Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3) (7 page)

Read Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Contemporary, #Adult, #Romance, #Cowboy

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Thigh to thigh, hip to hip. Shoulder to shoulder. He pushed off with a boot and they started to sway.

Silence fell over them and worry settled in her stomach. The swing creaked. In the distance, lightning zigzagged to the earth. Thunder followed. A big storm was coming.

“Whatever it is, please say it. I value that we don’t play games, Witt.”

He shot her a scorching look from under the brim of his hat. She joined her hands to keep from pushing off his dirty hat and digging her fingers into her hair as she kissed and kissed him.

“Well, that’s what I’m trying to discuss with you, sweetheart.”

Confusion took hold.

“I always expect honesty from people in my life, and I’m afraid you haven’t been completely honest.”

She released a noise of despair. “What?” She racked her brain for reasons he might think badly of her. Had he seen another horrible text from Vonny?

He gathered her hand in his. Warmth invaded but she tried to focus on his words. “I’m afraid you aren’t being true to yourself, Shelby.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I’ve been watching you all day. With old Mr. Latchaw when he talked about the best way to make coffee. You listened to him and the next pot you made was to his standards—not yours.”

She stared at his handsome features, unsettled.

“Then when Nell came in, she talked you into making a different kind of fudge and rearranging the case her way. You didn’t do those things because you wanted to.”

No, she hadn’t but what was he getting at?

“Again with Charlotte, I got the feeling that you didn’t share her belief that the clothes in that store were the best value or quality.”

“Well no…”

“Then why did you agree with her? With any of them?”

She shook her head.

“You don’t know, do you?”

“I keep peace with people.”

“Keeping peace doesn’t mean you have to like all of their ideas or agree with them. And it definitely doesn’t mean you have to change your ways because they think it’s best.”

Damn. This was the same behavior she’d fallen into early in her life. She’d liked her ex’s favorite things and had pretended to love sports like bowling to satisfy another’s whims.

She got off the swing and crossed the porch. Wrapping her arms around the post, she stared at the heart-stoppingly gorgeous land as the storm brewed on the horizon. The clouds creating a dark beauty against rolling hills as far as she could see. From here both Hank’s and Cash’s houses were visible.

She turned at Witt’s approach. “You can’t understand. You Daltons live out here like people on another planet. Far from others. You only deal with family and well… Daltons are kind of perfect, aren’t they?”

His throaty laugh washed over her. “Perfect? This morning I got into a huge fight with Beck about shifting my chores onto him. He ripped off my hat, threw it in the mud and stomped on it.”

Her gaze traveled over the dirty brim. Somehow the marred appearance of the white hat only made him look hotter, more rugged. “Witt, you can’t shirk your duties. You need to be on this ranch, not down in the valley with me.”

“I know,” he said slowly, suddenly close enough to kiss, “but I choose it. I can’t stay away from you, sweetheart.”

He plowed his fingers into her hair and covered her mouth with his. The kiss wasn’t tender in any way. He thrust his tongue deep, taking, owning her. Pulling her onto the tips of her boots and snaking his tongue over hers until she stopped caring she hadn’t been honest with herself—she was right now, and that’s all that mattered.

She dug her fingers into his back. When he skimmed his hands down over her shoulders and spine to cup her ass, she moaned. He tugged her into his hardness, introducing her to his every steely inch.

She rocked, needing more, soaking wet with want. Passion flowed between their mouths. She yanked his shirt from the waist of his Wranglers and probed the warm skin she’d found.

He lifted her and set her on the railing, hips angled up. His cock pressed against the seam of her jeans, driving her crazy with need. Every cell inside her screamed for release with this man. This gorgeous, amazing cowboy who’d somehow sneaked into her life and made himself a huge part of it in just a few weeks.

Nipping his lower lip, she pulled him closer. He ground his erection into her pussy until small moans escaped her.


She jerked. Reality crashed through her lust-fogged brain.


Witt withdrew enough to stare into her eyes. “God, I want you.” The gritty drawl of his voice made perspiration break out all over her body.

Before she could respond to his scorching look or words, he gripped her hips and pulled her off the railing. Her boots landed on solid floorboards, along with her brain.

She couldn’t let Witt get close like that again. Next time she wouldn’t be talked into coming home with him. It would be far too easy to fall in love with the romantic landscape and his close-knit family.

Alex craved the family dynamics, and it was easy for her to want that too. But she couldn’t trust herself not to make another bad choice in men.

The wind kicked up and Alex and the others crowded on the porch, sheltering from the storm. As she felt Witt’s fingers close around hers, she tried to harden herself against his charms. But she was already too close to falling for Witt Dalton.

Chapter Six

Witt dug his shovel into the manure pile with a fervor born of a deep-seated need to be with Shelby. The faster he got through this shit, the quicker he’d be in town with her.

As he shoveled, his muscles burned and his mind wandered. For several minutes he drowned in memories of having her on that porch railing, grinding against her while he kissed the hell out of her.

His fly bulged with his erection, which was damn uncomfortable for working. This wasn’t normally his job, but he’d agreed to do the worst chore on the ranch to make it up to his brothers. Beck was absolutely right—he’d been too focused on Vixen and dumped his work on them.

When he feared he might pop his zipper, he jerked his thoughts away from Shelby.

He’d been shocked to discover she’d been in so many serious relationships. He didn’t want to get in a long line. He’d walk away first and suffer the resulting heart pangs. But the way she’d kissed him back made him dream of having her forever.

He was too damn attached to the woman for his peace of mind. But what else could he do? He wasn’t going to give up when he felt so strongly about her.

The steady rhythm of the hard work soothed him, but his mind detoured to the previous day’s worries about Shelby. When she’d given up her own beliefs and ideas in favor of pleasing other people, it worried him. Did she really know what she liked and who she was? Could she be lying to him, transforming into somebody she wasn’t to please him too?

He dragged his teeth over his lower lip and filled his shovel again. If she wasn’t showing her true colors to anyone, no wonder her relationships hadn’t worked.

He had to do everything in his power to make her feel safe enough to forget about pretending with him.

He’d already witnessed her tears over Alex. Nothing got more genuine than that. And when she laughed, the carefree sound was far from forced.

Still, he detected the stony barrier between them. Sure, she responded to his touch. But if he stopped making the long drive to Vixen, would she care?

Burning to be with her now, he hit the manure pile double-time. Two hours of shoveling followed by the quickest shower known to man, and he could be in Vixen with a little time to spare before Alex arrived from school.

By the time he finished, he was aching to hear her musical voice and lay eyes on her. He barely remembered driving to Vixen—the miles flew by. Funny how the same trip by school bus had felt like an eternity as a kid. Math and science hadn’t held the same appeal as Shelby.

He pushed the door open. The sound of the bell made him as hard as stone. Like a trained monkey, the bell meant being with the woman who’d become his life in a very short time.

She stood behind the counter, gaze on him, blue eyes glowing like candles.

Oh yeah, she was part of him in a big way. He wasn’t going to walk out without knowing she at least enjoyed his company. It was a start and he was patient.

Wait a minute—no, he wasn’t. When had this big internal shift happened? He was only patient with kids and animals. Apparently that now extended to skittish women.

At five years old he’d been the boy who unwrapped all the presents under the Christmas tree before anyone came downstairs. Whooee had his father given him a stern look. He could still see the old man’s lowered brows and the set of his lips.

When Witt was twelve he’d been told to wait for his older brother to go hunting. Hank was still asleep so Witt had gone alone—and gotten lost then cold and hungry. The worst was knowing his mother would be worried about him when he didn’t return for lunch or dinner. By nightfall, he’d been damn contrite.

Yeah, Shelby was different—worth waiting for.

“Hi, Witt.” She drifted forward. When he crowded behind the counter, scooping her off her feet, she squealed.

He kissed her open mouth, tasting mint and pure delicious female.

“You haven’t offered me any candy,” he rumbled, teasing her earlobe with his tongue.

“I know you don’t want candy.” She sucked in a sharp breath.

He straightened and set her back on her worn cowgirl boots. Smiling, he said, “Maybe I’ll surprise you. What would you recommend?”

“Ohhh. Maybe some of these?” She went to the case and pulled out a whole tray of apple pie cupcakes.

“Mmm-mm. Yes, I could do with some of those. What about you? What do you want?”

She looked inside the case. There were nut clusters and coconut macaroons. Beautiful white chocolate confections that looked like the most delicate spider webs dotted with silver sprinkles.

What would she choose?

She plucked an apple pie cupcake from the tray and took a bite.

Damn. That wasn’t Shelby—not the one he wanted to know. He removed the cupcake from her hands and shook his head. “Uh-uh. That’s not your choice.”

She flushed red and swallowed the mouthful.

He snagged her around the middle and reached into the case with his free hand. Before she could blink, he stuck a chocolate drop into her mouth. Surprise widened her eyes, and he couldn’t stop himself.

He kissed her.

“Mmm.” He moaned at the flavors of woman and chocolate.

“Good?” she gasped around the bite.

“Yeah, and the chocolate’s decent too.”

The blue depths of her eyes softened, and his heart rolled with happiness.

“You don’t seem passionate about that candy. How about this?” He shoved another between her lips and she grumbled around the mouthful. Still, her expression didn’t change much.

He swooped in and tasted that bite too, his cock aching for more. He trapped her between him and the glass case. Damn, it felt so right having her pressed against him. With a hand on her lower back, he swayed her closer.

She mewled with pleasure but it had nothing to do with the candy.

He reached blindly into the case and as soon as she swallowed, he filled her mouth once more.

Her eyes popped open and she smiled around the dark chocolate.

“That’s it, right? The one you choose?”

She nodded, groaning around the sweetness. Leaning over her, he allowed her to enjoy the candy she probably didn’t sample often and caught the scents of raspberry filling. He tucked the knowledge away and focused on her lips.

Want surged in him. It would be easy to flip that sign on the door to CLOSED and have a hot, dirty half hour against the wall in the backroom, but he was a Dalton. And Daltons didn’t dally.

“Stop looking at me like that, Witt.” Her voice was a thin whisper of its normal strength.

“Like what, sweetheart?”

“Like I’m the candy and you’re hungry as hell.”

“You are and I am. I—” he broke off, drowning in images of slipping off her top and getting his hands on her high, round breasts. Shimmying her jeans down and finding out what color her panties were. His cock bulged.

He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. She tracked his movements, her kiss-swollen lips parted as if on a sigh. He glanced over her head at the milkshake wall clock. Ten minutes until Alex walked in that door. A customer could come in sooner.

No time to fulfill his fantasies of smearing chocolate over her torso and sampling it.

As if coming to the same conclusion, she fiddled with the hem of her top, tugging it over her waistband.

He counted to ten and then twenty. When he was in control again, he leaned against the case and met her stare. “It’s probably apparent you make me crazy with want.”

Her high cheekbones wore a blush at his words. “I see the evidence.” She dropped her eyes to his very distended fly. Need spiked and blood rushed in his ears.

He swallowed a growl. “This wanting is so good—and so dangerous.”

“Dangerous why?” What was that look on her face? Were the tables turning now? She was becoming the pursuer?

He had to put his hands on her. He set his hat aside. Cradling her delicate jaw, he tipped her head up. Their lips were inches away. “Because the men in my family don’t just take things that don’t belong to them.”

“Even if that thing wants to be taken?”

His eyelids fluttered, on the verge of closing at her admission. She was burning for him too, and God, what a heady feeling. Somehow he managed a nod. “Even then. Shelby, I want nothing more than to take you somewhere private, strip off these sexy jeans and taste every inch of your body, but I can’t.”

Her breathing grew erratic and her arms circled his neck as if they had a mind of their own. While she stared at his mouth, he fought to retain his tenuous grip.

In about eight minutes Alex would walk in.

More than enough time for him to drop to his knees and bury his tongue between Shelby’s soaking wet folds and make her scream his name. His hands trembled.

“Witt. You make me feel so…” She trailed off, biting her lip.

“So?” His voice was gritty.


He made a noise in his chest. “You are, sweetheart. So damn beautiful my heart breaks because I can’t touch you this way. That I have no right.”

His words sank into his own head, penetrating the layer of lust, and he was able to release her and step back. She was breathing hard, the tops of her tanned breasts tormenting the hell out of him.

They stared at each other. Finally she said, “I need to make a milkshake for Alex. He’ll be here any minute.”

“I know.” He stuck his hat back on his head.

“Can I make you one too?”

He wanted something sweet and creamy on his tongue, but he couldn’t tell her what he was thinking. “Sure.”


“Surprise me.”

Her smile was tender as she went about fixing him a shake—double strawberry with a cherry on top, no whipped cream. She’d learned early he wasn’t a fan of whipped cream.

By the time Alex burst into the shop with a group of young customers on his tail, Witt had his priorities straight again. He couldn’t have what he wanted from Shelby—not yet. In time she might feel something more than desire for him. But he didn’t have a lot of time either. He’d promised his brothers he’d be back for evening chores. If he left right now, he’d be home to grab a bite before digging into work.

He listened patiently to Alex’s recounting of school events then slurped the rest of his shake and handed the glass back to Shelby. Her eyes widened. “You look ready to leave.”

“I am.” He thumbed his hat out of habit. “Got work to do. I can’t let my family down.”

She nodded, looking just crushed enough that his heart soared. He reached across the counter and tugged a lock of her honey-brown hair. The silk slipping through his fingers almost kept him from leaving.

“Will you be back soon?”

His gaze was level on hers. “Is that what you want?”

“I—” She struggled then answered, “Yes.”

“Good. Then I’ll be back. Take care of your mom, Alex.” He mashed the boy’s hair and shot a wink at the woman who’d roped and tied his heart. He just hoped she wouldn’t drag it behind the horse as she ran away.

Shelby hadn’t seen a trace of Witt in two days.

Two, long, burning days. Each time her bell jingled, she looked up, heart in her throat as she waited to set eyes on the rugged cowboy.

But nothing. Why hadn’t he called? What was he doing on that remote plot of land? When she thought of Paradise Valley, her mind filled with images of peace and good friends sprinkled with old-fashioned ideals.

That kind of sums up what I feel when I’m with Witt too.

“Mom, I’m bored,” Alex whined from the corner of the sofa. Vixen was a sleepy town for the most part. After she closed the shop, she and Alex played board games or watched TV until bedtime.

She pushed out a sigh. “Me too.”

“I want to see Kiser.”

She didn’t give a care for the donkey—she wanted to see the muscled god in the white cowboy hat.

“Can we go to Witt’s ranch?”

She slumped on her side of the sofa, mind working. What happened if she just put Alex in the SUV and drove out to the Daltons’ place?

She’d felt a change in Witt though. She sensed his willingness to walk away if that was her choice.

The men in my family don’t just take the things that don’t belong to them.

She knew what he was fishing for and she couldn’t give it to him.

A commitment.

But he was one of her best friends. The realization spread through her like wildfire on a dry prairie. When had she last enjoyed talking to anyone or spending time with him? And his kisses boiled her blood.

Her cell trilled a country music ringtone and she jumped to get it, heart pounding. Maybe it was Witt. He was coming into Vixen to see her and Alex.

A glance at the display told her Nell was calling. Before she said hello, the woman was greeting her. “I hope you have your bags packed, young lady.”

Confusion stole over Shelby. “Why?”

“Because I just received a call from a very handsome cowboy. He’s asked me to take over the shop for the weekend. He’s coming for you and Alex. Taking you up to the ranch.”

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