Crazy Maybe (25 page)

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Authors: A. D. Justice

BOOK: Crazy Maybe
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“You ready to tell me why I couldn’t just drag
the bastard
out of the club and save us all a lot of trouble?” I ask as I nestle my face into her neck, just below her ear.

She takes a deep, calming breath and looks up to give me a faint smile.  “Maybe he doesn’t know about us yet.  He was here as a threat to me, I know that much.  We could have an ace in the hole if you don’t drag him out here and beat the crap out of him.”

“So I could be like a
-type of undercover spy?” I ask with a snort.  This earns me her award-winning smile.

“Something like that, tough guy,” she quips.

“To be honest, I’d rather just drag the bastard out here and be done with him.  But I’m willing to try it your way first,” and I mean it.  I would rather fucking drag the bastard out here, stomp his ass and ship him off in a freight container where he can be a love slave to his eternally horny, male gorilla cellmate.

“Baby,” I add with a kiss, “as much as I love having your legs wrapped around me, think you can let go now so I can breathe?”

She smiles ruefully and releases her legs from around me.  I make a big show of exaggerated breaths and broken ribs until I have her laughing again.  Music to my ears.

I’m not willing to risk her safety by going back in to get her clothes so I’ll just have to suffer the view on the ride home.  Now if I can talk her into torturing me with this view for a little while longer in her bedroom, I’ll pass out from exhaustion a very happy man tonight.  Knowing that tomorrow morning will bring a world of hurt back to her, tonight I will bring her every bit of pleasure I can muster from my considerable arsenal.

We step into her house and I lock the door behind me, set the alarm and stalk after her as she makes her way to her bedroom.  Her taut ass swings side to side as she walks, unaware that I’m completely entranced by her.  She’s about to start undressing when I wrap my arms around her from behind and still her hands.  “Have I told you how hot you look in this outfit?”

She sighs in pleasure as I run my tongue up and down her neck, stopping to nip and kiss along the way.  My hands love the feel of her body, moving up from her stomach to cup her breasts.  She moans out loud when I rub the pads of my thumbs across her nipples, causing them to pebble under my touch.  I move my hands under her barely-there shirt, “
You’re not wearing a bra under this
flimsy thread?”

“No,” she moans and tilts her head back as I continue rubbing her sensitive buds. 

“If I’d known that….,” I can’t even finish the thought.  I would’ve already taken her.  I would’ve snatched her off that stage and away from all those eyes.   I rip what’s left of the shirt off of her, fully revealing her beautiful breasts.  She gasps in response.

My hands flatten against her stomach and glide over her soft, supple skin until they reach her barely-there shorts and the V between her legs.  One hand slides between her legs and I rub her from
nub to ass and back again.  I growl when I feel the wetness through her shorts and press my growing erection into the middle of her exquisite ass.  Moving the fabric aside, I push one finger deep into her wetness.  “
No panties either?”

She shakes her head no. 

I grab one side of the shorts and completely rip them from her body, too.  She cries out in ecstasy and I grab a fist full of her hair to pull her face back to me.  My mouth covers hers and my tongue pushes lightly on the part of her lips, urging her to give it passage.  She obeys and I completely overtake her mouth, invading it with my tongue and owning her with it.  She responds with full fury and need.

I walk her to the bed and gently push her head forward until she’s bending over at the waist with her hands on the bed.  “Stay there, just like that.”


“Stay.  There.”


I step back and shed all my clothes in an instant.  I am so damn hard now I could cut diamonds and still shatter a Ginsu knife with it.  I gently thrust my hips to rub along the crease in her ass.  She’s panting and writhing in anticipation and it turns me on even more.  I reposition myself to her soft folds and gently rub it back and forth, barely penetrating as my hips surge forward.  With each thrust, her eagerness increases and she pushes her hips back in an attempt to take me in her.

I pull back and she groans in frustration.  I run my hands across the small of her back and one finger gently trails her from the top of the crease in her ass, along her rosebud, across her wetness to her waiting, swollen
nub.  She sucks in a sharp breath and her whole body tenses and her back arches.  She’s so fucking ready for me.  Using my middle finger to apply circular pressure on her nub, my thumb plunges in and she immediately clenches around it.  I move my thumb slowly in and out of her, hooking it and hitting her sweet spot with each movement.

When I feel she is so close to her first orgasm, I stop and she growls loudly at me,
“Ugh!  Don’t stop!”
   I smile widely even though she can’t see me.  I drop to my knees and start again with my tongue.   She cries out as I take it in my mouth and suck on it, then lightly graze it with my teeth.  Then I plunge two fingers deep into her, moving fast and hard.  She screams my name with her first full blown orgasm and her knees start to buckle below her.

Using my hands on her hips to steady her, I tell her to lean over and put her weight on the bed again.  I stand and run my hands over the sexy, muscular globes of her ass.  “Are you ready for me?”

“Fuck, yes, Luke!” 
My sexy little vixen.

“Hold tight, baby.”  I see her h
ands grab the comforter tightly, waiting for me.  I crave the wet, velvety feel of her wrapped around me.  She always stretches to take me in and fits me like a glove.  I can’t wait any longer to be inside her. 

I push in slowly the first time so I don’t hurt her, “Oh God, Luke!”  My hips rock back and forth, faster and faster, as she takes all of me into her. 

“You like that?”

it,” she purrs back at me over her shoulder.  She’s so responsive to every touch and word tonight and the sounds she makes drives me wild.  I feel her shudder as she tightens around me over and over again until she tells me she can’t take anymore.  We finish together, with Andi screaming my name as my fingers dig into the perfect skin on her hips until I’m completely spent inside her.  I gently pull back and watch as her arms give out and she falls flat on her stomach.  She has the most beautiful smile on her face.

She’s just dozing off and jumps when water drops from the wet washcloth in my hand falls on her back.  Raising her head from the bed, she looks over her shoulder at me and I give her a sheepish smile.  I really didn’t mean to do that but since she’s awake, I roll her over to her back and gently rub the cloth between her legs to clean her up.  She rubs her hand along my jaw and quietly whispers, “I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby.”  I take my place beside her and she rolls over to face me.  I am mesmerized by the love shining in her eyes and I’m struck by how lucky I am to have her in my life. 

“I’ve been thinking,” she whispers.

“Uh-oh,” I tease.

She smiles before she continues, “I don’t want you to play 007 with
Rhoades.  He always has security around him.  I can’t believe he didn’t have it in the club.  But when he’s in political mode, you won’t be able to get close to him.  Maybe I should just do a press conference….let them ask their questions and get it all out there.”

“Why do you want to do that?” I can’t keep the concern from my voice.

“Because the parents are trying to keep the kids away from me at the center now.  They think I’m some psychotic monster.”  Her voice is filled with pain and it makes me want to jerk Jackson Rhoades up by the balls even more.

“If you decide to do the press conference, I will stand by you.  We need to think through all the backlash you could get though.”  She suddenly has a thoughtful, concerned look on her face and I know she’s not thinking of how the backlash will hit her.  She’s thinking of how it will hit everyone

“Maybe we should go see your parents tomorrow.” She’s looking off over my shoulder in deep thought as she makes her statement.

came out of the damn blue. 




Once everything I’ve gone through comes out into the open, I think Sam and Linda will feel guilty and have a really hard time with their part in it.  Even though Sam betrayed me, he did it for the sake of his family.  While it still hurt like hell, I can’t completely blame him for wanting to protect his family and his business.  I want to be the one to explain it all to them before I talk to the press.  I don’t want anyone in Luke’s family to be blindsided by this whole mess.

Luke was surprised when I said we should go to his parents’ house.  I know he hasn’t spent much time with them since Sam admitted what he did to us.  I don’t want to be the cause of a family fight so I want to put this behind me as much as I want Luke to put it behind him.  He’s never known what being orphaned really feels like, or what having no family really does to you.  I don’t wish that on anyone.  So, I talked him into going for a visit today.  He doesn’t look thrilled.

He’s been quiet on the short drive over but the scowl hasn’t left his face.  It get
s worse as we pull in the driveway and he turns off the ignition.  Without looking at me he says, “We don’t have to do this, Andi.  We can still leave.”

It’s taken me a week to convince him to do this and I’m not backing down now.  I squeeze his hand, “Tell me why you don’t want to do this, Luke.”  I can feel the sadness I see in his eyes when he finally makes eye contact with me.

"Because I can't believe what my parents did to us, and....," he exhales a long, sad breath, "I can't believe what I did to you. Here.  In this house."

I know a thing or two about regrets and I know that is what Luke is feeling right now.  But I also know a thing or two about loss and I can't be the reason he loses his family.  I may have mixed feelings about what his father did, but I have no doubt he loves Luke.  This is the right thing to do.  I just have to convince this stubborn man who stole my heart.

"We've all done things we regret.  What matters is how we heal the ones we've hurt. Some say it should come easy if it's real love but that's just not true.  Love is never easy - love hurts sometimes.  It causes insecurities and jealousies.  Relationships take work -
takes work.  And happiness requires forgiving others.  I forgive you.  Your parents need you to forgive them."

Luke pulled back, leaning his back on the door, and smiled at me with a slightly amused look.  He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair, making it look messy and even sexier. "I'm always amazed by you, Andi."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm supposed to be the shrink here."

?" My confusion is obvious - I have no idea what he's talking about.

He's hesitant to answer me at first and I'm sensing I may not like his answer.  He grabs both my hands in his, as if he's sure I will bounce from the car and never been seen again.  He finally explains, "I have an advanced degree in psychology.  I'm a counselor, Andi.  Or I was."

I am speechless. How could I not know this about him after all this time?  And all that has happened between us.  And all that he knows about me.  Before I can respond, he continues.

"I can't even guess what you're thinking right now but I didn't keep this from you intentionally.  My career choice is part of the problems with my parents.  They think I should be Dr. Woods but I wasn't happy in that role.  Look, I know we need to talk about this more, but can we finish this later?"

Too many suspicions are taking root in my thinking right now and I'm really trying to not jump to conclusions without hearing him out first.  I stare at him like it's the first time I've seen him for what seems like several minutes as different scenarios play out in my mind.  I finally nod in agreement with his request to finish this later.  Pulling my hands from his, he reluctantly releases me and I exit the car without another word.  Confusion seems to be a permanent state of mind lately.

Once inside the house, I hear voices coming from the formal living room and I freeze when I hear one deep, masculine laugh carry through the foyer.  Luke is holding me hand and at first he doesn't notice I've stopped walking.  He stops walking with a jolt when I don't budge from my spot.

"No," I whisper anxiously, "It can't be," even though I know it's true.

Luke is studying my reaction when he hears the laugh then notices the goose
bumps rising all over my skin.  He's about to speak when my feet suddenly start moving of their own accord and carry me towards the laugh of my nightmares.  I don't stop until I reach the living room doorway and see the devil incarnate sitting with Sam and Linda.  I feel Luke stop behind me and his hand settles on my waist, giving me his strength.

"Luke, Andi - what a surprise.  We weren't expecting you.  Come in!"  Linda sounds genuinely excited to see us and rushes to e
mbrace each of us.  I hug her but my eyes never leave

Linda tries to pull me into the room but my feet feel like they've been cemented to the floor.  "Let me introduce you to another surprise guest - this must be our day for company," Linda continues, ever the polite host.

Behind me, I feel Luke tense, like a snake coiled and ready to strike.  Only he's about to strike at the worst serpent I know.  I finally move into the room but I will not sit and pretend this man has done nothing.  Luke and I are both openly starting at Jackson as he finishes his conversation with Sam.

"I've selfishly taken enough of your time today, Sam.  You and Linda have been too kind to indulge my unannounced visit.  Please accept my apologies.  I should be going and let you enjoy some family time," Jackson's political charm and wit oozes out of every pore but I know what filth it really is.

Sam and Linda object to his apology and urge him to stay longer to talk with us.  Jackson knows better, though.  I can see it in his eyes and he can see it in mine.  He's not willing to risk being exposed right now.  He must not have his plan fully vetted yet - whatever it is no doubt involves Luke and his family now. 
The supposed press conference he was supposed to hold today must have been a ruse to distract me because he is definitely not in DC to answer questions.

Jackson stands, moves towards me and his body language says he's about to extend his arm to shake my hand.  I recoil from his close proximity while at the same time Luke steps in front of me to block his attempt.  Jackson's brows furrow and his face registers his uneasiness about the whole situation.  Sam and Linda watch us curiously as Jackson says his goodbyes.  Sam walks him ou
t and Linda turns to Luke and me with her eyebrows raised in a silent question.

Luke's arms are crossed over his massive chest and he's still in his fighting stance.  He hasn't come down from the adrenaline high yet.  His eyes are hard and his jaw is set as he says, "Wait until Dad gets back."  Linda nods in agreement and offers us a drink.  As tempting as that sounds, I don't really think now is the time.

Sam returns to the living room just in time to keep Luke from wearing a path in the hardwood floor from his pacing.  Luke wastes no time with idle chit-chattery, "What in the hell was
doing here, Dad?"

Sam looks stunned and asks, "Do you know who
is, son?"  His authoritative tone says he thinks he knows something we don't. 

"We know who he is, Mr. Woods.  How do you know him?"  I blurt out.  This is the first time I've spoken to them since that horrible day
at the lawyer’s office and I have to admit I'm having a harder time with it than I thought I would.  Especially since Satan was just a guest here.

Sam looks taken aback but stammers out an answer, "Well, we don't really know him, Andi.  He was a politician here for a long time before moving up in the DC world.  He said he's trying to get back to his grassroots beginnings.  He heard about the development deal I have with Donovan and wanted to work with me on improving economic conditions in Georgia."

"So the
Speaker of the House
just showed up here, at your house, out of the blue, to talk about a real estate development deal you have with
someone else
?"  I am more than skeptical and it's obvious in my pissed off tone of voice.

Sam looks confused for a second but then reality seems to dawn on him.  "It does seem strange when you put it that way.  Why do you ask?"

"Dad, you better have a seat," Luke says flatly.  He knows this is going to be a long discussion.

After two hours of telling, retelling, repeating, explaining and generally regurgitating every detail of the whole sordid mess, Sam and Linda sit speechless for several long minutes.  Sam lowers his face into his hands and I notice his shoulders lightly shaking. 

I'm sure he's not laughing, unless he's suddenly become delirious, in which case I completely understand.  No such luck, though.  When he finally looks up, his eyes are watery and bloodshot from crying.

"Andi....the property....the deal with's all...," his voice trails off as he catches his breath and forces the next word
s, "Its blood money.  I benefited at the expense of abused kids, including you."

"No, Mr. Woods.  This is exactly why I wanted to talk to both of you before all this comes out in the press.  That property
belonged to my dad.  The deal with Donovan was all business.  Neither has anything to do with what Jackson Rhoades did," I explained.

"But I used what happened against you....My God, what have I done?"  Sam sounds more distraught as he jumps to his feet and starts pacing.  He's rubbing his chest, the left side of his neck and his left jaw.  These are not good signs.

"Mr. Woods, take a few deep breaths and sit down. You don't look so well," my words are falling on deaf ears.

"Mr. Woods - if you don't sit down, calm down and take a few deep breaths, I'm calling an ambulance," I yell at him and get everyone's attention.  Sam drops down on the couch without much thought to where.

"What have I done to you, Andi?  This is what you meant when you said I didn't know what this could do to me, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is
partly what I meant," I confirm.  He sounds broken and I know how that feels.  Not too long ago, I also felt broken in this very house. 

"He wouldn't have wanted those pictures released so now he's concerned about damage control.  You, Linda, Luke...everyone....will be part of that damage control in some way.  Even if that means he has to ruin you to do it.  He may have had me locked up, but he's the crazy one."

Sam and Linda give us a verbatim recount of their visit with Jackson. There's nothing blatantly obvious to me about what Jackson's plans are but there's no doubt he's up to something.  I suggested to Luke that we talk to Hugh Donovan to ask if Jackson has visited him, too. 

An uncomfortable silence has taken over the room.  Sam and Linda are sitting together but neither are looking at anything in particular.  Luke is visibly uncomfortable, sitting on the edge of his chair like he's ready to evacuate the premises at any second, and he's staring at the floor.  I clear my throat and everyone looks at me.

"So, let's talk about the elephant in the room that no one wants to mention."

Luke snorts and quickly coughs to try to cover it up.  I look at him and smile reassuringly.   He covers his mouth with his hand, trying to be nonchalant, but it doesn't work.  He starts laughing quietly and then he loses control completely as his deep, masculine laugh reverberates off the walls and he leans back in his chair.

"Feel better?"  I ask teasingly.

Smiling from ear to ear, he answers, "Yes, actually.  Leave it up to you to blurt out what we're all thinking."  I shrug one shoulder to indicate it's no big deal. 

"You used to call me 'Dad'," Sam says sadly.  The hurt in his voice permeates the room and instantly neither Luke nor I are smiling or laughing. 

What am I supposed to say to that?

"Now you call me ‘Mr. Woods’.  I don't remember you calling me that even when we first met.  I could be wrong....but I don't remember it," he continues with a low, sad tone.

"Can you blame her?"  Luke demands, in my defense.  I appreciate the gesture but I don't want a fight.

"No, son, I don't blame her at all.  It's just...," he looks at me, "I miss it. I miss you calling me dad."

I wipe away the tears falling down my cheeks as I rise and walk
across the room. He stands and I wrap my arms around his neck to hug him.  His voice is strained as he chokes out, over and over again, "I'm so sorry, Andi."

"I forgive you, Dad," I reply through my tears and my own strained voice.  Suddenly, two more arms have encircled us and I hear Linda softly crying at my shoulder as she strokes my hair, "Baby girl."  Then two more strong arms wrap around from the other side and the four of us stand here in a family embrace.

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