Cowboy Country (65 page)

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Authors: Sandy Sullivan,Deb Julienne,Lilly Christine,RaeAnne Hadley,D'Ann Lindun

BOOK: Cowboy Country
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“Let’s get something to eat, then we can talk some more, alright?”

She sniffed and nodded, moving away to try and compose what dignity she had left. She was angry at herself for losing her focus and allowing her personal life to interfere with her business. Of course he had every right to know whether she had a sound business or not and that included if she was going to be distracted in a messy divorce. He had no idea if Kip was involved with the horses or not. It’s not like Grayson was a mind reader. But damn, he had seemed to know that there were problems with her marriage without her even saying a word. Was she so transparent?

She followed him through the extravagant mansion, the beautiful paintings and sculptures lost on her as she mentally berated herself for her behavior.

Again, he was perplexed by the woman walking next to him. They were passing artwork and antiques that were worth millions and she glanced at them as if they were thrift store specials and Teen Beat posters. She was either ignorant to the finer things in life or she wasn’t a materialistic person. He would place his bet on the latter. She was obviously intelligent and educated but “things” didn’t appear to matter to her. The only things that seemed to hold her emotions were her horses and her career. That, in itself, he could respect. He bypassed the formal dining room and led her to the kitchen where he sat her on a high stool at the center island.

She couldn’t help but feel cold in the kitchen. Stainless steel appliances, though state-of-the-art, blended in with the bland, blue-gray walls and countertops. All of the gray, granite countertops were bare, void of any cooking utensils, fruit or vegetable bowls or even a flower vase. The center island had a cook top and a deep, produce sink. Matching gray cupboards blended in fluidly with the walls and the appliances. There were so many of them that she wondered how anyone could remember where anything went.

“Do you like pasta? I make a mean sausage marinara and I just so happen to have made a batch yesterday.”

She looked at him and smiled. “You cook, too? When do you find the time?”

“Unfortunately, it’s very rare anymore but during my downtime, in between tours, I do a lot of cooking. It’s very relaxing and helps bring me down off the high that I get when I perform.”

She nodded. “I know that feeling. Before a big show and the night after I’ve shown, I’m so wired that I can’t sleep. I end up polishing my tack and cleaning my barn. My best friend, Megan, says I have the cleanest barn in the county.”

He laughed with her, each appreciating the other’s joy for their craft.

“So do you ever cook?” he asked.

“No, never was able to have the patience for cooking an elaborate meal for just one.” she trailed off and he decided not to bring up the aspects of her marriage, the pain obvious in her voice.

“But I can make a mean salad.” she laughed, her expression and her tone softening, which Luke found appealing and sensual.

“Well, that goes excellent with pasta. Would you do the honors while I start with the noodles?”

“I’m on it.” She stood up and tenderly made her way around the counter. “Just point me to where everything is.”

He showed her which cupboards she needed and also told her feel free to explore before they both settled into the easy movement of making a meal together. The conversation was light and centered on their childhoods and what pulled them into their current careers.

It was a comfortable, easy feeling being with him and she began to relax and really enjoy herself and the conversation. She’d never had this kind of an experience with a man before. Kip had never been interested in how she got into her horses, or her childhood. Sure, he asked questions, but it had been to fine tune his software program to sell to other breeders. She couldn’t recall laughing and enjoying a conversation as much as she was now.

Grayson watched Rebecca as she cut up tomatoes and shredded the lettuce, talking animatedly about growing up on the ranch and her horses and he was able to see the vibrant woman she really was behind the strict and serious business woman he had met earlier. The stern face he’d experienced throughout the day was gone and a light glow that emanated from her was staggering. She was absolutely beautiful and for the first time since meeting her in person, he saw the exquisiteness he’d seen on the video. He found it very hard to focus on preparing their meal and not throwing her up on the counter to ravage her, which was a first for him. The few women he had actually brought back to his home had been eager, sometimes impatient to make love. He had tried to prepare a meal for a couple of them but they’d ended up in bed before the meal was finished. After having to throw away expensive pans with burnt remnants, he stopped attempting to cook anything for his dates.

He knew he couldn’t do that with Rebecca. He was sure that if he even tried to kiss her right now, she would run and he didn’t want that to happen. He wanted to taste her, to ease the need for her but knew he had to bide his time.

They sat there at the center island instead of moving to the formal dining table, enjoying the meal they’d prepared together and continued their conversation. When they finished, she insisted on helping clean up and between the two of them, had the kitchen as spotless as they had found it. Grayson grinned knowing his housekeeper would be surprised and pleased that the kitchen would be as clean as she had left it.

He led them to his living room and poured them both glass of wine before going over and lighting a fire to take off the evening chill. They both sat on the couch, listening to the crackle of the flames. Rebecca winced as she stretched her injured knee, the inflammation setting in.

Grayson set his glass down and moved closer. “May I?” He watched her face, seeing the hesitation in her eyes but then she nodded. He removed her shoes and stretched her injured leg across his lap. He began to gently massage her foot, before slowly moving up her calf. He felt her tense up and he stayed where he was, waiting for her to relax again. “So tell me about the video you sent to me. When was it taken?”

She nervously took a sip of wine. “You saw it?”

“Well of course I did. You asked to use one of my songs for it.”

“Of course, how stupid of me. I just thought that your managers had seen it, that they were the ones who made the decisions.”

“You’re not stupid and you’re right, they are the ones who normally see these things and make the decisions. It just so happens I had writer’s block one night and as a distraction, I watched your video. When it was done, I decided to deal with this personally.”

“Oh, well thank you, I feel honored.” she stumbled.

“Actually, I’m the one who should thank you. You’re video inspired me and I was able to finish my song that night.” He could see that she was at a loss for words and decided to save her from obvious embarrassment. “So when was it recorded?”

“It was recorded this past fall in my arena; we had just come home from Nationals. I had chosen an older, classical song and we came in second, the winner had chosen a current rock song and swept all of the competition under the rug. The crowd had gone wild. It was then that I decided I needed an edge, a great song this year to win world grand championship.”

“And you chose me. Now I’m the one who feels honored. Why me?” he asked as he slowly began to massage her other leg.

“Your music is very popular and I find the words to your songs filled with emotion, which is what I want. When I show, my performance and my horses mean something to me; I want the music I use to help express that.” She took another drink.

“My songs are written from my life, from my heart and my feelings. It tells a story of my life.”

“I know.” she said softly. “That’s why I chose your song. It speaks to me.”

Grayson stared into her eyes for a moment, and then leaned forward slowly. “Rebecca, I’d like to do something right now but I don’t want you to panic or freak out.” he said calmly.

She felt her throat go dry and took another drink, trying to delay what she knew what going to happen, but found she wanted it too. “Okay.”

He moved towards her, leaning over her, watching her face. He slowly lowered his face and softly touched his lips to hers. Her lips tasted sweet from the wine and velvety soft. He lightly ran the tip of his tongue over them and felt her shudder. He pulled back against the couch, worried that he had gone too far but found her eyes closed, her lips quivering with anticipation.

She had known he was going to kiss her and she had almost stopped him. She was a married woman after all but the vision of Kip lying on top of the brunette stopped her from saying anything. She wasn’t obligated to Kip anymore, she could indulge in one kiss, but when Grayson’s lips touched hers she felt a desire she’d never experienced before and the heat of her need extinguished any thoughts of Kip. When Grayson pulled back, she held her breath and kept her eyes shut, trying to gain control of her emotions. When she opened her eyes, she found herself staring up into his eyes, concern on his face. Seeing the consideration on his face, she knew she wanted to know this man, to experience what she had never felt with Kip. She allowed all her thoughts and emotions about Kip to flow from her mind and body. She had never been so attracted to a man before as she was with him. She would deal with the pain of betrayal and the guilt of a rebound fling later. All she wanted now was Grayson.

He saw the passion in her eyes and found it irresistibly alluring. He lowered himself toward her and tentatively touched her lips again. They were soft and pliant and when he parted her lips with his tongue, he found her mouth eager, matching his own desire. He felt her hands run through her hair and his body shudder as their kiss deepened. He began his own exploration of her body with his hands, feeling a thrill when he felt flesh and curves as opposed to the bony frames of the models and actresses he was used to. He found her body enticing and electrifying. When he cupped her breast, she moaned and he began to unbutton her blouse as her lips began to explore his neck, sending delicious sensations through his body.

She felt her body rack with shivers as he touched her and explored her body. The areas she had always been so self-conscious of during lovemaking with Kip were now being praised and adored. She never felt so alive, so female, so sexy. Her inhibitions about herself melted away and she found herself trying to get rid of Grayson’s clothes, needing to feel his flesh against hers.

He knew what she wanted without any words spoken between them. He sat up, pulling her with him as they began to shed each other’s clothing.

He devoured her with his eyes and she felt sexy and attractive under his gaze, powerful. She didn’t feel heavy or worry about how her body looked. She wasn’t the size of a model but when he looked at her, she felt perfect.

He’d never known a woman like her before. Not only was she indifferent to his life, his possessions but she also wasn’t constantly concerned with how she looked at every single moment; she didn’t act as if she was on-stage, so to speak. When they were rid of their clothing and began to revel in each other, she didn’t fuss with her hair or demand to be on top of him to place her body in a more visually desirable position. She was only focused on him, enjoying his body and focusing on the areas that elicited moans from him. In turn, he found himself concentrating on what aroused her, made her body strum to the passion he was feeling. They fed on each other, building the other to a heightened level and when he finally entered her, he felt a rapture he’d never imagined, nor experienced. Her body whispered to him and he moved to her song, throwing them both over the edge of nirvana.










She lay there, trying to catch her breath, her mind alive but her body spent and numb. She had never encountered a lover like him before and though the experience was amazing, she also felt guilt and confusion. She was here to get permission from this amazing musician to use one of his songs for her show, she was married, at least until she got the divorce papers finalized, and here she was, jumping in the sack with him. Did she just blow her possibility of using his song? Worse, would he give his consent
she slept with him? Either way, she felt ashamed that she hadn’t kept her mind on business and focused on her career.

She sensed the tears well up in her eyes and angrily fought them back. She wouldn’t regret being with Grayson. She’d never felt so beautiful or had such a wonderful experience. She would take it as what it was, a wonderful encounter between two consenting adults. She would just have to find another song for the world grand championships.

He felt her body change and knew something happened. The woman who had been uninhibited moments ago now seemed tense and reserved. He sat up and gathered her tight body in his arms. “Rebecca, what are you thinking?”

“I shouldn’t have done that, taken advantage of you. I’m just in a really dark place right now.” she said quietly.

“Rebecca, you didn’t take advantage of me. I wanted to be with you, I have all day. There’s something about you, something different. I think you’re incredible.”

She couldn’t help the laugh that came out of her mouth. “I’m not, really, but I appreciate you saying so. It’s very sweet.”

He felt the anger well up in his belly and tried hard to control it. “I didn’t say it to be sweet. There
something about you that’s different. I think you’re special.”

“Grayson, I appreciate your words of endearment but I’m not going to hold you to the contract. What happened here tonight doesn’t need to be aired to the public or anything else you may be worried about. Tonight will be our little secret. I won’t go to the tabloids, I promise.”

Grayson stood up and began to get dressed, his actions sharp with the fury he felt. “Is that what you think? That I’m going to let you use my music to keep what happened just now out of the media?”

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