Cowboy Way (10 page)

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Authors: Cindy Sutherland

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Cowboy Way
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He was starting to get pissed off. “Im fine, nothing hurts. Why are you asking….” His voice trailed off as he looked at his arm. A large bruise covered most of his forearm. The horse must have caught him with a hoof as he went down. His arm was beginning to throb a bit, but the only thing he cared about was Jake.

“I want to get some X-rays of that arm, to make sure its not fractured.”
With his last bit of patience, he took a deep breath and looked her in the eye. “The only thing that matters to me right now is that beautiful man that is lying wherever it is you have him. I need to know how hes doing. I need to see him now, okay? After I make sure hes okay, Ill do whatever it is you want me to, but right now? The best thing you can do for me is to take me to him.”
He said it quietly, and she knew that if she was going to get any cooperation from him, she would have to do what he wanted. She nodded, and he followed her out of the room and down the hall. Around the corner, Ryan could see the sheriff and Ben Johnson standing outside a door. They looked up as he approached, and he couldnt tell by their faces how things were going.
He walked determinedly up to the door and opened it. Jake was on the bed, still dirty, but breathing on his own. His eyes were closed, and Ryan missed that blue more than ever. The doctor standing beside Jakes bed looked up as he walked in. “Im sorry sir, only family is allowed in here.” Ryan looked back at the sheriff, and she stepped into the room.
“Its okay, Dr. Martinez. He would want Ryan here.” And she knew it was true. After watching them out there today, she knew there was some kind of amazing connection between them. She wondered if Ryan knew that the horse went over on Jake because he pulled it that way. Jake had seen what she saw. Smoke was about to come down with both feet on top of Ryan, and Jake had made sure that it didnt happen.
Ryan pulled a chair up beside Jakes bed and sat down. He took Jakes hand in both of his and held it up to his cheek, rubbing against the back of it. Somehow, in a couple of days, this man had become the most important person Ryans life. He couldnt lose him.
Ryan looked up at the doctor. “Whats wrong with him?” His heart was almost pounding out of his chest as he waited for the answer.
“Well, from what I can tell, there are no broken bones, just some bruising. Its a good thing he was in the mud. It cushioned him, and because he sank, there was less damage. His lungs are clear, thankfully, and there are no spinal injuries.”
Ryan breathed a little easier. “Then why isnt he awake?”
The doctor shook his head. “Im not sure, but most likely it was the hit on the head he took. I am ordering a CT scan, and we will go from there.” The doctor headed for the door, nodding to the sheriff. “I am going to go order this test and check on some other patients. Ill be back shortly.”
Ryan ignored the doctors leaving. He couldnt take his eyes off Jake. He knew the sheriff was standing behind him, and he waited for her to say something.
“How long have you guys been together?”
A small smile crossed Ryans face. “Ive known him for four days. Four fucking days, and he is the center of my universe. How is that possible?” He kissed Jakes hand and leaned in to lay his head on his shoulder, trying to get as close to him as possible, trying to let him know he was there.
The sheriff was stunned. Four days, and Jake was willing to risk his life for this man. Obviously, Ryan felt the same about him. Tracy had never been hit with love like that in her life.
He turned to look at her. “Are they gonna make me leave? I mean, as far as the law is concerned, Im nothing to him.”
She walked over and put her hand on his shoulder, his distress at the thought of being made to leave was palpable. “As far as this law is concerned, youre his family. And Ill make sure they know that.”
She knew about Jakes family. She and Jake were good friends. Hed told her about his dad, and knew he wouldnt want him anywhere near this. Or near Ryan. She was probably the only person who Jake had confided in about being gay, and she knew his father would make life miserable for Ryan and Jake.
“Is there anyone you want me to call? Some family or something?”
Ryan just shook his head. “My family lives in Illinois. They would just worry, and Im fine.” He wasnt looking at her anymore. He was just sitting there, stroking Jakes arm, playing with his fingers, brushing his hair off his face.
“Ryan, I have to go and deal with that stupid witch down at the station. Ill talk to the doctors and nurses and make sure they understand. Ill be back to check on you guys later, okay?” She patted his shoulder, and when he turned to smile at her in gratitude, she understood Jakes attraction to him. He had the face of an angel when he smiled. She smiled back and left them alone together.
Ryan finally let out the tears that had been threatening to overwhelm him all night. His chin was resting on his hands, which were still clasped around Jakes. The tears fell silently, his body shaking in grief and terror as he saw in his minds eye the horrifying image of that huge gray horse crashing down on the man he loved.
He heard the door open, and the nurse who had helped him earlier came in. He quickly wiped his face on the sleeve of the sweater she had given him and turned to face her.
“Ryan, we have to take him for the CT scan now. You can wait here, okay? There are a bunch of people in the waiting room, and Im sure youre not up to facing them right now.” He smiled at her and watched as she let in an orderly to wheel Jake out. He stood up, kissed Jake gently, and whispered in his ear.
“You have to wake up. I need to tell you something. Its important!” He kissed him again and watched them roll him out of the room before sinking into the chair. His arm hurt, and he was so fucking tired. There was a knock on the door, and the nurse came in again.
“Ryan, I brought you something for the pain in your arm. And some water. Can I get you anything else? Oh, and my name is Mandy, by the way.”
He shook her hand and took the pills and water she was offering. “Nice to meet you, Mandy, and the only thing I want is Jake, here and awake. How long is it gonna be?”
She looked at her watch. “This time of night? Not too long. About an hour, with waiting and prep time. Try and get some rest.” She noticed he had started shivering again, so she stepped out and came back quickly with a couple of warmed blankets. She put one around his shoulders and one over his lap. There was a little stool beside the bed, so she lifted his feet up on it, making him as comfortable as possible. He looked lost, and she couldnt help but want to make him feel better.
He sat there, staring into space, and she knew he wouldnt sleep, but she hoped he would rest. She left him there, and he sat and shivered, waiting for Jake to get back.

Chapter 18

been sitting in that chair, beside Jakes bed, for thirty-three hours. He had barely left to go to the bathroom, and would only leave the room when directly ordered by the doctors or nurses. Then he hovered outside, pacing in front of the door, waiting to be let back in. The tests showed nothing wrong in Jakes head, so he was just left to wait and wonder.

He had finally given in and phoned his parents, telling them the whole story and breaking down several times before composing himself and assuring them he would be fine and would keep them informed.

He should have known better. Twelve hours after the call, there was a knock on the hospital-room door, and when it opened, he just started sobbing. He was immediately enveloped in the biggest parental hug he had ever experienced. It had been six months since they had met up with him in Kansas City to spend a weekend together, and he had missed everything about them. The strength of his fathers arms helped steady him, and the tenderness of his mothers kiss on his forehead let him know it was okay to be sad and scared and feel lost.

When he had cried himself out, they found a couple more chairs, then sat and listened while he told them all about Jake and what he had found here. He held Jakes hand, stroking the strong fingers, remembering how gently they had touched him. He told them about finally feeling like a part of something special again, something he thought he had lost forever when he had felt compelled to leave Galesburg.

They were amazed at the depth of the feeling their son had developed for the handsome man in the bed in just a few days, but they didnt question it. After all, hadnt they fallen almost as quickly? So they sat and told Ryan about his brothers and sisters school stories, his Gramma Idas latest church project, his grandmother Evelyns latest antics in the board room, and all the stories about his family that he had missed, being so far from home.

Only, Ryan knew something his parents didnt yet understand. Ryan was home now. Wherever Jake was, that was going to be home. He just needed Jake to wake up now, so he could tell him.

Ryan sent his parents to their hotel to get some rest, and then sat, talking to Jake quietly before falling asleep, head on Jakes shoulder, still holding his hand.

The first thing he felt was a gentle tug on his hand. It took him a second to wake up enough to process what was happening. Then it happened again. He lifted his head slowly, turning his gaze to Jakes face, and was met by sparkling blue eyes looking into his.

“Jake….” It was a whisper. He reached a trembling hand up to touch Jakes face. The brunet had the biggest smile on his face, but there were tears in his eyes too.

“Baby, whats the matter?” The hand still in Ryans twisted to grip his tightly. Ryans free hand was running through the curls on Jakes head but came down to wipe away the tears that started to fall.

Jake opened his mouth to speak, but his throat was dry, and he coughed a bit. Ryan quickly reached for a glass of water and held the straw up to Jakes lips. After the drink, Jake tried again.

“Youre okay. He didnt hurt you.” The tears were still falling, but slower now.
“Im fine, Jake, I promise. Im not the one who had the horse land on him.” He tried to sound stern, but the only thing coming through was relief. He reached down and pushed the call button for the nurse.
“Yes, Ryan?” Mandys voice was tinny on the intercom.
“Mandy, could you please let Dr. Martinez know that Jake is awake?”
“Well, isnt that a bit of pleasant news!” Ryan could hear the smile in her voice. “Ill let him know right away. Should I make those other calls as well?”
“Yes, please, and thanks, Mandy.” He saw Jakes questioning look. “You have a lot of people worried about you, Mr. Evans. Shes just going to let them know youre awake.”
Ryan couldnt take it anymore and leaned down to gently kiss Jake, smiling at the way Jake tried to deepen it.
“Behave yourself, stud. That doctor is going to be walking in here any second. You dont want to embarrass yourself.”
“Dont care. Just want to kiss you some more.” He sounded almost as petulant as Ryan in the middle of a fullon Andrews snark.
“Well get our chance. When I get you home, Im gonna show you how grateful I am that youre alright.”
“Im going to hold you to that. In fact, Im just going to hold you.”
Ryan smiled happily, tears in his eyes, just running his hand over Jakes hair and face and arms.
The doctor came in then, and he asked Ryan to leave while he examined Jake, and he did, reluctantly. He had been standing outside the room for about ten minutes when he heard the sound of footsteps. He looked up into the beaming faces of his parents, and the hug they shared this time was full of joy. When the doctor came out a few minutes later, he told them that Jake seemed fine, there were no real injuries, but they were going to keep him for another night, just for observation. Ryan could imagine Jakes reaction to that.
He pushed open the door and peeked in. Jakes face was dark and unhappy, but as soon as he saw Ryan, it was like the sun coming out.
“Jake, theres someone here to meet you, okay?”
He nodded, curious. When they walked in, Jake knew who they were right away. The woman had Ryans eyes, and the man looked at Ryan with such pride.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.”
Ryan grinned at his parents surprise.
“Your son has your eyes, maam.”
“Well, this seems unnecessary now, but, Jake Evans, meet Jim and Beth Andrews. They flew out from Galesburg to check up on me.”
“Geez, Ryan, how long have I been out of it?”
“About three days!”
“Three days…? I gotta get out of here, the horses….” He started struggling to get up.
“Whoa, slow down, cowboy, youre not going anywhere. Ben and his boys have been taking care of the horses. Theyre fine.”
“What about Smoke?” Leave it to Jake to worry about the horse that had almost killed him.
“Hes fine. Now sit back and relax. I dont want them keeping you here any longer than necessary, got it?” He crossed his arms and tapped his foot and fixed Jake with his best stern stare.
Jake just grinned. He loved him some bossy Ryan.
Let’s face it
, he thought. He just loved Ryan, period. Now, the best way to tell him?
Jake spent one more day in the hospital, waiting to go home, getting to know Ryans parents. It didnt take him long to figure out where Ryans amazing spirit came from. He loved the way they looked at their boy with so much love.
It was finally time to go home. The Andrewses left, heading home to their other children, who were missing them. There were lots of hugs and forehead kisses, for Ryan and for Jake. When Beth mentioned something about Christmas, Ryan got sad for a minute, and Jake knew that his next mission in life was to get Ryan home for the holidays, for all their sakes.
At last they were gone, and Ryan helped Jake down to the truck. As they left, they passed the huge cookie bouquet Ryan had ordered for the nurses, to thank them for taking such good care of Jake. Mandy smiled, and Ryan was pretty sure he had made a good friend there.
They chatted all the way home, and Ryan could see the happiness in Jakes face when they pulled up to the house. Of course, he insisted on checking on the horses before giving in to Ryans demand that he get in the house and get into bed. Ryan missed the sly smile on his face.
When they got in the house, Ryan followed Jake up the stairs, carrying the bag of clothes and stuff from the hospital. Jake immediately headed for the shower, shedding his clothes along the way. By the time he hit the bathroom door, he was naked, and Ryans mouth went dry.
Ryan busied himself putting stuff away and turning down the bed, doing his best to not think about Jake, naked and wet in the shower, when Jakes voice broke into his daze.
“Hey, Ryan, could you come here? I need your help.”
Ryan headed for the bathroom, concerned. “Whats up, babe—” His voice was cut off by a strong hand gripping his, pulling him under the warm water.
“This.” His hand was brought down to wrap around Jakes rock-hard cock.
“Oh God, Jake, we shouldnt.” It was hard to protest with Jakes tongue in his mouth.
Jake reached for the hem of Ryans T-shirt and pulled it off, whining a little at the loss of Ryans hand. He attacked Ryans mouth again, determined not to give him a chance to think too much.
“Im fine. Dr. Martinez said so. You heard him.”
“He said you were supposed to get lots of rest.” Ryans protestations were not what they should have been. It was hard to think with Jakes hand sliding below the waistband of his very soggy sweats. When he pushed down, they fell willingly at Ryans feet, and he kicked them off.
“I plan on going to bed and staying there all day.” Jakes voice was a growl in his ear as he nuzzled into Ryans neck. “Satisfy you?”
Ryan couldnt fight it anymore. He didnt want to. “Oh yeah!” He slid both arms around Jakes waist, loving the feeling of his warm, wet skin under his fingers.
Jake grabbed his hips and pulled them together from knees to chest, gasping at the feeling of their cocks sliding together.
They kissed for what seemed like hours, Ryans heart overflowing with happiness that this gorgeous man was alive and well and apparently desperate to make love to him.
Jake knew how close he had come to losing Ryan. If that horse had landed on him, the outcome would have been grim. He pulled him closer, determined to keep him safe forever. He leaned back and pushed the hair out of Ryans eyes, so he could see them. He needed to tell him.
Ryan could have stood there looking at Jakes face all day and been happy doing it. He had one hand on Jakes chest, and he could feel his heart beating under his palm, and he was so grateful. He needed to tell him.
“Jake, I….”
“Ryan, I….”
They ended up saying it together. “I love you!” They stood there, looking at each other in shock and amusement for a second before leaning in for a kiss that was loving and tender, both of them conveying their feelings with something so simple.
Jake reached back and shut off the water, then grabbed a towel off the rack. He dried Ryan and then himself before wrapping Ryan in his arms and walking him backward into the bedroom.

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