Cowboy's Chocolate Roses (9 page)

Read Cowboy's Chocolate Roses Online

Authors: Jess Buffett

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Cowboy's Chocolate Roses
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Chapter Fourteen


The following afternoon, Bri headed into town with Caleb. She had a mission. Her parents were coming for dinner—the first time since the tense dinner where they found out about Josh and the baby. Bri smiled when she thought of the very real wedding she would now plan. The evening had to be perfect. More than anything, Bri wanted her father and Josh to get along. Her father still had issues with the whole thing, but before everything happened, he had really liked Josh. If they would only pull their heads out of their asses, everything would be fine. Given they were both stubborn alpha males, it could take a while.

She'd also have to talk about Timothy—something she didn't relish. But they didn't have a choice. Timothy had gotten too close, and had obviously decided to play for keeps.

Daddy is gonna be sooo pissed.

Pulling up to the curb, Bri jumped out of the car, heading straight for the doors, only to be pulled up short by a yank on her arm.

Turning to glare at Caleb, she asked, "What?"

"What? What the hell do you think you're doing? There's a lunatic out there taking pot shots at people and you just stroll off on your own?" he replied, arching an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't thinking." Crap. How stupid could she be? When would she learn not to get carried away and act before thinking?

"No worries, trouble. Let's go get fancy things for the folks." He grinned, reaching his hand out to muss her hair.

Ducking away from him, she walked toward the doors of the store, knowing he followed behind her. She paused abruptly when she thought she saw someone duck around the corner of the building. Taking a step in that direction, she frowned when Kelly Skater suddenly came around the same corner giving Bri a tight smile and rushing into the store. Bri sighed while shaking her head. That woman still had issues with her and Josh, something she had made more than clear when they bumped into each other in town. Bri had hoped Kelly would come around, but that didn't seem to be the case. Bri smiled, greeting people as she passed them, most stopping to say hello. It always amazed her how intimate and inviting the town could be. They even managed to remember each other's name, something Bri struggled with. Hell, she couldn't even recall the name of her next door neighbor she had had before moving here to Bricker.

It astounded her how all the residents seemed to know what was happening in one another's lives and were always quick off the mark to help each other out. Josh had been up early that morning and had headed over to Randy and Adele’s place. Within hours half the town had turned up as well, cleaning out the mess, and the other half were gathering the equipment needed to fix it. Bri had stood by watching Josh do his thing as he and his men had lifted the heavy furniture, pulled up the carpet, and torn down walls. All those sweaty men running around with their shirts off as her man ordered them around had been a very pretty sight she still swooned from.

Trying desperately to focus on what she needed and not on her runaway hormones, Bri scoured each aisle and was almost done when Caleb started whining. "Are we done, yet?"

"You do know how much of a child you sound like when you say that, right?" She smirked.

Sticking his bottom lip out, he pouted. "I do not. I'm just bored. I wanna go home and ride the ponies."

They stared at each other for a moment, before bursting into laughter. God, the man could be a riot sometimes.

"I'll tell you what. If you quickly grab the potatoes and zucchini, I'll grab the cream and custard, then we'll be done," she offered.

He seemed to size up how much risk she would be in if he left her for a moment, then eventually shrugged. "Sure. The store is crowded enough. Everyone knows to be on the lookout for a stranger, anyway."

Heading off in their separate directions, Bri turned down the aisle she needed. Standing in front of the freezer area, she tried to decide between brands when voices caught her attention. Not so much the voices, but their topic of conversation.

Peeking around the corner, she saw the regrettably unforgettable Kelly with two other women.

Kelly threw her head back as she laughed. "It's pathetic isn't it? I mean, he was doing such a poor job at lying to her, but she was so desperate to believe him."

"Wait, you're telling me she believed the whole, oh a group of us went out, it wasn't a date?" The woman to her left laughed as well. "I thought she had just chosen to forgive him."

"No, no. She fell for it. Things certainly aren't the way they seem between the two of them. Haven't you noticed he didn't give her his mother's ring, you know, the heirloom one." Kelly giggled.

"Maybe he suspects the baby isn't his. I mean, she is having all that trouble with some ex of hers. It could be they both found out the baby was his." The other woman nodded, as if she'd just figured out some big puzzle.

Bri stood with her fist in her mouth trying desperately to hold back the sob in her chest. It hurt to hear the things they were saying, but most of all it tore at her heart to think any of it might be true. Things had been going wonderfully for her and Josh lately. But why hadn't he given her his mother's heirloom ring? Would he not if he truly wanted a real wedding? Hell, she hadn't even known about the ring.

Unable to deal with anyone, particularly Caleb, Bri left her cart and ran for the restroom, pushing her way through the door. Bending over the sink, she struggled to catch her breath, feeling her whole world crumble. She well and truly loved Josh. Did he really feel the same? Leaning back against the adjoining wall, Bri willed herself to calm down when she saw black spots swimming in her vision.

When she finally got her breathing under control, she thought more rationally. Josh would never hurt her. There must be a reason for him not giving her his mother's ring. For all she knew, he could have chosen to bury her with it. One thing she had learned the hard way—no good could come from jumping to conclusions. And besides, she had to consider the source. Kelly wanted to cause trouble, and Bri refused to believe a word the bitch said. God, her hormones were making her crazy.

Bri needed to go home and get the truth from Josh.

Making her mind up, Bri stepped away from the wall intending to go find Caleb when a hand clamped across her mouth. Before she had chance to call out, Bri felt a sharp jab in her upper arm. Panic seizing her, it took a minute for Bri to react, then she started kicking and screaming behind the hand that covered her. None of it did any good, though.

Her vision started to blur, and she could no longer support herself anymore. Arms immediately wrapped around as she felt herself being dragged out of the restroom and down the hall toward the back exits. Bri searched frantically, hoping someone would see, letting out a moan.

All of a sudden she stopped moving, and someone shoved a thick gag in her mouth. Whoever had her, shoved open the door and sunlight immediately hit her eyes. Her mind couldn't keep up with the movements, and the next thing she knew she was laid down. From the worn dark leather, and hard surface underneath, Bri guessed it to be a car of some sort. When she felt her body being rolled over she found herself face to face with Timothy, staring down at her with a smile on his face. Whimpering, Bri struggled to get away even as she felt herself succumbing to whatever he injected her with. Revulsion washed through her when Timothy's hand stroked her cheek in an intimate gesture. Her vision began to dim, and her limbs went numb as he spoke softly.

"Shhh, now. No need to make a scene," he whispered. His lips curved into a grin. "We're going to take a nice little trip, just you and me."


Blinking her eyes open slowly, Bri groaned when her head wouldn't stop spinning. Fear shot through her when she tried to reach up with her hands, and realized she couldn't move them. Her arms, along with her legs, had been tied to an old rickety chair that sat in the middle of a dimly lit room. Taking a good look around, she saw the barely there light came from two candles sitting on a small table, the only other piece of furniture in the place.

The door opened slowly and Bri held her breath. Shutting her eyes tightly, she gasped when Timothy stopped in front of her, reaching out to run a hand through her hair.

"Look who's awake," he said, squatting down.

He tilted her chin up and Bri tried to pull away.

He slapped her hard across the face. "Don't you dare pull away from me."

She flinched from the blow. "How did you find me?" Her vision blurred and she blinked to clear it.

He snorted. "I never really lost you." He pinned her with his gaze. "From the day you put me behind bars, I had someone keeping tabs on you." A cruel smirk twisted his lips. "And when I got out, I knew exactly where to find you."

The thought made her skin crawl. She didn't want to focus on the idea someone had followed her every move.

"What do you want?" she asked.

He lifted a brow. "I'm sure you can work it out."

She fought the urge to be sick. Timothy wanted to weasel his way into her family. He made no secret of his plan when he'd held her captive the first time. He had financial issues and his parents cut him off. He expected Bri to marry him, and they were to have children, securing his future. With her, he could have it all. But she ruined his perfect plot by breaking things off, and he'd taken what he wanted anyway. Bri didn't know if the man was crazy or just plain evil. She suspected both.

She pleaded, "Timothy, think about it. I'm engaged, and I'm pregnant. Your plan won't work. Just give this up. Leave before they come and I'll make sure no one follows."

Cocking his head to the side, his eyes narrowed. "There was a time you were pregnant with my child, Bri. Remember?" His gaze, malicious and full of madness, focused on her stomach.

Oh, God. Disgust rolled through her, and she nearly heaved.

He looked away from her. "Don't misunderstand. I no longer have any intention of marrying you," he glanced back, his voice full of venom, "or anything else."

A cold shiver snaked its way down her spine and dread filled her. The menace in his tone spoke louder than his actual words. He wanted revenge. Timothy didn't plan to keep her. He wanted her to pay. Bri didn't know which she feared more.

"You screwed up a lot, my dear," he tsked. "First by running for daddy and getting the police involved. I really didn't appreciate spending time behind bars," he reached down and drew a knife from his boot, "although, it did lead me to some interesting contacts that came in handy until I could buy my way out." His hand casually twirled the blade. "Take Kelly, for instance, that stupid girl. She was so desperate to get her family out of trouble, going from one loan shark to another. My guy found her and made her an offer she just couldn't refuse."

"Kelly?" she whispered.

Had he hurt the other woman?

Timothy crouched down. "Oh, yes. We're on her family's property. She has been so helpful, planting the doll for me to make you think I was closer than I really was. All she had to do was wait for the two of you to leave for your date. Such a small town, within the hour of one of their most eligible bachelors booking a dinner for two, everyone in town knew. She even acquired one of her daddy's rifles so I could play target practice with that cowboy of yours." He sighed. "I must admit, that annoyed her. Seems she has had her eye on cowboy Josh for a while, but you got in the way. You do that a lot, don't you?"

That bitch!
Bri sure as hell didn't feel sorry for her now.

The feel of his breath on her skin made her turn away when Timothy leaned in.

"You made it so easy for her, Bri. So little faith in the man you claim to love. I wonder what he would think if he knew the last thing you ever did was doubt him. Hmm, maybe I might leave him a note. What do you think?" He stood and paced, debating what action to take.

"Timothy, just go. I'll tell them I didn't recognize who took me, and they'll have no proof it was you," she sobbed, tugging at the ropes that held her.

Tears streamed down her face at the hopelessness of the situation. He wouldn't let her go.

"No. Even if I was tempted, I would never be happy. At least not until I make you scream." He twirled the blade in his hand and cocked his head to the side, studying her. "Will you scream for me, Bri?"

Bri cried out when he brought the weapon up, pressing it to the skin of her arm. She tried to pull away, struggling against the rope that bound her, but she couldn't escape. Slowly, he pushed harder, and she couldn't hold out when the blade finally broke through her skin.

She screamed for him.


Josh could commit murder. The need to destroy something, anything, rode him hard as he paced back and forth near the front desk at the station. Bri had gone missing two hours ago, and they were still no closer to finding out where Timothy had taken her. One thing Josh knew for certain—he would make the bastard pay. If he hadn't been on such a rampage, Josh might have been able to appreciate the fact the entire town had turned out to lend their support.

Sparing a glance in his brother's direction, he saw Caleb bent over in a chair, his head hanging low and his fingers clenched in his hair. The younger man blamed himself, but it could have just as easily happened to Josh. None of his words seemed to bring any comfort to his younger brother, and Josh didn't have it in him to pursue it further. All his time, energy, and emotions were focused on Bri.

Sin came to stand next to Josh, arms folded across the expanse of his chest. “We’ll find her.”

Josh nodded.

“I mean it, Josh. We will find her,” Sin’s voice was calm, with a hint of danger layered underneath. “And when we do, you, me, Caleb, and Noah...we’ll make sure he knows how wrong it was to take one of ours. Clear?”


For the first time, Josh saw Sin was no longer the boy he had grown up with, the teenager who always got into trouble and the young man who flirted with anything in a skirt. He was dangerous, darker. His eyes held a dark glint that Josh didn’t think he could ever figure out. But something told him he would need that side of his old friend tonight. And that if anything happened to Bri before they found her, he might actually understand it then.

A throat clearing drew his attention away from Sin and he turned to see Noah standing with Kelly Skater and her father, Howard. He didn't like the grim expression on Noah's and Howard's faces. The shame on Kelly's would destroy any relationship he had with the Skater family.

"What did you do?" Josh growled.

"I-I swear, I didn't think he would hurt her. He was so sure the baby belonged to him," Kelly answered, stumbling over her words. "He just wanted another chance with her and his ba…" she trailed off when Josh took a threatening step toward her.

Never in his life had he wanted to cause harm to a woman.

Until now.

"My baby!" he bellowed. "My baby and my woman!"

Livid, Josh wanted to throttle Kelly. How could she be so stupid?

"I swear. I thought he was telling the truth." Kelly's eyes darted around, seeking help from anyone. "I thought she'd lied to you, that she would hurt you, Josh. Please, you have to believe me," she begged.

"The only one you were trying to help was yourself. Now tell me what you did," he demanded, reminding himself that he couldn't actually reach out and wrap his hands around her neck.

"He…he told me to get her away from everyone. If he could get to her and talk to her, he would be able to convince her to go home with him," Kelly sobbed. "I needed the money. Daddy's going to lose the ranch. He was just supposed to scare her enough that she didn't want to stay here. Then she'd go running back to him. I'm so sorry."

Josh didn't care about her regret. Fear for Bri consumed him.

Kelly flicked her gaze to her father, but even Josh saw the disappointment there. She would get nothing from him. "I knew Bri was in the other aisle, and Caleb on the other side of the store. When I started the conversation with Lyn and Fiona, I figured she would hear us talking and run outside or something, which is exactly what she did."

"Tell him what you said, Kelly," Noah ordered.

Looking down, she mumbled, "I said you lied when you said it was a group who went out. That you probably doubted the baby was yours, what with her ex hanging around. And I also mentioned your mother's ring." Staring up with watery eyes, she pleaded, "You hadn't given it to her, and when he said the baby belonged to him, I figured maybe you thought she'd lied too."

"What I have or haven't done is none of your fucking business. The only thing saving your damned hide right now is that you're a woman," he seethed.

Caleb launched himself from his seat, pointing at Kelly and shouting, "This is your fault. I've been blaming myself since I realized she was missing. I thought I failed my brother, but it was all you."

Josh sympathized with his brother, but he needed answers. "Tell us where they are, now."

"He paid me to let him stay in our family's bunkhouse," she whispered, eyes focused on the ground. "It's been empty since daddy let most of our hands go and moved the two we still have into the main house to save on utilities."

They were interrupted when one of Noah's deputies approached, a photo in hand. "We've got the picture of Timothy Nelson that you wanted, Sheriff."

Noah took the picture and held it out to Kelly. "Is this the man you've been dealing with?" At Kelly's nod, he cursed before addressing the crowd. "All right, listen up, everyone. We've got us a lead. Those of you who I've spoken with will come as backup, the rest of you stay here. Let's head for the Skater farm. Howard, Kelly, you're with me," Noah ordered.

The room erupted into chaos when people headed out, the sheriff and his men among them and Josh hot on their heels.

Josh's heart pounded hard, almost like it would explode out of his chest. Jumping in the sheriff's truck, he held on for dear life when it took off. Twenty minutes later they surrounded the edge of the Skater property near the bunkhouse. Between the sedan parked out back, and the lighting that flickered in the windows of one of the rooms, they were certain they were in the right spot. However, Noah and one of his deputies managed to get close enough for a visual confirmation. They weren't taking Kelly's word alone. Josh desperately wanted to barge in and grab Bri, but agreed to play by Noah's rules; it would be the best chance they had of getting Bri out unscathed.

He still couldn't believe the bastard had been right under their noses this entire time. Surely someone would have noticed.

Josh frowned.

"How did none of your hands noticed Timothy was here? How did you miss it?" he questioned Howard.

The man looked uncomfortable. "Like Kelly said, we only have two hands now, and they stay at the house."

"So you turned a blind eye when your daughter came up with the money," Noah stated, clearly disgusted. "Regardless of the consequences."

Howard paled. "You have to understand, sh—"

"Bri is in there with a madman who can, will, and has done terrible things to her. Don't you dare ask me to understand," Josh hissed. "Now, how the hell are we—"

Josh's head shot up when a scream rang through the air and cut off his response.

My God

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