Cowboy Way (4 page)

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Authors: Cindy Sutherland

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Cowboy Way
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Chapter 7

was swept away by Jakes kiss, his hand coming up automatically to twist into the curls on the back of Jakes neck, while the other arm came up to wrap around his waist. Jakes arm wrapped around Ryans shoulders and pulled him closer. They were standing there, pressed together from lips to knees, trying to push closer. Jake was stunned by how good and right Ryans mouth felt on his. Ryan was awed by the feeling of hardness pressed against his cock, and he couldnt help but push against it, coaxing a moan out of Jakes mouth.

“God, Ryan, thats just so… oh my God. I cant breathe.”

Ryan started to pull away, worried that he had pushed too far.
Jake slid the hand on Ryans face around to grab his neck and pull him back. “No, dont, dont stop.” And he renewed his attack on Ryans mouth. His mind was overwhelmed by the taste of Ryan. He had never noticed how someone tasted before, unless it was bad. But this? This was coffee and sweetness and something he was sure was uniquely Ryan. The hard muscles of the smaller mans back moving under his hand were something he wanted to feel over and over again.
His hard chest against Ryans felt like coming home, and he could feel the evidence of Ryans arousal against his, and it was making his mouth water, and what the fuck was that about? He never wanted this to stop. And the noises Ryan was making. The moans and growls coming from his throat, all because of Jake, made him feel weak and powerful, all at the same time. And Ryan seemed to be in no hurry to stop it.
Jake needed to taste more of him. He licked his way to the sensitive spot behind Ryans ear, smiling at the intake of breath it caused in the beautiful blond. God, he could listen to that for hours.
Ryan was mesmerized by Jakes kisses. The feeling of his tongue on Ryans, the softness of the curls wrapped around his fingers. The hard muscles playing under the shirt he had fisted in his hand. He kept trying to pull Jake closer. He wondered for a second if he should put the brakes on. But he decided hed go for it. What the hell. Jake was going to come to his senses sooner or later, so he might as well take advantage of it while he could.
Oh God, Jake was pushing his cock against him. That was so fucking hot. Was that him or Jake who was moaning like that? Jakes tongue on that spot behind his ear almost had him coming right there on the spot. He was so overwhelmed by everything he was feeling that he had to pull back a little to catch his breath. Jake whimpered at the loss of contact. Ryan rested his forehead on Jakes, not letting go of him, but loosening his grip a little in case Jake wanted to back away.
He didnt. “Ryan, God, I hope this is okay. Im not, I dont… I didnt plan this.”
Ryan smiled. He was pretty sure Jake didnt have a sneaky bone in his body. Ryan gave him a little peck on the lips before pulling back.
“I didnt plan this either. When I pulled up and saw you on that horse, I almost turned around and left, a whole lot quicker than I came. But I wanted this job, and I needed it too. And getting to look at you every day? Well, I considered it a perk.” He chuckled a little at that, and he felt that Jake was blushing. “But, Jake, I have to tell you that if you dont want this, if youre not ready for it? Its okay. I can back off now, leave, get back to work, and I swear, Ill leave you alone. It wont be easy, but I will.” He wanted to make sure that Jake didnt feel any pressure.
But Jake just smiled at him before pulling him in for another breathtaking kiss. “Does that feel like I want to stop? Like I want you to leave? Please dont, Ryan. If you feel you have to go, I understand. My baggage? Not easy to deal with. And this? All new to me. As in never, ever done it before. But I want to, with you, I really want to.” He leaned in to kiss him again, more tender and pleading this time. “God, do I want to.”
Ryan was sure that hell must have frozen over. This did not happen to Ryan Andrews. Gorgeous men with mesmerizing blue eyes did not kiss him, or hold him, or want him. Ryan had always been the pursuer. And while guys were usually attracted to his looks, they seemed to think he had too many opinions, too much attitude, to hang around for long.
He led Jake into the next empty stall, then brought his hand around to trace those kiss-swollen pink lips. He caressed Jakes face before giving in and leaning in to nuzzle into his neck. He took a deep breath in, reveling in the smell of Jake, before running a line of kisses from his collarbone to his ear. He slid his hand down Jakes back, slipping under the hem of his shirt, needing the feeling of bare skin against his fingers. He trailed his fingers up and down Jakes spine, feeling Jake arch against him with pleasure.
Jake brought both hands up and buried them in Ryans hair, pulling back on it gently to expose Ryans neck. It was Jakes turn to snuggle in, putting his lips just below Ryans Adams apple, and sucking a small, dark bruise into the skin. God, he smelled good.
His hands slid out of Ryans hair and down his back. He couldnt stop himself from bunching Ryans T-shirt in his hands, baring soft skin for his fingers to touch. He moaned at the feeling, and when he slid his hand around to Ryans stomach and felt the soft hair that trailed from his bellybutton down toward the hidden treasures below, he felt a little dizzy.
Ryans movements were getting frantic, his hands grasping at Jakes sides while plundering his mouth again. Jake pulled Ryans shirt over his head so that he could have more skin to touch. He brought his hands up over the hardness of Ryans chest, liking the way his nipples pebbled under his palms. He looked into his eyes, seeing the want there, and a shadow of doubt too. Ryan was afraid. It hit Jake like a hammer, and he wondered what had happened to Ryan to make him doubt himself so much?
He smiled at him before kissing him again and then mouthed his way down Ryans chest, sucking first one nipple and then the other, loving the response he was getting from the beautiful blond. He dropped to his knees and kissed his way down Ryans soft stomach, veering off to nibble at his side, earning himself a moan and a giggle.
He could see the effect he was having on Ryan, right in front of him. He looked up at Ryan for permission before reaching for the button of his jeans. Ryan reached down, pulling at his shirt. “Off, please?” It was said quietly, with obvious uncertainty. Jake leaned in to kiss Ryans stomach with such affection that Ryan could feel the sting of tears in his eyes.
Jake pulled his shirt off quickly before finishing undoing Ryans jeans. He pulled the jeans off Ryans hips before pushing him back against the side of the stall to give him some support. He hooked his thumbs on the waistband of his boxers, slowly sliding them down. He looked up at Ryans face, amazed by the trust this wonderful man was putting in him. He slid his eyes back down to the prize in front of him. He had never been this close to another mans cock before. He had dreamed about it, wished for it in his heart of hearts, and now it seemed his wishes were about to come true.
Ryan mistook his time of admiration for being hesitant. “Jake, you dont have to—” His protest was cut off by Jake sucking the head of his cock into his warm mouth. “Oh God!” Jake was overly careful at first, but he was surprised by how much instinct took over. He figured that if he did for Ryan what he liked, it should be good, right? He slid his lips down Ryans shaft as far as he could before pulling back, sliding his tongue up the whole way.
He looked up at Ryan, and his head was thrown back and his skin was flushed. One hand was trying to grab the wall while the other was on Jakes head, tangling his fingers into the dark curls without pulling too hard. Jake had one hand wrapped around the base of Ryans cock while the other was holding his hips still. Jake happily sucked Ryans cock in until the tip hit the back of his throat, choking a little before pulling back. He worked his hand up and down, loving the feeling of it sliding like silk through his fist, while he watched Ryans face.
“Ryan?” Ryan shook his head. “Ryan!” Jakes voice was more insistent this time. Ryan looked down at him, and his face was so beautiful, it made Jakes heart ache. He pressed more kisses to Ryans abs and down his thighs, never losing eye contact. “Come for me, Ryan, please?”
And all at once, he plunged his mouth back down, sucking hard, and Ryan was coming and whimpering, and his knees started to buckle. Jake held him up while he sucked him through the aftershocks, before letting his cock slide out of his mouth and allowing him to collapse into his lap. Jake wrapped both arms around him, pulling him close, needing the contact with this special man. Ryan looked up at him with hopeful eyes, and Jake knew he wanted to be the one to make those hopes come true.

Chapter 8

kept Ryan gathered against his chest for a long while, just enjoying the feeling of Ryans warm body against his. He kissed his temple, and Ryan nuzzled into his neck, trying to get as close as he could get. All too soon though, Ryan got a little self-conscious, him being naked in Jakes lap, and the fact was that Jake was still rock hard in his jeans.

“Oh, Jake, Im sorry. This cant be very comfortable.” He started trying to pull away, but Jake didnt let go of him.
“Its okay, Ryan. Just, give me a second, alright?”
Ryan nodded and held still.
“God, Ryan, you are so beautiful. I mean, is that okay to say to a guy?” Now it was Jakes turn to be self-conscious, but Ryans shy smile took it away.
“Me? I dont know about that, but its fine with me if you wanna say it.”
Jake pulled him in for a gentle kiss before getting his legs underneath him and helping Ryan stand. He helped him gather his clothes before grabbing his shirt, and they both quickly dressed.
“Jake, dont you want…?” Ryans eyes strayed to the enticing bulge in Jakes jeans.
He smiled at Ryans question and nodded. “I do, but not now. I want to show you something first. Will you come with me?” Ryan looked at him thoughtfully for a minute before nodding. Jakes grin got bigger. “Wait here for a second.”
He turned, ran back to the house, and was gone about five minutes, just long enough for Ryans worries to return. When Jake came out of the house with a saddlebag full of stuff, he saw the look on Ryans face. He walked over to him, set the bag down, and pulled him into his arms, happy when Ryan came into them willingly. Jake held him close for a few minutes, kissing his hair, stroking his back, and just helping him relax.
“Are you sorry about this, Ryan?” He was kind of scared of the answer.
Ryans eyes came up to meet Jakes. “No, not at all, its just, I dont want you to be.”
Jake was determined to find out the reason for the sadness in Ryans eyes, but later. Right now, he had other things he needed to do. “I am never, ever going to be sorry about this, Ryan. I mean, like, ever!” He leaned down to kiss Ryan softly before straightening up and heading outside, leaving Ryan alone to gather himself together.
He went to the pasture and whistled, and Aragorn headed for the gate. Once the big horse got there, Jake opened it and let him out before securely fastening it again. He put his hand on the horses neck, and the two of them headed for the barn.
Jake grabbed a bridle and put it on the horse before heading to the tack room to grab what he needed. He came out with a blanket, throwing it over Aragorns back properly before heading back for a saddle. The horse just stood there, reins trailing on the ground, seeming like he had all the patience in the world. Once the saddle was taken care of, Jake grabbed a bed roll, attached it to the saddle, and did the same with the saddlebag before looping the reins over the horses neck. He looked at Ryan, who stood there in confusion.
“I know you want your own horse, and you can ride Beau, whenever you want to, but, I was really hoping, I mean. God, I am so lame.” He reached up to run his fingers through his hair, trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he just went for it. “Ryan, will you ride with me, please?” And he held out his hand.
Ryan smiled shyly and took it. Jake led him over to Aragorn and let him swing up first. Then Ryan scooted forward as far as he could go, letting Jake swing up behind him. He settled in behind Ryan, and Ryan passed him the reins before leaning back against Jakes hard chest. Jake snaked one arm around him, pulling him as close as he could, before signaling the horse to head out. He kissed the back of Ryans neck, loving the smell of Ryan mixed with the smell of horses. This could be his favorite smell in the world in a very short time.
“This okay with you?”
Ryan leaned back even closer, letting his head rest on Jakes shoulder. “More than okay.” Ryan could feel Jakes hard cock pressed against his ass—hot, even through two layers of denim. It made him smile to think it was him that was doing that to Jake.
“Jake? Where are we going?” Jake slid his hand under the front of Ryans shirt, trailing his fingers through the hair on Ryans belly, causing small whimpers to fall from his lips. Those sounds Ryan made were so amazing, and Jake just couldnt seem to keep his hands to himself. And Ryan didnt seem to want him to.
“I have somewhere special I want to take you.” He put his forehead on Ryans shoulder, and Ryan could feel the heat through his shirt that told him Jake was blushing. He slid his hand over Jakes on his stomach, encouraging him to continue. “I just… Ive never taken anyone here before. Its sort of like my place to escape from the world, and I dont know, I sort of wanted to share it with you.”
Ryan smiled and turned his head to kiss Jakes jaw. The feeling of Jake pressed against him, and the soft touches of fingers on his stomach, were having an effect on Ryan. He reached back to rub Jake through his jeans, and Jakes hand tightened around him. “Ryan.” He said it in a long drawn-out moan before turning his head to kiss Ryans neck, using his teeth to give him a little nip before licking away the small pain.
Ryan reached back with both hands to grab Jakes thighs, trying to pull him even closer, and the pressure on Jakes cock was almost unbearable. God, maybe he should have just taken Ryan to his bedroom and let Ryan fuck him into the mattress.
Oh God, he wanted Ryan to fuck him. Until that moment he hadnt even admitted it to himself. When he had allowed himself to think about having sex with men, he was always the one on top. But the thought of Ryan hovering over him, being strong and teaching him about making love, was making breathing damn near impossible. His whole body tensed up with desire and anticipation, and Ryan felt it. He rubbed Jakes legs, trying to relax him.
“Jake? Whats wrong? You okay?”
The worry in Ryans voice brought Jake out of his thoughts. He sagged against Ryan again. His voice was almost a growl. “Im fine, its just… youre so fucking hot!” He buried his face in Ryans soft hair, finding comfort in the feeling of it.
Ryans voice was rough with want. “I hope we are almost there, cause I wanna get you naked.”
Jake almost came in his jeans. “Yeah, its about another ten minutes.” The hills were rising beside them, and it was green and cool in the shade of the trees. They rode through the woods, the quiet broken only by the sounds of birds and the occasional rustle of wind through the leaves. They came around a bend into a small meadow with a stream running through it at one end. It was completely hidden by the hills, and there were flowers all around the outside, and to Ryan it looked like paradise.
“Jake, this is beautiful.” The awe in his voice made Jake smile.
“I know. I found it by accident one day. Mikayla and I had been fighting for weeks, and I just couldnt take it anymore. So I saddled up and rode out. I wandered around out here for a couple of days before I stumbled on this place. I stayed here for four days before I finally gave in and went back.”
He swung off the horse, and Ryan frowned at the loss of contact. Jake looked up at him expectantly, and he slid off, right into Jakes waiting arms. Jake pulled him into another toe-curling kiss before letting go to take care of Aragorn. He planned on being here for a while, so he unbuckled the saddlebag and blanket, handing them to Ryan, before sliding the saddle off the horses back. He left the saddle blanket in place and led Aragorn over to the stream so he could drink. He left him standing there, contentedly eating grass, while he made his way back to Ryan.
Ryan was still standing where Jake had left him, watching every move that Jake made. Ryan was pretty sure that he had never seen anything as sexy as Jake Evans— taking care of his horse, sweat-soaked shirt stuck to his back, showing off every muscle before turning back to almost stalk toward him. Ryans mouth went dry, and his knees were feeling kind of weak.
Jake was determined not to touch Ryan until he was ready. So he pulled the blanket from him and spread it out in the sun before reaching for the saddlebag, opening it, and grabbing a bottle of water. He opened it and took a long drink, and Ryan watched, fascinated by the play of the muscles in Jakes throat. He offered the water to Ryan, who took it and finished off the bottle. Jake put the empty back in the bag before setting it in the shade of a tree. He grabbed Ryans hand and led him to the blanket, pulling him in for a long kiss before sitting down and looking up at Ryan.
Ryan looked down at him, licking his lips unconsciously before slowly dropping to his knees in front of him. Jake pulled him close, wrapping both arms around his slim waist before leaning back and stretching Ryan out on top of him. He wanted there to be no doubts in Ryans mind about what he wanted.
He spread his legs so that Ryan could settle there, and Ryans hands came to rest on either side of Jakes head. The feeling of Ryans cock, pressing against his through their jeans, was overwhelming, and he couldnt wait to feel it without the barriers.
Ryan pushed his hips against the pressure of Jake beneath him and was rewarded with a breathless moan. He leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Jakes forehead before letting his head rest on Jakes shoulder so he could catch his breath.

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