Crave (3 page)

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Authors: Felicity Heaton

BOOK: Crave
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She swayed her hips and moved down his body again, trailing her palms over his shoulders and chest, forcing his hands on her up to her ribs and the sides of her breasts. His eyes narrowed briefly, heat blazing in them as he shifted his hands forwards to capture her breasts, and then he frowned when she worked her way upwards again before he could touch them.

He stepped into her, wedging a hard muscular thigh between her legs and stopping her from wriggling. A moan slipped from her lips as he moved it, brushing it against her groin, and she looped her arms around his neck. Staring into his eyes, lost in them, she forgot about the werewolves in the club and the pack back in England that were searching for her. The world fell away, taking her cares with it, stripping her of the part of her that continually whispered that this man was not for her.

It didn’t matter that he was handsome and strong. It didn’t matter that when he watched her she felt as though she could do anything. It didn’t matter that she wanted him more than was reasonable and that her need for him was fierce and controlled her to a degree.

He was a vampire.

In his arms like this, that was the thing that no longer mattered.

He bent towards her, his hands pressing into her sides as he lowered them down from her waist over her hips and round to her backside. He pulled her closer, cranking her temperature up another ten degrees, and moved against her. The slide of his thigh between hers, the fleeting contact between his hard body and her aching one, had her sinking her teeth into her lower lip. She wanted more, cursed her tight jeans for inhibiting her and stopping her from being able to gain the satisfaction she desired. She pushed against him, curling her hips, hungry and seeking more friction to sate her need.

Callum’s cool skin brushing her neck startled her and her gaze leapt from his to what she could see of his hand out of the corner of her eye. He swept the tangled lengths of her hair from her throat, the teasing whisper of his fingers over her hungry body almost too much for her to bear, and then leaned into her. Kristina moaned and couldn’t stop herself from tilting her head to one side even though she was aware that by doing so she was breaking the rules of her kind. It was wrong of her to welcome a vampire’s touch and let him kiss her throat, especially when she had feared one of her own species doing such a thing to her just minutes before.

It was different with Callum.

The hard press of his lips on her throat, the sweep of his tongue over her jugular, stirred only desire in her, flooding her with the ache to bury her fingers into his hair and anchor him there so he wouldn’t stop. There was no threat in his caress, no sense that he intended to sink his fangs into her, and even if he did, it would only be the vampire equivalent of a love bite.

The werewolf had intended to mark her and claim her with the bite.

A vampire couldn’t do such a thing.

“Tell me your name,” Callum husked into her ear, his cool breath tickling her skin. He kissed and sucked her earlobe, curled his tongue around it, sending a shiver down her throat that set her aflame. She rocked against him, meeting his shallow thrusts, panting as her desire got the better of her. His firm grip on her backside with one hand and the nape of her neck with the other drove her wild. She bucked and writhed, rubbing herself along the length of his thigh. Her fingertips pressed into the hard bulge of his pectorals and raked downwards, catching his nipples through his black shirt and tearing a groan from him. She answered him with a moan of her own when she reached the granite slab of his stomach, her imagination running away with her. What would he look like nude and in all his glory? She pictured a lean built physique. Muscles that could melt a woman right down to her core barely hidden beneath milky skin. A trail of hair as dark as his ponytail that led down from the sensual dip of his navel to his impressive hard cock. Lithe powerful legs that exuded strength as much as the rest of him. He was a god in her imagination.

Would he be that way in reality?

She had an itch to find out and wanted to scratch it right there in the club.

“Tell me,” he said again, voice rough with desire, and nipped her earlobe. It was hard to think when he was licking and kissing, his body moving into hers, hands grasping and kneading. She couldn’t remember her own name. All she knew was intense pleasure and a craving for more.

He chuckled against her throat and kissed it again, wet open mouthed ones that made the fragments of thoughts she had gathered scatter and tore a moan from her.

“I guess I’m not the only one having trouble functioning here.” His voice was a silken purr in her ear and he suddenly stepped away from her.

Kristina stood on jelly legs, gripping the sleeves of his black shirt in tight fists to keep herself upright. He looked around them and enough sense broke through the haze of arousal fogging her mind for her to wonder what he was looking for. She stumbled when he locked a strong hand around her wrist and strode towards the edge of the dance floor. She bumped into several dancers, mumbling apologies, and saw past Callum’s wide shoulders. A couple exited one of the curtained booths directly ahead of them. A blush blazed across her cheeks as she realised what he was up to and what might happen between them if she entered the private booth with him and sense reared its ugly head and told her to break free of him before it was too late.

The desire to do such a thing faltered and died when he looked over his shoulder at her, his hungry gaze devouring hers, expressing everything that she was feeling inside. He knew as well as she did that this was wrong but it wasn’t stopping him.

And she wouldn’t let it stop her either.

He pulled her into the booth, closed the heavy black velvet curtains with one stroke, and turned on her.

Kristina let her breath out on a sigh as he claimed her waist, moulded her body against the hard expanse of his, and kissed her.

Before she started to kiss him back, before things got beyond her control and she lost her ability to think again, she pulled away and stared into his eyes.

“Kristina,” she breathed and he grinned sexily.

“Now I know what to call you when I lose myself in you.”

Oh, Heavens, that sounded so hot husked in his deep voice as he stared at her with hungry eyes that promised he wouldn’t let her go until he had satisfied the passion bouncing between them. Kristina grabbed his tie, yanked him to her and pressed a brief hard kiss to his lips.

She smiled wickedly.

“Mister, you’ll be screaming it by the time I’m done with you.”



Chapter 3

Callum backed her up until her calves hit the curved leather seat of the booth and she fell onto her bottom. He towered over her, immense and beautiful, dark and deadly, just the sight of him exciting her. Kristina tried to stand again but he pressed his right hand to her shoulder and forced her back onto the seat.

He tugged at the knot of his dark purple tie and loosened it before slipping the two sides free of each other. His fingers started on the buttons of his black shirt next and a tiny seed of fear settled in the pit of her stomach, took root, and started to grow.

“We should take this somewhere a little more private,” she said automatically and he paused at his work, his fingers halfway down his chest and the top part of his shirt open to reveal the groove between his pectorals.

Hell, it was hard not to pounce on him and screw him right there on the tacky dirty booth floor. Her gaze stayed rooted on the tiny patch of his chest that she could see, her body willing her to give up the false sense of propriety that had suddenly claimed her and just reach out and take what she wanted.



His fingers started their work again and she itched to reach up and join them in revealing his body to her hungry eyes.

“This is private enough,” he husked in a passion roughened voice and smiled reassuringly. “No one will disturb us.”

She wasn’t so sure. There were three male werewolves who had seen her kiss the vampire, and watched them on the dance floor and then exit it for this booth, and one of them had a big old dent in his masculine pride that needed fixing. Male werewolves were ridiculously hard-headed and primal. She didn’t want to look up halfway through scratching her itch for Callum to find a glowering werewolf looming over them.

“I can’t hold out until we find somewhere else.” Callum’s low spoken words barely reached her over the pounding beat of the music but they struck a chord in her.

She raked her gaze over him, burning at a thousand degrees for the cool feel of his hands on her bare body and his mouth claiming hers again. Who was she kidding? She felt the same way. She wouldn’t last until her hotel. If they took a cab, she would probably end up riding him in the backseat for the driver to see. She was running too hot now to turn back.

Kristina grabbed the two sides of the tie resting around his neck, dragged him down to his knees before her, and kissed him again. His tongue thrust into her mouth, cool and dominant, sliding over hers in the most delicious way. The feel of his hands on her thighs and the way they shifted roughly to her backside and tugged her to the edge of the leather seat sent a quiver through her and flooded her mind with images of him using his strength on her in other ways. She shivered at the vision of him grasping her wrists in one hand and sinking his long cock into her, thrusting wildly until they were both sweaty and hot, both gasping for air and exploding with need.

She bit his lower lip and sucked it into her mouth. He groaned and clutched her backside tighter, clawing at her through the denim. Devil, she wanted him inside her now. She tore at his fancy shirt, not caring that she was wrecking it. She would do the same to his trousers next. She wanted him naked and bucking against her.

Fevered and desperate, she grumbled as she reached his waist and tugged the shirt out. Callum growled when she ripped the two sides apart, sending buttons flying and pinging around the booth. He kissed her deeper, rough and hungry, his mouth hard against hers and tongue thrusting and warring with hers. She twisted her fingers in his long black hair, holding him tightly to her mouth, and went to work on his belt with her other hand.

It was undone in the blink of an eye and her hand went straight to his fly.

Callum groaned, tore away from her, and snarled as he undid his trousers for her, shoving them down around his thighs. She didn’t get a chance to catch a glimpse of his erection. The next thing she saw was the dark ceiling of the club as her back hit the seat, her bottom hanging off it and supported by Callum. The ceiling flashed purple and blue as the lights bounced in time with the pounding music. Callum ripped her jeans open, hooked his fingers into the waist at her hips, and whipped them down to her knees.

His irritated growl made her smile. Boots. They were laced too. She was surprised he didn’t just tear her jeans in half to get at her. The vision of him doing such a thing thrilled her. He set to work on one boot and when Kristina realised that it was going to take too long for him to get them both off her and she didn’t want to wait, she sat up and ran a claw up the laces of her other boot and shoved it off. Callum stared wide eyed at what she had done and then did the same to her other boot, using his claws to cut through the laces.

Kristina wriggled on the seat, her panties wet through with need, burning for Callum. He got her jeans off and then grabbed the sides of her underwear. She shuffled to the edge of the couch and pulled her top off over her head as he dealt with her underwear. Her heart pounded at the thought of being caught completely naked by someone but she needed to feel Callum’s bare chest against hers.

His eyes darkened as they found her bare breasts and he palmed them, thumbing her hard nipples. Tingles and shivers danced outwards from their centres and she couldn’t take it. Not this time. She wasn’t looking for foreplay. She needed Callum inside her, had been burning to feel him against her, taking her, all week.

Kristina kissed him again, rough and passionate, a clashing of lips and tongues, and then broke away and looked down between them. His cock was as impressive as she had imagined. She trailed her fingers down the dark line of hair that joined his navel to his erection and then curled her fingers around the granite hard length and squeezed. Callum hissed through his teeth and clenched his jaw, his eyes screwed shut. When they opened again, meeting hers, they were darker than ever, flooded with desire and need that echoed inside her.

He claimed her backside, yanked her to the edge of the seat, and sank his cock into her wet sheath in one hard thrust. Kristina cried into his neck, hands grasping his strong shoulders, and breathed hard. The sting of pain from his swift entry faded as he withdrew and she gasped when he thrust back in, deeper than before, filling her completely. She wrapped her legs around his backside and clung to him as he pumped her hard and fast, frenzied thrusts that still weren’t enough for her. Her heart beat wildly, body quivering with need only he could sate, and she kissed and licked his neck.

His fingers tightened against her bare bottom, digging in, holding her fast as he curled his hips into hers, plunging his long cock hard into her. She rode his passion, matching him strength for strength, not letting him best her. She could take more if he wanted to give it to her.

He groaned when she planted her feet back on the ground and moved off the edge of the seat so she could meet him thrust for thrust. Her calves ached as she supported herself with his help and bore down on him each time he thrust upwards, so their bodies met hard and his cock was sheathed to the hilt.

Kristina kissed him messily each time their bodies met, stealing a brush of his lips or sweep of his tongue. She grasped handfuls of his hair and curled her pelvis, forcing the length of his rigid cock along her sweetest spot. A gasp broke her lips with each delicious plunge of his body into hers that sent a flash of heat blazing through her. It all settled in her abdomen, tightening it until she couldn’t control herself anymore and wildly reached for her climax with him. He muttered her name against her lips and her throat as he kissed and devoured them with his mouth, and she tilted her head back. She couldn’t take any more. It felt too good. Just one more thrust. One more.

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