Crazy For You (4 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Crazy For You
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“Actually,” Eli countered as he swung his gaze back to her, “I thought you could help me go shopping.” He withdrew a card from his back pocket. “I have Daddy’s credit card today.”

She pulled a strip of material off his shoulder. The warmth from his body was still on the fabric, as was his intoxicating scent. “I guess I can take off a few hours to go shopping.” Besides, that was the only way she could really get to know him.

George elbowed her in the ribs. “Now don’t disappoint me, honey. You better bring him back looking like Gerard Butler.”

couldn’t hold back her laugh this time. “Oh, I’ll try. Just let me grab my purse.” She walked into her office, picked up her purse and keys, then side-by-side, she and Eli left the shop.

He didn’t say a word until they reached her car, and it was just to say, “Here, let me open the door for you.”

She allowed him to take her keys, and when his fingers brushed by hers, her heart fluttered again. She tried ignoring the feeling when he opened her door, and then like a gentleman, he closed it after she climbed in. She waited until he was in and had his seat belt on before speaking.

“I’m surprised to see you today.”

He looked at her. “Why? I told you I wouldn’t give up.”

She chuckled and started the car. “I thought I had dreamed it all last night.”

“Oh, really?”
He leaned closer. Her gaze fell to his lips as they curled into a grin. “Is that why you called Lisa’s
you were in your office,
and asked
about Adam and Joshua Montgomery?”

She sucked in a quick breath. “How did you know?”

“I overheard.” He reached up to his ear and took out a hearing aide. “George was talking my ear off, but I had my hearing device tuned into your office.”

Her cheeks heated, so she looked away. “Okay, I’ll confess, although I thought last night was a dream, you did bring up some good points that made me want to ask questions.”

His finger stroked her chin, turning her face to his. Her heart seemed to jump to her throat and she cursed his

“I take it you didn’t find any answers,” he asked.


“Don’t give up. We’ll find them.”

won’t. Listen, Eli, I still don’t believe you’re from the future.”

He shrugged. “Then who am I and how did I get your father’s ring?”

“Wish I knew.”

He chuckled and sat back in his seat. “For now, let’s just pretend we’re cousins.” He gave her a wink.

Shaking her head, she put the car in drive and headed toward her destination further into the city. As she drove, her mind filled with questions that needed answering before she went completely insane.
Hopefully, he would give her reassuring answers. His
presence bothered her, almost as much as her confusion.



“Can you kindly explain what you meant last night when you suggested
was using me for the prestige my family’s name will bring him?”

He chuckled. “Your father was the Senator of New York a couple of years ago.”

She scowled, tightening her hands on the steering wheel. “I don’t see how my father has anything to do with
is a powerful man in his own right. Why would he need my father?”

“Because the state of New York loved your father when he was Senator.
Your father has certain connections
will never possess.”

“It still doesn’t make sense.”

“Believe me,
, it will in a few years when
befriends some of the connections through your father, and it’s through them that he gains more power.”

Rolling her eyes, she concentrated on driving in silence. During the fifteen minutes it took to get to the store, Eli played with the radio stations. The constant flipping of channels grated on her nerves, but finally he settled on classic rock. He hummed along and tapped his toe. She couldn’t believe how well she enjoyed his deep voice.

One thing that bothered her was the way he kept his eyes on the road...and on the other cars passing. Whenever a car would stop beside them as they waited for a traffic light, Eli would scrunch in the seat and put his hand to his face as if he didn’t want anyone to look at him. Perhaps he didn’t like crowds. So, instead of taking him to Montgomery Aisle, she took him to a smaller men’s clothing store.
One not so elaborate.

When she pulled into a parking stall and killed the engine, he leaned over and touched her arm. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For not deserting me.”
He stroked her cheek. “You’re an exceptional woman.”

His attention dropped to her lips, and an irregular pound began in her heart. Would he kiss her? But he pulled away, opened his door and climbed out. She remained seated only until she could control her quick breaths, but soon he opened her door again.

He held out his hand for her to take, which she did. She couldn’t tear her attention away from his eyes when his warm fingers encompassed hers; the warmth from his body blended with hers and caused havoc to her system. Eli had literally
put a spell on

“Tell me, do all the men from your time possess such superb manners?”

His chest shook with silent laughter. “No.”

“Then why are you so different?”

“Where I come from, it’s not often I see a real lady. Believe me when I say it’s an honor to treat you like this.” He gave her a wink. “I enjoy giving attention to such a beautiful woman.”

Her cheeks tingled with a familiar burning and she looked away. “Okay, Eli, if anybody asks, you are my cousin from...from...”

“Minnesota? Just off the farm?”

He poked her in the ribs and she jumped. The mere touch of his finger sparked something incredible in her that she didn’t want to think about.

She let out a shaky laugh. “Okay, from Minnesota.”

He stayed right by her side as they walked through the small store. Her elbow continued to bump into his, causing greater confusion when heat spread all over her. She didn’t exactly like it—or maybe she liked it more than she should. When most of the women in the store gazed upon Eli as if he were the hunk-of-the-month,
grinned. They must be looking past his outdated clothes and hideous sandals.

She was used to walking beside a good-looking man;
was extremely handsome. But there was something different about Eli. He was as dark as
was light—both in skin and hair color, and Eli’s
skin looked very good on him. He wasn’t as tall as
, but somehow because of this, she was more relaxed around him. The future-man wasn’t as cocky and assured as
, and Eli was more easy-going. Secretly, she wished
were more like Eli.

The future man turned into a totally different man once he started trying on clothes. His zany personality came forth, and he made her laugh too many times to count, especially when he chose a style of clothing that made him look like George.

He walked out of the dressing room, swinging his hips in a feminine rhythm,
posed right in front of her with his hands at his waist. “Tell me,
. Do you think George would approve?”

Laughter burst from her. “Oh, yes. You’d be George’s hero for sure. Forget about Gerard what’s-his-name.”

Eli’s smile relaxed as he touched his finger to his chin, slowly tapping as he looked over his shoulder at his side profile in the full-length mirror. “Umm, I don’t know.” His hands slid down the leather tight pants, bringing
’s attention to his very powerful legs and buttocks.

“These pants might work, but where will I be able to wear them?” He switched his gaze back to her. “And how will I sit without them ripping my crotch and showing off my lacey thong underwear?”

Once again, she let out a bark of laughter. Without another word, he shrugged and sashayed back into the dressing room.

What was it about this man that could make her heart sing not even twelve hours after meeting him? And why couldn’t
make her heart leap as Eli had done? This man was still a stranger to her, yet she was more comfortable with him than her own fiancé. The new feeling scared her. Why would she feel this way about a man who was obviously insane? At least his time-travel story was.

She breathed a heavy sigh. Hopefully, she’d figure out his real story and get rid of him. She wasn’t supposed to be having feelings like this. She was engaged, for heaven’s sake. She must remember
was real
Eli wasn’t.

After another hour, Eli picked out three full outfits—some she had to tell him to put back because they didn’t match—and had the purchases charged to his credit card. Men! She didn’t want to ask in front of the cashier, but she wond
ered where he’d gotten the card, especially if he was from the future.

She tried to help him with his bags, but he refused. As they walked to her car, he was just enough in front of her that she could see his bulging biceps...and oh, what wonderful bunches of muscles he had. Dare she say his body looked
more muscular t
han her own fiancé’s?

Once again, he tried not to be noticed as he held the bags close to his face, or turned his back to the traffic.
Very strange.
She opened the trunk for him and he piled the bags inside.

He closed the trunk and stepped in front of her, draping his arms over her shoulders. “Okay,
, what other forms of entertainment do you have in store for me today?”

Her heart hammered. If he only knew
she was seriously thinking of spending more time with him
. But no, she must not even think of such things. She was engaged to the perfect man. She just had to remember that. Yet it was so hard!

After climbing in the car, she rested her hands on the steering wheel and waited for him to enter through the passenger’s side. He met her stare and smiled.

“Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?” she asked.

His smile disappeared. “No. I was hoping we could spend more time getting to know each other better.”

Her heart clenched, realizing he had the same thoughts as she had.

“Because I want to do all I can to make you trust me—and help me.”

took a deep breath in through the nostrils and released it slowly out her mouth. “I just don’t see how that can happen.”

“Please.” He placed his hand on her arm, staring deeply into her eyes. “Give me a chance.”

For the love of…
How could she turn down a plea like that
after staring into his huge green, puppy-dog eyes

“All right,” she said, “we’ll go back to my house to talk.”

His smile returned. “Thank you.”

She started the car and pulled out on the street. Once again, he kept his hand blocking his face when they passed other cars.

“Tell me, Eli. Do you have some place to stay?”


“Where did you sleep last night?”

“Park bench.
Two of them, actually.”

She threw him a confused stare. “Two?”

“Yes. When the first police officer woke me and told me to move on, I had to find another bench.”

Nodding, she contemplated his story—everything he’d told her so far. It was like reading her father’s book all over again, mixed with watching the movie,
The Terminator.

“Eli, in your time, where do you live?”

“In a house.”

She rolled her eyes. “Here, in New York?”


“Are you a wealthy person?”

“I’m considered middle-class.”

“So you’d mentioned a battalion of men before. Does that mean you’re a military man?”

“In a sense, yes.”
He adjusted in his seat, turning more her way. “There are many people like me who are forming groups to try and stop
. The problem is
he has a lot of people on his payroll.”

She really didn’t want to talk about that right now. The confusion gave her a greater headache. “How long will you be here in my time?”

“Only one week.”

She glanced at him again,
switched her attention back to the afternoon traffic.
“Why only a week?”

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