Cowboy Payback (19 page)

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Authors: Donna Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary,Western,Friends to Lovers,Military/Cop

BOOK: Cowboy Payback
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Trisha set her fork down, sat back, and stared at her brother until he finally glanced up.


“That’s what I’d like to know. What’s going on, Liam?”

“Let’s see,” he replied, leaning his broad frame back against his chair. “My good buddy is getting married in two hours, and I’m having breakfast with my favorite sister. Yep, that about sums it up.”

She snorted. “I’m your only sister.”

“Well then, I guess that makes you special.”

She smiled despite herself. “You’re so full of it, Liam. I’ve missed you.” Reaching across the table, she squeezed his hand.

He smiled back. “I’ve missed you, too, sis. But once I start this job, you’ll have the opportunity to get sick of me real quick.”

“Never,” she replied, pulling her hand back. “So, you’re going to work on the expansion?”

“Yeah, I have to go home and draw up the plans, make a few calls.” He shrugged. “We should be good to start in a few weeks. Brett and Finn said I can stay in one of the cabins during the renovations. I’m only bringing a skeleton crew, so they can double up and bunk here in the main guest ranch. The rest of the crew we’ll pick up local.”

She nodded. In a few weeks, she’d be eyeball deep in studies. The little rush of thrill that normally accompanied thoughts of college had long since diminished. Why? She had no idea. Was it Brett and the fact their time was drawing to an end?

“…and even the green goblin said he’d help.”

Trisha blinked. “Green goblin? What are you talking about?”

“Ah, there she is.” Liam smiled. “You’re back. Good. You know, zoning out like that can give a guy a complex. You don’t do that to Brett, do you?”

She shook her head and laughed. “No, and I wasn’t
zoning out
. I was thinking I’ll be away at college when you start here.”

His chin lifted. “Brett okay with that?”

“Yes. He’s been very sweet and encouraging.” And supportive, but she’d expect nothing less from her former C.O.

“So, you really are engaged to your captain?” His gaze dropped to the diamond ring on her left hand, then flicked back up to her face.

Ah, crud.
How did she answer that? She was so dang sick of lying to her family. And yet, today was definitely not the day to reveal the truth and ruin Cammie’s wedding.

“Former captain, and…yes, I am.”

Liam’s gaze narrowed, and dang it, the bugger stared at her without blinking.

“But…? Come on, sis. I know you better than that. What aren’t you saying?”

“I know what you’re doing, trying to distract me from my original question about
and how
doing. You never answered.”

“You’re right. I didn’t.” Grin twitching his lips, he reached for his coffee and stiffened, gaze closing as something caught his eye over her shoulder.

Trisha twisted to find Stacy walking toward her, and a shock of surprise rippled through her at Liam’s reaction to the activity director.

Interacting with the pretty brunette over the past few weeks, she’d found Stacy to be sweet, competent, and very helpful. But…come to think of it, the woman had been unusually quiet at the party last night. She’d thought maybe it was because the A.D. had a secret thing for Finn, but now,
oh boy
, now she could tell that wasn’t the case at all.

Stacy’s expression was as closed as Liam’s, and her normal bouncy, cheerful demeanor was nowhere to be seen. In fact, her steps appeared as reluctant as the smile that barely twitched her tight lips. “Hey, Trisha. Sorry to interrupt, but Cammie and Maddie are waiting for us up in her room.”

She rose to her feet as did her sibling. “Okay. This is my brother Liam. Liam, this is Stacy Bradshaw, the activity director here at Royal Pines. But I somehow get the impression you two know each other.”

“Liam.” The tight-lipped brunette nodded.

“Stacy.” Her tight-lipped brother nodded back.

Neither of them acknowledged
denied Trisha’s claim.

“All righty then. I’ll take that as a yes,” she said with a grin, but not even a twinge of annoyance crossed the pair’s faces.

Try as she might, Trisha could not recall Liam mentioning a Stacy to her, let alone a special woman, although, granted, she’d hardly seen her brother in years. If she wasn’t on deployment, then he was away on a mission. Not exactly ideal for keeping up with personal lives.

“I guess you shouldn’t keep the bride waiting,” her brother finally spoke.

The A.D. lifted her chin. “Yes, or our dates.”

Oh, there it was…a slight twitch tugged her brother’s lip. She knew for a fact Stacy did not have a date, other than Finn’s SEAL buddy, Maddog, whom the woman was standing up with in the wedding party. But Trisha was not about to get caught in the middle of whatever was going on between her brother and the brunette.

One thing she did know, if Liam wanted to fix things, he would. Nothing ever stood in his way once his mind was made up. He was a move-heaven-and-hell type of guy.

Nodding to her solemn sibling and racing to catch up to the retreating A.D., Trisha hid a grin. Things were going to get interesting when her brother started renovations. The ranch might not be big enough for the two of them.


Rocking a tuxedo, standing between two squids, Finn and Maddog, Brett had watched his brother marry his best friend in a simple, heartfelt ceremony witnessed by a multitude of marines and SEALs with a small sprinkling of family and Royal Pines friends tossed in.

His mother and aunt had outdone themselves. The gazebo was decked out in white flowers, twinkling lights, and some kind of white, gauzy material to form a beautiful center for the ceremony, with the mountain jutting up behind them for a breathtaking backdrop.

Four rows of chairs, with a white runner between an identical set on the other side, were set up by the staff who then placed fancy, white satin weighted bags sporadically on the runner to keep it from taking off in the wind.

Terry had cleaned up nice, too, wearing his tux with a measure of pride as he’d escorted the glowing bride down the aisle, handing Cammie off to the awestruck groom.

“I can’t believe
actually got married,” Maddog said, bringing Brett’s mind back to the present and a roomful of guests at the reception.

Finn leaned around him at the head table and grinned at his former comrade. “And I can’t believe I found someone who wanted me.”

“Oh, I want you all right, Navy,” Cammie said, crooking a finger under her new husband’s jaw to turn his face in her direction. “In fact, don’t even think of taking off that tux tonight.”

“Ah, hell. Why not? I was just thinking I can’t wait to get out of this monkey suit.”

“No, don’t do that.
want to take it off you.”

His brother instantly relaxed, and a big grin split across Finn’s face. “Yeah? Now?”

“No.” Cammie laughed. “Not now. Brett didn’t even do the best man speech, and the guests haven’t even started to eat Bugsby’s feast.”

, Cammie. You can’t say something like that to a guy and leave him hanging for several hours.”

“Sure I can.” She released her husband and sat back in her chair. “I believe I just did.”

“Oh! Owned by a
,” Maddog teased, and of course, Brett was all in with that.

“Semper fi.”

The pent-up groom sneered at him. “Just wait. Your turn will come.”

His gaze involuntarily sought the beautiful redhead sitting to Cammie’s right. Wearing a stunning dress in the exact shade of blue as her mesmerizing eyes, Trisha had sent his pulse into orbit the second her sexy damn high heels hit the white runner, and it hadn’t returned to earth yet.

Her gorgeous auburn hair was curled and piled up on her head in a loose style that left a bunch hanging, hitting her long, slender neck and bare shoulders, beckoning him all afternoon to brush the tendrils aside with his lips.

He blew out a breath. “It already has, bro. It already has.”

Finn’s brow rose as he slid a glance to Trisha, then back to him. “Oorah.”

Brett nodded. He knew exactly how his brother felt. He’d been sporting a hard-on since before the ceremony had started. Thanks to the zipper biting into him, he’d no doubt railroad-tracked his erection from the impression.

His brother leaned close. “Well, why don’t you get this party started with your speech, so we’ll be that much closer to alone time with our ladies later.”

“Hooyah,” Brett replied, spouting the Navy’s battle cry in honor of his brother’s damn good suggestion.

The former SEAL sat back, slight tug on his mouth as he nodded his permission to have at it. Brett glanced at Trisha, his body instantly heating when she turned and smiled that thousand-watt smile that never failed to hit him in his solar plexus.

She was damn breathtaking and only had eyes for him, which spurred foreign caveman urges that had him wanting to pound his chest in front of the other marines and SEALs falling all over themselves to gain the beauty’s attention all day.

Still, she only reserved that special smile for him. That made him feel good. Damn good. And turned on. Yeah, he needed to get this show on the road, so he could at least hold her when the dancing started.

Dragging his gaze away, he rose to his feet and stared down at the bride and groom. Cammie smiled, while Finn wore a slightly more apprehensive expression.

“Uh oh, my brother’s looking a bit nervous,” he began with a grin, and loud enough to gain the attention of the guests. “Not that I blame him. Normally, I’d pay good money to ‘roast’ Finn in front of a room full of his family and peers. But not today. No, today, I’m betting my speech is going to shock him.”

Chapter Thirteen

An astonished murmur rippled through the room while the bride’s smile increased and the groom’s decreased.

“And why not? That’s what Finn had been doing, shocking…well, beaming, actually,” Brett corrected, “the second he’d caught sight of his bride walking to him in a vision of white that, I might add, like a good marine, didn’t give all her secrets away.” He winked at Cammie. “My brother’s gaze warmed and brightened to dazzling proportions. Not like the closed-off, tough, former SEAL that used to limp around barking orders and biting off heads.”

The guests snickered, and someone shouted, “

“That’s changed,” Brett continued. “Cammie changed him. Which I knew would happen. Sorry, had to get that dig in there. But I always knew my lieutenant was the right woman for my stubborn, mule-headed brother. She’s beautiful, resilient, reliable, won’t take any crap, which is a must when it comes to Finn.”

More laughter shook through the crowd.

“Cammie is one hell of a marine, and a damn fine lieutenant who was fierce in battle, anticipated what I needed before
even knew what I needed, and always had my back. A great chicken-fight partner, a good friend, and she will make an even better sister. Welcome to the family, Cammie.”

A collective “aw” echoed around the room as his teary-eyed best friend rose to her feet and barreled into his opened arms. After a quick kiss to her temple, he released her, and as she retook her seat, he stepped back to stand behind his brother’s chair.

Time to get his goat.

Brett cupped Finn’s shoulder and stared down at him. “I think there’s something you should know, bro. I loved her first.” The groom stiffened under his palm, and Brett smiled. God, he enjoyed pushing Finn’s buttons, but knew when to draw back. “Calm down. Not that kind of love. I reserve that for Trisha.”

He glanced at the frowning redhead whose expression cleared with his admission, and one of those dazzling smiles crossed her sweet lips, blasting his brain cells without mercy. Blinking, he shook his head and returned his attention to his brother.

“So, now that we established I loved Cammie first,
love like a sister
,” he reminded, “it’s time to talk about you. The squid in the family. Just like your bride, you’re beautiful, resilient, reliable, won’t take any crap, which is a must when it comes to Cammie.”

His brother snickered and then laughed when the bride slugged his shoulder.

“I always knew the two of you belonged together. That I needed to get my mule-headed brother to drop his defenses and show Cammie who he really was: the caring, strong, resilient twin I’ve had the privilege to grow up with, compete with, strive to be like.” He paused to send Finn a stern look. “And if you ever try to blackmail me with any of this, bro, I swear I’ll deny it.” Then he waved a finger at the snickering crowd. “And if anyone tries to bring up my teary expression during the ceremony, it was dust, I tell ya, dust blew into my eyes during the ceremony.”

Laughter shook through the guests once more, and he decided it was time to wrap things up. The heated, intense longing in Trisha’s gaze whenever he glanced her way was making it tough to concentrate.

Brett grabbed his champagne and turned to the bride and groom. “So, let’s raise our glasses and toast the happy couple. My two best friends I helped bring together. But I’m not stupid. A higher power had a hand in this. Fate. That’s right, fate played us, used us all as pawns to bring this wonderful couple together. Providence had its own agenda, and we all know we can’t escape our destiny. And no one is more deserving of this fate than Finn and Cammie.” He raised his glass. “To Finn and Cammie, may you have a long, healthy, and happy life together. To my two best friends I say,

Echoing sentiments abounded, champagne disappeared, and he received a back-slapping hug from his brother, another teary hug from his new sister-in-law, then sat down, willing the food to arrive so they could finish the meal and he could hold Trisha in his arms.

It was a good thing the temptation was seated several chairs from him at the long head table facing the crowd. Otherwise, Brett wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his hands, or lips, to himself.

In what seemed like a decade, the dessert dishes were cleared, bride and groom danced, and finally,
, the wedding party was called on to join the couple on the floor.

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