Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3) (10 page)

Read Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Contemporary, #Adult, #Romance, #Cowboy

BOOK: Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3)
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Words failed her. She could barely draw a normal breath.

His eyes were shiny as he stared down at her. “You’ve got me so twisted up, sweetheart. I want to take you somewhere quiet and make you beg for more all night long, but I can’t if you don’t feel the same way I do.”

“Which is?”

“I love you,” he said plainly.

Her passion was swallowed by fear. How many men had told her this? For some unknown reason, guys fell for her easily, but they’d loved her for all the wrong reasons. Witt did to.

Wait—did he?

Looking up at his chiseled jaw and strong brow, she felt her resolve slipping. Maybe he
be the one. He was fun to be with, adored her son—and he’d even
held her hair while she’d been sick. More than she could say for any of the males in her past.

His hardness jutted against her belly. If she stood on tiptoe, she’d be angled just right.

“You don’t have to say you love me, sweetheart. But I’d like to hear you say you feel
for me. Do you?” His breath tickled across her face—mint and man. She craved him more than any chocolate, cupcake or milkshake.

She was terrified to examine what she felt too closely. She’d given up trusting her instincts, but her gut said to give herself to Witt Dalton. “I do feel something.”

“All I needed to hear.” With that, he scooped her off her feet and claimed her mouth. She opened to him and their tongues met with greedy want. Need filtered into her system, along with emotion she couldn’t tamp down. She had no desire to try.

“I want you, Witt. All of you.”

“Try to stop me, sweetheart.” He strode toward the barn. She ran her hands over his warm, steely shoulders as she kissed his jaw and neck. He was salty and so good. Her pussy pulsated with his every step.

When he got her into the quiet of the barn, it was so pitch black, she had no idea how he could see. He stopped at a wall and she saw the faint outline of a door. “Open it,” he grated out.

It took her a moment to locate the handle and then she swung it wide. The inside smelled of fresh hay. He laid her on something soft.

“Why is there a bed here? Do you boys have trysts often?”

“Dunno what my brothers do, but I’ve never had a woman on this ranch, sweetheart.” He followed her down onto the narrow bed and pressed his forehead to hers. Holding such an intimate pose made her stomach flutter.

She arched and bit his lower lip. His growl reverberated all the way through the layers she wore. With painstaking slowness, he unzipped the barn coat and pulled her arms free of it. Then he set to work on her shirt buttons. When the cloth parted, he burrowed his face between her breasts. Kissing, licking. Every swirl of his tongue tormented.

He sucked her nipple through her bra, and she rocked into his erection. She needed to see him naked and touch every carved inch of him.

He wore no coat, obviously hardened to the night chill. She skated her hands over his shoulders then navigated his shirt buttons with shaking fingers and delved her hands against his warm chest.

He hissed a laugh. “Your hands are icy.”

“Someone dragged me away from the fire.”

“I’ll warm them up.” The promise lingered in his eyes as well as his words. He took her hand and moved it over his chiseled abs to the waist of his jeans. The head of his cock stretched the denim. She closed her hand around his length, and he groaned.

Throwing his head back, he let her rub him for two glorious strokes before he yanked her hand away. “I can’t last if you touch me like that. And I want to keep my promise to taste you.”

In seconds her boots were off, followed by her jeans. When he slid her panties over her hips and cupped her ass, bringing her to his hungry lips, she stopped thinking and could only feel.

Hot lashes of his tongue on her flesh. Running from bottom to top, tracing through her creamy folds. He licked and sucked her clit until it was stiff and throbbing. Then he released it and thrust his tongue into her pussy.

Her hips moved on their own, her short nails worked over his scalp as he drove her up the steep cliff of need. Staring down her body, she watched pleasure cross his face as he tongued a figure eight around her clit.

She wanted more—all of him. Too easily she pictured having this man for the rest of her life.

Then again, she’d been in this situation before and those relationships hadn’t lasted.

No one made me feel this way.

While Witt loved her with his tongue, his gaze wrapped around her heart. Using short flicks, he ran his tongue down, gathering her juices, then back up to her clit. The scorching heat of his mouth on her button flipped a switch. She cried out.

“Mmmm,” he vibrated against her slickness. She climbed, unable to breathe through the ecstasy he was giving her. Passion flowed as she peaked and screamed his name.

He plunged his fingers into her soaking pussy, driving her higher as he lapped, licked, laved and sucked her pussy. Juices flooded his hand, and he pumped it in and out of her.

“Witt. Yessss.” She rotated her hips, bringing her pussy closer to the burning heat of his mouth she couldn’t get enough of.

Before she’d even hit earth again, he was standing beside the bed stripping. The whisper of his clothes hitting the floor and the thump of his boots slingshot her to the pinnacle of need again.

She reached for him.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he ground out before blanketing her body with his.

She sucked in a breath. Springy chest hair teased her nipples, and she ran her toes up his manly calf. Every inch of him was pure, sinful male.

And she was about to go to hell.

Bracing his arms along her body, he hovered over her, letting her get used to his length against her wet flesh.

“I have a condom here, but I was hoping you’d put it on me.” His voice was edged, barely controlled.

“I want to taste you too. Please.”

He was shaking his head before the words were completely out. “Can’t, sweetheart. Having those beautiful lips around me…” He struggled for a minute and gave another hard shake of his head.

“Next time?” She pulled him down into a brain-melting kiss while opening the packet. Gliding a condom over his thick length in the dark somehow made things more personal. This was happening—the gorgeous cowboy was going to make her forget her own name.

His muscles rolled as she reached the base of his shaft and angled him toward her aching center.

He looked into her eyes, his gaze sinking deep into her soul while he slid into her body slow inch by inch.

Her body gripped him, inner muscles convulsing.

“Hell, woman, you’re so damn tight. I can’t go slow and I want to.”

She dug her nails into his backside, driving him on. “Don’t go slow.”

“What I feel for you…I don’t…” upward thrust, “do this…lightly.”

She cried out as his thickness drove into her again and again. She longed to see his gorgeous body. All she had was her sense of touch.

Hard, lightly-furred buns met her fingers. Heat coiled in her belly. Close—so close.

He withdrew and sank deep again. The bed groaned under them.

Then he kissed her. Emotion clogged her throat even as her body quivered with his every movement. He dragged his cock back through her squeezing walls then jerked his hips. He filled her fully, the tip of his head brushing a trigger point.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he rumbled. Withdrawal, plunge, withdrawal, shallow thrust.

She locked her legs around his back and dragged him where she wanted him again. “Kiss me.”

His mouth slammed into hers, and the bed gave a mighty creak. He drove into her wildly, stealing all conscious thought. Her body spasmed, sweat broke out all over her.

One thrust, two. Then she was floating, clinging to molten-hot man as he stared into her eyes and roared his release.

“Why don’t you try baking some of these, dear?” Nell pointed at a recipe in the book she’d brought from home. The pages were stained by past cooking experiments.

“I don’t know, Nell. Will they sell?”

“You bet they will! If I know anything it’s the people of Vixen.”

“Maybe I’ll try them another day. Right now—”

The door burst open, bell jingling violently. She snapped her attention to the big, broad hunk of cowboy storming into her shop. Witt eyed Nell from under his hat. “Darlin’, would you mind taking Alex out for a spell?”

The older lady pressed a hand to her chest at his drawled endearment. “Why, of course, Witt. We’ll just head to the playground. Alex!”

Shelby gawped at what was going on in her shop. Suddenly she realized she had no control over the man, her friend or even her son. Alex skipped out the door ahead of Nell. The minute they were alone, Witt turned the lock.

“But I’m open for business,” she protested almost weakly. Her body hummed with anticipation.

He turned the sign to CLOSED and came at her, eyes dark, hat tipped low. Had his jeans always fit him so tight? And had his chest been this broad the other night?

As he locked her in his hold and his mouth crashed over hers, she swayed against him. He lifted her, hitching her legs around his hips.

“The window,” she whimpered between flips of his tongue.

“Can’t have all of Vixen seeing me ravage you in your own shop.” His smile spread under her lips a split second before he dragged her to her knees. She laughed and shoved him onto his back, straddling him.

The layers of denim between them were too much.

“Damn, you look hot in this apron. Maybe I’ll make you keep it on.” His playful tone ignited her. She flattened her palms on his chest and flicked her pinkies over the tiny buds of his nipples under his shirt.


“Yeah, sweetheart?” His drawl sent shivers up and down her hot skin.

She tensed over him, her lips hovering a breath from his tanned throat. “It’s time for me to taste you.”

Behind the counter, no one could see when she unbuttoned his western shirt with the pearl buttons and cast it aside. His hat tumbled off and his mussed hair begged for her fingers. But not yet. First she was keeping her promise to taste him.

She latched onto the skin under his jaw and sucked. His cock hardened under her, and they shared a moan. She traced a path of kisses over his neck and chest to his brown nipple. When she licked it, he pushed out a forceful sigh.

“You drive me crazy, woman.”

She liked him calling her that—woman. It made her feel powerful.

She moved to the other nipple and sucked it, watching bliss cross his rugged features. Her own nipples ached for his touch.

Not yet.

With purpose she placed bites down his ridged abs to his waistband. His belt buckle was one she’d admired since the day she’d set eyes on him. She loved that he bore the family’s crest with the steer head. His pride in his work and his ranch was boundless, and that was sexy as hell.

Holding his gaze, she flicked the buckle open and worked down his fly. A glimpse of the white cotton barely harnessing his cock sent her into a whirlwind of want. She sank her teeth into her lower lip to restrain a moan.

He threaded his fingers into her hair, his Adam’s apple moving sharply down his throat and back up.

She tugged the denim and cotton down his hips and his cock sprang free. The purple head glistened with a bead of pre-come. She wet her lips and he shivered.

“A shop full of treats and I’ve finally found what I want.” She swallowed him to the root. Flavors of man and musk burst on her tongue. She closed her eyes and relished the sensation of him in her mouth.

As she stroked the underside of the plump head with her tongue, she fleetingly wondered how giving could be such a turn-on. She’d never been so hot and bothered in her life.

He tugged at the strands of her hair as she loved him, sucking him deep. When he finally dragged her up his body, she mewled in regret. “I wasn’t done.”

“I’m not either. Not by a longshot. Now get naked and lie right there.” He pointed to a throw rug behind the counter.

His orders did something to her. She panted heavily for control as she stripped and stretched on the rug.

He shucked his boots and the rest of his clothes. Crawling on his hands and knees to the glass case presented her with a sight she’d never forget. His muscles rolled like a big cat’s. She locked her knees together to hold in the ache.

When he opened the case and gathered several items into his hands, she propped herself on her elbows. “What are you doing?”

“Close your eyes, sweetheart.”

She shivered, waiting for what seemed like eons before she felt his touch. Something sticky was smeared on her left nipple then the right. Her eyes popped open.

“Uh-uh. Eyes closed.”

She obeyed, enduring several drawn-out seconds of mind-bending need. He set something on her navel—the little weight seemed to pin her.

“Spread your legs.”

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