Cowboy Rescue [Men for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Rescue [Men for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Oh, they’re so beautiful.” She went to the closest horse and slid her palm along its sleek neck.

“Thanks.” He came behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Are they all Gabriel’s?”

“No. Everyone here has their own horse. We work
Gabriel, more than
him. And once we’re ready to settle down, we have the right to choose a few acres to call our own. My brothers and I already have our spot picked out. All we need is the right woman to build a home for.”

He tugged on her hand, pulling her away from the horse. “Come on. I need to find out how you’ll sit a saddle.”

“You’re taking me riding tonight?”

“Naw, not tonight. It might draw attention.” He took her toward the back of the barn where several saddles rested on saddle rack made specifically for them. He glided his hand over one of them. “Hop on.”

She gave him an incredulous look. “You want me to get on the saddle? What for if we’re not going riding?”

He winked at her. “Just do it.” Without waiting for an answer, he took her under the arms and hoisted her onto the saddle.

Her dress flowed around her as her crotch met the leather. She gripped the saddle horn, pushing her breasts together. “Okay, here I am. So how do I look?”

“You’re the sexiest rider I’ve ever seen.”

The heat of his look seared its way into her crotch. Her pussy grew wet, and she squirmed, needing more than the saddle to ease her growing lust. Leaning back, she played with the buttons of her dress, letting the material gape to expose more of her breasts. She’d wondered if she’d made a mistake by not wearing a bra, but now she knew she hadn’t.

Brad’s hungry expression turned ravenous. “Baby, you’re giving me ideas.”

“Oh, yeah?” She slid her tongue over her upper lip. “What kind of ideas?”

He surprised her by moving to the wall beside her. After a moment’s consideration, he picked up a spur and a strip of leather.

“Um, isn’t that the thing cowboys use to hog-tie a calf?”

“It is. And you know what this is, right?” He held up the spur, then tracked it along her arm.

She shivered, enjoying the slight stroke of pain it gave her. “A spur.”

“That’s right. But tonight they’re our own personal sex toys.” He set them on a nearby barrel.

The spark of desire inside her burst into an inferno. An inferno that needed to be quenched. “Show me.”

He moved behind her and slipped a hand down the front of her dress. His hand cupped her breast as he began unbuttoning the rest of the buttons. She arched, loving the way he tortured her tit between his finger and thumb.

“Baby, I’ve waited far too long for this.”

She clutched the saddle horn. “I’m glad you decided to stop waiting.”

“Me, too.” He tugged her dress open, then pulled it away and tossed it onto a pile of hay.

He continued to fondle her breast as she heard him unbuckling his belt then shoving his jeans to the ground. Her breast felt cold when he took his hand away to tug off first his boots then his shirt. But she wasn’t cold for long.

He leaned over her, wrapping his arms around her to take both her breasts in his hands. She sighed and leaned her head to the side as he nibbled at her neck. His hands squeezed her breasts as he bit her flesh then whispered how sexy she was.

Moving to the side, he slid one hand under the front of her lacy panties and the other along the small of her back until he found her butt cheek. His eyes flashed a wicked gleam, and his nostrils flared as he bent forward to take a nipple into his mouth.

She rocked against his hand between her legs as he pushed his finger into her pussy. He moved his hand in a circle as he flattened his palm against her clit. She ground against his hand, securing it between her pussy and the saddle.

His fingers found her butt hole as he continued to lick and suck her breast. She moaned, loving his hands on her, loving the way her hair felt spreading over her shoulders.

“Ride it, baby. Just like you’re going to ride me.”

She moved back and forth, pretending that she was out on the range. She held on to the fantasy horse as they flew over the land and under the moonlit sky.

She turned the saddle horn loose and reached for him, but he yanked his hands away, catching hers.

“No, don’t stop.”

He kissed the side her neck. “I don’t intend to.”

Taking her hands in his, he wrapped the leather strip around her wrists. In less time than it took to hog-tie a calf, he had her hands bound together.

“Too bad you didn’t bring the cuffs.” She let him place her hands on the saddle horn again. “But this will do.”

“Damn straight it will. Now lean forward.”

She did as he told her to, lifting her butt slightly off the saddle. Taking the spur, he ran it down her back from her neck to the tip of her panties. His hand found her clit again even as he leaned over her back and hooked the spur in her panties. The sound of her panties ripping away sent a thrill down her spine to trace the path of the spur’s tines.

He rubbed her clit, making the warmth there spread over his hand and onto the leather of the saddle. When he leaned over, pushing his granitelike body against hers so he could bite her ass, she cried out, not in pain, but in joy.

He flicked his tongue over his skin, then dragged the spur along her other butt cheek. The pain was quick, but brief, and one of the hottest things she’d ever felt.

“You’re going to make me come.”

He bit her butt again. “I certainly hope so.”

“But this way? Brad, I want your cock.” She would’ve never spoken so brazenly before. Not until she’d met the Granger men.

“Then it’s a good thing that you can have multiple orgasms.”

A rush of need swamped her, making her dizzy. “I want you to fuck me.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I plan on it.” Again, he rolled the spur down her back. “I love the pink stripes the spur makes, but let me try this now.”

“Try what?” She yelped as the sting of his belt struck her ass. Yet instead of complaining, she grinned, thinking about how his brother had spanked her. She never would’ve guessed that she’d like getting spanked.

He slapped the leather belt against her other cheek. “Yeah, this leaves a nice pink mark on your skin, too. But tell me if you don’t like it and I’ll stop.”

“Spank me again.”

He leaned back and took hold of her breast, then flicked the belt against her ass again. “Tell me that you like it, baby.”

“Ooh, yeah. I like it. Do it again.”

He did, making it sting a little more. “Tell me how much you want to fuck me.”

“I want to fuck you so much.”

“Like you fucked my brothers?”

She held her breath, then decided she had to tell the truth. “Yeah. Just like them.”

“Do you want to fuck all of us? At the same time?”

She looked at him, studying his face. The question was more than mere sex play. He needed to hear her answer. “I want all of you. Together and alone. Is that okay?”

His smile made her shudder in relief even as another spank to her bottom made her jump. “More than okay.”

She still rode the saddle as she planned on riding him, but she couldn’t stand it any longer. “Get me off this thing and fuck me, damn you.”

He pulled away from her, yet instead of seeing anger in his face, she saw pure lust. He grabbed her, but he didn’t take her away from the saddle. Instead, he sat her back down, but with both legs facing him.

“Hang on to my hair, baby, so you don’t fall off.”

“Why would I fall—Oh, shit, yeah!”

Shoving her legs apart, he pressed his face to her pussy and sucked her clit into his mouth. He put the spur to her nipple and skimmed it back and forth. She clutched his hair, her position on the saddle feeling unstable, but she didn’t care if she fell off. Just as long as he fell with her.

He shoved a finger into her cunt as his attention to her pussy increased. He slid the spur from one breast to the other, working the pain-giving tines around her nipples. She whimpered as the pain in her tits increased, but it was a pain that was filled with delight.

The noise of the horses moving around their stalls mixed with the sound of Brad lapping up her juices. The first orgasm ripped into her and, loosening her grip on his hair, she started to fall. He caught her and flung her to the pile of hay. They landed together.

“Stay put.”

She started to complain when he moved away, but when he came back with another strip of leather, she closed her mouth and waited. He lifted an eyebrow in a quick up-and-down motion, then tied her legs together.

“Isn’t that going to make things harder to get to?”

She laughed as he gave her his answer. Moving around her, he straddled her head. She swallowed hard as his huge cock bobbed over her face.

“Suck me, baby.”

He leaned his body over hers, then took her pussy with his mouth. She opened wide in a hurry, taking his cock in her hands and drawing him in. Her legs fell wide as he feasted on her juices, and she wrapped her tongue around his cock. Together, they set up a rhythm, each sucking, then licking, then returning to suck on each other again.

His cock filled her mouth and rammed against the back of her throat, but she didn’t stop. She wanted as much of him as he could give her. Their sounds of pleasure echoed around the barn, but she didn’t care if anyone walked in on them. She only cared about pleasuring her man as he pleasured her.

He stiffened and pulled out of her then fell away. “You’re incredible.”

“Then put your cock where your mouth is. Fuck me.”

He tugged her around, turning her until he could slide between her legs. His shoulders were wide, and his chest a wall of human stone as he hovered above her for a moment then slammed his cock inside her pussy. She cried out as his massive size spread her walls and set up a fiery friction.

Keeping his arms straight and his gaze on her face, he plunged into her time and again. With her legs still bound, she lifted them to surround his waist. Trying to move against his fevered assault was impossible. The best she could do was to hold on as though he was a wild bronc she couldn’t break.

His grunts matched her puffs of air as she put her hands behind his head and gripped his hair. He pushed her a little farther up with each shove. Her body was alive with need as he gritted his teeth and pounded into her.

Whether it was from his thrusts or from the expression on his face, she didn’t know. But as soon as he tensed up and paused, her climax broke free. She cried out and thrashed her head to the side as he slammed into her one last time. He put his head down and ground out his groan of release as he sent his wad into her. With his body shuddering through the last of his orgasm, he pulled out then fell to her side.

They lay together, their breathing labored as they regained enough strength to speak. With gentle tugs, he freed her.

“I didn’t get to ride you. At least not the way I was thinking.” She smiled at the loft above them. Maybe they could make love in the loft the next time? Would there be a next time?

His chuckle warmed her arm as he rolled toward her. “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. But don’t worry, you will.”

She gathered hope from his promise.

“Maria, remember me telling you about that home my brothers and I want to build for our woman?”


“We think you’re that woman.”

She tried to breathe, but suddenly it was hard to do. He turned her around, placing both hands on her shoulders and ducking his head to peer into her eyes.

“You do?” She pressed her palms to his chest.

“Yeah, we do.” He pulled her closer, laying her head against his hard chest. “I know you’re going to tell me that we don’t really know you, that we’ve only spent a few hours together, but we knew it the moment we met you.”

“You did?” She couldn’t find the words to express the emotion trembling through her. Hadn’t his brothers said the same thing?

“And I’m betting you knew it, too.”

“I–I’m not sure.”

“Close your eyes, Maria.” He tightened his hold around her. “Listen to my heart. Do you hear it?”

She nodded, unwilling to let her words get in the way of what else he would say.

“That’s my heart beating for you. Because of you. It’s telling you how much I need you. It’s telling you how much I love you.”

A tear snaked down her cheek. He’d said those three little words just as Mike had. And Jack had intimated as much. She’d never have believed that even those simple words could mean so much.

“Now listen to your own heart. Can you hear it? If you listen hard enough and block out all the reasons your mind is telling you that this won’t work, you’ll hear what it has to say.”

She squeezed her eyes closed tighter and listened. And she heard. She loved him. She loved all of three of them.

“Do you hear it, baby?”

She nodded, then lifted her head, opening her eyes to see one of the men she loved. “I do. I really do.”

He kissed her again, tenderly, with more love in that one gesture than she’d felt in her entire lifetime. Breaking apart was hard, but even as they tugged on their clothes, they stayed in contact, touching here, grazing a shoulder there.

When they were dressed, he took her by the hand and led her toward the barn door. “I’m not going to ask anything more of you tonight.” He paused, compelling her to meet his gaze. “But I will soon. We all will.”

She smiled, unsure of what he meant but knowing she’d do anything they asked of her. “I’ll be ready.” She could’ve answered right then but decided to wait until they were all together.

He tugged her to his side and pressed his fingers to his lips. “I hear someone.”


* * * *


Maria stood off to one side as the men discussed the possible intruder. Although it had happened over two days earlier, Chase, one of the men who stayed in the bunkhouse, wouldn’t let the subject drop. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Brad. He winked at her then turned back to the conversation.

They’d narrowly escaped getting caught slipping out the back door of the barn by Chase. Scampering across the yard was a thrill, but when Brad had pulled her to him outside the house for a quick kiss, the thrill grew. If she could’ve, she’d have taken him inside with her. She’d tried, but he’d resisted, telling her that he had to stop Chase from sounding the alarm and getting everyone all riled up.

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