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going to simply wait for me to figure this out. They’re determined to run you and your refuge out

of town—the sooner the better in their eyes.”

Talon shrugged, trailing his fingers along her collarbone. “It’s like you said…without any

proof that the refuge is responsible, there’s little he can do. At least for now.”

An unsettling feeling rolled through her stomach, and she knew better than to ignore it. “I

don’t know. I think it’d be unwise to underestimate how determined he is.” She met his gaze. “I

get the feeling he’d go to any lengths to see you boys gone.”

Caden sighed as he walked through the doorway, handing her a cup of tea before sitting

on the edge of the bed. The mattress dipped with his weight, and she wished they could forget

about the tea and the Carson’s and go back to what they’d been doing all morning.

Heat crept into her cheeks when she recalled how wantonly she’d behaved. Even after

making love to both of them, she’d hungered for more. They’d been complete gentlemen,

running her a bath and bringing her food, but she’d forgone the crackers and cheese and had

decided to feast on them first. She giggled as she recalled Talon’s expression when she’d

covered his cock in bubbles then spent several minutes blowing each one off. Of course, she’d

made up for his patience with a blowjob worthy of his magnificent shaft, but even now, she

wanted them. Apparently, the hunger moon didn’t only apply to food.

Caden brushed his thumb along her jaw, circling the sensitive spot below her ear.

“Darling, if you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be responsible when I have you down on

your knees again with my cock in your mouth. I’m still hard from your attention in the


Moisture flooded her core and both men groaned as some eased down her slit, making her

labia feel puffy and slick.

“Fuck. You just smell so bloody good.” Talon slipped his hand down her body, knocking

the covers back before settling his hand between her thighs.

Rebecca batted at him and twisted away, stumbling onto the floor. She held up her hand

when the boys jumped up to follow her, knowing she had to gain control before she fell prey to

their desire…again.

“Wait!” She backed up a step as their feet hit the wood, their eyes full of determination.

“Just hear me out for a moment.” She took a deep breath, cursing when the scent of musk and

sex assaulted her senses. She didn’t need the added distraction. “I know what you’re both

thinking, but…” She palmed Caden’s chest when he advanced on her. “I can’t let Carson or

Darrin ruin everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve, just because I don’t want to leave.”

She released the breath she’d been holding when Caden’s shoulders drooped a bit. “I promise

I’m not leaving because I’m not interested in seeing where this can go. I really just need to do

my job.”

The boys exchanged a look and she swore they somehow communicated without talking.

Talon nodded, crossing his arms in reply. She nearly giggled at the image he made—stern

expression with body language to match, all with his cock standing at attention, begging her to

lick it.

Caden cleared his throat. “How about we make you a deal? You allow us a few minutes

to take care of your obvious need, and once we’re done, Talon will drive you back to the


“Drive me?” She snorted and tapped her foot on the floor. “I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“Perhaps not, but you do need a vehicle.” A victorious smile spread across Caden’s

mouth. “Or had you forgotten your Jeep was still parked at the trailhead, which I’ll gladly

retrieve for you.”

She cursed, hating that she’d forgotten that minor detail. “It’s not that I don’t want to

play, it’s just—”

“Based on how wet you smell, darling, it’ll only take a few minutes to make you scream

in release.” Caden stepped against her, pulling her into his chest with a hand around her ass.

“And we’ll be satisfied with that, for now.”

He didn’t wait for her to accept his deal, merely lifted her up and carried her back to the

bed, laying her on her back with her legs splayed around his waist as he stood between her

thighs. He smiled down at her, his fingers teasing the ticklish flesh on her hips. “Have you ever

wondered what it’d be like to have one man fuck you while another licked you until you came?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice not to crack as he placed his thick shaft at her

entrance, swirling the moisture around with the tip.

Caden groaned, slipping just the tip inside her before pulling back and circling her clit

again. “I’ve never felt anything as hot and wet as you, darling. You’re amazing.” He dipped in

again, grunting this time. “So tight. Damn, I’m only in an inch and it feels as if you’ve got a

death grip on me.” He nodded at Talon. “I’m not going to last long.”

Talon joined them, flicking his finger over her bud, smiling at her unbridled cry. “I don’t

think you’re the only one who isn’t going to last long.” He bent down and ran his tongue

between her folds, ending with a light lick to her clit. “I’ll never get enough of you, sweetheart.


A new wave of tears prickled her eyes, and she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d ever get

enough of them? If her heart would ever be free from the tight feeling she got whenever she

thought about this being nothing more than a random meeting? Though Caden had gone so far as

to whisper loving words, it’d been during the height of sex, and she knew better than to bet on a

promise made when hormones outweighed common sense.

But as Talon swirled his tongue around her clit, matching Caden’s easy thrusting, she

knew she was already lost. They’d won her heart when they’d stood between her and a cougar,

and the mind-blowing sex had only cemented that feeling on the most intimate level.

Heat billowed out from her core as both men picked up the pace. Talon tortured her nub

with steady flicks of his tongue, pausing every few strokes to nibble and suck at it, while Caden

lifted her hips, changing the angle and penetrating her deeper. She fisted Talon’s hair, weaving

the caramel-colored strands around her fingers as she tried to hold him over her clit and relieve

the bone-breaking pressure. But no matter how hard she pulled, he continued at the same pace.

Talon growled against her flesh, and her arousal skyrocketed. He paused to glance up at

her, his face glistening with her cream. The sight almost pushed her over the edge, but the steely

look in his eyes warned her he wouldn’t be cheated from his prize.

He raised one eyebrow, licking some of her juice from his lips. “You might wear a badge

during the day, sweetheart, but at home, we’re your alpha males. That means you’ll come when

we’re ready, and not before.”


Her voice shuddered into a scream when he pinched her clit at the same time Caden

plunged hard and deep, and the climax crested inside her. Her breath panted out as she tried to

climb that last bit of distance, but the men worked in perfect tandem, keeping her balanced on

the edge, waiting.

Rebecca released Talon’s hair and slammed her fists on the bed, not sure whether to

scream or cry. She resisted, fighting against the rising tide, then gave in, riding the never-ending

wave until her
alpha males
had decided they’d played enough.

The boys kept her hanging, thrusting and licking until Caden threw back his head, the

cords in his neck straining as his cock pulsed inside her channel. Talon smiled against her skin,

lapping at her one more time before sealing his mouth around her nub and sucking it hard.

Colors exploded in her head, and she wasn’t sure if she yelled their names or if the sound

was only in her mind. Male voices echoed her release, and she let herself drift, not wanting to

return to earth.

Warmth seeped into her veins, and for a moment, she considered Talon’s earlier

suggestion. Maybe she did deserve a day off? Then her phone rumbled in the distance and she

knew their magical interlude had just ended.

Chapter Six

Talon pulled the truck against the curb across from the station, eyeing the entrance as a

strange feeling crept along his spine. He rolled down the window and scented the air, detecting a

tinge of smoke amidst the cool winter pine. But there was something else, something slightly

wild that piqued his senses, putting his instincts on alert. He turned to Rebecca, instantly

overpowered by the essence of womanly warmth and fragrant soap still lingering on her skin. He

sighed, knowing he’d never figure anything out with his head still back in their bedroom.

Rebecca smiled, and his body trembled. God help him, but he loved her. He only wished

he knew if she shared the emotion, or if this was nothing more than a chance to act out a fantasy.

He gave himself a mental shake. Of course, she wouldn’t declare her love yet. Hell, it wasn’t her

fault they were governed by instincts she’d never really understand, or that they’d been drawn to

her long before they’d been able to let her know. There’d never be another woman for them, but

they needed to give her time to adjust to the notion of being their mate. His canines ached with

the need to seal their bond, but he knew Caden was right. It had to be Rebecca’s choice, not just


“A dollar for your thoughts?”

Talon shifted his focus, grinning at the breath-taking beauty of her face. Damn, but he

could spend several lifetimes staring at that. He winked at her. “Dollar? Man, inflation sucks.”

He looked back at the station, trying to remember what had bothered him when they’d first

arrived. “Is Bobby on shift with you today?”

“Unless he’s already out on a call, though I doubt that. He was still in the office when I

texted him from the ranch.” She wrapped her fingers around his hand. “Thanks for the lift. I hope

Caden’s okay going back for my Jeep. Coyote or not, it’s a pretty long way.”

Talon chuckled, threading his fingers through hers when she went to pull back. “I’d be

more concerned about him driving your Jeep naked, than running through the snow. Can you

imagine the mayor’s reaction if he happened to see Caden?”

“Let me worry about the mayor.” She sat back, giving him a small half-smile when he

released her fingers. She glanced at the station then back at him.

Talon held up his hand, halting her before she began. “Don’t even say it. There’s no way

I’m heading back to the ranch without being guaranteed of your safety.”

Rebecca laughed and gave him a knowing look. “I’m the Sheriff. There’ll never be a

guarantee of that, Talon. But I’ll be fine.”

“Of course, you will. I’ll just help make sure.” He shook his head when she huffed at

him. “You won’t even know I’m around. I promise. As long as Blake’s inside, I’ll hang out


Rebecca rolled her eyes, but her smile said differently. “Are you guys going to be this

protective all the time?”

Talon furrowed his brow, not sure why she seemed so surprised. “You’re our

mate…we’d die for you.”

Her features softened, and he thought her eyes looked glassy, but she turned away and

jumped out of the truck. She darted around the front and headed for the building. He cursed,

wondering why the hell he’d let the whole mate thing slip, when she spun around and returned to

his door.

She stepped up on the rung, bringing her face nearly even with his. “I don’t want you to

freeze anything important out here. I’ll put the coffee on. Just give me about ten minutes to settle

things inside.”

She leaned forward and took his lips with hers, moaning against his mouth when their

tongues tangled. She was still smiling when she pulled back and ran to the station, leaving him

even more breathless than before.

Rebecca stepped inside the building, her lips still tingling from the soul-searing kiss

Talon had given her. Thank god it was the middle of winter, or she might have burst into flames

long ago. She passed the hallway, rounded the corner and sighed. Darrin was pacing in her office

while Deputy Blake sat at his desk just outside of the room, looking as if he wanted to be

anywhere, but there.

“Sheriff. I’m glad you’re here. I was starting to think you’d just vanished!”

Rebecca chuckled. Bobby had a knack for overreacting to anything out of the ordinary.

She headed to the coffeemaker, talking to Bobby over her shoulder. “It’s only been

twenty minutes since I answered your text. A girl does need a bit of time to recover after a day of

tromping through the woods.” She motioned to Darrin. “How long has he been waiting?”

“About thirty minutes.” Bobby winced. “He’s very…”

“Irritating?” she said. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Darrin. Did you find anything in the


Bobby glanced at her office then nodded. “It was the weirdest thing. I didn’t find the

sheep, but there was a large dog carcass hidden in some deep brush at the edge of their property.

It looked as if something had attacked it. When I went back and questioned Darrin about it, he

got extremely upset and told me I’d made a mistake…that they didn’t keep dogs. I was going to

bring it in, but when I went back, the carcass was gone. But I swear it was there.”

“Easy. If you say you saw it, I believe you. I just don’t know why he’d lie about

something like that.” She sighed. Nothing was making any sense. “I’ll go talk to him. Do me a

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