Craving (28 page)

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Authors: Omar Manejwala

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. The particular tobacco use log I’m referring to is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California and can be found at the University of California, San Francisco Rx for Change program:

. Katie Witkiewitz and Sarah Bowen, “Depression, Craving, and Substance Use Following a Randomized Trial of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention,”
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. Reuven Dar, Nurit Rosen-Korakin, Oren Shapira, Yair Gottlieb, and Hanan Frenk, “The Craving to Smoke in Flight Attendants: Relations with Smoking Deprivation, Anticipation of Smoking, and Actual Smoking,”
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. Nicole K. Lee, Sonja Pohlman, Amanda Baker, Jason Ferris, and Frances Kay-Lambkin, “It’s the Thought That Counts: Craving Metacognitions and Their Role in Abstinence from Methamphetamine Use,”
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. Gantt P. Galloway, Edward G. Singleton, Raymond Buscemi, Matthew J. Baggott, Rene M. Dickerhoof, and John E. Mendelson, “An Examination of Drug Craving Over Time in Abstinent Methamphetamine Users,”
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. John Hughes, “Craving among Long-Abstinent Smokers: An Internet Survey,”
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