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first. “So you can control when you change? You’re not tied to the full moon or anything?”

Caden laughed. “You’re thinking of Hollywood werewolves, darling, not shifters. And

I’m pretty sure wolf shifters can control their impulses, too. It’s just that the moon exerts a

certain pull on us, making us want to change more often during the full phase.”

“Like now, with the hunger moon.” She smiled at his guarded nod. “So there are other

people who can turn into different animals?”

“The elders say you become your spirit guide animal. For us, coyotes.”

“Which is why you have the refuge.” She inhaled sharply as all sorts of pieces fell

together. “That’s how you knew it wasn’t a coyote kill site at the Carson ranch and why I found

those large prints on the outside of your compound. This is more than just a refuge. It’s a place

for you to roam.” She paused then smiled. “I don’t suppose you’d show me?”

Caden looked at Talon then back at her. “Show you? As in, shift? Here? Now?”

She gave him what she hoped was a come hither look as she nodded. “They do say seeing

is believing. And yesterday, I was too shocked to really appreciate the phenomena.”

Talon crossed his arms on his chest. “We usually get naked to shift. It makes everything

less confined.”

“Then strip. As I recall, you saw nearly all of me last night.”

“All but the best part,” said Talon, reaching for the waistband of his jeans. “All right. Just

remember, we’ll expect the same privileges once we’re done.”

A tendril of heat wove through her stomach, tightening the coil already curled inside. She

looked at the men, and years of desire rolled the answer off her tongue. “Deal.”

The feral smiles returned, and both men fisted their jeans, slowly lowering them over

tight abs and lean hips. She could only stare as they inched the denim down, finally freeing two

hard shafts that sprang up to their bellies before descending again to hang perpendicular to the

floor. She resisted licking her lips as she stared at the twin cocks, the slits already coated with

drops of pre-cum. God help her but she wanted to taste them—both of them. A growl sounded in

the room, and she forced herself to drag her attention back to their faces.

“Don’t worry, darling, you’ll get all of that and more once we’re done.” Caden kicked his

pants beside the chair. “But I believe you asked for a show before breakfast."

Rebecca snagged her lip, not sure what would happen next. There’d been too much

adrenaline flowing the previous day to remember the event as more than shadowy images. But as

the air seemed to pick up static, prickling the hairs on her arms, she knew she was in for

something magical.

The men stood there, hands by their sides, heads held high and closed their eyes. She

didn’t think anything was happening until a wave of distortion rippled through their bodies,

making it look as if their skin was undulating from within. A loud cracking noise broke the

silence, followed by creaks and pops as their limbs began to shorten and their faces began to

lengthen. Fur sprouted from their skin, rapidly thickening as they fell onto all fours, their claws

clicking against the wood. Ears unfurled on their heads, and a tail appeared on a swoosh of air.

There was one last moment of transition, before the two animals who’d come to her rescue the

day before stood before her, tongues hanging to one side, eyes boring into hers.

“Oh. My. God.”

She eased forward, drawn to the elegant beauty of the creatures. They matched each

brother perfectly. Caden’s coyote was shaded in browns, the darkest the same tone as his hair,

while Talon’s animal was every hue of gray, mimicking his lighter hair and paler skin.

“You really are coyotes.” She knelt down, not sure if they could understand her while in

their animal form. “Can you understand what I’m saying?”

Caden yipped, sitting on his haunches as his tail brushed across the floor, sending puffs

of dust into the air. Talon barked then chased his tail, making her laugh.

“Can I touch you?”

Talon didn’t wait for another invitation. He pranced forward and dropped to the floor,

rolling on his back. Rebecca giggled and stroked his belly, sighing at the feel of his soft fur

against her fingers. She reached her other hand up to scratch Caden behind the ear as he drew

close, his cold nose nuzzling her wrist.

“Okay. I think you boys have been more than patient with me.” She stood up and moved

over to the couch, sitting down as the coyotes watched from in front of the fire. “You can turn

back now.”

Talon yelped and darted off, circling the room a couple of times before heading behind

the couch. She wasn’t certain where he was going until she felt his paws beside her shoulders.

She turned to look at him just as he started to change, only this time his animal form simply

ghosted into a man.

He smiled at her apparent awe. “We slowed the process down before, so you’d get a

better look. It only takes a split second to change.” He nodded toward the hearth. “I believe

Caden wants your attention.”

She turned to find the large coyote sitting at her feet, its head tilted to one side as if trying

to read her mind, and she wondered what it’d be like to see the world through his eyes.

“He thinks you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on,” said Talon, tracing

his fingers up and down her arms.

She stole a quick breath when the animal sniffed the air, and what she swore was a grin

captured its lips before the coyote faded into a misty gray as the man materialized on his knees in

front of her. Her gasp filled the room and Caden looked up at her, his eyes blackened with lust,

his lips still curled in a carnal smile.

From behind, Talon nuzzled her ear, settling his hands on her thighs. “Open your legs for


A wave of excitement raced through her as she gently drew apart her legs. The shirt

hitched up higher, revealing a hint of black beneath the white edge.

“Do you have any idea how damn delicious you smell?” Caden inhaled, licking her knee.

“I have to taste you. But first…”

He straightened, one hand spearing through her hair as he planted the other on the couch

next to her head, securing them both in place. His mouth hovered inches from hers, his lips close

enough she could have touched them with her tongue. But she waited, heart racing, breath stalled

until he inched forward, lightly brushing his mouth against hers. The soft brush of skin fluttered

the butterflies in her stomach and she closed her eyes, slightly parting her lips as he made

another pass, this time licking the line of her bottom lip. She whimpered and he advanced,

slipping his tongue inside, tracing every contour. He tasted like coffee and vanilla, and she

reached for him when he finally retreated, bringing his luscious mouth back to hers.

Caden smiled as she took control, tracing his lips this time, then delving inside, lingering

in the warm feel of his body pressed close to hers. Then he was gone, pulling back as he

motioned behind her. She twisted, opening for Talon as he leaned over the back of the couch and

took her without hesitation, his kiss more demanding than his brother’s. He didn’t wait for her to

join him, he conquered, only allowing her to taste him back when he’d had his fill. She gasped in

a deep breath when he finally released his hold, her gaze snagged by his.

“I knew you’d taste as good as you smell.” Talon drew a finger along her chin, ending

with a tweak to her nose. “But I think Caden wants to put my claim to the test.”

Words jammed in her throat, and she returned her attention to Caden, watching as he

palmed her legs and inched his hands up, skimming her skin until he could hook two fingers

around her panties. He yanked, and the lace tore, strands of black falling to the floor. Talon

groaned behind her and raised his hands to the front of her shirt, settling on the first button. His

spicy breath washed across her ear followed closely by his tongue.

“Do you know how long we’ve dreamed of this? How many times we’ve imagined

having you in this very spot?” He flicked the first one open, drawing the cool cotton apart to

reveal a patch of skin by her collarbone. “We’ve wanted you for as long as we’ve known you.

But without control of our animal form, we couldn’t risk your safety. For years we’ve waited,

hoping you’d return.” He moved his lips lower, kissing a path down her neck. “And now, you’re

finally here.”

He moved to the next button, popping it free and opening her shirt more. The curve of her

breasts were exposed, with only the nipples still hidden behind the fabric. Rebecca held her

breath, caught between Talon’s slow progress and the way Caden just stared at her pussy, licking

his lips as if it was killing him to wait. His gaze finally clashed with hers as Talon opened the

third button, fully exposing her breasts to them.

Caden groaned when Talon’s fingers circled each nipple, making the skin pucker beneath

his touch, but never actually making contact with the peaked buds. She watched Caden swallow,

noting the effort it took him to complete the simple task.


“So pretty,” said Caden. “I love watching you react to him.” He chuckled when Talon

cupped each breast and pinched her nipples, making her squirm around him. “Now be a good

girl, and open wide for me. I’m starving.”

Rebecca didn’t have a time to move her legs farther apart before Talon slid his hands

down to her thighs and pulled them open, exposing her clit to Caden’s gaze. A low growl

hummed through the air as he lowered his mouth and planted a kiss on the delicate bud. Shivers

tingled along her skin and she tensed, making her clit pulse. Caden moaned against her thigh, his

breath making it twitch again.

“Damn, that’s hot. Do that against my tongue.”

He lowered again, dipping his tongue to her cleft and sliding it through her crease,

lapping at her cream before swirling it around her nub. She did as he asked and fluttered it again,

moaning when he nipped at the quivering bud.

Talon groaned behind her, bending over her shoulder to take one nipple in his mouth.

Heat engulfed her breast and she arched into his attack, silently begging him to take more of her.

He followed her lead, sucking in more, plumping her other breast as he drew on her nipple. The

coil inside her continued to wind tighter as both men assaulted her with their tongues, bringing

her hard and fast toward her first peak. But just as she neared the edge, they both backed off, and

she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. She reached down and threaded her fingers

through Caden’s hair, urging him back to her aching clit. He chuckled against her weeping flesh,

shaking his head as she tried to press against him.

“Not yet, darling. There’s too much I want to experience before I’m ready to let you

explode on me.” He glanced up at her. “Perhaps Talon can give you something to help keep you


Her mouth watered at the thought and she held Talon’s gaze as he stepped to the side of

the couch, his beautiful shaft bobbing into view. She only broke his stare to take a quick peek at

the magnificent rod, not wanting to destroy the sensuous connection between them. She reached

out, trailing her fingers up his thighs and scoring a path across his sac but never touching his

cock. His face contorted into a grimace as his jaw clenched, making the vein in his temple jump.

“Tease,” he said, hissing out a breath as she flicked her nails across his sac again. “I

suggest you don’t tempt the animal in me, sweetheart.”

She chuckled, loving how the sound made his cock rise to his stomach before dipping

back down. “Why’s that, Talon? Do you bite?” She blew a warm breath across the bulbous head,

smiling when another drop of pearly fluid beaded from the thin slit. “But seeing as you asked so


She opened her mouth and placed a wet kiss on the tip, licking at the smooth juice that

stuck to her lips. He tasted like spicy cider and earthy musk rolled into one, and she couldn’t help

but wrap her lips around the crown and slide down his length, taking him deep to the back of her


“Fuck. I think I’m going to come just watching you deep throat him.” Caden returned his

finger to her pussy, softly rimming her sex. “Luckily, I also have something to hold my


Rebecca tilted her hips, trying to push him inside her, but he moved with her, proving his

control over the situation. She sighed around Talon’s cock, unable to do anything but take what

Caden would give her. But she didn’t have to wait long. She’d no sooner nibbled her way down

to Talon’s sac and taken one heavy globe into her mouth, than Caden slid his finger inside her

channel, slowly pumping it back and forth. Her walls quivered at the new sensation and

contracted around him, desperately trying to keep him from retreating.

“Damn. I’m only using my finger, and you feel tight. I can’t wait to see how snug you’ll

be around my cock.”

He bent in and lapped at her clit, making her moan. Fire erupted inside her veins, and she

wasn’t sure how she kept from bursting into flames. She cried out when his teeth scraped the

sensitive tissue, seeking Talon’s cock in refuge. She locked her lips around the head again and

started pumping his shaft, using one hand to cover the part she couldn’t reach.

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