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Authors: Marie Harte

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Creations 2: Creation's Control (11 page)

BOOK: Creations 2: Creation's Control
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The need to submit took away his anger, but Ryen wondered if that meant he’d always be free from violent rages, from the desire to kill. He tugged at his collar, wanting to feel at ease. To not worry that anytime he faced a possible threat he’d go off the deep end.

Experiencing love in whatever guise it came to him would be a welcome change from panic attacks and the terror of harming an innocent.

Be it a male or female, Ryen wanted the intimacy. Though to be honest, lately his desire catered towards a specific man. Thanks to Drekk, the thought of a same sex union no longer bothered him. On the contrary, Ryen had a hard time remembering how good it felt to be buried in a woman. And a part of him wanted to feel Drekk’s ass taking him deep. Feeling such tight flesh hugging his cock as he pumped the male full of seed.

Groaning at yet another hard-on needing relief, Ryen turned off the shower and dried himself. He left the lav with the towel around his waist, only to find Drekk holding nipple clamps and a paddle.
Stars, I want this male more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.

His master had a menacing grin on his face, the meanness back in full effect.

With a lusty sigh, Ryen straightened to his full height and gave Drekk the fight he’d been looking for since he’d woken this afternoon.

“Hey Drekk. I have to hand it to you, you taste really good. But as far as the penetration part of this... What say we fight to see who gets it up the ass and who gives it? I’d like to hear the word ‘master’ on your lips.” Ryen held up his bare wrists with a grin. The fury in Drekk’s eyes was worth every minute he’d spent worrying about the bastard. He almost came when Drekk tackled him to the bed in a move so fast he nearly missed it.

Keep pushing and you won’t like me very much.”
Hell, I like you enough right now. So much I ache. Now fuck me ‘til I can’t breathe. Make it
Ryen needed more power than he might have thought to flip Drekk onto his injured back, not playing fair. “Pussy. You’re too weak to give me the fight I need. We’ll do this my way.”

Drekk roared. His eyes grew completely black and he saturated the room in scent.

“Too weak? Your ass is mine, you hulking slave.”

Grabbing Ryen, Drekk rolled him over and fought to keep him down. They slid against each other, from the moisture on Ryen’s body or from something else, Ryen wasn’t sure. The friction between their bodies had him distracted. Though he didn’t want to win this fight, his struggles grew weaker when he realised he
win even if he had wanted to.

Drekk was too damned strong.

Drekk twisted him onto his belly and ripped his towel away. He shoved a pillow under Ryen’s waist, and the possible reason for that had Ryen shaking and suddenly breathless. Blanketing Ryen, Drekk manacled his wrists on either side of his waist and prodded Ryen’s ass with a hard cock.

“You’re lucky I lubed up while you were in the lav or this would hurt a lot more,” Drekk snarled as he shoved his dick hard and fast straight into Ryen’s ass.

Chapter Eight

Ryen couldn’t budge under Drekk’s incredible strength. Like a demon possessed, Drekk pounded into him with violence. The pain Ryen felt didn’t surprise him, but the sheer, growing pleasure did. Each rasp of Drekk’s skin against his, of the swell of his cock inside Ryen’s body made him want to come. The magnetic connection between them intensified as Drekk came hard and continued to thrust.

“That’s right, take my cum, Ryen. Take your master’s seed. I’m going to fuck you until you’re bathing in it. All of me, Ryen, all of me,” Drekk rasped as he fucked harder. Ryen’s balls filled, needing release. Each shove of Drekk deep inside him, the grunts, the sweat, the slick glide of flesh between them only sweetened the desire riding him hard. Fuelled by Drekk’s passion, Ryen groaned, begged and pleaded for Drekk to touch him.

“No, you take what I give you. You don’t spend until I let you,” Drekk said in an odd, echoed tone that made Ryen want to grovel at his feet. Such sheer pleasure, such blissful relief to please another.

“Fuck yes, more, again,” Drekk groaned and pulled out, jetting all over Ryen’s back.

Ryen would have thought he’d wrung Drekk dry even as felt the hot wetness on his skin. Dear night, he ached so badly for Drekk’s touch he hurt.

“Don’t move,” Drekk said between breaths as he lowered his head. Ryen could feel Drekk’s forehead between his shoulder blades. Then the soft press of lips.

Tears of joy filled Ryen’s eyes as he fought not to spill into the bedsheets. His cock was so sensitive he feared he’d burst any minute.

“On your back,” Drekk said and rose.

Ryen shifted onto his back. Drekk disappeared into the lav and returned wiping his dick down with a damp cloth. As he neared, Ryen smelled Drekk’s musk and the citrus scent of soap.

“Put your hand around your cock.”

Ryen groaned. “I’m going to come if I do.”

“No, you won’t.” Drekk stared, his gaze still dark with emotion. “Grip it hard. Jerk it up and down. Let me see that pearly tip.”

Pulling his flesh up and down, Ryen held himself for Drekk’s pleasure. To his astonishment, Drekk was thick and aroused again.

“Now I’m going to cum down your throat,” Drekk said thickly. “In you and on you, in every hole, Ryen.”

Ryen groaned and jerked faster. He stilled when Drekk leaned down and took the head of his cock between his lips.

“Oh, yes,” he hissed, arching up, trying to shove more of himself into that heavenly mouth.

Drekk sucked and ran his tongue over Ryen’s shaft and fingers. He licked at Ryen’s slit.

Quickly turning he straddled Ryen’s face. Ryen didn’t need an invitation. He angled Drekk’s shaft and took it deep. He nearly came off the bed when Drekk engulfed him as well.

The familiarity of the situation struck him, but Ryen couldn’t think past the need building. Drekk’s mouth promised bliss he was helpless to ignore.

When Drekk massaged his balls and shoved a finger into his ass, Ryen groaned around Drekk’s thickening cock. He swallowed the small spurts of cum, and by the feel of Drekk’s own tightening mouth, knew his lover neared the end.

The sudden hard suction around his shaft, in addition to the stroke of Drekk’s talented tongue, shot Ryen into ecstasy. He sucked harder on Drekk’s cock as he spewed, unconscious of anything but the pleasure coursing through his veins.

Hearing Drekk’s groan prepared him to be ready, and he swallowed Drekk’s load.

Sweet and spicy, the wonder of Drekk’s desire rushed through him like lightning. Ryen moaned and swallowed mouthfuls of cream, then licked his lover clean.

Drekk released Ryen’s shaft and shook, panting. Ryen tried to catch his breath once Drekk withdrew from his mouth. They lay together, limp and sated. And then Ryen’s entire world shifted.

Affection wrapped around him like a blanket. He blinked and saw the world in brighter colours, heard sounds sharpened and felt tenfold every whisper of air over his skin, like a physical caress.

“Drekk?” he rasped, knowing he should be concerned but was too out of it to rouse himself.

Drekk groaned and turned around, hugging Ryen to him. He kissed Ryen tenderly, and Ryen tasted a bit of himself on Drekk’s lips. The rightness of it all sent him into a tailspin of emotion.

Tears hit him again. Joy, sadness, fear and acceptance swirled inside him like a solar storm.

“Shh. It’s okay,” Drekk comforted, repeating words of reassurance. He stroked Ryen’s back and arms, curling him into warmth.

“I don’t understand,” Ryen stuttered, having never before felt such conflict. He felt like a pussy for crying, but he couldn’t help himself. The feelings were so intense. Then, as suddenly as they’d come, the feelings departed, leaving a hazy warmth in their place. Peace filled him, calm wonder that seemed to shine around Drekk’s frame like a visible aura.

“Light surrounds you.”

“It surrounds you too,” Drekk said with a sigh. “I can’t believe it, but I think we’ve found


“You and I are an amalgam of species, Ryen. One of those is Mardu, but specifically, Xema. A rare race of warriors from this planet. They experience a psychic bonding with potential life mates,” Drekk added with a distinct flush to his features. “One you can accept or ignore once you’re used to the sensation.”

“Life mates, huh?” Ryen wrapped an arm around Drekk. The touch of Drekk’s skin felt like
silk, a priceless material much sought-after in the System. And Ryen had full access to it at his fingertips.

life mates,” Drekk repeated, then swore. “What the hell did I do?” He moaned.

“You made me shoot so hard I lost the feeling in my toes. This beats the hell out of meditation, Drekk. I don’t think I’ll ever be angry again.” Ryen chuckled. “Fuck, this feels so good.” He kissed Drekk on the lips, savouring the contact. “You taste sweet. Once I’m off this euphoric high, I’m going to fuck you again.”

going to fuck
? I think it’s the other way around.”

“For now.” Ryen snickered. “Can’t wait ‘til I’m buried in your ass. You’re so fucking hot when you come. I want to see it when I’m buried deep inside you. When I collect from my
.” He sighed, completely happy for the first time in his life.

Drekk tried to shake himself from the
stealing into his consciousness. He’d mated with Ryen. Fully. Xema taking Xema, never parting, never leaving. The
made it hard to be panicked about the huge step he’d just taken. Instead, he basked in Ryen’s touch, in his scent. Senses intensified in this plane of wonderment, of utter union with another.

Though he’d felt it once or twice before with other partners, Drekk had never felt it so deeply. Of course, he’d never before been mated.

He and Ryen were as one in this plane. He sensed Ryen’s peace, experienced his lover’s growing affection and deep satisfaction. Ryen’s entire body tingled with joy, which pleased Drekk to no end.

Not meaning to, he’d finally taken Ryen from his angered life and pushed him in another direction. Drekk had a feeling Ryen would no longer lash out at any and every thing.

And with practice, he’d be able to better control his anger as well, now that he had a mate, a Xema’s ultimate purpose in life.

The pleasure sating Drekk faded as he realised what he’d done. He’d just tied Ryen to him without asking for permission. Though they could live apart, they would always need each other in their lives. The sex would be disappointing with anyone else, and in time build a craving just for one another.

Ryen had escaped from a life in the labs only to be bound to Drekk forever. Drekk felt guilty as hell, more so because of the deep satisfaction that filled him. Ryen had pushed him, had taunted him to take control. And he had. Completely. The question was, how would Ryen take it knowing he’d been claimed and mated by a male, by Drekk?

Drekk cursed his exhaustion and hugged Ryen tighter, nuzzling the space between the curve of his cheek and his neck. He smelled so good, so right. Drekk didn’t want to give him up. Stars willing Ryen would accept their bond. Inhaling deeply, Drekk settled into sleep, knowing that only time would tell if he’d made the mother of all mistakes.

Hours later, Drekk woke to the feel of callused hands all over his body. His cock was on fire, hard and hungry for more of his mate.

“Need to come again,” Ryen grunted, then plastered his mouth to Drekk’s.

Drekk immediately took control, conscious of Ryen’s pleased sigh. Though Ryen’s instinct was normally to control a situation, he had finally relinquished his trust and command to Drekk.

“Give it all to me, that’s it.”Drekk lapped up the intimacy needing more. He turned Ryen onto his back and licked his way down Ryen’s body. Latching onto Ryen’s nipple, he teased and bit until Ryen cried out. “I’ve got to see these in clamps,” Drekk murmured as he turned to Ryen’s other nipple.

All the while he felt Ryen arching into him, the male’s thick cock rubbing against his belly with a hunger he too possessed. Wanting more, he left Ryen and dragged him to the edge of the bed.

“This time I’m going to watch you come,” Drekk promised and stood on the floor. His mattress was the perfect height for bedsport, especially now. He pushed Ryen’s legs apart.

“Bend your knees. Watch me fuck you.”

Ryen’s eyes glittered, a blue ocean of desire around golden pinpoints of light. So beautiful. “Oh yeah. Take me.” He hugged his knees.

Drekk slowly pushed through Ryen’s tight opening. Slick from their last time, Ryen still took effort to work through. “You’re so new, so tight.” Drekk panted. “I want to watch you spew while I’m taking you.”

“Fuck yeah. Do it.” Ryen stared up at Drekk through heavy-lidded eyes. “Please, Sir.” Drekk reached forward and grabbed Ryen’s cock while he sank deeper into Ryen’s body. Slowly fucking him in and out, he pumped Ryen, awash in their shared pleasure.

Incredibly, without achieving climax, Drekk and Ryen shared

“I can feel you inside me, and I can feel me around you, like you’re feeling it,” Ryen said with wonder, his voice impossibly deep. “Drekk, I’m so close. Knowing how much you want me... I’m gonna come hard.”

“Do it.” Drekk squeezed and shoved deeper into Ryen’s ass.

Ryen groaned and came, ropy jets of seed covering his belly and Drekk’s hand.

“That’s it, baby. That’s good,” Drekk said as he rubbed Ryen’s cum over his belly.

“Now me.” He pistoned and came after the third thrust.

Such incredible pleasure. Drekk thought he’d die of it. Worries about the future, about the past and present faded in the web of
joining him and Ryen. He eventually pulled out and pushed his cock over Ryen’s semi-hard shaft. Sliding through the sticky mess on Ryen’s belly made him shudder, and he spilled what was left inside him on his mate’s stomach.

“That’s so fucking sexy,” Ryen rasped. “Stars, I don’t ever want to move again.”

“Me too.” Drekk grunted as he pulled away. He hurried into the lav to clean up, returning to clean his lover as well. Tossing the rag aside, he fell alongside Ryen on the bed.

BOOK: Creations 2: Creation's Control
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