, studying her face. “Matanji will not be pleased. That he is innocent of wrongdoing is doubtful. Whether you are is now in question.” He lifted a large hand to touch her, but she was pulled away. Fernando whirled around her, and she ended up at his back with him in a protective stance in front.

The male Lephiri, in a battle crouch, tilted his head in innocent curiosity. “You would protect her? From us? It is you we have come to destroy.”

“Let’s just say I wish to be certain I remain the only target.” His tone was less than respectful. She grabbed his arm, a warning to tread lightly.

The angel warrior raised his eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak, but an unwelcomed voice chimed in. “Tegonni’s crime is being a fool, and she’ll be dealt with.” Jaime came striding down the hall in spiked heels, tight pencil skirt, and a frown. Matanji followed. Dread weighed Tegonni down as their disapproving stares locked on her and Fernando. The two new arrivals kept clear of Phil, who stood with sword pointed at the floor as the female angel held him off with hers raised.

“But you”—Jaime pointed a long, painted fingernail at Fernando—“attacked a Lightworker and twisted her mind with that narcotic venom you creatures spit out.”

Tegonni moved so she stood next to Fernando. “I’m not under his influence. I freely offered my blood.”

Matanji joined the warrior in towering over Tegonni and a calm Fernando. All four hands on hips, she squinted at them like some irate demonic goddess. “And why would you do such a thing?”

She met the Lephiri’s scrutiny. “Because I do not believe he or his need to feed is evil. His choices determine his nature. I wanted to give him the opportunity to choose to feed from someone he couldn’t compel. Did you know Lephiri magic protects Lightworkers from the venom?”

“Not specifically, no. It offers resistance to many dark influences. Resistance, not immunity.” She studied Tegonni and Fernando, then she asked, “That’s the only reason you allowed his feeding?”

“Yes, of course.” The lie slipped out of her mouth without thought. Of course Matanji would see through it. She bit her lip, eyes closing to shut out the sight of the green goddess’s furrowed brow.

“A lie, Tegonni? And we are to believe he has had no effect on you?”

“I’m sorry, I…” She wanted to be honest and say she’d asked for the touch of his power. Wanted and loved him. What would they say to that? It was as unlikely to convince them of his innocence as the lie she’d just told. And she’d be in jeopardy, her judgment suspect. Did she really expect them to allow her keep her freedom, let alone her position, after admitting being willingly involved, sexually, with a vampire?

Her hesitation seemed to settle the matter for Matanji. “I know some of what happened between you tonight. You did pray, remember. You’re not the first to fall for their trickery. I’m sorry he wasn’t what he seemed, but it’s over now. Come.” She pulled Tegonni away from Fernando.

Numb, she allowed it until the male angel’s sword lifted. “No! He is sincere. I’m not influenced.”

Jaime stepped next to her and Matanji. “I hope, for your sake, you’re wrong. We’ll determine your fate later.” The threat chilled Tegonni’s flushed skin. “Even if you aren’t, he dies. Michael’s orders.”

Tegonni barked out an inarticulate protest. Fear pierced her chest.

Matanji’s frown softened. “I see it upsets you, but I’m afraid Jaime is correct.”

Tegonni shook her head.
This is not happening
. “But I wanted his bite because…because…I—” Her head throbbed as her tears flowed. “I lo—”

“Let it be,
senhorita. They will kill me in any case.” Her gaze flashed to his. He watched her with his feelings hidden behind a blank expression, but, to her, his eyes couldn’t lie. He was afraid for her life. He turned to Phil. “Stand down.”

Phil hesitated, grim-faced, then threw down his sword. He dropped to his knees, head bowed.

Blackness began to edge Tegonni’s vision. They were going to kill him, and she could do nothing. Panic clawed at her throat.

Jaime waved a hand. “Leave if you can’t watch, Tegonni.” The satisfaction in her voice indicated she would have no issues watching Fernando die.

The Lephiri approached him with raised sword, and Fernando gave Tegonni a tender smile. “Good-bye, Tegonni. Thank you.”

For what?
What had she done besides try to convince him of his worth, while denying it at the end with her actions? He was good, their love a gift. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she denied that truth in order to save her own life. “Wait!”

The sword kept moving. Fernando tilted his head back and closed his eyes. He wasn’t even going to try defending himself.

“I said stop.” Tegonni pulled away from Matanji and stepped in front of Fernando before the sword came down. The Lephiri studied her patiently. “I wanted him to give me the most intimate touch possible. I wanted him to bite me, and make love to me, because I love him.”

Fernando’s hands, warm with her blood, grasped her arms from behind. “No, meu amor.” He was protecting her honor even though his life was in jeopardy.

She turned and looked at him, taking his hands. “Yes. They are wrong about you. This is wrong, and I won’t stand by and pretend it isn’t. I love you. Whatever happens now, I’m going to be at your side. Even if it’s in death.”

He stared back at her, tension around his eyes. “I cannot allow you to die with me.” His tone was firm, brooking no dispute.

“I am Antigone. I need to stand up for you. For what is right.”

His smile was grim. Then he pulled her into a tight embrace, pressing his lips into her curls. “Your devotion means as much to me as all else we’ve shared tonight. Know that mine is no less.”

“Are you kidding me?” Jaime said “You’re not falling for this forbidden-romance crap, are you?” She sounded livid.

Startled, Tegonni turned and looked to where she stood with Matanji.

Matanji seemed to be studying them. Tegonni gazed calmly back. She had laid her truth out in the open and risked everything not just for the man she loved, but for what she knew was right. What Jaime thought was irrelevant. Tegonni felt a peace so deep she honestly didn’t care what the Lephiri chose to do.

Matanji said, “Real love has power, Jaime, and this is no trick. At least not on Tegonni’s part.”

The green goddess stepped forward and reached out a hand—slowly and palm up—to Fernando. “You, vampire, I’m not so sure about.” A small, pure-white flame burst forth and flickered above her palm. “If you speak the truth, the Holy Fire most likely will not burn you.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “You are not sure?”

“I’m fairly certain it won’t. Unless you are lying. The point is, will you choose to take the risk? Either way, you get what you asked for. The gift of touching Holy Fire.”

He looked down at Tegonni and she gave him a confident smile. “It won’t burn you.”

“We don’t know for sure.” He considered a moment, then kissed her, chaste but poignant.

He tried to disentangle himself from her, but she held on stubbornly. “I meant what I said. I’m staying by your side.”

Jaime protested, and Fernando shook his head.

Matanji, however, overrode them both. “It is her choice. What is yours, Fernando Amaral?”

Fernando relaxed in Tegonni’s arms and gave Matanji a respectful head-bow. As he reached out, Tegonni extended her hand over his, then entwined their fingers. He held her tighter as they touched the flame together.

Warmth flooded through her veins.
If love could be liquefied and injected straight into the body, this intense peace is what it would feel like
. A huge, jaw-cracking smile spread across her face. He stared at the flame, misty-eyed as its benign touch made his skin glow. Then he looked into her eyes. She saw her joy mirrored there.

BOOK: Counselor of the Damned
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