Courage In Love (3 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Courage In Love
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“You will.” Parker promised as he stroked lube over Ross’ cock. “You’re so hard and I need you in me now.” Parker demanded as he threw one leg and then the other over Ross’ thighs. “I won't take long.” He licked his lips and Ross prayed that he could last long enough to get Parker off.

Parker positioned the head at his entrance and held his breath as he sat. Parker's head fell back as his ass clenched mercilessly around Ross. Ross’ eyes bulged as his cock became even harder. He felt Parker’s passage relax and he sank down, swallowing Ross’ length slowly until Parker’s ass settled against Ross’ groin. Parker sighed and his head swung forward before he grabbed Ross’ shoulders and leaned over him. Ross reached for Parker’s face and kissed him hungrily as the urge to thrust hard and bury himself deeper in Parker’s perfect, clenching heat overwhelmed. Parker started rocking back and forth and Ross’ hands swept down his chest.

Parker’s body clenched tight and hot around Ross’ cock as more swirling pleasure flooded Ross’ groin. Parker moaned his name as he rode Ross harder and faster. Ross could only watch as lust and awe roared though him. Parker moved with fluid grace and the rippling bunching and stretching of the muscles of his stomach, thighs and arms was mesmerizing. Parker’s face was taut as he strained to keep his pace smooth and fast as he ground hard and slid over Ross’ rigid length. It was the most erotic, enthralling thing Ross had ever seen.

A new need bloomed within Ross. The need to make this his, to make it last forever spread and pushed through his veins as he watched Parker’s back arch and his head fall back.
Mine. He has to be mine.
Ross’ brain screamed as Parker reached back with one hand and braced himself by grabbing Ross’ thigh as the other hand wrapped around his cock. Parker called to Ross and heat burst within his chest. Parker’s mouth fell open and he pulled in a gasping breath and Ross almost cried at the indescribable beauty. The muscles around Ross’ cock tightened ruthlessly as Parker began to spasm and jerk and Ross’ balls ached in protest as they tightened and hard pressure gripped the base of his shaft. Parker’s hand slid up his cock and he screamed as a thick rope of come shot from the end and splashed across Ross’ chest. Parker bucked and twisted as another stream hit Ross’ shoulder and neck. Ross arched and his toes curled as warmth and pressure surged up the length of his erection and his release flooded the condom and bathed his cock in liquid heat. Parker shivered as the last tremors of his orgasm rolled through him before he fell forward onto Ross’ chest. Ross managed to get his arms around Parker despite the wave of dizzy euphoria that washed over him.

“What the fuck was that?” Ross asked weakly.

“Hmm?” Parker hummed as his face pressed into the corner of Ross’ neck. Ross cradled his head as his other arm wrapped tighter around Parker.

“What did we just do?” Ross could feel Parker’s heart pounding against his chest, beating in time with his.

“Had sex?” Parker offered as he raised his head and smiled up at Ross. Ross shook his head.

“I’ve had sex. That was not sex.” Ross argued and Parker laughed as he stretched forward and sucked on Ross’ lower lip.

“I don’t know what you did before but we just had sex. Really good sex.” Parker sighed as he let his head fall back into the corner of Ross’ neck.

They were both content to silently wait through the wild beating of their hearts and the frantic rise and fall of their chests for several minutes. Ross was enjoying the feel of Parker in his arms and would have been content to stay there all night but Parker shivered as his sweat slicked body cooled under the wafting breeze from the ceiling fan. Ross rolled, taking Parker with him and covered his body. Parker sighed happily as his hand slid into Ross’ hair and one leg wrapped around Ross’ thigh.

“I want you to stay.” Parker whispered and more warmth swelled within Ross.

“Me too.”

Chapter 5


“So, you don’t live here.” Parker said softly as his fingers sifted through Ross’ hair. Ross bit his lip and tried not to purr as he lay draped over Parker’s chest.

“No. I live in Virginia Beach but come up on most of my free weekends to visit Bryan and Ian.” He rubbed his cheek against Parker’s smooth, warm chest and breathed deep. He smelled warm and soft, like cinnamon, sandalwood and a hint of vanilla.

“Do you have family close by?” Parker asked and Ross raised his head and shook it softly as he stretched for Parker’s lips. They tasted a bit like vanilla, somehow.

“I don’t have any family, just Bryan, Ian and Bryan’s sister, Marissa.” Ross rested his chin on Parker’s chest and flicked his tongue against the underside of Parker’s jaw. “My mom did her best to keep me but the courts put me in foster care when I was ten. I bounced around a few homes before I ended up with Bryan’s family.” Ross felt Parker’s hand still and he raised his head and looked at Ross.

“Why couldn’t your mom keep you?” He asked gently and Ross sighed as sadness rippled through him.

“She was a heroin addict. She wanted to get clean and for us to be together again but she wasn’t strong enough. She died of an overdose when I was fourteen.” Ross pictured her dancing and laughing on the beach with the moon behind her and smiled. It was his favorite memory of her and he always went there when he thought of his mom. That was the way he kept her.

“I’m so sorry.” Parker whispered and Ross nodded.

“Me too but I think that she’s happier now. She had a really tough life and I think she needed the drugs to numb a lot of pain. She loved me and she did her best.” Ross rolled onto his back and Parker followed. He rested his head on Ross’ shoulder and twined their fingers together. It felt so comfortable. Ross couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed with someone, so connected and content.

“How long did you live with Bryan’s family?” Parker pulled Ross’ hand against his lips and rubbed them against the hairs on the back of his hand before he kissed it. Heat flowed up Ross’ arm and he hummed happily as the fingers of his other hand traced lazy circles across Parker’s back.

“Almost three years. We became really close and when he enlisted, I got his parents to sign the consent so I could go with him when I was seventeen. We were apart for a few years but somehow we were able to work it out so that we got into the same programs and we spent the majority of our careers working together until he retired and settled down with Ian.”

“And you can’t tell me what it is you do.” Parker said as he rose and threw his leg over Ross, straddling him. Ross crossed his arms behind his head and narrowed his eyes at Parker.

“I really can’t tell you anything more than I already have.” He stated and Parker’s lips twisted as he considered.

“So you do something in Virginia Beach…” Parker stopped when Ross shook his head.

“I don’t do my job here, in the states. I travel a lot.” Ross raised his knees, causing Parker to sway forward and he pulled him down and slid a hand around his neck. “I don’t think you’d be nearly as interested or impressed if you knew. There is something that I think you’d find much more interesting about me.” He murmured as he brushed his lips across Parker’s.

“What’s that?” Parker raised a brow and Ross bit his lip playfully.

“I’ve spent roughly the last eighteen years working toward a Masters in Russian History.” Ross laughed when Parker’s head pulled back in surprise.

“Really?” His brows pulled together. “Do you speak Russian?” Parker asked and Ross nodded.

“I do.” And Parker looked even more surprised. “I speak four languages other than English fluently.” He offered and Parker’s mouth fell open.

“Wow. I knew you were really smart but I didn’t imagine…” Parker stopped and his head fell to the side as he stared at Ross. “What are the other languages?” He asked and Ross wrapped his arms around Parker and rolled them.

“I speak Arabic, Persian Farsi and Mandarin Chinese.” He said as he gathered Parker’s face in his hands. Ross saw a frown tug at Parker’s lips and kissed one of the corners until Parker smiled.

“I’m starting to get an idea of what it is you do.” He murmured and Ross shrugged.

“I’m not surprised. Let’s talk about something else.” Ross pulled Parker’s legs around his waist then propped his head up on his fist. Parker was silent for a moment and Ross worried that he might not let it go.

“Why haven’t you finished your Masters?” He asked and Ross almost sighed in relief.

“It’s too hard right now. I basically just need to write a thesis but I don’t have the time to commit to it. Once I retire, I’ll finish the last few credit hours and write it. I don’t want to teach or actually do anything with it, so there isn’t any rush, really.” He explained and Parker shook his head in disbelief.

“You pursued a degree in something you never plan to use?” Parker asked and Ross nodded. “Why?” He gasped and Ross shrugged.

“I’ve aways liked history and Russia is fascinating. And because of my military service, there was no reason not to. I paid into it and so much of it was offered for free, it would have been stupid to waste it.” Ross traced Parker’s lips with the tip of his tongue. He couldn’t leave them alone.

“And you don’t plan to use it when you retire from ‘defense’?” Parker’s fingertips were sliding up and down Ross’ back absently as he searched Ross’ eyes. Ross shook his head.

“Nope.” He sucked on Parker’s lower lip for a few moments. “I don’t think I’d find anything I’d want to do that pays well. I have much more lucrative options based on my experience and training.” Ross didn’t give Parker a chance to ask any follow up questions. He slid his tongue past Parker’s lips and teased Parker’s tongue until he kissed him back. Ross kept the kiss lazy and soothing and when he raised his head he rested his forehead on Parker’s. “I want to know more about you. Do you have family close by?” Parker smiled and Ross could tell that he was close to his family and had a happy childhood.

“My mom and sister live in Williamsburg. I visit them at least once a month and one of them will drive up here about as often.” Parker pushed his hand through Ross’ hair and rubbed his cheek against Ross’ beard. “I’ve never dated anyone with a beard or long hair. I like it.” He murmured and Ross moaned softly as Parker’s fingers massaged his scalp.

“What about your dad?” Ross mumbled and Parker stilled.

“He died two years ago.” He said gently. Ross pressed a kiss to his lips.

“I’m sorry.” Ross whispered and Parker laughed softly.

“He was eighty-one. He lived a really full life.” This time, Ross’ head pulled back in surprise.

“Wow. I’d say so. How old is your mom?”

“She’s sixty-eight now. They met during the civil rights movement, they were both Freedom Riders. My dad was teaching American Literature here when they met and she started teaching philosophy in the eighties and retired a few years ago.” Parker tightened his legs around Ross’ waist and Ross felt warmth seeping into his groin.

“Your parents sound like incredible people.” Ross breathed against Parker’s lips as his hand slid down Parker’s thigh and his cock became insistent. Parker’s tongue lapped at Ross’ lips.

“MmmHmm.” He sucked on Ross’ lower lip and he bucked his hips, grinding against Ross’ erection. Ross growled softly as his fingers slid into the cleft of Parker’s ass.

“I want you again.” He said and Parker grinned.

“I noticed.” He teased as he dug his fingers into the muscles of Ross’ ass causing him to hiss.

“I don’t know what you’ve done to me but I can’t get enough of you.” Ross complained and a soft, low laugh slipped from Parker, making Ross’ erection throb.

“Take as much as you want.” He said and Ross adjusted his hips so his cock slid along the cleft of Parker's ass and he moaned with delight and longing as his fingers clawed at Ross’ ass more urgently.

Ross’ lips collided with Parker’s and his tongue probed and swept through Parker’s mouth, learning each new taste and texture. His hands gripped and caressed, exploring the grooves and hollows of Parker’s hard, smooth body. Ross slid and twisted around Parker, reveling in the feel of their skin pressing and gliding as they became hotter, slicker. He turned Parker and worshiped his back with his lips and tongue before he thrust into his body in one long, smooth stroke. Ross became lost in the intoxicating pleasure of the clenching heat of Parker’s ass as he drove into his body. The soft, deep sounds that spilled from Parker’s lips inflamed Ross’ need and awe. The sight of Parker’s unbelievable body, spread before him, with his rich, warm skin, glowing with lust and sweat made Ross’ eyes water. Nothing had ever felt this perfect, this precious. The compulsion to claim had never been so strong. When Parker screamed his name and convulsed beneath him, Ross was sucked into his release, blind and crying as he buried his cock as deep in Parker’s body as he could.

Chapter 6


Waking up in his new apartment was still disorienting for Parker. Waking up with a large, naked body beneath his was almost shocking. Parker raised his head and blinked rapidly as he scanned the room before he looked down at Ross. His hair had fallen over his eyes and his face was relaxed in a soft, boyish grin and Parker couldn’t help but gently brush the hair back. There was a soft hum and Ross’ smile spread as he rubbed his cheek on the sheet and Parker held his breath. He wanted to see Ross’ eyes open, to get trapped in soft, penetrating green. But he wasn’t ready for the reality of the morning so he very slowly and gently untangled his body from Ross’.

Parker slid carefully from the bed and quietly pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He went into the kitchen and tried to make sense of everything that had happened the night before and the swirling, colliding contents of his mind as he made coffee. He stared through his bedroom door at the bed and the body sprawled impressively across it. The steady rise and fall and the occasional ripple of chest and stomach muscles was mesmerizing.
Whatever last night was, it wasn’t a one night stand. Not for you, at least,
Parker decided as he leaned against the counter and watched Ross.

A frown pulled at Parker’s lips as he considered what he knew about Ross. He lived in Virginia Beach, he had no family other than his friends, he was well educated and intelligent and he did something in “defense”. Basically, almost nothing. Parker took a long sip and shook his head. He knew nothing about Ross except that he smelled like heaven and tasted perfect. Parker’s jaw twinged as he stared at the corner of Ross’ neck. He was so good, right there. And the way his body felt against Parker’s, on top of Parker’s, beneath Parker’s… He clenched his jaw, trying to force his body to relax and his cock to stop throbbing.

Even after years with David, he had never felt so in tune, aroused and satisfied with another body or sex. It had never felt so real or meaningful. And Parker knew everything about David. Their relationship had been about so many things but it had never been about sex for Parker. For David, sex had been a vital way for him to display his fragile virility. Being twenty years older, David always felt a need to prove he was still potent, even when he wasn’t. He relied on viagra and poppers to perform and had to get stoned before Parker fucked him. Christ, Parker hated poppers. They reminded him of the cheap, poorly shot amateur videos David scoured the internet for. They made him feel like those young boys that looked so exploited as they hid their faces while older men huffed from tiny bottles as they grunted and rutted behind them. Parker didn’t mind the pot as much, it was something he shrugged off as being typical for David’s generation. Parker loved David because he was brilliant, charismatic and mercurial. He looked like the fit, older Sean Connery before he lost his hair and when David taught, he was inspiring and incandescent. Parker loved to sneak in and watch David lecture. He’d sit in the back, completely spellbound and moved. The man that kept people hanging on his every word was night and day compared to the leering, demanding man that needed poppers to get wound up or weed so he could “submit”.

Parker never understood David’s preoccupation with sex roles. He was either dominating their interaction or submitting to Parker. It was never spontaneous or natural and it was all very performance focused. David wanted to be praised for his stamina and coordination, his flexibility and the complexity of the poses he chose. When Parker was up, David expected to be impressed. He wanted Parker to behave like a porn star and to be energetic and creative. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have surprised Parker that David would eventually want someone younger and more exciting to appease his vanity.

Everything with Ross had been so visceral and natural, so easy. Ross claimed that he wasn’t very good because he was inexperienced. He had no idea what that did to Parker. Not that Ross wasn’t good. He was amazing. Everything felt so honest, so sincere when he did it. Every touch held an energetic curiosity that gave Parker chills. Ross moved with an innate athletic grace that was far more arousing than the practiced bouncing of hips or contrived postures and glances. There was an exuberance and fascination, almost a sense of awe that Ross approached Parker with that was far more compelling than anything he’d ever experienced.

Parker didn’t want it to end. He was quietly dreading what would happen when Ross woke up. Would he offer flimsy excuses as he scrambled for the door? Would he want a quick fuck before he promised to call as he ran out? After the hours they’d spent talking and touching, Parker was hopeful but he knew he’d be setting himself up for disappointment if he let himself forget that it was still the morning after.

Ross’ body shifted and his arm raised as he rubbed his eyes. Parker sighed as he watched Ross lift his head and look across the bed before he sat up. His eyes drifted around the room before they stretched out the bedroom door and into the kitchen and found Parker’s. Ross offered a drowsy smile before he stretched and yawned. Ross swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood and Parker stifled a groan as Ross’ long, sculpted body glowed in the morning light. Heat spread through Parker’s body at the sight of a heavy morning hard-on as Ross stretched his neck and shoulders before he turned and walked toward Parker. Ross’ eyes were still lazy and soft and his lips gently curved as he approached.

“Good morning.” Ross murmured as he slid his arms around Parker’s waist and brushed his lips against Parker’s cheek.

“Want some coffee?” Parker’s voice broke as Ross’ teeth tugged at his earlobe.

“In a little bit. I want you first.” It was a gravelly, hot, wet rumble against Parker’s ear and goosebumps spilled down Parker’s neck and arms. “I didn’t get to do something last night.” Ross’ hands slid down Parker’s back, beneath the waistband of his pants and over his ass and Ross pushed them down. He bit Parker’s shoulder and growled softly as his hands swept around Parker’s thighs and closed around Parker’s now very stiff and pulsing erection. Parker groaned as Ross began to stroke. “I want to taste your come.” Ross announced as he lowered to his knees. His eyes locked on Parker’s as his tongue slid up the length of his cock and Parker gasped and pushed his hands through Ross’ hair.

“God, you’re so beautiful.” Parker whispered as heavy heat settled in his groin.

Ross’ lips and tongue bathed Parker’s length and he was once again struck by the pure, open adoration as he watched. Every lick and suck, every moment was about Ross’ curiosity and the joy he found in being able to freely touch and taste Parker. It was so much hotter than anything Parker had experienced before. When Ross’ lips closed around Parker’s shaft and began to suck, Parker grabbed the counter and ground his teeth, fighting against the urge to thrust into Ross’ mouth, not wanting to spoil that perfect wonder. Parker whispered Ross’ name over and over as his body became lighter and brighter. Pleasure swirled and bloomed as pressure and tightness gathered in Parker’s sack and the base of his cock as Ross continued to suck and lick hungrily. Parker felt his nerves spark and retract.

“Ross!” He gasped as he wrapped his hands around Ross’ head. “I’m so close…” Parker’s head fell back and he pulled in a desperate breath as his eyes rolled. “I’m gonna…” A shriek burst from Parker’s throat when Ross’ large hands wrapped around the cheeks of his ass and the wet heat of Ross’ mouth clung tight as he sucked ruthlessly. “Fuck!” Parker yelled as heat, pleasure and pressure surged up his shaft and come burst from the head, deep in Ross’ throat. Ross hummed happily as he continued to suck, greedily draining Parker as his hands kneaded. Parker hung onto the counter as his body spasmed and shook until Ross released his cock with a soft pop and smiled drunkenly up at Parker.

“Even that tastes good.” He murmured as his lips gently caressed the head. Parker sagged against the counter and his hands slid lazily through Ross’ hair.

“That was amazing.” Parker sighed and Ross laughed softly as he stood up.

“Probably not. I’ve only done that a few times.” He admitted as he slid his hand around Parker’s cheek and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. Parker wrapped his hands around Ross’ face and kissed him urgently, savoring the taste of his come on Ross’ tongue.

“Trust me, it was really good.” Parker insisted and Ross’ smile became brilliant.

“Yeah?” He asked as he rubbed his nose against Parker’s.

“Yeah.” Parker bit Ross’ lip and he laughed softly.

“Good. I’ll have that coffee now.” He gave Parker’s ass another squeeze before he released it. Parker poured Ross a mug and they were quiet for several moments as they stood across from each other drinking their coffee. “This is good.” Ross said as he raised his mug and Parker nodded as he tried to find something to keep the silence from getting awkward.

“So, do you want some breakfast? I don’t really have anything here so we’d have to go out. I’m not much of a cook.” Parker admitted and Ross chuckled as he stared into his mug.

“I don’t cook either.” He said softly before he cringed. “I’d love to go get breakfast with you but I can’t.” Ross looked up at Parker apologetically and disappointment swelled.

“That’s cool. I’ll give you my number, you can call me if you want.” Parker chewed on his lip and tried to look relaxed as he stared into his coffee. When he looked up, Ross’ head was cocked and his brows were pulled together as he stared at Parker.

“If I want?” Ross asked slowly and Parker nodded. Ross set his mug down and reached for Parker. “I’m definitely going to call. I don’t want to go, Parker.” His voice was deep and velvety as he wrapped his arms around Parker. “I’m going for breakfast with Bryan and Ian. Bryan’s sister’s visiting and it’s her last weekend before she moves to Portland. I have to be there.” Ross explained and relief flooded Parker. He knew Ross was telling the truth. Ross’ head snapped back and he smiled. “Why don’t you come with me?” He asked and Parker started to nod as his eyes went to the clock. His heart sunk.

“Shit. I almost forgot.” He complained. “I can’t. My department is meeting for lunch at 11:00.” Parker rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. “I can’t cancel. I’ve missed the last few because I was feeling sorry for myself. I promised I’d go today. I didn’t realize how late it was.” Parker saw Ross’ lips tilt and he shrugged.

“Fine. Then, I’ll see you tonight.” He declared and warmth burst in Parker’s chest. “I want to take you out to dinner. When can I pick you up?” Ross asked before he lowered his head and nibbled at Parker’s lips.

“I can be ready whenever.” Parker mumbled as he pulled Ross closer.

“I’ll make reservations and let you know.” His tongue slid along the seam of Parker’s lips and he angled his head as his tongue slipped between Parker’s lips. Parker felt the hard heat of Ross’ erection push against his thigh and Ross groaned into his mouth as Parker’s hand wrapped around it and began to stroke.

“Up on the counter.” Parker commanded when he released Ross’ lips.

Ross hopped and lifted himself onto the counter and leaned back on his hands as Parker spread his thighs and stepped between them. Ross hissed when Parker’s lips closed around his cock and slid down as Parker took him deep in his throat. The air was filled with the sounds of gasps, panting, wet slurps, cursing and Parker’s name. When Ross flew apart with a hoarse sob, Parker moaned in delight as Ross’ come coated his tongue. He tasted sweet, tart and faintly bitter, like grapefruit or sour apples.

They kissed for several minutes after, neither ready to let go, before Ross trudged into the bedroom and dressed. He kissed Parker deeply at the door before he left and Parker collapsed against the panels after it shut and sighed happily. He knew he was acting like a teenage girl but he didn’t care. He had a date with a really hot boy later.

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