Crazy For You (22 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Crazy For You
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“Come on, honey,” Clint said with a smile, urging her on.

Murmurs rustled through the crowd as rodeo officials allowed her through a gate that let her into the arena. She walked across the dirt arena to where Clint waited.

When she reached him, he held the mic up to his lips. “Ella, you’re an amazing woman and you’ve taught me so much about myself and who and where I want to be.”

His words weren’t sinking in and she could barely comprehend what he was doing as he dug in his jeans pocket, brought out something and sank to one knee.

He held the mic with one hand as he extended his other. She caught her breath, her mind nearly spinning when she saw what he was holding. A diamond ring.

“Ella Fisher, I love you.” His brown eyes were filled with warmth and love as he spoke, yet a little uncertainty, too. “Will you marry me?”

Tears started to flow down Ella’s cheeks, heat filling her from head to toe. Her entire body trembled and then she nodded.

“Yes,” she said, her words coming out clearly. “I love you, Clint, and I will marry you.”

A grin split his face and as he rose, he handed the mic to someone standing nearby.

Ella’s hand trembled as Clint took her ring finger and slid the simple diamond solitaire onto her finger. It was a little loose, but it was gorgeous.

Clint scooped her up by her waist and spun her around. She laughed as tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Vaguely she heard the roar of the crowd as the audience cheered.

He set her on her feet and took her in his arms and brought her up close to him. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hard. It was the sweetest, most wonderful kiss they’d ever shared.

When he raised his head, he brushed her tears away with his thumbs then kissed her again.

She smiled at him when they parted and he pushed her hair behind her ear. “I hope this means you’re staying,” she said.

“I wouldn’t go anywhere without you,” he said. “You are home to me.”

She flung her arms around his neck. “I love you, Clint McBride.”

“I love you.” He squeezed her close. “I love you so much.”

“Now can we give the results of your ride?” the announcer called out and the crowd laughed.

Clint drew Ella to the side, his arm around her shoulder as they listened to the announcer give the score. His score was one point beneath Johnny’s.

“That makes Johnny Parker our three-time champion!” the announcer shouted and the crowd cheered.

Johnny walked out to the applause of the crowd. The first thing he did was walk to Ella and Clint. He gave Ella a big hug then shook Clint’s hand.

“Congratulations, man.” Johnny’s smile looked genuine. “Make sure you take care of her. Ella’s one in a million.”

Clint put his arm around her shoulders again and smiled down at her. “Yes, she is.”

She couldn’t stop smiling. “Congratulations on winning, Johnny.”

“I’d say you two are the winners.” Johnny didn’t sound the least bit bitter and Ella felt even more happiness as Johnny added, “I will always be here for you, friend.”

She nodded. “Me, too.”

Johnny touched the brim of his hat and turned away toward the announcement stand.

Ella tipped her face up to look at Clint and he kissed her again.

She swore she heard fireworks as they kissed. Fireworks that would last a lifetime.


Chapter 28


“No wonder you liked traveling across Europe.” Ella looked up at Clint as they passed through the doors of an older but beautiful Monte Carlo hotel. “It’s amazing—so much history and such richness of culture. Monaco is my favorite place that we’ve visited so far.”

Clint squeezed her hand as they walked through the luxurious hotel. “I always enjoyed a little trip through this tiny country.”

As they headed across miles of opulent carpeting toward the elevators, she asked, “So, tomorrow the Italian Riviera?”

He nodded. “The Riviera dei Fiore. I think you’re going to love it.”

“I’m sure I will.” She smiled. “Sounds beautiful and romantic.”

“Almost as beautiful as you, Mrs. McBride.” He kissed the top of her head as he put his arm around her shoulders and they stepped into an elevator. “And almost as romantic.”

The two words, Mrs. McBride, sent warmth through her. She’d been Clint’s wife for a week now and they’d traveled from Paris to Nice and the French Riviera, and here to Monaco and Monte Carlo. They would be moving on to Italy tomorrow and ultimately end up in Venice on this trip.

It had been six months since Clint proposed. In the meantime they’d built a new home on a piece of property that he’d purchased with the proceeds from his horse ranch in Argentina. They lived close enough to the Fisher ranch that Clint could still help out while he started a horse ranch on his own property. Carl would be hiring a new foreman soon, as Clint grew busier with his and Ella’s ranch.

Clint had also designed and built Ella a beautiful studio on their new property, which she’d loved the moment she set foot in it. The studio had a wonderfully creative atmosphere that leant itself to her ability to work on her sculptures for hours at a time, with lots of natural light. Now that she had a good income from her art, and was able to help her parents keep their ranch afloat and growing, she felt a freedom like she’d never felt before.

She’d never been as happy as she was with Clint and having the opportunity to do what she loved, her artwork.

The GTO was also finished and Clint insisted that she drive it around instead of her old rusted truck.

The showing of her bronzes had been a huge success, and almost every one of them had sold. She’d been able to bank a good deal of the income.

Her thoughts turned back to Clint as he said, “There are so many places I want to show you.” As they rode up in the elevator, Clint held her close to his side. “And one of these days I’ll take you to Argentina, too.”

 “I’d like that.” She tilted her face to smile up at him. “I’d love to go everywhere you’ve been.”

He gave a low laugh. “That would probably take years of visits like this one.”

“Works for me,” she said as they stepped out of the elevator and into the hall leading to their hotel room.

He laughed. “I’m of a like mind, honey.”

When they reached the door, Clint unlocked it then let them into the spacious room. He closed the door behind them and helped her take off her light jacket. The moment it was off, he swooped her into his arms.

Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “What are you doing?”

He carried her to the bed and gently laid her in the middle of it. The duvet was soft beneath her as he looked down at her with a tender expression.

“I am going to make love to you.” His voice was low, his tone sensual. “I want you to lie there while I unwrap you.”

He looked so sexy and sensual with his two days’ stubble, the deep brown of his eyes, and his handsome features. She loved to watch his powerful body and the contradiction of his gentleness with her.

She bit her lower lip as he sat on the edge of the bed at her feet and removed her walking shoes. He rolled down her socks and slipped them off before massaging each foot, moving his fingers from her toes to her heels.

He moved up her body and reached for the button on her jeans before easing down her zipper. Her body tingled everywhere he touched her. As he slid her jeans over her hips, he trailed his fingers along her bare skin, causing her to shiver from his sensual touch.

After he removed her jeans, he drew her blouse up and she adjusted herself so that he could pull it over her head, leaving her only in her black bra and panties. With slow, sensuous movements, he eased them off her body until she was stripped bare to him.

His own clothing he removed more quickly but never took his gaze from hers. When he was naked, he stood beside the bed and looked at her with such love and tenderness in his expression that it brought tears to her eyes.

He moved on to the bed and lay beside her. “What’s wrong, honey?”

“I—I have something to tell you.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve been waiting for the right moment, and I think this is it.” She reached up and cupped the side of his face. “I’m pregnant.”

A look of shock crossed his face and he placed his palm on her flat belly, the warmth of his hand traveling through her. “I’m going to be a daddy?”

She nodded. “And I’m going to be a mommy.”

He kissed her long, slow, and sweet. When he raised his head there was a joy in his eyes that brought tears to hers. He brushed away the tears. “Next to you, that is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.”

She smiled. “Then you’re happy about it?”

“How could I not be?” He moved over her, bracing his hands to either side of her so that his body warmth met hers but his weight wasn’t completely on her.

“Make love to me.” She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He spread her thighs with his hips and placed his cock to her core. In the next moment he was sliding into her, stretching her, filling her. She caught her breath at the feel of him inside her, making her feel whole, complete.

As their gazes held, he moved slowly in and out of her, a gentle rhythm that grew in intensity.

She parted her lips as a windstorm of sensation built inside her. She kept her eyes focused on his, feeling his love straight through to her soul.

When her orgasm hit, she cried out and clung to him as her body convulsed, her core contracting around his cock as he continued to drive himself inside her.

His expression tightened right before he gave a growl as he came inside her. She moved her hips with his, wanting to draw out his climax and hers.

As they each came down from their orgasmic high, he brought her into his arms and held her close, her head tucked under his chin. She breathed in his masculine scent, letting it fill her. Their bodies were warm with perspiration, their hearts beating as one.

“A family.” He squeezed her tight and kissed the top of her head. “I was a nomad for so long. Now I have you, a home, and a baby on the way. A man couldn’t ask for more.”

“Or a woman.” She adjusted herself so that she could look into his eyes. “You have every bit of love I could ever give a man and more. You are a part of me.”

“And you are a part of me.” He kissed her, letting his mouth take hers completely. When he raised his head, he said, “Here’s to our future. One filled with love and more to spare.”

“Here’s to us,” she said, and he kissed her again.


Also by Cheyenne McCray


“Riding Tall” Series

Branded For You

Roping Your Heart

Fencing You In

Tying You Down

Playing With You

Crazy for You


“Rough and Ready” Series

Silk and Spurs

Lace and Lassos

Champagne and Chaps

Satin and Saddles

Roses and Rodeo

Lingerie and Lariats

Lipstick and Leather


 “Altered States” Series

Dark Seduction


“Dark Enforcers” Series

Night’s Captive


Lexi Steele Novels

The First Sin

The Second Betrayal

The Temptation




From St. Martin’s Press:


“Night Tracker” Series

Demons Not Included

No Werewolves Allowed

Vampires Not Invited

Zombies Sold Separately

Vampires Dead Ahead


“Magic” Series

Forbidden Magic

Seduced by Magic

Wicked Magic

Shadow Magic

Dark Magic


Single Title

Moving Target

Chosen Prey




No Rest for the Witches

Real Men Last All Night

Legally Hot

Chicks Kick Butt

Hotter than Hell

Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romances

Mammoth Book of Special Ops Romances

Cheyenne writing as Jaymie Holland


“The Auction” Series






“Taboo” Series

Taking it Home

Losing Control

Alluring Stranger

Taboo Desires: three Tales of Lust and Passion

Playing Rough: three Stories of Sensual Submission



Paranormal Single Title

The Touch

Come to Me

Playing With You

Cheyenne McCray


The moment they walked in the door to Ricki’s home, Garrett slammed the door hard behind him and grabbed her up in his arms. He grasped her ass and pressed her hard against him as his mouth took hers.

A shiver went through her that had nothing to do with her soaked clothing, and everything to do with the way he was kissing her. It was hungry and almost harsh, his lips bruising hers.

She responded with her own hunger for him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing herself as close to him as she could, even closer than he already had her. His cock was so hard against her belly that it sent a thrill through her, straight to that place between her thighs. She’d never wanted a man like she wanted Garrett, and she was finally going to have him.

The next thing she knew, her head was spinning as he took her down to the floor and onto a thick rug in the entryway. His baseball cap dropped to the rug as he kissed her, and she hooked her thighs around his hips as he pressed his jean-clad cock against her center. She squirmed beneath him as she moaned with need.

They were still coated with mud, their clothing soaked through. She didn’t care if he took off his clothes—she just wanted to feel him inside her as soon and as fast as possible.

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