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Authors: Berengaria Brown

Courage and Comfort (5 page)

BOOK: Courage and Comfort
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Serenely, Edmund sucked and
licked, teased, and touched, cranking the heat and tension up with each
different move, trying to be unpredictable, loving every groan, moan, and
murmured profanity from Utah. They all proved he was successful in his task of
driving Utah into a sexual frenzy.

The slightest touch would
soon send Utah off the cliff. So Edmund raised himself off Utah’s body, sat up,
and lifted Utah’s right foot. Then Edmund carefully massaged the arch of Utah’s
foot, rubbed the toes one at a time, and stroked around the ankle and heel.

“God, you’re a tease,” Utah


“Yes, Mr. Innocent.
Utah flipped himself up, grabbed Edmund, and pushed
Edmund flat on his back on the mattress. Quickly he straddled the blond, upside
down, and licked Edmund’s cock. “Now we do this as a team. You finish me, and I’ll
do you. Okay?”

“You sure know how to spoil a
man’s fun.” Edmund sighed, but he swiped his tongue over Utah’s shaft as soon
as he finished speaking. Sucking Utah had aroused Edmund enormously, and he
knew the game was almost over. A very few long, strong sucks, and they’d both
explode like the Fourth of July.

His eyes almost crossed as
Utah swallowed his dick and spoke. Edmund’s brain was too fried to grasp what
Utah said or even if it was words at all, but the feeling was sure as hell out
of this world awesome. Edmund hastily bent to Utah’s cock and sucked it deep
into his mouth. Using all his skills, he licked and sucked and teased the shaft
with his tongue, then his teeth. He nibbled along the side with tiny bites
before sucking firmly on the head again. Edmund’s plan almost derailed when
Utah swallowed him for the second time, but he retained just enough sense to
shield his teeth when he gasped.

The last few minutes
were a chaotic time
of them each trying to make the other
one come first, with intense pleasuring. Edmund slammed a finger in Utah’s ass
at the same time as he sucked Utah’s cock firmly, and he was rewarded with a
huge blast of hot cum hitting the back of his throat.

Only seconds later his own
cock erupted in Utah’s mouth.

It was hard to concentrate
enough to lick Utah clean, but he managed it, and then they shuffled around
until they were both up the right way, heads on the same pillow, legs entwined,
and arms wrapped around each other.

“Every time it gets better,”
Edmund whispered.

as it should be.”




“I’d like to invite Utah and
Edmund over for supper. A proper meal, cooking them something myself that they
both really like,” Mavis said.

AJ looked up and smiled. “That’s
a wonderful idea. They’d like that.”

Mavis fingered the aquamarine
she wore on a chain around her neck. Then she stroked the paperweight, which
was sitting on the coffee table in front of her. “I suddenly want to cook. I
haven’t gotten my recipes out since I became pregnant, so it’s more than time I
started cooking again. Well, cooking as opposed to throwing something in the
microwave and zapping it.”

understand, I really do.
What are you thinking about

Mavis hesitated.
“Home-baked, honey-oat bread and a rich soup to go with it.
Pumpkin, perhaps?”

“That pumpkin soup you make
with some tomatoes and onions in it is amazing. I’m sure they’d love it,” AJ
said gently.

“I haven’t thanked you
properly yet for sending Edmund and Utah for the aquamarine. I don’t know how
you knew about it. I don’t
know how you knew about it. But I really can feel John watching over me. And
now I know I can cope. I understand you and Edmund and Utah will support me. I
can do it. The baby and I will manage.”

AJ leaned forward and tapped
the aquamarine around Mavis’s neck.
“Courage and comfort.
All you need to know was that the resources to cope were inside you. You simply
had to tap into them. Besides, the men and I wanted to assist you too. Edmund
and Utah felt so helpless when John died, but retrieving the aquamarine focused
their energies, gave them an important, useful task to do.
their own
relationship has never
been better.”

“They are happy aren’t they?
They seem to glow with joy now when we see them.”

AJ drew her emerald
paperweight over to herself and waved at it and Mavis’s pale blue one. “I
believe these are special too. I can feel the power in them.”

“Nothing would surprise me
anymore. I’m going to find my old recipes. Do you want to call Edmund and Utah
and invite them here for supper?”





The meal was over, but they
still sat around the table, Edmund holding his nephew in his arms. John Jr. was
awake and waving one hand. It seemed to Edmund almost as if the child was
reaching for the aquamarine paperweight, so he placed it in the baby’s fist.

John cooed and smiled, the
grin almost splitting his tiny face in half. “Well, he certainly likes the
paperweight,” Utah said.

“Give him the emerald one
too,” AJ said tensely.

Edmund raised an eyebrow,
wondering what the excitement was all about, but nevertheless put the second
paperweight in the baby’s other fist.

John Jr. held both rocks up
in the air, and light flashed off their colored faces, shining back down on him.

A sense that something
incredibly important had just happened rushed through Edmund. He looked first at
Mavis, who was smiling, then at AJ, who seemed almost to glow. “What does it
mean?” he asked.

“We have all been promised
happiness. You and Utah have already found your soul mates in each other. I
know who mine is, and one day we will be together. And Mavis and her son will
have fulfilling lives.”

“Thanks to all of you, I’m
ready to move on. John will always be with me,” Mavis said, clutching the
aquamarine around her neck. “The baby and I will be fine.”

and comfort.
The aquamarine has given both of those things to all of us,”
Edmund said quietly.

Utah slid along the couch to
wrap his arm across Edmund’s shoulder. With a delicate finger, he stroked John
Jr.’s cheek. “Absolutely,” he said.





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BOOK: Courage and Comfort
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